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Iranian Chill Thread

For all those none Iranians that do not understand why Iranians complain about being "Arabized" by the arab worshipping mullahs..just open a page of news paper any day and you realize how Iranian are slowly and without feeling the pain are being methodically arabized by mullahs.

These poor Iranian military officers ..none of them can read or understand what the Arabic sign says above them..Mullahs do not even bother to translate them any more to Farsi thanks to their culture and language protection minister!!!..
(PS: do not give me the BS about "but the sign being religious line so it is ok..notice the mandatory mullah tag along in the photo!"


No Iranian can read or understand what is written behind presidents banner (as I said no longer they bother to even write farsi equivalent..as far as mullahs are concerned Iranians are now Arab speakers!!! Their foreign minister and economy minister give speeches in Arabic and they are so proud of it!! traitors to their land and culture).

Arabization of "Farsi"language and Persian culture in full force by the traitor Mullahs.:mad:
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For all those none Iranians that do not understand why Iranians complain about being "Arabized" by the arab worshipping mullahs..just open a page of news paper any day and you realize how Iranian are slowly and without feeling the pain are being methodically arabized by mullahs.

These poor Iranian military officers ..none of them can read or understand what the Arabic sign says above them..Mullahs do even not bother to translate them any more to Farsi thanks to their culture and language protection minister!!!..
(PS: do not give me the BS about "but the sign being religious line so it is ok..notice the mandatory mullah tag along in the photo!"
View attachment 930293


No Iranian can read or understand what is written behind presidents banner (as I said no longer they bother to even write farsi equivalent..as far as mullahs are concerned Iranians are now Arab speakers!!! Their foreign minister and economy minister give speeches in Arabic and they are so proud of it!! traitors to their land and culture).
View attachment 930295
Arabization of "Farsi"language and Persian culture in full force by the traitor Mullahs.:mad:
How its arabization When you can't read it. Lol
Its quran ayat.
For all those none Iranians that do not understand why Iranians complain about being "Arabized" by the arab worshipping mullahs..just open a page of news paper any day and you realize how Iranian are slowly and without feeling the pain are being methodically arabized by mullahs.

These poor Iranian military officers ..none of them can read or understand what the Arabic sign says above them..Mullahs do not even bother to translate them any more to Farsi thanks to their culture and language protection minister!!!..
(PS: do not give me the BS about "but the sign being religious line so it is ok..notice the mandatory mullah tag along in the photo!"
View attachment 930293


No Iranian can read or understand what is written behind presidents banner (as I said no longer they bother to even write farsi equivalent..as far as mullahs are concerned Iranians are now Arab speakers!!! Their foreign minister and economy minister give speeches in Arabic and they are so proud of it!! traitors to their land and culture).
View attachment 930295
Arabization of "Farsi"language and Persian culture in full force by the traitor Mullahs.:mad:
Khak bar saret. in Chiza ro ke nabayad be engilisi inja benvisi. yekam aaberoo dashte bash.
Yek mosht hendi va pakistani ra jam kardan to Forum ke tarafdari bekonan..
vaysta bebinam. mage to ba hamin pakestani ha va hendiha khosham besham nemikardi?
mage ina doosthaye to nabudan? chi shod? :lol:

rasti... lotfan oon posteto pak kon. kharejiha nabayad befahman ma moshgele dakhelimoon chiye. kheyli aberooriziye. moshgelemoon be khodemoon rabt dare.
The Telegraph

British missiles are about to destroy Putin’s overstretched supply lines​

Greg Bagwell
Wed, May 17, 2023 at 1:06 PM GMT+2
A previous Ukrainian strike on the Kerch bridge, Crimea

A previous Ukrainian strike on the Kerch bridge, Crimea
President Zelenskyy’s latest visit to Britain has resulted in an offer of air-defence missiles and attack drones. In combination with last week’s decision to send long-range Storm Shadow missiles, and plans for pilot training and assistance to facilitate F16 transfers from other nations, this is a much more significant step in the conflict than “just” another increase in Ukraine’s existing military stockpile.
Britain’s latest offers of weaponry are the most significant to date, and are pushing the boundaries of what can be offered by others. Time and again Britain has driven other countries to action by being the first to act on certain capabilities; the first to provide tanks, the first Western leader to visit during the invasion, and as of last Friday, the first to provide long range missiles capable of hitting Russia’s soft underbelly. If they can extend that to facilitating combat aircraft transfers, Ukraine will finally get the level playing field they deserve and need.

With the war having largely stagnated over the winter around well-drawn battle lines, the British Storm Shadow missiles are a genuine game-changing capability for the Ukrainian armed forces. This conflict has, as all long attritional wars do, become a battle of logistics, where the ability to deplete, disrupt or destroy the enemies’ logistics becomes a critical aim.
To date, Russia largely enjoyed a safe rear area, immune from attack from or through the air. Now Kyiv has longer range British missiles, all Russian equipment inside Ukraine – including Crimea – is at risk. Russian frontlines were fragile already, so concerted attacks on their rear areas will make their ability to hold Ukrainian territory even more difficult. If Ukraine can use them effectively in combination with ground offensives, we could see significant successes over the summer.
Make no mistake: this will hurt Russia’s forces. The longer range missiles and drones will make up for Ukraine's lack of modern airpower, but this latter element needs attention too. The UK’s offer of pilot training will be welcome, but that is a longer term fix; if the UK can act as a go-between for more immediate transfers of F16s that will be a much more significant contribution to the immediate situation. Russian aviation is already relatively impotent, and an increase in Ukraine’s air force capability will make them increasingly so. It would also allow Kyiv to launch unpredictable long range strikes from multiple axes.
But, importantly, these new additions don’t signal a swift end to the war; Russia remains a formidable foe and the West’s assistance to date has come only just in time to halt Russian advances and stop the defeat of Ukraine. With increased urgency, and the greater capability now being offered the tide can be slowly turned in Ukraine’s favour. The sooner Russia recognises it cannot and will not win, the sooner this war comes to an end.
vaysta bebinam. mage to ba hamin pakestani ha va hendiha khosham besham nemikardi?
mage ina doosthaye to nabudan? chi shod? :lol:

rasti... lotfan oon posteto pak kon. kharejiha nabayad befahman ma moshgele dakhelimoon chiye. kheyli aberooriziye. moshgelemoon be khodemoon rabt dare.
You asked me why I have changed my view..well I have always tried to stay neutral about political events of my mother land..the performance of Raisi government in the last two years have finally convinced me that it is not the individual presidents or their teams that make a difference in Iran..It is indeed this "Islamic republic" system run by mullahs that will prevent Iran one of the richest lands on the planet to achieve her place amongst nations..so I have decided not to be neutral any longer and speak up for a peaceful change to this 43 years old experimental "IR" system of governance....and speak I will until they ban me..lol

PS: to all mullah supporters Iranian or foreign...nothing personal. If you have Iranian flag I will not be your enemy but if you are a foreign national supporting mullahs..watch out no merci for you!!
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به گزارش خبرگزاری انتخاب، آیت‌الله نوری‌همدانی مرجع تقلید شیعیان ظهر امروز در دیدار با رئیس دفتر رئیس جمهور و مشاور رئیس جمهور در امور روحانیت که در دفتر معظم له برگزار شد، اظهار داشت: بنده هیچ حرف و سفارشی جز خدمت به مردم و حل مشکلات معیشتی مردم ندارم و امروز هیچ اولویتی را بالاتر از حل مشکلات اقتصادی مردم نمی‌دانم.​


رئیسی: به حاکمان افغانستان اخطار می‌کنم که حقابه مردم سیستان و بلوچستان را بدهند / حرف من را جدی بگیرید تا بعداً گلایه نکنید

ابراهیم رئیسی رئیس جمهور در جریان سفر به استان سیستان و بلوچستان گفت: حقابه ای که مردم سیستان از هیرمند دارند، را نمی شود مشمول مرور زمان کرد. این حق مردم سیستان و بلوچستان است. مال الان هم نیست. در معاهدات و قراردادها هم هست. می خواهم به حاکمان افغانستان عرض کنم این مطلب ما را عادی تلقی نکنند.بسیار جدی بگیرند.​
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