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Iranian Chill Thread

Whie = white
brown = brown.

This man is white.

This man is brown.

Learn the difference.
Having pale skin does not make you white lol.. So called "whites" mean people of European heritage. Why don't you understand that? Using your logic there are MILLIONS of "white" people in Pakistan🤣 Think of pale skinned Pashtuns, Kashmiris etc...

Also that Ethiopian guy is not brown... He is black.
Having pale skin does not make you white lol.. So called "whites" mean people of European heritage. Why don't you understand that? Using your logic there are MILLIONS of "white" people in Pakistan🤣 Think of pale skinned Pashtuns, Kashmiris etc...

Also that Ethiopian guy is not brown... He is black.
My friend you are mixing skin colour with race...Iranians by Race are "ARYAN" by color they are whites in north and north west and darker as we go south..because the color of skin and eyes is a function of amount of sunshine you receive and nothing to do with Race..

French people who live north are white and blue eyes, the same people in the south are brown eyes darker skin and brown hair...

East Asian are brown because of sun but their facial features are specific to their race..Now I will give you a headline of a post I made few months ago about the chief racial instigator of our times the Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany in relation to Iranians..

Also remember Iran was an empire and many nations of different race were part of that empire so you will see facial features in Iran that are not Aryan but either mixed or totally foreign race to Iranians race.

Conclusion: Original Iranians are white people of Indo European race. Their racial DNA is unique to them but share some similarity with European races
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Maybe, but how statistically significant were these policies in the grand scheme of decades long population demographical changes in response to worsening economic and socio economic conditions around the world.

Certainly significant in light of comparisons with similar countries and their trajectories.

Speculation and opinion. Not fact.

So is your estimate that Iran's fertility would have plummeted practically to the same extent without the extreme anti-natalist measures implemented by the liberal Hashemi and Khatami administrations. It's speculation and opinion, not fact.

Incorrect analysis from a single somewhat irrelevant variable. India’s high population rate is not because it is Islamic. Nor is various African countries. So your thesis that religion or religious rule is the underlying factor for decaying birth rates is propagandist at best.

Policies conducted by a "Taleban-like" government would prevent the emergence of pretty much every factor you listed in your foregoing post as responsible for a decline in fertility. That countries ruled by other types of governments might experience similar situations is beside my point. I never claimed religious rule is the exclusive universal cause for high birth rates.

Furthermore, if we go by what you're suggesting i.e. that political decisions have little to no impact on birth rates, then that too would invalidate the far fetched notion according to which some covert cabal of "religious zealots" infiltrated the Islamic Republic in order to selectively reduce fertility in provinces with a Persian-speaking majority out of "hatred for Iranian culture". This is what I was addressing, and your take debunks it all the same.

This said, fact remains that liberals and globalists have shown motivation and ideological incentive for radical birth control while "Taleban-like" rulers haven't. Whether fertility is primarily determined by general social-economic conditions or by government policy was not my concern here, although I maintain that policy has a strong impact on birth and death rates if alone because everything you mention as an alternate explanation is itself shaped by state policy in one form or another.
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Certainly significant in light of comparisons with similar countries and their trajectories.

Who exactly?

Which of the following top birth rate Middle East countries are “Taliban like”?

  • Israel 2.9
  • Egypt 3.0
  • Iraq 3.6
  • Jordan 2.9
  • Syria 2.8
  • Yemen 3.9
  • West Bank/Gaza 3.6
Notice the countries with high birth rates above 3.5 suffer from:
  • poverty
  • High mortality rates
  • Have had periods of significant conflict (war) with a high number of children dying
And guess what? Afghanistan also checks all those boxes.

So is your take that Iran's fertility would have plummeted all the same without birth control policies. It's speculation and opinion.

If Iran let it’s baby boom go uncontrollable and Darwinism kick in (who ever died from poverty/faminine/lack of food like in early 1900’s) then let’s say Iran’s population today was 110 million instead of ~88M.

The socio-economic chsnges spreading across the would still affect Iran to this day. So instead of having an inverting demographics pyramid at 88M it would happen at 110M. Same way China’s is happening at 1.4B

What you fail to account for is that the mindset of people would STILL change with time. It wouldn’t magically continue procreating children just because the government was ultra strict in the 1980’s - 2000’s

Furthermore, if we go by what you're suggesting i.e. that political decisions have little to no impact on fertility,

Political decisions can have an impact if they are accompanied with tantalizing financial and socio economic incentives.

If you gave most couples $100K to have a child, do you think they would? If the answer is yes, then we realize financial incentives can power a family to have more children. The issue is the financial incentives that world governments promote is paltry and insignificant when compared to the cost it takes to raise a child to 18 years old (some estimates in western society put the cost at $1M dollars).

Fact remains that liberals and globalists have shown motivation and ideological incentive for radical birth control while "Taleban-like" rulers haven't.

That doesn’t really make sense, since birth control can lead to the downfall of modern civilization and rise of AI or over reliance of AI to make up for the short comings of a horribly skewed demographics distribution curve.

So unless globalists want AI to dominate the world or capitalism to collapse, why would they promote birth control?

You just have to realize that AI is the ultimate universal Apex predator and naturally will arrive in any advanced civilization across the universe. It is the end stage of all life. Naturally the environment for its rise is happening right before our eyes.

Enjoy the show.
Says a guy from a brown muslim country that's under a white alliance (NATO). smh.
Not sure being ‘white’ is a good thing. The world is turning such that I can imagine a dim future for them.

I look ‘white’ but I correct people and fill forms as ‘golden’ which is the best color of all. If one’s into that color thing.

Golden is obviously superior and always will be. Which makes us Iranians the most badass, terrifically terrifying, wonderfully awesome mofos in the universe.
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Who exactly?

Which of the following top birth rate Middle East countries are “Taliban like”?
  • Israel 2.9
  • Egypt 3.0
  • Iraq 3.6
  • Jordan 2.9
  • Syria 2.8
  • Yemen 3.9
  • West Bank/Gaza 3.6

To repeat, I never claimed "Taleban-like" rule is the exclusive universal explanation behind high birth rates. But that it is more conducive to fertility than radical anti-natalist policy would tend to be. There's a decisive nuance between these two propositions.

So if you wish to correctly translate my argument, the question would read:

Which of the above top birth rate West Asian countries conducted the kind of radical anti-natalist policies the Hashemi and Khatami cabinets were noted for?

By the way, those aren't birth rates you cited but fertility rates. Birth rate is expressed in number of births per X population (typically 1000) over a given year. Whereas "total fertility rate in a specific year is defined as the total number of children that would be born to each woman if she were to live to the end of her child-bearing years" (source: OECD).

Notice the countries with high birth rates above 3.5 suffer from:
  • poverty
  • High mortality rates
  • Have had periods of significant conflict (war) with a high number of children dying
And guess what? Afghanistan also checks all those boxes.

Poverty, infant mortality, war are all conditioned by state policy. QED, you confirmed my point.

As for the figures, fertility rates superior to 2,5 or 2,7 are considered as high.

In this context the zionist regime doesn't check the boxes. Correlation is therefore not causation.

And I thought nearly everyone in Iran is poor? At least that's what mainstream western-sponsored propaganda is suggesting. Jokes aside, Egypt hasn't experienced devastating armed conflict for decades, even the wars it fought until 1973 against zionists did not cause too many Egyptian children to perish. Nor did Jordan. But their fertility rates are still fairly high.

If Iran let it’s baby boom go uncontrollable and Darwinism kick in (who ever died from poverty/faminine/lack of food like in early 1900’s) then let’s say Iran’s population today was 110 million instead of ~88M.

The socio-economic chsnges spreading across the would still affect Iran to this day. So instead of having an inverting demographics pyramid at 88M it would happen at 110M. Same way China’s is happening at 1.4B

What you fail to account for is that the mindset of people would STILL change with time. It wouldn’t magically continue procreating children just because the government was ultra strict in the 1980’s - 2000’s

This would be an interpretation among others. For my part I'm convinced that so-called modernization or merely passage of time will not fatally predispose a society to demographic decline, provided adequate political will and measures. Of course this needs to be done before fertility rates stagnate all too long below replacement levels, after which it might turn into mission impossible.

Political decisions can have an impact if they are accompanied with tantalizing financial and socio economic incentives.

If you gave most couples $100K to have a child, do you think they would? If the answer is yes, then we realize financial incentives can power a family to have more children. The issue is the financial incentives that world governments promote is paltry and insignificant when compared to the cost it takes to raise a child to 18 years old (some estimates in western society put the cost at $1M dollars).

Financial incentives for additional children aren't the only instrument required. Most of the work needs to be performed in the social-cultural area.

Couple of paragraphs earlier we were given figures showing that some of the countries with the most sustained fertility rates are affected by widespread poverty. To those poverty-stricken masses, the cost of raising children does not appear to be prohibitive.

That doesn’t really make sense, since birth control can lead to the downfall of modern civilization and rise of AI or over reliance of AI to make up for the short comings of a horribly skewed demographics distribution curve.

So unless globalists want AI to dominate the world or capitalism to collapse, why would they promote birth control?

Something along those lines is what they're aiming for, except that they envisage to combine man and machine including AI on the one hand, as well as man and non-sentient beings on the other hand, to create hybrid lifeforms. Hence the current focus on AI, robotics, bioelectronics especially neural interfaces and microchip implants, but also stem cell research, nanotechnologies and cloning. The resulting hybrid humanoids are therefore planned to fall into two distinct categories: "inferior", animalistic man-beast chimeras; and "superior" beings conceived from a Promethean perspective (astaqfirAllah).

I have a bridge to sell to anyone believing that dubious experiments like those described at the links below, are simply being conducted "for the common good of mankind, to develop new medical drugs that will save lives" and other such fairy tales peddled to deceive people:


Especially if you read publicly available (para-)masonic literature and discover what it contains on the topic. We're definitely dealing with an anti-specist agenda (hostile to the human species).

When it comes to the views of globalist oligarchs on population control, I did not make up the engraved instructions on the Georgia Guidestones nor did I script William Gates' speeches advocating global reduction of birth rates. This is their declared goal.


On a side note, reading the highly suspicious corona virus outbreak (it's more likely than not an artificially concocted pathogen), and the question of long term side-effects of vaccines through this lens can lead to interesting hypotheses.

Also it wouldn't be the first time that capitalism is nearing a critical dead end due to its internal contradictions. Capitalism found itself in a comparably dire situation prior to World Wars I and II. In fact part of the reason for the world wars was that capital saw no other solution but to orchestrate physical destruction of the massive excess production of goods saturating worldwide markets and thus threatening general systemic collapse. Said excess production in turn had been made necessary in the first place because capital had to compensate for the tendential drop in profit rates, an ingrained feature of the system.

Today capital as well as the globalist and masonic elites representing it, appear to be trying to weasel their way out through a combination of plots including the aforementioned dual anthropological leap towards the engineering of hybrid beings, as well as an economic "landing" ushering into a new order that is designed to amalgamate aspects of communism (the masses in particular will no longer be entitled to private property, only a handful of elites will) and financial ultra-capitalism in a totalitarian type of regime dissimulated beneath a liberal facade, where much of the boundary between private and public spheres is to be dissolved.


You can read up on the transhumanist project (and while we're at it, on its conceptual links to Jewish mysticism aka Kabbala). Then put it into perspective with what Davos globalists are referring to as the "Great Reset".

We discussed this before I believe:

You just have to realize that AI is the ultimate universal Apex predator and naturally will arrive in any advanced civilization across the universe. It is the end stage of all life. Naturally the environment for its rise is happening right before our eyes.

Enjoy the show.

And recall how those who disbelieved schemed against you to take you captive, or kill you, or drive you away. They schemed and Allah did also scheme. Allah is the best of those who scheme.

Holy Qur'an, 8:30.

Nobody and nothing can outwit the Creator. And He has different plans according to the scriptures. In Him we can and must place our faith and our trust.
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Who exactly?

Which of the following top birth rate Middle East countries are “Taliban like”?

  • Israel 2.9
  • Egypt 3.0
  • Iraq 3.6
  • Jordan 2.9
  • Syria 2.8
  • Yemen 3.9
  • West Bank/Gaza 3.6
Notice the countries with high birth rates above 3.5 suffer from:
  • poverty
  • High mortality rates
  • Have had periods of significant conflict (war) with a high number of children dying
And guess what? Afghanistan also checks all those boxes.

If Iran let it’s baby boom go uncontrollable and Darwinism kick in (who ever died from poverty/faminine/lack of food like in early 1900’s) then let’s say Iran’s population today was 110 million instead of ~88M.

The socio-economic chsnges spreading across the would still affect Iran to this day. So instead of having an inverting demographics pyramid at 88M it would happen at 110M. Same way China’s is happening at 1.4B

What you fail to account for is that the mindset of people would STILL change with time. It wouldn’t magically continue procreating children just because the government was ultra strict in the 1980’s - 2000’s

Political decisions can have an impact if they are accompanied with tantalizing financial and socio economic incentives.

If you gave most couples $100K to have a child, do you think they would? If the answer is yes, then we realize financial incentives can power a family to have more children. The issue is the financial incentives that world governments promote is paltry and insignificant when compared to the cost it takes to raise a child to 18 years old (some estimates in western society put the cost at $1M dollars).

That doesn’t really make sense, since birth control can lead to the downfall of modern civilization and rise of AI or over reliance of AI to make up for the short comings of a horribly skewed demographics distribution curve.

So unless globalists want AI to dominate the world or capitalism to collapse, why would they promote birth control?

You just have to realize that AI is the ultimate universal Apex predator and naturally will arrive in any advanced civilization across the universe. It is the end stage of all life. Naturally the environment for its rise is happening right before our eyes.

Enjoy the show.
You know lol I was just thinking about this yesterday I saw the surena 4 robot and how there are even more advanced models by now being made all over the world, I don’t think AI robotics will ever gain human emotions I think one day it will be able to see humanity as a mistake in their calculations, I think the odds of highly evolved AI to make the decision to clean earth of humanity isn’t improbable couple hundred years ago we didn’t have electricity several decades no atom bomb or space flight……..so a Terminator 2 situation isn’t improbable minus time travel I don’t see that ever happening.
Where is the revolution that was supposed to overthrow the mullahs?

Again the ''native frenchman'' obsessing about Iranian internal affairs.

I do not discuss with false flaggers (high likely). Come honestly forward and then maybe we will have a ''discussion''.

You can play jihad in your own country France. Shoo away.

Not worth a reply. Iran doesn't owe its existence to foreign powers and bunch of jets won't change this very fact.

No one helped us in developing nuclear program but all of them asked us to limit our peaceful progress or else be prepared for its consequnces. We had tens of martyred scientists from nuclear scientists to missile program.

We stood on our own feet, despite the hardships. We built nuclear facilities deep inside mountains without foreign aid and esp when all the 5 permanent members of UNSC voted against us. There were betrayals, sacrifices, glories, losses of loved ones. But we never gave up, that's the Iranian spirit.

Now you want to put me to shame because of bunch of jets that stand no chance against patriots, THAAD and other air defense batteries deployed around Iranian borders?

@Cthulhu posts like a teenager or maybe the character is a female in real life. So very sensitive on small issues and quick to judge.

I must repeat my own words in IRIAF section, SU-35 delivery has no significant influence in our defense capability. A good addition but not a matter of survival. Simple as that.
Sir, this is a Wendy's.

Once again mohammad. Where are the SU35's the Russians promised you for several years? I do not care how many scientists you offered like sheep to reach a no-end status. I am specifically talking about the SU-35 delivery.

Dast bardar az in mozakhrafat. Cheghadr mikhayin be in Rus-ha baaj bedin? Khaak bar sare in regime badbakht maflook.
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Dariush Sajjadi on why the opposition cannot overthrow the Islamic Republic and why riots were defeated.

چرا آخوندا نمیرن؟! | چرایی شکست آشوب مهسا

My friend you are mixing skin colour with race...Iranians by Race are "ARYAN" by color they are whites in north and north west and darker as we go south..because the color of skin and eyes is a function of amount of sunshine you receive and nothing to do with Race..

French people who live north are white and blue eyes, the same people in the south are brown eyes darker skin and brown hair...

East Asian are brown because of sun but their facial features are specific to their race..Now I will give you a headline of a post I made few months ago about the chief racial instigator of our times the Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany in relation to Iranians..

Also remember Iran was an empire and many nations of different race were part of that empire so you will see facial features in Iran that are not Aryan but either mixed or totally foreign race to Iranians race.

Conclusion: Original Iranians are white people of Indo European race. Their racial DNA is unique to them but share some similarity with European races
It's a confusing topic bro.

For example I have the skin color/tone as the Portuguese football player Joa Felix.


He would be considered "white" due to him being Portuguese, while I would be considered brown being Pakistani. When we both have the same skin color/tone.
Dariush Sajjadi on why the opposition cannot overthrow the Islamic Republic and why riots were defeated.

چرا آخوندا نمیرن؟! | چرایی شکست آشوب مهسا

You don't need to listen to youtubers to realize that. There is still a big chunk of Iran's population that are in the neutral zone or supportive of the establishment.

I am still not convinced that the absolute majority want this regime gone.

Har moghe yek milion nafar dar Tehran didim baraye tazahorat, oonmoghe. Felan na.

It's a confusing topic bro.

For example I have the skin color/tone as the Portuguese football player Joa Felix.

View attachment 926556

He would be considered "white" due to him being Portuguese, while I would be considered brown being Pakistani. When we both have the same skin color/tone.
You are following the ''white criteria'' set by the West. if you are going to follow that criteria then yes any white person outside of Europe is considered ''brown''.

It's simple. If you are white then you are white.
Can they compete with Chinese tire production though ? Will Russians purchase Iranian products like cars ? tires ? Unfortunately Iran doesn't have a reputation for producing such products.

In any case, as it stands, Iran cannot even compete economically with Saudi Arabia on an even playing field. The Saudis trade with the west & its allies, the USA, Canada, Australia, EU, Japan, South Korea, all these advanced economies AND they trade with China, Russia, India & the rest.

Iran on the other hand can only trade with Russia, China & a few developing countries under the table. Even with India, Iran can only trade under restrictions.

Keep in mind the USA has the largest economy on the planet & the EU has the second. China is a close third.

Currently Iran has 50%+ inflation (and that's the minimum), 60% are living below the poverty line & the Rial is effectively worthless. Currently at 535,500 Rial vs the US Dollar. Not long ago it was in the 270,000 range. In 2018 it was in the 50,000 range. I have family in Iran who work in real estate. They tell me it's not uncommon for land lords to charge tenants in Dollars or in Rials according to the USD exchange rate on a monthly basis. I honestly can't blame them with how erratic the value of the Rial is.

The current ruling establishment has effectively dollarized the Iranian economy. Even conservative commentators claim that it's 20% due to sanctions, 80% due to incompetence.

To be fair, there are lots of global currencies that have lost a significant amount of value vs the US Dollar recently. Like the Pakistani, Indian Rupees, the Turkish Lira, Argentinian Peso & many more. However Iran has something they don't. Iran is resource rich with the 4th largest reserves of crude oil & the second largest reserves of natural gas on earth. If properly managed, Iran should flourish & people should be prospering.

When that cleric, Soleimani, who was on the assembly of experts was shot a day or two ago, I wasn't surprised in the least. People in general are not content with the current situation & they're fed up with these failing economic policies. You can support the current establishment all you want, you can be a die hard supporter, but it's a fact that their economic policies have largely failed.

Some will claim that Iran's woes are all due to sanctions, but then what about Russia ? Keep in mind the Russians are considered to be extremely, excessively corrupt by the west. Yet they were able to stabilize their economy when sanctions were western imposed on them. they had a contingency plan & did what they had to do to stabilize their currency & economy.

The Russians pegged the Ruble to Gold, increased interest rates, prohibited exchange of Rubles to USD/EU & implemented several other measures. Interestingly enough, all of those measures were implemented temporarily, but they had the psychological effect of calming panicking citizens.

In Iran I don't see the government actively trying to stabilize the economy. They could peg the Rial to gold or oil & gold & other commodities, they could raise interest rates, even slightly, they could ban Rial to USD trade. I'm not advocating that these policies be implemented indefinately but they could have done so temporarily. Unfortunately it seems like it's too late at this point this the Rial has become effectively worthless.

In 1979 one US Dollar was worth 70 Rials. From the start of the Pahlavi dynasty until the end, the Rial floated from 20 Rials to 70 Rials n 50 years. That's 3.5 times higher. Keep in mind, at the time, 70 Rials to the Dollar was considered excessively high. Indeed economic grievances were a driving force behind the fall of the Pahlavi government.

However since the revolution, the Rial going from 70 to 500,000, that's more than 7000x higher. Compare 3.5x higher under the Pahlavi government to over 7000 times higher under the Islamic Republic. The facts speak for themselves.

The way I look at it, the biggest issue is that the people currently running Iran seem to be more concerned about Palestine then they are about the economic well being & prosperity of the Iranian people. I don't know what the future holds, but one thing is for sure, the current economic situation in Iran is not sustainable.

I was talking of tires last week:

Iranian tires will replace western ones in Russia markets
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