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Iranian Chill Thread

And that is somehow a trivial issue? Don't try to blur things with unnecessary tergiversation, fact is patients are dying in the emergency wards of hospitals in the west because they receive no treatment. This is no better and actually worse than the anecdotes you came up with about Iran.

It does not matter at what level the issue is situated. Hospital patients die in the west for lack of treatment, period.

And now, back on topic: average work intensity in the west is higher than in Iran. End of story.
Again you get it wrong .the ones mentioned in the article are actually receiving the treatment they were going to receive if they were sent to their respective wards . They just receive it in wrong ward and so emergency ward get crowded and had to add extra bed to receive new patients.
And please represent fact correctly the exact same problem exist in university hospitals here and I put out one example from Tehran university . Every one can go and see emergency ward 2 of imam Khomeini hospital

And again in your second part of the post you represented your misunderstanding of the article . The patients in the article are not dying because they receive no treatment.

And again in third part you made a generalized assumption and made an statement about all western countries and all jobs without providing evidences for all those countries and all those jobs
Again you get it wrong .the ones mentioned in the article are actually receiving the treatment they were going to receive if they were sent to their respective wards . They just receive it in wrong ward and so emergency ward get crowded and had to add extra bed to receive new patients.
And please represent fact correctly the exact same problem exist in university hospitals here and I put out one example from Tehran university . Every one can go and see emergency ward 2 of imam Khomeini hospital

The article talks about:

- Hospitals having patients pile up due to a lack of rooms. A structural deficiency of the healthcare system. No excuse for such horrendous mismanagement in the wealthiest country on earth, and one of the most developed ones too.

- Over 10% of emergency patients leaving without care in the hardest hit hospitals. The sickest having to wait 9 to 10 hours for a bed. Patients forced to spend nights in hallways under bright lights.

- Chronic personnel shortages. Nurses crushed under the weight of a profit-driven staffing crisis. In emergency wards, a single nurse is often asked to cover ten patients including critically ill waiting for an ICU bed.

- Patients with brain bleeds, hip fractures, and even necrotizing genital infections being treated in the waiting room because there are no rooms or even hallway beds available in the emergency department.

- Patients dying in the waiting room of the emergency department because they had to wait for hours to see a physician. This is all happening inside emergency wards and victims are people who received no medical care.

- Hospitals prioritizing beds for surgical patients who bring in more money, and failing to leave a buffer of open rooms available for predictable surges of emergency cases. In other terms, patients dying because privately owned hospitals want to make more profit.

So what if the reason for the above is that patients are retained and accumulated at emergency wards because specialized departments they need to be transferred to are lacking beds? Does it somehow excuse those deaths? This is without mentioning that the article enumerates not one but several different causes leading to the issue.

To recapitulate: you explained that some patients passed away in Iran as a result of doctors being overburdened with work and not having time to examine them thoroughly enough. To this I responded with the article in question.

Now you're trying to split hairs by focusing on the reasons for emergency department overcrowding. What difference does it make when at the end of the day people are dying in western hospitals for lack of adequate care?

And again in your second part of the post you represented your misunderstanding of the article . The patients in the article are not dying because they receive no treatment.

Yes they are. As mentioned in the article:

Multiple physicians shared stories of patients dying in the waiting room because the ED was so overwhelmed, they had to wait for hours to see a physician.

But since you seem keen on brushing aside the terrible conditions witnessed at emergency wards in different countries of the west, here's a random example of the type of case under discussion:


Patient dies while waiting hours to be seen in New Brunswick emergency department

Published July 14, 2022 4:09 p.m. CEST

( ... )

He said the man appeared to be in a lot of pain and discomfort as he waited for hours in a wheelchair but eventually appeared to fall asleep.
( ... )

"I think there needs to be a really long, hard look at what we've had in place for health care. Why are people dying in the waiting rooms? I saw people leave the emergency room without being seen because they were frustrated with the long wait time," he said.


In other terms, people passing away at the emergency departments of Canadian hospitals because after hours of wait, nobody came to treat them. It doesn't get more explicit than this.

And there are plenty such cases, just picked a random one among innumerable search results.

And again in third part you made a generalized assumption and made an statement about all western countries and all jobs without providing evidences for all those countries and all those jobs

No I mentioned a readily observable reality. Work intensity is not precisely quantified and there are no statistics to cite, so 'evidence' here will be limited to empirical observation. In this regard, my comparative outlook tends to be relatively well informed, not least because it includes testimonies from multiple persons having worked both in Iran and in different western countries across a variety of branches.

As an illustration I could actually reference you, because among the physicians I've known in Europe (they're quite a few), literally not a single one has had as much time on their hands (including during work hours) to comment on an internet forum.
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It seems if gods willing they answer Israel at judgement day

Iran doesn’t care as much as you think they do. It’s one person - one person or 10 or 100 don’t matter in their calculations. No point in complaining at this point. History will show if this was the right response track.

They assassinated the 2nd most powerful man in Iran (Solemani) and we lobbed a few missiles at a defenseless airbase shared with Iraqis…..and told the Iraqis several hours in advance and probably communicated via unsecure channels so SIGINT was picked up by American electronic warfare surveillance. They telegraphed the attack that resulted in even more Iranian casualties (civilian plane shot down).
Even they consider themselves as ISI ... But I'm start ot think they are I.S only ...

Keyhan : Islamic state has to fight improper hejab.
Hospitals having patients pile up due to a lack of rooms. A structural deficiency of the healthcare system. No excuse for such horrendous mismanagement in the wealthiest country on earth, and one of the most developed ones too.
It seems you again didn't understand it.
It say they keeping them in emergency ward instead of sending them to their respective ward.

Over 10% of emergency patients leaving without care in the hardest hit hospitals. The sickest having to wait 9 to 10 hours for a bed. Patients forced to spend nights in hallways under bright lights.
You seems have not been to Iranian governmental hospitals
Chronic personnel shortages. Nurses crushed under the weight of a profit-driven staffing crisis. In emergency wards, a single nurse is often asked to cover ten patients including critically ill waiting for an ICU bed.
Please at least don't talk about this problem it's 10 time worse in Iran

Patients with brain bleeds, hip fractures, and even necrotizing genital infections being treated in the waiting room because there are no rooms or even hallway beds available in the emergency department.
They are being treated .
You think how much different it is between those two area ?

Patients dying in the waiting room of the emergency department because they had to wait for hours to see a physician. This is all happening inside emergency wards and victims are people who received no medical care.
The key point is they die what's the different is if they die in emergency ward or before entering it , your choice die from not getting treatment or die from getting wrong one.

Hospitals prioritizing beds for surgical patients who bring in more money, and failing to leave a buffer of open rooms available for predictable surges of emergency cases. In other terms, patients dying because privately owned hospitals want to make more profit.
As I said before sitting on high horse go and see the situation of governmental run hospitals here.

So what if the reason is that patients are retained and concentrated in emergency wards because specialized departments they need to be transferred to are lacking beds? Does it somehow excuse those deaths?
As I said they don't die because of that

To recapitulate: you explained that some patients died in Iran as a result of doctors not having the time to examine them thoroughly enough. To this I responded with the article in question.
Which you misunderstood.

Yes they are.

As mentioned in the article:
And as I said the difference is several died in waiting room there and here several folds dies regularly because no follow up exam and through initial examination happen.
At any rate, my objective is reached. Iranians exposed to Zionist International / BBC propaganda reading this will immediately understand that what they were made to think is exclusive to Iran, actually abounds in the west - although western countries being immensely more wealthy than Iran, they have much fewer excuses. Going into endless details and expanding upon technicalities won't annul this effect.
And you and your fake Zionism claim if you cared you didn't lived there. For 3 year I studied any aspect of running an effective emergency department to the level that I knew how to carrange the lighting around helicopter pads at nights and different situation and funny part is you think you can make me un see what I see with your flowery language and articles that I had to point their existence to you

Iran doesn’t care as much as you think they do. It’s one person - one person or 10 or 100 don’t matter in their calculations. No point in complaining at this point. History will show if this was the right response track.

They assassinated the 2nd most powerful man in Iran (Solemani) and we lobbed a few missiles at a defenseless airbase shared with Iraqis…..and told the Iraqis several hours in advance and probably communicated via unsecure channels so SIGINT was picked up by American electronic warfare surveillance. They telegraphed the attack that resulted in even more Iranian casualties (civilian plane shot down).
As I said they are waiting for imam mahdi gave israel an answer
And you and your fake Zionism claim if you cared you didn't lived there. For 3 year I studied any aspect of running an effective emergency department to the level that I knew how to carrange the lighting around helicopter pads at nights and different situation and funny part is you think you can make me un see what I see with your flowery language and articles that I had to point their existence to you

I am not sure why you spend time pointlessly debating with @SalarHaqq

You know how he is. His love for Iran is so great it clouds his judgement at times. You will not make him change his thoughts or opinions.

Iranian government hospitals are widely inconsistent. I was told to fly back to the states as medical emergency by multiple doctors because their ‘Eastern’ medication was not sufficient for my ‘western medication’.

One doctor said I had mono by simply looking at me….no blood test or anything. It took a head doctor at a hospital to properly diagnose me with a severe type of infection and it required multiple daily hospital trips until I was healed. Without him, god knows where I would be.
It seems you again didn't understand it.
It say they keeping them in emergency ward instead of sending them to their respective ward.

Is my statement contradicting this? Not at all. It's that you are having comprehension issues.

So let me to reiterate what the article informs us of: hospitals in the USA have patients pile up due to a lack of rooms.

From which we must conclude that the American healthcare system is marred by serious structural deficiencies. No excuse can be concocted for such horrendous mismanagement in the wealthiest country on earth.

You seems have not been to Iranian governmental hospitals

No need. I just evidenced how abysmal the conditions in hospitals of the west can be. Countries several times wealthier than Iran, with as many times fewer excuses.

That's all I need to convey, and the message did get through, trust me on that one.

Please at least don't talk about this problem it's 10 time worse in Iran

No it's not.

They are being treated .
You think how much different it is between those two area ?

I'm confident the authors wouldn't make mention of it if it wasn't problematic.

The key point is they die what's the different is if they die in emergency ward or before entering it , your choice die from not getting treatment or die from getting wrong one.

Isn't this what I've been saying all along?

As I said before sitting on high horse go and see the situation of governmental run hospitals here.

This model of capitalism originates from the USA. And it is being implemented in a more ruthless manner in its place of origin as compared to Iran.

As I said they don't die because of that

This does not constitute a proper response to my comment. You're confused now.

Which you misunderstood.

No such thing. You on the other hand misquoted it.

And as I said the difference is several died in waiting room there and here several folds dies regularly because no follow up exam and through initial examination happen.

Substantiate these allegations with concrete proof. Else it's nothing more than empty talk.

And you and your fake Zionism claim if you cared you didn't lived there.

If between us there's a zionist, it won't be me. So much is certain.

For 3 year I studied any aspect of running an effective emergency department to the level that I knew how to carrange the lighting around helicopter pads at nights and different situation and funny part is you think you can make me un see what I see with your flowery language and articles that I had to point their existence to you

Oh you can keep bashing Iran as much as you want, it won't matter. The irrefutable evidence I presented as to the catastrophic situation of emergency wards at hospitals across North America, is readily accessible.

With scores of American and Canadian emergency patients dying because they are made to wait too long before receiving any sort of a treatment - something that's documented by both papers shared. You did not point me to any of those, don't flatter yourself too much.

So give it a break, the fake image of the west peddled by some has been delegitimized. Badly.

Anyway, don't you have to cater to the urgent needs of emergency patients now? Thought you'd have to work far more intensively than your western counterparts in their paradisiacal little garden? Because they could impossibly spend this much time on random online discussions, take my word for it. At least try not to expose the dubious character of your claims through your own posting behaviour for Heaven's sake.
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As I said they are waiting for imam mahdi gave israel an answer
It seems if gods willing they answer Israel at judgement day

Does it? Wow, that's incredibly fascinating.

Let us take a brief look together at user Hack-Hook's views on Iranian retaliation in one of the rare past instances of violent zionist action against an Iranian citizen, shall we?

Then we may ponder to what extent it squares with the latest above quoted utterance by the user... cough cough... and thereby proceed to gauge the user's discursive coherence and/or intellectual integrity, as well as possible political agendas they might thus be pursuing.






So what do we have here? User Hack-Hook is actually sharing my conviction that Avi Har-Even, Isra"el"'s pioneering rocket scientist who died in June 2021 under rather mysterious circumstances, was in fact eliminated as a result of Iranian covert action in response to shahid Fakhrizadeh's martyrdom.


Nicely put, Hack-Hook. Congratulations on this. No really, I mean it.

It only begs one pesky question... how to interpret the apparent stark contrast between these accurate statements, and the user's recent assessment with its misplaced sarcastic tinge? I'll leave the answer to everyone's imagination.

In case you wondered what Hack-Hook's opinion is about Iranian policy towards zionist air strikes on Syria, I shall provide you the answer. Here's Hack-Hook responding to one Wilhelm II (sic), a Saudi- and Egyptian-flagged user, who was asking why Iran is not firing missiles at the zionist entity despite the latter's attacks against Iranian interests in Syria. To which Hack-Hook replied in the following manner:



That's right. Hack-Hook underscores, quite rightly so I must say, that Islamic Iran did fire missiles at the zionist entity on May 10, 2019.

More interestingly, Hack-Hook unlike the Arab member saw this as an adequate, sufficient measure on Iran's part. What's more, Hack-Hook is of the unequivocal belief that a more drastic Iranian counter possibly resulting in full fledged declared war, would be counter-productive, not to mention (and I quote) useless and meaningless.

A position beautifully corroborated by postings such as these:



Thought I'd clear this up.

Moral of the story: if you wish to be held in regard for virtues such as integrity and honor, try avoiding opportunistic leaps onto directionless (and hopeless) bandwagons. No matter the amount of grudge you accumulated as a result of exposure to the permanent stream of hostile propaganda / psy-ops against our beloved Islamic Revolution.
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Syrian decision makers are bani sadr of our time

If Israel had attacked Iran or Hezbollah they had been wiped out right now

Even when Iran wanted to create Hezbollah Syrians were more afraid than Lebanese. So Iran went to Lebanon
Does it? Wow, that's incredibly fascinating.

Let us take a brief look together at user Hack-Hook's views on Iranian retaliation in one of the rare past instances of violent zionist action against an Iranian citizen, shall we?

Then we may ponder to what extent it squares with the latest above quoted utterance by the user... cough cough... and thereby proceed to gauge the user's discursive coherence and/or intellectual integrity, as well as possible political agendas they might thus be pursuing.

View attachment 923391
View attachment 923392
View attachment 923393
View attachment 923394
View attachment 923395

So what do we have here? User Hack-Hook is actually sharing my conviction that Avi Har-Even, Isra"el"'s pioneering rocket scientist who died in June 2021 under rather mysterious circumstances, was in fact eliminated as a result of Iranian covert action in response to shahid Fakhrizadeh's martyrdom.


Nicely put, Hack-Hook. Congratulations on this. No really, I mean it.

It only begs one pesky question... how to interpret the apparent stark contrast between these accurate statements, and the user's recent assessment with its misplaced sarcastic tinge? I'll leave the answer to everyone's imagination.

In case you wondered what Hack-Hook's opinion is about Iranian policy towards zionist air strikes on Syria, I shall provide you the answer. Here's Hack-Hook responding to one Wilhelm II (sic), a Saudi- and Egyptian-flagged user, who was asking why Iran is not firing missiles at the zionist entity despite the latter's attacks against Iranian interests in Syria. To which Hack-Hook replied in the following manner:

View attachment 923404
View attachment 923398

That's right. Hack-Hook underscores, quite rightly so I must say, that Islamic Iran did fire missiles at the zionist entity on May 10, 2019.

More interestingly, Hack-Hook unlike the Arab member saw this as an adequate, sufficient measure on Iran's part. What's more, Hack-Hook is of the unequivocal belief that a more drastic Iranian counter possibly resulting in full fledged declared war, would be counter-productive, not to mention (and I quote) useless and meaningless.

A position beautifully corroborated by postings such as these:

View attachment 923407
View attachment 923408

Thought I'd clear this up.

Moral of the story: if you wish to be held in regard for virtues such as integrity and honor, try avoiding opportunistic leaps onto directionless (and hopeless) bandwagons. No matter the amount of grudge you accumulated as a result of exposure to the permanent stream of hostile propaganda / psy-ops against our beloved Islamic Revolution.
moral of the story at those times we at least made some answer to the enemy provocation , right know we follow examples of Imam Hasan while boasting we follow the path of Imam Hosein .
its the difference between Raesi government and Roohani Government
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دلاربزه کردن اقتصاد ایران

چطور قیمت ها را بر اساس دلار حساب می کنند

دلاربزه کردن اقتصاد ایران

چطور قیمت ها را بر اساس دلار حساب می کنند
من این تحلیل رو دیدم الان دو هفته هست حالم بده . اصلا نفهمیدم عید چی شد

واقعا لیبرال ها و نفوذی ها با دلاریزه کردن نون مردم چه بلایی سر اقتصاد ایران آوردن که هیچ ربطی به تحریم نداشت

بیخود نیست دلار از ۱۰۰۰ تومن سال ۸۹ شد ۵۰ هزار

دم روحانی و لیبرال های زمان احمدی گرم !

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Do most of Pakistanis like Israel?
Pan Islamists(Iranian & Arab bootlickers) hate Israel to the core.Slightest hint of Pak-Israel balanced relations gets them frustrated

While sensible Pakistanis don't care much about Israel.However,If asked they want peaceful solution of conflict under some give &take strategy and are in favour of Pak-Israel trade if there is something for Pakistan to gain economically.
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