Is it not peculiar how certain subjects will pretend Iran has been "pathetic" in her unparalleled and exemplary Resistance against the zio-American empire, while at the same time subscribing to posts which happen to offer a perfectly adequate description of reality, such as the one below:
Quite obviously, one cannot simultaneously deride Iranian policy towards the zionists as "pathetic", and at the same time consider that Iran is managing to pose a terrifying threat to the oppressive imperial powers to be.
Blatant self-contradiction emanating from an instantly flip-flopping posture, is often a tell-tale manifestation in the discourse of individuals who do not mean well.
Especially when, in the Iranian context, this is compounded by repeated statements portraying zionist officials and media mouthpieces affiliated to them, as supposedly "more credible" than Iranian ones. Likewise, when subjects in question possess the gall to speak disparagingly of high ranking Iranian military officers with a long record of serving the nation including on the front lines, which implies they have made greater efforts for Iran than those attacking them ever will.
Needless to say, caution is required with subjects like these.