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Iranian Chill Thread

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I mean the behaviour of Aqa-Soltan's fiance. It was suspicious. Even ordinary oppositionists won't seek refuge in Isra"el" - or be granted entry there, for that matter.
Israel , will give it if it was in their benefit and just consider it did he seek asylum before attacks on him by certain medias or after it .
was wondering how you'd know, but you didn't reply to my question. Remember, it doesn't take more than a simple gesture to remove or put back in place a headscarf. And the video relates to hours after her arrest.

So I for one will reserve judgement until we see evidence of the moment of arrest.
its easy to fix the head scarf yes but as you assume that she wore the scarf in another fashion . I ask you to provide the police video of capture time ,that show the scarf put on his head in another fashion . its just another of useless claim made after some ingenious decide to say she eat poison to commit suicide.

My question would remain pertinent though: what exactly do we know about the manner in which she was wearing - or not, the headscarf at the moment of her arrest? What I'm pointing to is how assumptions are presented as facts when we haven't been offered evidence.
police just need publish the body camera , videos , its impossible , they didn't have them with them she and her border came out of metro at the time . when you leave train at Haqqani Station until you leave station itself (when she arrested) you at least will be recorded 10 times on cameras , why they cant provide those videos to show how immodest she was at time of arrest
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The Ukrainians just used a suicide truck to destroy a section of the Crimean bridge. The bomb was detonated precisely when a train carrying 6 fuel carriages was passing by.

I think all bets are off now. There will likely be a huge response from the Russians targeting Ukrainian infrastructure. You know as soon as it became apparent that the Russians were actually in a real fight, they should completely destroyed every major bridge in Ukraine.

That's what Scott Ritter actually suggested he would have done if he were in charge of such an invasion, But of course Putin wanted to pretend as if it wasn't an invasion for whatever reason.

I'm guessing that Ukraine will launch another major offensive after conducting this attack on such vital transportation infrastructure. We're going to have to wait and see.

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Well whatever the case is I mean whether she was a member of Komole or not wearing a different headscarf or not punishment for women without wearing Islamic Hijab is cash fine or prison but nothing has been written for wearing headscarf immodestly "no prison or cash fine" which has got zero equivalent of detention so it was all illegal to take her anywhere to teach or take commitment let alone keep them there , as result police was responsible for her health and her life and must be held responsible not to mentioned there is no clear definition of Islamic Hijab in the law even if such a thing existed it wasn't police that would determine it and enforce it.
As far as she was arrested and took to the Vozara then Police had to make a medical record of her by asking her about her health record and illness and therefore release her due to health concern or make sure of presence of EMS in case. Does such a record exist? in case of concealing truth by her and her family police was in a much more better position by this record.
If it's not possible to do all these procedures and uphold the law then pause it and amend it.
Just being a law biding citizen could prevent many things.
So you can wear a full scarf along bikinis and it would be illegal for police to arrest you? what kind of moronic logic is that?!

Actually hijab definition is very simple, cover of the hairs, cover of the body.

Police only arrests people whose revealing clothes can't be fixed on site, and these days, just the most revealing dresses, so we are not talking about the boundries that you would need to argue on the definitions.

please don't invent imaginary procedures, so for example in the west if police arrests a naked girl, first gives her a form to fill up? and if they found it necessary (must have a doctor degree) will release her naked???!!! if you want to try the police's tolerance, then you have to accept all the consequences.

besides, It was just a mandatory class, if someone can walk around the town by herself, then surly can sit on a chair as well, and if she needed any special regular drugs then she could have asked for it, but that hasn't been the case.
The sanction consists in fines, Iranian law does not envisage prison terms for infringements to the dress code.

My question would remain pertinent though: what exactly do we know about the manner in which she was wearing - or not, the headscarf at the moment of her arrest? What I'm pointing to is how assumptions are presented as facts when we haven't been offered evidence.

Personally, if I was to take a guess based on the pictures we've seen of the late miss Amini, I would rather tend to think she was not the type of person who'd completely remove her headscarf in public (as you know, this is no longer a super exceptional occurrence in certain areas of Tehran). However, can one present it as acquired fact, absent concrete evidence? That's why I'd use conditional tense for now.

No, but law enforcement agents probably receive guidelines in this regard.

Well, I can tell you that outside Iran, police will not ask people they detain about their medical record as long as it's a short term, provisional arrest (read, up to several hours potentially).
Base on article 638 of the Islamic Penal Code there is prison for women without wearing Islamic Hijab but probably it's been amended to just fine also base on article 237 of Iran "Code of Criminal Procedure":


Wearing immodesty is in lowest category of crime considered by Iran laws which is in category 8 therefore even temporary detention is not permissible for it.

About her Hijab again makes no different the whole procedures is under question, logic would say her outfit in police station could be considered what she wore in metro where she was arrested in first place as base on CCTV footage in police station before she collapsed she approached the female police officer or as you put it law enforcement agents and asked her about her outfit which implies her outfit got not changed that she asked why she was taken there for it ... furthermore burden of proof is on the plaintiff then where is police proof to back up such a claim? which even if there was any evidence still police is not in any position to determine it let alone teach it or arrest her.
On medical record, well her taking in the custody is not legal ... keeping & teaching her there ain't legal ... her health and life responsibility was on police ... and base on executive regulations of the of the prisons :


I look at the roots of it .. what she wore doesn't make any change as if we go down this road a huge chunk of Iran women must be detained.

So you can wear a full scarf along bikinis and it would be illegal for police to arrest you? what kind of moronic logic is that?!

Actually hijab definition is very simple, cover of the hairs, cover of the body.

Police only arrests people whose revealing clothes can't be fixed on site, and these days, just the most revealing dresses, so we are not talking about the boundries that you would need to argue on the definitions.

please don't invent imaginary procedures, so for example in the west if police arrests a naked girl, first gives her a form to fill up? and if they found it necessary (must have a doctor degree) will release her naked???!!! if you want to try the police's tolerance, then you have to accept all the consequences.

besides, It was just a mandatory class, if someone can walk around the town by herself, then surly can sit on a chair as well, and if she needed any special regular drugs then she could have asked for it, but that hasn't been the case.
As @SalarHaqq also mentioned there is no prison punishment for it in the law just fine ,,, Law says women without wearing Islamic Hijab for sure it does not mean wearing bikini for instance but it doesn't clear it too .. your definition has got no legal bases . as long as she was under custody the police was responsible .. base on medical council of Iran her death was due to inadequate and ineffective CPR in the first critical minutes ... so again as I said they had to make sure of presence of EMS.
Law is law ain't flexible .. not pleased with it change it modify it make it more tangible idk expand it but by current law it seems to me this act is not legal.
Police could report such a thing to the court and that's it ...
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So you can wear a full scarf along bikinis and it would be illegal for police to arrest you? what kind of moronic logic is that?!

Actually hijab definition is very simple, cover of the hairs, cover of the body.

Police only arrests people whose revealing clothes can't be fixed on site, and these days, just the most revealing dresses, so we are not talking about the boundries that you would need to argue on the definitions.

please don't invent imaginary procedures, so for example in the west if police arrests a naked girl, first gives her a form to fill up? and if they found it necessary (must have a doctor degree) will release her naked???!!! if you want to try the police's tolerance, then you have to accept all the consequences.

besides, It was just a mandatory class, if someone can walk around the town by herself, then surly can sit on a chair as well, and if she needed any special regular drugs then she could have asked for it, but that hasn't been the case.
Ok to fix a womens hijab they need to be taken to police correction site, because it would be to hard after they are put in a police van with another woman police officer to just fix it in the van and tell them nice job have a great day? Again what really happened to the girl may never be known, but feels like a lot of wasted resources just to tell a woman to fix her hijab away from prying eyes in a van, guaranteed those wans have tint or no windows,so you really think it’s not a waste of resources. Sorry I noticed one thing the guy has a gun why does morality officer need a gun to be able to point at girls


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Sorry I noticed one thing the guy has a gun why does morality officer need a gun to be able to point at girls
It could be a firearm or it could be a taser. Regardless, every police officer needs to be armed for their own safety and those of the public.

One of the arrested may very well have a knife or firearm concealed under their clothes and simply enticed the police to bring about such a situation in order to kill them.
As @SalarHaqq also mentioned there is no prison punishment for it in the law just fine ,,, Law says women without wearing Islamic Hijab for sure it does not mean wearing bikini for instance but it doesn't clear it too .. your definition has got no legal bases . as long as she was under custody the police was responsible .. base on medical council of Iran her death was due to inadequate and ineffective CPR in the first critical minutes ... so again as I said they had to make sure of presence of EMS.
Law is law ain't flexible .. not pleased with it change it modify it make it more tangible idk expand it but by current law it seems to me this act is not legal.
Police could report such a thing to the court and that's it ...
Actually, not having Islamic Hijabi is considered a crime and has up to 2 months of prison or a cash fine. so Police can arrest them.


so while Iranian police can send these people to prison, but threats them very softly.

Nowhere in the world there is EMS in the police station, and there will never be. if the person in custody feels seek, then police calls for ambulance, as has happened in this case. Medical council expressed the adequateof CPR in early minutes, but it doesn't mean Police has to host an EMS in it's station.
Ok to fix a womens hijab they need to be taken to police correction site, because it would be to hard after they are put in a police van with another woman police officer to just fix it in the van and tell them nice job have a great day? Again what really happened to the girl may never be known, but feels like a lot of wasted resources just to tell a woman to fix her hijab away from prying eyes in a van, guaranteed those wans have tint or no windows,so you really think it’s not a waste of resources. Sorry I noticed one thing the guy has a gun why does morality officer need a gun to be able to point at girls
As the head of police explained, 90% of the girls just get a verbal notification, then 9% will get to wan and after a small talk are released. 1% whose clothes are too revealing will be transferred to Police station till their family bring them proper clothes.

We are not US in which Police forces empty 60 bullets in the body of an unarmed guy. our problem in Iran isn't why police has gun, but rather why Police doesn't use the gun!

during the past months, there has been several cases in which Police hesitated to use his gun and was injured or martyred by armed criminals.
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