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Iranian Chill Thread

Neither of this will bring 99 percent of Iranians out from their homes.

Hijab issue is tolerable. Economy and inflation and corruption worse but they tolerate.

Security lapse is not tolerated.

It won't bring many people out of their homes because they don't like to be injured, arrested or killed. Not because people like how their country is being run.

The hijab issue is only tolerable for a minority of ignoramus, most of them males with an outdated worldview of female opression.

Security lapse is here to stay if the system doesn't listen to the people.
where the democratic process gives people the ability to directly influence the course of their nation.
Yes handpicked candidate A and handpicked candidate B. Both which required billions in lobbyist funds to reach the point of national election. Yeah you are right you are “directly” influencing the election :coffee:

Compared that to an outright fascist state which uses excessive authoritarian practices to suppress any dissent and to prevent alternative political currents to challenge the status quo of a medieval social construct.

So you’re advocating for regime change? How did that work in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Libya, Ukraine, Egypt?

“trust me bro” this time will be different because Iranians are different and won’t destroy their own nation.

Nothing more laughable than to compare completely meaningless statistics and events out of their context,

Nothing more laughable than US that leads the world in national shootings and police brutality including trigger happy cops who confuse a banana with a handgun and fire 50 shots at a individual and say “oops thought he was reaching for a gun”.

Most Iranian cops don’t even have guns. Morality police don’t have guns. Even during these riots only higher rank security officials are carrying guns. Riot police get deployed everywhere.

Compare Iranian riot police to US riot police. US seem way more aggressive in crowd control than Iran.





I’m not against voluntary hijab. Said this many many times. The fabric of society in that country was ruined long ago, so forcing a piece of cloth isn’t going to magically bring back morality. But there is a process for everything. However, voluntary hijab without economic improvement won’t solve systemic issues. Riots will continue. Could be a few months, maybe a 1 year. But eventually another “spark” will happen.

Sure some people might be happy for 1 month 1 year whatever period of time. But riots will continue next time gas prices increase, Next time a subsidy is removed, etc. and that is a direct result of the nuclear policy so many of you here support.

Treat the illness and not just the symptom.

It won't bring many people out of their homes because they don't like to be injured, arrested or killed. Not because people like how their country is being run.

Or maybe they aren’t stupid. You aren’t over throwing a government which is owned by multiple factions who like life how it is without a central figure who has some power and key support from security forces.

Look at USA, a small group tried to overthrow the election and the citizens are now all sitting in jail. Could anyone in America overthrow the US government? Basically impossible.

Look at those in streets in Iran bunch of unemployed kids some aren’t even 18 years old. They have no future no job no prospect for prosperity because of economic conditions. That is the root of the problem.
where the democratic process gives people the ability to directly influence the course of their nation
Simply untrue. Picking between 2 pre-determined candidates with no policy differences is not democracy.

After major protests, major organizers are often identified and killed/disappeared. The regime is smart enough not to kill them in the streets and in the public view but ultimately serious movements need organization and any potential leaders are eliminated. The movement then burns out on its own, the US regime knows this well.

American security forces kill 1000+ people per year and the data is freely available for you.
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I am not big on labeling everything is an act from the enemy and zionists but Intelligence needs to make sure that these protests and disgruntled frustrated trouble-making "youths" dont get used by foreign intelligence agencies like how it happened in Syria. This is a crack in our society that enemies watch with interest. They will see these protestors as assets that can be used if arms and supervision reach them in form of centralized command.

Right now state uses brute force to suppress these rebels who have nothing in name of response. If they get armed and fire back somehow then this will become a a dream come true situation of civil war for our enemies.
It won't bring many people out of their homes because they don't like to be injured, arrested or killed. Not because people like how their country is being run.

The hijab issue is only tolerable for a minority of ignoramus, most of them males with an outdated worldview of female opression.

Security lapse is here to stay if the system doesn't listen to the people.

Before even this regime change starts you see labeling 99 percent as ignorant, weak, coward.

Another cleansing to come for many when the unlikely regime change happens just like Khomeni did.
Sure some people might be happy for 1 month 1 year whatever period of time. But riots will continue next time gas prices increase, Next time a subsidy is removed, etc. and that is a direct result of the nuclear policy so many of you here support.

Treat the illness and not just the symptom.
In your opinion, do you think if Iran gives up it's nuclear program the West will remove the sanctions?
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In your opinion, do you think if Iran gives up it's nuclear program the West will remove the sanctions?

Personally I do not think a full removal and lifting of embargo will happen (didn’t happen for Cuba). But some type of restricted program for sanctions relief has been shown possible.

My point being you cannot support Iran’s tough hard ball nationalist nuclear policy and then at the same time criticize the hijab policy. The two are not mutually exclusive.

The hijab revolt is a direct symptom from Iran’s tough economic conditions. I have gone on record saying many times that Iran should be relaxing in times of economic stress NOT uptight. People are hurting and stressed, it doesn’t make sense to kick them further when they are down by something as silly as hijab incompliance.

Also if Iran gives up nuclear program US will make more demands Right? Well If Iran gives up mandatory hijab the demands will continue. This is not about JUST hijab. You don’t scream death to Rahbar because of hijab, hijab predates his rule. This issue is extensive.

The only solutions here I see are people saying grant social freedoms and everything will be solved. Will 40% unemployment be solved among youth? Will 70% inflation be solved? Will systemic corruption in business world be solved? Will sexual harassment in work place be solved? Will housing prices be solved?

The people rioting are the youth who have nothing—no good job, no prospect of marriage, no future, possibly addicted to drugs, and under restrictive freedoms etc But they are also naive. They think if tomm IR of Iran is gone what comes next will be some magical utopia democratic fully efficient power. Well literally every country that has gone thru this process last 20 years came out quite weaker. Balkanization of Iran is a real possibility in such a scenario.

So as long as Iran stays under tough sanctions these riots will continue. That was point of maximum pressure campaign, eventually cracks would emerge. Riots would emerge. And possibility of regime change.

Users on this board who said “maximum pressure failed lmao rofl suck it emerica..rah rah iran” are now the same one saying Iran should reform and bow to peoples demands. Quite perplexing.
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They blocked Microsoft site , Skype , Microsoft teams ....

So we can't even work remotely from home ...

They even blocked Xbox and Microsoft store and almost all online games ....

All social media are blocked....

So , new generation is witness ban of all things by IR
They blocked Microsoft site , Skype , Microsoft teams ....

So we can't even work remotely from home ...

They even blocked Xbox and Microsoft store and almost all online games ....

All social media are blocked....

So , new generation is witness ban of all things by IR
از هر ابزاری که برای ارتباط باشه می‌ترسند بعد حرف از اقتدار می‌زنند
مدارس و دانشگاه‌ها رو هم که تعطیل کردند. فردا مدارس البرز تعطیل هست
یکی نیست بگه آخه بی‌شرف کی از اسکایپ یا مایکروسافت تیمز برای تظاهرات استفاده می‌کنه؟

بعد مگه شما ادعا نمی‌کنید که مردم انقلابی اومدن تو صحنه همه چیز تموم شد؟ دیگه این بچه بازی‌ها چیه آخه؟​
twitter por hast az aksha bachehaye zir 18 sal ba baton too dast. yani bebin regime be che felakati reside ke bache 10 saale ro estefade mikonan baraye sarkoob.
twitter por hast az aksha bachehaye zir 18 sal ba baton too dast. yani bebin regime be che felakati reside ke bache 10 saale ro estefade mikonan baraye sarkoob.
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مدت‌ها بود بسیج رو نیاورده بودن برای سرکوب
شبیه ۸۸ شده تقریباً​
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