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Iranian Chill Thread

عزیز من چی داری می‌گی؟
هدف از ذخیره ۶۰٪ اورانیوم نزدیک شدن به فرار هسته‌ای بوده
وگرنه مولیبدن رو با اورانیوم ۲۰٪ هم می‌شه برای رادیودارو تولید کرد
با این کار کارتی که ساختن رو عملاً خنثی کردن​
مراقب باشید که مشکلات غنی سازی بعد از تقریبا ۵٪ به شدت کاهش میابه. طوری که از نظر سرعت دستیابی ۲۰٪ یا ۶۰٪ زیاد فرقی نداره.
So, i learned a new word, it is "Takiye"

It comes from Iranian culture and it means lying. There is no other nation other than Iran that made lying a part of their culture.

Maybe that's why the whole world is treating iranian nation as a bunch of terrorists.
So I learned that you are a confirmed retarded.

تقية is an Arabic word .....

text from following website:

Meanwhile, the Russian Defense Ministry continues to reveal details of the epic helicopter landing operation at Hostomel Airfield near Kyiv that took place on February 24 and allowed to take control of this facility.

The Russian Defense Ministry

The crews of a rotorcraft attack group have conducted a tactical landing operation at one of the Ukrainian military airfields. The group of Ka-52 and Mi-24 attack helicopters has destroyed the firing positions of the man-portable air defense system (MANPAD) operators, air defence missile systems and armoured vehicles of the Ukrainian Armed Forces around the perimeter of the airfields.
The attack was being conducted by missile and fire armament mounted on the helicopters in various manoeuvres that facilitated the safe tactical landing at the airfield.
The army aviation crews had promptly detected the camouflaged air defence systems and MANPAD positions hidden behind civilian vehicles. The pilots of the Russian Aerospace Forces have completely destroyed the air defence system of the airfield by using organic air ordnance.
The commander of the leading Ka-52 helicopter attacked by an intensive MANPAD fire has covered the group of Mi-8 helicopters by drawing the shelling to his vehicle.
The leading helicopter has been shelled 18 times by MANPAD and air defence systems from the ground. After being damaged, the crew carried out a precautionary landing and organised a perimeter defence holding it until the arrival of the second rotorcraft attack group despite the continuous attack held by the units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
The crew of the damaged helicopter did not get hurt and was evacuated to the main airfield of the second rotorcraft attack group.
Thanks to the courage and heroism of the main attack group formed by Ka-52 and Mi-24 helicopters, the landing operation of the Airborne Troops units has been conducted without loss.
Realpolik in this region is crazy.

One year they want to kill you and get rid of you, and then the next they invite you to talk lol. No loyalty that's for sure. Careful who you make friends with in this region.

Syria used to have very close relations with PGCC regimes prior to the war (mostly of economic and diplomatic nature), with hundreds of thousands of Syrian workers residing in Saudi Arabia. At the same time, Damascus never questioned its strategic alliance with Iran nor its staunch opposition to the occupation of Palestine. This is what always defined Syrian regional policy.

What events like these imply is a gradual return to the status quo ante. In other words, total defeat of the zio-American led attempt to provoke a revision of the geostrategic equation through proxy war waged on the Syrian government with the help of their regional client states.

What they don't imply, is that Syria is distancing itself from Iran, although Iran's enemies will of course try not just to portray it that way, but to actually bring about such an outcome. To no avail, however.
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Meanwhile, the Russian Defense Ministry continues to reveal details of the epic helicopter landing operation at Hostomel Airfield near Kyiv that took place on February 24 and allowed to take control of this facility.

Video of the Hostomel landing, one of the rare audiovisual documents on this war released by Moscow.

Now I'm not a military expert, but the impression these images generate has 'professionalism' written all over it. Truly impressive conduct by the Russian armed forces.
Now I'm not a military expert, but the impression these images generate has 'professionalism' written all over it. Truly impressive conduct by the Russian armed forces.

Most of the those guys died in the counter attack. Along with the paratroopers they dropped in Kiyv and the same saboteur assets they activated in the capital. Part of the early days “fiasco”.

But yes those are the elite of the Russian military branches. The command thought they could capture key points of the capital and force a quick surrender. Classic military coup plan led by special forces.

Except it ended mostly like Nohed’s deployment to Battle of Al Eis . Rushed and head scratching...heading into battle with fraught intelligence. Result was predictable.

Nonetheless Russian’s eventually took back (and held) Hostomel after both sides pummeled it with artillery and rocket fire.
Except it ended mostly like Nohed’s deployment to Battle of Al Eis . Rushed and head scratching...heading into battle with fraught intelligence. Result was predictable
Did Nohed participate in anything in Syria after that disaster? They seem to have withdrew to a supporting role.

Should be a wakeup call. If I recall 4 Nohed members were martyred
Most of the those guys died in the counter attack.

This is what NATO-affiliated sources may have claimed but I've not seen concrete evidence.

The command thought they could capture key points of the capital and force a quick surrender.

Were there any leaks of classified documents or conversations taking place in the Russian high command?

Except it ended mostly like Nohed’s deployment to Battle of Al Eis . Rushed and head scratching...heading into battle with fraught intelligence. Result was predictable.

NOHED was tasked with slowing down and pushing back a force about ten times superior in numbers.

Did Nohed participate in anything in Syria after that disaster? They seem to have withdrew to a supporting role.

Should be a wakeup call. If I recall 4 Nohed members were martyred

Not a disaster. Here's what happened:


A normal occurrence in a war. NOHED did a great job in that battle.
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Did Nohed participate in anything in Syria after that disaster? They seem to have withdrew to a supporting role.

Should be a wakeup call. If I recall 4 Nohed members were martyred

The rebels perspective is quite damning according to them Russia had deployed approx 100k forces which took part and majority of them chechens who first used the Assadists as cannon fodders but once they were beaten back which they did always as their moral was low then the crusaders and chechens will enter and put up much stiffer resistance and fight
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