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Iranian Chill Thread

@Stryker1982 @Dariush the Great

Age inā bas nist, lotfan beguyid, chon bāzam dāram az inā va vāsatunam miandāzam. Un akse morghe chos-mesghalesho az amd nandākhtam tā foran hālish nashe dāre dar morede un sohbat mishe, nayād injā dabbe darbiāre. Age bāvar nadārid khodeshe, lotfan eshāre konid tā kolle tasviro vasātun pakhsh konam.

Albate ba'ziātun bā barkhi az in ezhārāt āshnā budid, chon hamun moghe' vakonesh neshun dade budid.

Be har hāl az man goftan bud. Halā age māyelid az intor junevari bā chenin afkāre palidi hemāyat konid ya bā u refāghat konid, khod dānid. Age nazare bandaro mikhāin, migam tof be ruye harumloghmeye kasifesh (sharmande az in vājehā, vali in neveshtehāsho ke domartabe khundam, kami raft ru mokham).

Injā dāre be Irānzamin, mellate Irān va barādarāmun Aspen va 925boy fohsh mide, tohmat mizane beheshun ke unā Shi'e hastan (dar hāli ke nistan):

View attachment 744393

View attachment 744394

Injā, 'alāve bar tohmat be Irāni va Shi'e, bārādaremun Xerxes22 rā tahdid be marg mikone, va darzemn pishnahād shartbandi bar sare pul mide, ke dar dinemun harum ast (ruro beram vāghean):

View attachment 744395

Injā rāhe bandāro "rāhe kofre Shi'e-ye Davāzdah Emāmi" mināme va bandaro tahdid be marg mikone:

View attachment 744398

Injā Irānihā rā "Yahud-parast" va "terorist" mināmad, eddeā mikonad Irān hich mahbubiati mābeyne Moslemin nadārad va miguyad Irānzamin mizbāne Dajjāle ahrimani khāhad bud, va minvisad "you are kafir people through and through", va hattā be modirāne "sāyt" mitupe:

View attachment 744400

Hāl Hack-Hook rā "teroriste Khodā-setiz" mināmad, Emrikā rā keshvare khod midānad va miguyad Khodāvand Irān rā nābud khāhand kard:

View attachment 744403

Sepas Hack-Hook rā tahdid be boridane sar mikonad:

View attachment 744405

Inam dige oje veghāhatesh... 'Alāve bar bekār bordane laghabe "Rafidi kafir liars", khāstāre nasl-koshie tamāmie mardān va pesar-bachehāye Irāni mishavad, agar ke Sonni (az dide un lābod iani vahābi-salafi) nashavand:

View attachment 744407

Bā chenin 'āmele pasti ruberu hastid.

which poster wrote these posts? This place is suspicious as hell? There is also jewish inflitration on PDF in general it is also something to keep in mind.. Why would anyone want to attack the Iranians right now doesn't make logical sense. It is either from someone whos going thru some stuff or an undercover one but either way that person is in the wrong.

You guys shouldn't dwell on so much of that stuff specifically right now.. I understand some of these posts were over the top and unnecessary.
Can someone fill me in on what's going on?

Has another anti-Shia bigot gone on a tirade again?
There is a particular member that gets triggered and feels butt hurt anytime someone mentions that Iran supports Hamas and without Iran, Hamas wouldn't have access to these new rockets and missiles. The reason that he gets triggered each time someone mentions Iran is because of his hatred for Iranians and Shia people that has been proven times and times again by his posts (some of which were shown by @SalarHaqq). Moderators know this too, but they entertain his ideas apparently. And then we were discussing about PDF in the old days.
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which poster wrote these posts? This place is suspicious as hell? There is also jewish inflitration on PDF in general it is also something to keep in mind.. Why would anyone want to attack the Iranians right now doesn't make logical sense. It is either from someone whos going thru some stuff or an undercover one but either..

You guys shouldn't dwell on so much of that stuff specifically right now.. I understand some of these posts were over the top and unnecessary.

Thanks for your comment. But if I may, please leave it to us if possible, it's an internal matter of "forum politics" between Iranians users. They will know what conclusions to draw and how to react accordingly.
Thanks for your comment. But if I may, please leave it to us if possible, it's an internal matter of "forum politics" between Iranians users. They will know what conclusions to draw and how to react accordingly.

Personally Salar, after having been on here for so long, i wouldn't pay it too much mind as Iran's gains in the region and as a country are what's more important. Taking solace in the progress made in-spite of all that Iranians and the oppressed people's of the region have been through is enough for me.

What someone says on a forum no longer gets to me as it once did but the mods action are a little worrying to be honest.
@Dariush the Great @Arian
راستی این فالکون29 یه حرومزاده است. زیاد بهش رو ندید دور برمی‌داره حرومزاده تکفیری. یه مدت کامنت هاش قابل دسترس بود من می دیدم کی و برای چی امتیاز منفی گرفته. به خاطر فحش ها و ناسزاهایی که به شیعه ها میگفت چندتا منفی داشت. الان انکار میکنه ولی من دقیق یادمه بین کامنت هاش که می‌گفت خون شیعه ها حلاله و اینکه شیعه ها از کافر حربی هم بدترن. یه توله سگ تکفیریه

What a fascinating guy you are, calling me bastard behind my back.

@LeGenD @waz @Slav Defence @PakSword

These guys spent the last 5 pages slandering me behind my back in their native language in their chill thread. Would appreciate if this is dealt with. I don't want to associate with them in anyway or their countrymen which are arrogant and hateful people. I will not allow these attacks on me, and I really think by now moderation team on PDF needs to deal with these members that have God-complexes and think they are master over other members on PDF. I will not allow them to continue these attacks.
What a fascinating guy you are, calling me bastard behind my back.

@LeGenD @waz @Slav Defence @PakSword

These guys spent the last 5 pages slandering me behind my back in their native language in their chill thread. Would appreciate if this is dealt with. I don't want to associate with them in anyway or their countrymen which are arrogant and hateful people. I will not allow these attacks on me, and I really think by now moderation team on PDF needs to deal with these members that have God-complexes and think they are master over other members on PDF. I will not allow them to continue these attacks.
Dude you literally threatened to kill people. how do you explain that?
This is called slander, cowardice, and dirty backbiting by classless individuals like you. Moderators are being informed now. Don't turn chill threads into slandering threads.

Don't need to explain anything, just know do not do dirty slandering behind someone back because you couldn't change topic in Palestine conflict thread. Nothing you guys want done to me will succeed, I have a lot of backing that you are unaware of. And I will flip it on you.

Lets call a truce on this brother.. You obviously got triggered but lets call a truce on this discussion and it is honestly pointless.

and the Iranians did help with missiles tho perhaps someone has over-posted but they did send missiles..

I just think the whole think is a major misunderstanding that has been overblown by people hanging onto it for far longer then it should have.. On both ends
. .
The enclave of Nakhchivan

Many people don't realize but Nakhchivan is an enclave in the North of Iran which belongs to Azerbaijan, yet is separated from the rest of Azerbaijan proper by the internationally recognized Armenian border.

In case of a war this with would leave them extremely vulnerable. Why ? Well Nakhchivan has a long border with Armenia to the north, a long border with Iran to the south and a tiny, very tiny, border with Turkey to the north west, which effectively acts as a deadly choke point.

Also in case of war, for Turkey to reach Azerbaijan proper by ground, they would have to not only traverse this dangerous choke point and risk being easy targets, but also they would have to then force their way through Armenian territory and I'm not talking about disputed Armenian territory. I'm talking about internationally recognized Armenia proper, which has a military alliance with Russia. Any such attempt would force Russia to act militarily.

Many Russian political analysts have even suggested that in case of a war, Russia and Iran should team up to quickly overwhelm Azerbaijan and split the spoils.

Considering all this, I do not believe that it is in their favor to provoke either Russia or Iran.

The enclave of Nakhchivan in the North of IRAN

Notice that Turkey only has a very narrow entryway into this enclave. This is effectively a chokepoint for Turkish forces.

Lets call a truce on this brother.. You obviously got triggered but lets call a truce on this discussion and it is honestly pointless.

and the Iranians did help with missiles tho perhaps someone has over-posted but they did send missiles..

I just think the whole think is a major misunderstanding that has been overblown by people hanging onto it for far longer then it should have.. On both ends
This issue is not about Iran sending missiles to Palestine bro.. it goes way back.. it is an issue on this forum.
کس ننش، جاکش سنگ پرون رو :)) از چی می‌ترسی؟
نهایتش یه چند وقت اینجا نمیایم اما ننش رو می‌گایم یا اینکه ساسپند هم بشی یکی دیگه باز می‌کنی میای اینجا باز می‌کنیمش​
Doroste dadash vali @SalarHaqq baraye hamin ke in yaroo ada baazi dar nayare be fingilisi nevesht.
Doroste dadash vali @SalarHaqq baraye hamin ke in yaroo ada baazi dar nayare be fingilisi nevesht.
بذار بخونه. تخمت هم نباشه. چنان دهنی ازش سرویس کنم که لذت ببری داریوش
از روی بازگردانی هم نمی‌فهمید از روی عکسا می‌فهمید​
. .
Would this:
Lets call a truce on this brother.. You obviously got triggered but lets call a truce on this discussion and it is honestly pointless.

and the Iranians did help with missiles tho perhaps someone has over-posted but they did send missiles..

I just think the whole think is a major misunderstanding that has been overblown by people hanging onto it for far longer then it should have.. On both ends

- be acceptable resolution to Iranian members?

@Dariush the Great
I myself was never A big fan of the revolutionary guard corps short term and long term strategic planning. I still hold to some extent that their political planning could be modified for their own betterment. I like Shia ppl tho As I am big fan of Azerbaijan and Ilham Aliyev.. But the IRGC could learn something from him how to play your cards right.

I think the current IRGC are not competent but however I do believe the emerging once are good and I have seen and listened to couple of them they sounded like they could give better strategic planning in the future.

But after this conflict I have a soft spot for Iran and willing to give my support to this thread from here on out..
This isn't about supporting or criticizing the IRGC, my friend.
Many Iranians criticize the IRGC too because in their opinions they are making strategic mistakes. It is totally fine to disagree with Iran, our policies, our strategies, our cultural values, etc. But the issue that sparked all these conversations is a bigger issue that has manifested itself multiple times in different forms, including threats of killing, family insults, calling Iranians infidels (rafhidi), etc. It's religious bigotry and anti-Iranian/anti-Shia sentiments at its finest.

Would this:

- be acceptable resolution to Iranian members?

@Dariush the Great
As long as moderators do not single out Iranians and exclude them because of the suggestions of a person with a known record of anti-Iran and anti-Shia sentiments, I'm fine with it.

I simply left that discussion and decided to spend my time where I'm welcome, @PakSword made it clear that Iranians who wanted to talk about Iran in that thread were not welcome. Apparently it's totally fine to talk about Turkey, Pakistan, Arabs, etc. on that thread, but talking about Iran and our support for the Palestinian cause (which has caused Iran nothing good but sanctions) is a taboo because it triggers some people with anti-Iranian sentiments.

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