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Iranian Chill Thread

What Bill Gates wants to do in his own words:

تو واکسن نزن . برو بغل دست طالبان و داعش بشین . با فلج اطفال و سرخک و آبله و سل و کرونا حال بکن 50 تا بچه هم داشته باش که ده تاشون از اون بیماریها بمیرن و 25 تاشون هم فلج اطفال بگیرن.

حالا راست میگی یک واکسن نشونم بده که میزان باروری را کاهش داده باشه چیزی که میزان باروری را کاهش میده تغییر سبک زندگی و روابط و انتظارات در سطح خانواده ها هست این مشکلات اقتصادی هست افزایش انتظار خانواده ها از فرزندانشان هست . این هست که پدر و مادر از کله صبح تا 12 شب باید سر کار باشن نه واکسن .
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تو واکسن نزن . برو بغل دست طالبان و داعش بشین . با فلج اطفال و سرخک و آبله و سل و کرونا حال بکن 50 تا بچه هم داشته باش که ده تاشون از اون بیماریها بمیرن و 25 تاشون هم فلج اطفال بگیرن.

حالا راست میگی یک واکسن نشونم بده که میزان باروری را کاهش داده باشه چیزی که میزان باروری را کاهش میده تغییر سبک زندگی و روابط و انتظارات در سطح خانواده ها هست این مشکلات اقتصادی هست افزایش انتظار خانواده ها از فرزندانشان هست . این هست که پدر و مادر از کله صبح تا 12 شب باید سر کار باشن نه واکسن .

ما به جمعیت بیشتر نیاز داریم و در استانه خطریم
واکسن هم البته نیاز داریم که خودمون میسازیم​

ما به جمعیت بیشتر نیاز داریم و در استانه خطریم
واکسن هم البته نیاز داریم که خودمون میسازیم​
we don't need more population until we can feed our current population , provide healthy water for them , and provide the free education which is in our constitution . we want an educated society with expert workers , not a backward society filled with cannon fodders .
the solution is not to ask people have more than two children its to made the situation so the people who refrain from marrying and making a family have incentive to do so .
we must first fix economical problems and return hope to youngs , you do so and then the population problem will fix itself. population jump is never the answer , it only made problem , population decline also make problem what you want is a stable population growth and that\s only possible when the growth is very low.
we don't need more population until we can feed our current population , provide healthy water for them , and provide the free education which is in our constitution . we want an educated society with expert workers , not a backward society filled with cannon fodders .
the solution is not to ask people have more than two children its to made the situation so the people who refrain from marrying and making a family have incentive to do so .
we must first fix economical problems and return hope to youngs , you do so and then the population problem will fix itself. population jump is never the answer , it only made problem , population decline also make problem what you want is a stable population growth and that\s only possible when the growth is very low.

ما جای شما جمعیت ایجاد میکنیم با بهترین اموزش و با واکسن و با تغذیه خوب
چیزی که خودمون در بچگی نداشتیم براشون فراهم میکنیم

سختی بزرگ کردنشون هم به جون میخریم چون لذتی هست در دیدنشون که در لذت طلبی ندیدیم

البته در نهایت غذا دست خداست و زمین رو به هر کسی میده که بخواد

امید به خدا​
. .
این دوستانی که می گن بذارین کشور پیشرفته بشه بعد جمعیت زیاد بشه، آیا تا به امروز جامعه پیری رو سراغ داشتن که پیشرفت کنه و شرایطش بهتر بشه؟

ژاپن با اون عظمت از زمانی که پیری جمعیت سراغش اومده داره روز به روز در همه زمینه ها پسرفت می کنه. ایتالیا نمونه ای دیگه اش که هر روز داره پسرفت می کنه

جامعه برای پیشرفت نیروی جوان می خواد. نیروی جوان هست که انگیزه یادگیری داره، نه کسی که شده 30 یا 40 سالش و هزار و یک گرفتاری داره. افراد از یک سنی به بعد دیگه در همون کاری که یاد گرفتن می مونند و بیشتر درجا می زنند تا یادگیری

این استدلال هم که شرایط اقتصادی باعث کمی نرخ رشد در ایران هست بسیار مسخره هست. بالاترین نرخ رشد در همین ایران در محروم و فقیرترین مناطق هست. نه فقط در ایران، بلکه این الگو در سراسر جهان دیده می شه. هر چقدر رفاه اقتصادی بیشتر، نرخ رشد کمتر و بالعکس​
این دوستانی که می گن بذارین کشور پیشرفته بشه بعد جمعیت زیاد بشه، آیا تا به امروز جامعه پیری رو سراغ داشتن که پیشرفت کنه و شرایطش بهتر بشه؟

ژاپن با اون عظمت از زمانی که پیری جمعیت سراغش اومده داره روز به روز در همه زمینه ها پسرفت می کنه. ایتالیا نمونه ای دیگه اش که هر روز داره پسرفت می کنه

جامعه برای پیشرفت نیروی جوان می خواد. نیروی جوان هست که انگیزه یادگیری داره، نه کسی که شده 30 یا 40 سالش و هزار و یک گرفتاری داره. افراد از یک سنی به بعد دیگه در همون کاری که یاد گرفتن می مونند و بیشتر درجا می زنند تا یادگیری

این استدلال هم که شرایط اقتصادی باعث کمی نرخ رشد در ایران هست بسیار مسخره هست. بالاترین نرخ رشد در همین ایران در محروم و فقیرترین مناطق هست. نه فقط در ایران، بلکه این الگو در سراسر جهان دیده می شه. هر چقدر رفاه اقتصادی بیشتر، نرخ رشد کمتر و بالعکس​

من یک بچه ی 3 ساله دارم ، سال آینده ندارم 100 میلیون بزارم روی پیش خونه و توی همین منطقه ای که هستم رهن بشینم ... یا باید برم توی یک خونه ی 50 متری یا حاشیه ی شهر ...

کاپشن بچگانه زیر 350 گیر نمیاد ... جوراب بچگانه زیر 50 نیست ... توی خرج همین یکی هم موندم ، 5 ساله زن گرفتم ، تقریبا هیچی برای خودم خرج نکرد م ، سالی نهایتا یک شلوار و دوتا پیراهن و تمام ....

ریدن توی کل کشور ، شما می خوای جمعیت زیاد بشه ...
من یک بچه ی 3 ساله دارم ، سال آینده ندارم 100 میلیون بزارم روی پیش خونه و توی همین منطقه ای که هستم رهن بشینم ... یا باید برم توی یک خونه ی 50 متری یا حاشیه ی شهر ...

کاپشن بچگانه زیر 350 گیر نمیاد ... جوراب بچگانه زیر 50 نیست ... توی خرج همین یکی هم موندم ، 5 ساله زن گرفتم ، تقریبا هیچی برای خودم خرج نکرد م ، سالی نهایتا یک شلوار و دوتا پیراهن و تمام ....

ریدن توی کل کشور ، شما می خوای جمعیت زیاد بشه ...
بعد شما فکر می کنی اگه جمعیت زیاد نشه و میانگین سن بشه 50 سال، اقتصاد بهتر می شه؟

بعد می شه بگی چرا سیستان و بلوچستانی که همون کاپشن و جوراب و خونه 50 متری رو هم ندارن 4 تا 4 تا دارن بچه میارن؟

مشکلات شما از دسته مشکلات شهرهای بزرگ هست. نهایت این داستان شما رو به 20 میلیون جمعیت گسترش بدیم. 60 میلیون دیگه چی؟​
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بعد شما فکر می کنی اگه جمعیت زیاد نشه و میانگین سن بشه 50 سال، اقتصاد بهتر می شه؟

بعد می شه بگی چرا سیستان و بلوچستانی که همون کاپشن و جوراب و خونه 50 متری رو هم ندارن 4 تا 4 تا دارن بچه میارن؟

مشکلات شما از دسته مشکلات شهرهای بزرگ هست. نهایت این داستان شما رو به 20 میلیون جمعیت گسترش بدیم. 60 میلیون دیگه چی؟​

سیستان و بلوچستان هم اگر رونق پیدا کنند و ذهنشون از اون جمودیت سنی و شیعه بیاد بیرون ، با این وضع اقتصادی به همون نتیجه ای می رسند که سایر ایرانی ها رسیدند ...

در ضمن ، مثلا در شهرهای خوزستان یک خونه ی ویلایی 120 متری با دوتا خواب و جای پراید شده 700 تا 1000 میلیون تومان .
سیستان و بلوچستان هم اگر رونق پیدا کنند و ذهنشون از اون جمودیت سنی و شیعه بیاد بیرون ، با این وضع اقتصادی به همون نتیجه ای می رسند که سایر ایرانی ها رسیدند ...

در ضمن ، مثلا در شهرهای خوزستان یک خونه ی ویلایی 120 متری با دوتا خواب و جای پراید شده 700 تا 1000 میلیون تومان .
پس همون خط اول داری پوینت من رو ثابت می کنی که ربطی به شرایط مالی نداره بلکه داستان ذهنیت و فرهنگی هست

من اهواز یا خوزستان رو نمی دونم، اما می دونم همین شهر پردیس تو شمال شرق تهران هنوز هم می شه با 500 میلیون یه آپارتمان تو یه برج با امکانات عادی خرید. قطعاً چیز شیک یا لاکچری و خیلی دلچسبی نیست، اما چیز اصلاً بدی هم نیست و بسیار معمول و قابل زندگی هست. منظورم هم از قابل زندگی یه آپارتمان تقریباً جدید (زیر 10 سال ساخت) حدود 100 متر، یه پارکینگ عادی، با یه محوطه فضای سبز ساده، با آسانسور و اینها هست

فاصله پردیس تا تهران هم نیم ساعت هست. آب و هواش هم از تهران بهتر هست. ترافیک اش هم کمتر هست. با اتوبان بسیار خوبی هم به تهران وصل می شه. به زودی هم تا یکی دو سال دیگه متروش راه می افته. پارک فناوری هم داره. مطمئن هستم سمت کرج هم می شه با همین رنج قیمت موردهای زیادی رو پیدا کرد​
تو واکسن نزن . برو بغل دست طالبان و داعش بشین . با فلج اطفال و سرخک و آبله و سل و کرونا حال بکن 50 تا بچه هم داشته باش که ده تاشون از اون بیماریها بمیرن و 25 تاشون هم فلج اطفال بگیرن.

حالا راست میگی یک واکسن نشونم بده که میزان باروری را کاهش داده باشه چیزی که میزان باروری را کاهش میده تغییر سبک زندگی و روابط و انتظارات در سطح خانواده ها هست این مشکلات اقتصادی هست افزایش انتظار خانواده ها از فرزندانشان هست . این هست که پدر و مادر از کله صبح تا 12 شب باید سر کار باشن نه واکسن .

مگه من به تو چی گفتم که رگ گردن کلفت مکنی؟

بیل گیت ننت؟
we don't need more population until we can feed our current population , provide healthy water for them , and provide the free education which is in our constitution . we want an educated society with expert workers , not a backward society filled with cannon fodders .

Healthy population growth takes precedence over social and economic criteria in the sequence of issues to fix. This is because all too slow or even negative population growth, as well as the subsequent ageing of a population, are guaranteed to result in severe and structural setbacks in the economic domain, whereas the opposite i. e. sustained population growth (up until a certain limit at least) will not necessarily have undesirable economic consequences, as shown by demographic and economic findings.

The issues stemming from an ageing demographic range from the increasingly difficulty of financing pensions to a less innovative workforce, all of which strain the economy more than whatever gains may result from reduced population numbers to divide national wealth amongst.

Another extremely dangerous aspect of demographic regression is the fact that in the contemporary setting, it's as good as impossible for a nation to reverse the downward spiral once it has engaged on that path.

This is all clearly visible in the western world, where the liberal societal model coupled with financial capitalism (complete with the methodic and planned destruction of the nuclear family structure, no holds barred neo-feminism, all out sexual degeneration, impacts of the social darwinistic nature of ultra-capitalism, dumbing down of the masses and pervasive use of mind control techniques by the 1% ruling elite, generalization of mental illnesses and so on), has led to a situation in which the demographic downturn can no longer be addressed other than through mass immigration.

Incidentally, the same liberal, globalist and zionist ruling elites of the west, who keep destabilizing countries of the south through the instigation of wars, terrorism, colored pseudo-revolutions, coups, "ethnic" and confessional divisions, agro-terrorism, pharmaceutical terrorism, disruptive social engineering targeting traditional lifestyles and norms, economic sanctions and various other forms of illegitimate and nefarious intervention, happen to be first rate proponents of south-to-north mass resettlement of young migrants, resettlement whose trigger they themselves activate by destroying developing countries.

While orchestrating large scale migratory currents, which they legitimize by invoking demographic imperatives (any "humanist" reasons given are a joke and not to be taken seriously coming from these rabid criminals), they are actually furthering their underlying globalist agenda, namely the dilution and ultimately the erasure of any and all historically rooted, national and religious tradition and identity. This is achieved via unbridled hybridation and mixing, so as to prepare the grounds for the planned one-world totalitarian regime (with Jerusalem as its capital, concommittant with the inauguration of a rebuilt third temple of Solomon in place of Masjid ul-Aqsa).

Once again, the globalist oligarchy plays the arsonist fireman to perfection: it artificially creates issues and then comes up with its own so-called "solutions", which it shoves down the throats of its zombified subjects, both steps being designed to serve one and the same end goal: a zionist-, bankster-, corporatist- and masonic-controlled, totalitarian global terror regime destined to annihilate every traditional religion and nation, as well as to enslave the human species.

A mankind which in the diseased minds of these usurpating oppressors, is in fact set to disappear, giving way to two new species synthetically engendered by these prometheanist maniacs: super-humans resulting from transhumanism, and sub-human chimeras resulting from genetic stem cell manipulation. We can already recognize all the signs of this, both in their "philosophical" writings and in the direction taken by the elite-sponsored work of cutting-edge scientific research centers.

And this is precisely why we must not blindly and naively welcome each and every sort of so-called scientific "progress" sold to us by the globalist elites as "wonderful" achievements that will "transform" our lives (they will do that indeed, but for the worse, by killing us off and enslaving what will be left of us...).

Back to demography: Germany, Japan, Italy (and then Russia as an eastern European example) are just the extreme cases. In fact, there is virtually not one developed western society unaffected by this grave phenomenon. This isn't an inevitable consequence of development per se, but of the liberal (and globalist) model of development.

As we know, some quarters outside and inside the country are keen to copy and impose this nihilistic model in Iran, which would be guaranteed to sap Iranian civilization and forever confine it into history books (which some liberal Iranians actually strive for, seeing how they long for the proclamation of the unitary one-world regime pushed for by the globalist oligarchy along with its zionist, bankster, corporatist and esoterist-masonic tentacles; in the Iranian context, the subversive Haifan Bahai organization, some of whose cult members Faezeh Rafsanjani publicly boasted of having paid a visit to in Tehran, is actively dedicating itself to the concretization of this zionist project).

It is no coincidence that the propaganda beamed into Iran 24/7 by the enemy's colossal overseas Persian-language psy-ops apparatus (the largest such propaganda campaign in the world, since Islamic Iran is their most resilient and main enemy) has such extremely gloomy, unbelievably defeatist, despair- and capitulation-inducing and in fact, collective suicide-encouraging manipulative features. Their goal is to murder the Iranian nation, much like they did to most of the developed countries as well as to a great many developing nations.

The demographic malthusianism exhibited by these circles is perfectly in line with the rest of their positions. What they aim for, is to provoke an irreversible ageing of the Iranian population so as to create economic problems which cannot be alleviated unless Iran turns into a major destination for immigrants hailing from far less developed, geographically and culturally distant nations. Which would only accelerate the destabilization and destruction of the Iranian nation, the zio-American enemy's overarching aim.

Let us not get into the dreadful potential security hazards emanating from continued low birth rates among the linguistic and confessional majority in Iran, knowing that the enemy has firmly set its sights on minorities and is in fact investing huge amounts of money in hopes of promoting extremist "ethno"-separatist thinking as well as confessional intolerance and takfirism amongst said minorities. Should the respective proportions of these communities vis a vis the linguistic and confessional majority be raised in a significant manner, and should the enemy, aided by its domestic fifth-columnists, keep advancing in this area, then it's possibly a ticking time bomb we're looking at.

The good news here is that liberal Iranians are the ones who tend to have the lowest fertility rates, whereas traditionalist, religious, patriotic and conservative ones tend to be better off in this respect. But there's definitely a need to further boost birth rates among the latter segments of the population. Gated, self-sustaining communities for 'arzeshis' and patriots, far from the decadence and rot of internet- and satellite TV-infested neighborhoods and cities should perhaps be envisaged.

the solution is not to ask people have more than two children its to made the situation so the people who refrain from marrying and making a family have incentive to do so .

It's quite simple, in order for generations to renew themselves, the fertility rate must be equal or superior to 2.1 children per each woman of reproductive age. Therefore not only must those who did not marry yet be encouraged to do so, but on top of that every married couple must receive incentives to generate two or more children.

In such a way, the minimum necessary growth would be guaranteed. Anything below it however would lead to ageing of the population and a general demographic downturn.

we must first fix economical problems and return hope to youngs , you do so and then the population problem will fix itself. population jump is never the answer , it only made problem ,

It will not fix itself. Once engaged too far on the path of demographic ageing, there is in practice no turning back. Empirical data from affected countries demonstrates this.

population decline also make problem what you want is a stable population growth and that\s only possible when the growth is very low.

Right now Iran is heading straight towards the same sort of demographic pit the west fell into, and which no nation ever managed to crawl out of.

Therefore a policy of encouraging higher birth rates through economic and other incentives, particularly within the 'arzeshi' segments of mainstream Iranian society, should be viewed as a priority of the highest order. Otherwise there won't be much left of the nation and its people to salvage, as a consequence of demographic decline per se and / or of the bogus "solutions" (i. e. mass immigration), which those same liberals are inevitably going to press for when the time comes.


@AUz Brother, if you do not mind to share some of your insight with Iranians here, it will be greatly appreciated. Some are making the same dangerous mistaken assumptions as Turkish users in the other thread before.

To all Iranians, I would urgently recommend that you carefully read user AuZ's well versed contributions about Turkey's tendencial demographic slowdown by following the link below:

@aryobarzan Please make sure to read the above link dadash, if you're interested in the topic. It should help dissipate some commonly held misconceptions.
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