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Iranian Chill Thread

I don't believe Pakistan is working against Iran nor do I believe Iran is working against Pakistan.
did i say this? I didnt say this, i believe ISI and Pakistani military AT SOME POINT/time years ago turned a blind eye to nefarious US and Saudi activities against Iran, thast all i said, and that carries some liablity, because ISI knew, and did nothing. Why would ISI allow others attack IRan from pakistani territory?? yo consider that doing "nothing"??? smh.

I fterrorists can get visa in Iran, then terrorists can also use Pakistani territory to launch attacks.
OK, so can we make a deal that if i stop saying ISI facilitated indirectly or quietly JUndollah against Iran then Pakistanis on PDF stop their accusations against Iran regarding Yadav? i can agree to that deal.
stop the double standard victim mentality- you want to have aclean accusation on Iran while maintaining innocence in cases like Jundollah? I am noticing the pattern of arguing here. you ask for high standard of proof while validating your own low standard of proof(Yadav).

Therefore, it is in the interest of both countries to coordinate better and eliminate terrorists and put pressure on other countries that want to use one vs the other that this will not be tolerated.
I completely agre, an things are that way now, but i am not talking about now, i was referncing years ago when Jundolah was actiev. BUT IRANIAN DECAPITATED JUNDOLLAH, so US and Saudis eased off it.

Like Salami already said in 2019- Iran is at peak power and no neighbor is up to the job of taking on Iran. i agree with that. if you send terrorists to IRan, Iran will finish them off..Iran hit ISIS, HIT PEJAK, EXPIRED JUNDOLLAH...so adversaries learned that it doesnt work. Iran is an effective fortress.
Pakistan’s counsel English Queen's Counsel Khawar Qureshi presenting his arguments before ICJ:

"...In reply to a question about Iran, the official said the Pakistan government was convinced that Iran had no role in Jadhav's episode though he remained there for some time. "India wants to drag Iran into this dispute but we will not let it happen," he said. .."

He clarified, "Iran has nothing to do with the Jadhav case. Jadhav was arrested from Balochistan and not Iran and the story regarding his kidnapping from Iran is baseless."

Have you noticed that Pan-ISlamic guy hasnt shown up here to rebuff STRONG Suggestions as to the ISI and Jundollah link???? He went to go create another bogus thread to manipulate sympathy from Pakistanis against me but when we started showing receipts on this issue here he has gone quiet..

EVeryone be put on notice- IF i get any more articles or evidence of ISI or Pakistani military working with any groups, i will post it on PDF...
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اذربایجان چرا باید نوچه ترکیه باشه وقتی نیروی اذربایجان خودمون هست
باید نیروی ایران دوست و اذربایجانی خودمون رشته کار رو به دست بگیره

نباید بذارن تجهیزات اسراییلی وارد کنن. حتی شده خودمون بهشون پهباد بفروشیم. محموله های اسراییلی میشه به اذربایجان وارد نشن مثل کاری که میگن اسراییل تو سوریه میکنه​
There are unconfirmed news that Iran has send 200 tanks to the northern border.
can anyone confirm or does someone knows more?
IRGC backed forces at work in Afghanistan and Pakistan, why Pakistan is letting US military in ???

USA logistic convoy ambushed in Khyber area of Pakistan on its way from Afghanistan, 2 Humvees and 2 transport trucks were damaged, One truck fell off the road




IRGC backed forces at work in Afghanistan and Pakistan, why Pakistan is letting US military in ???

USA logistic convoy ambushed in Khyber area of Pakistan on its way from Afghanistan, 2 Humvees and 2 transport trucks were damaged, One truck fell off the road

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Which forces are responsible? I don't think it has anything to do with Iran.

Post the thread in Pakistan defense affairs. You can get military people to give you answers.

After research, it seems TTP is responsible. Is Iran funding TTP? That is what you are implying. I doubt its the case.

Since TTP is an ally of US, there is a bigger game at play here.

Pakistan’s counsel English Queen's Counsel Khawar Qureshi presenting his arguments before ICJ:

"...In reply to a question about Iran, the official said the Pakistan government was convinced that Iran had no role in Jadhav's episode though he remained there for some time. "India wants to drag Iran into this dispute but we will not let it happen," he said. .."

He clarified, "Iran has nothing to do with the Jadhav case. Jadhav was arrested from Balochistan and not Iran and the story regarding his kidnapping from Iran is baseless."

Face-saving for Iran, nothing more. Webmaster already answered this point.
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Which forces are responsible? I don't think it has anything to do with Iran.

Post the thread in Pakistan defense affairs. You can get military people to give you answers.

After research, it seems TTP is responsible. Is Iran funding TTP? That is what you are implying. I doubt its the case.

Since TTP is an ally of US, there is a bigger game at play here.

Face-saving for Iran, nothing more. Webmaster already answered this point.
reports doesn't say the name of the group but if im to say i will say Zainabiyoun brigade they are the ones which Iran can rely on, but this is huge its the first of its kind and it was well expected now that Zainabiyoun coming back from Syria basically as a well armed and well trained army this is dangerous for Pakistan
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reports doesn't say the name of the group but if im to say i will say Zainabiyoun brigade they are the ones which Iran can rely on, but this is huge its the first of its kind and it was well expected now that Zainabiyoun coming back from Syria basically as a well armed and well trained army this is dangerous for Pakistan

Zanabiyoun is not active in Pakistan, they are recruited from Iraq and Iran pilgrims. This is a resurgence of TTP, brother. They have been attacking Pakistani security forces as well, and no doubt wish to strike soft civilian targets like Shias in Quetta, border posts, trade convoys, etc.

Taliban has secured all of Afghanistan, most of the threat from Afghanistan is finished, and Pakistani IDPs are returning back to Swat, etc., so terrorists are imbedded and hidden among them.
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An official statement by the Foreign Ministry of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the termination of UN Security Council provisions on arms restrictions and travel ban will be released shortly. Stay tuned.

Here We Go Again - Financial asset management
my only question is why are those firefighters wasting the water?
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reports doesn't say the name of the group but if im to say i will say Zainabiyoun brigade they are the ones which Iran can rely on, but this is huge its the first of its kind and it was well expected now that Zainabiyoun coming back from Syria basically as a well armed and well trained army this is dangerous for Pakistan
You are absolutely spot on. Its them, the Zainabs. They are present and active in Pakistan now it seems.
Zanabiyoun is not active in Pakistan, they are recruited from Iraq and Iran pilgrims.

You show up and make laughable comments in here. They are Pakistani recruits loyal to the Iranian cause. Get used to hearing about them everywhere.
we are freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :enjoy: :-)

The UN arms embargo on Iran expires today & at 00:01 local time, Iran's FM Zarif tweeted this statement in which he says Tehran "may procure" weapons "from any source" & "export defensive armaments based on its own policies" as of today. Also warns against breach of UNSC 2231.
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