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Iranian Chill Thread

ردوغان: عملیات روسیه قابل قبول نیست
در حالی که حملات روسیه به تروریست‌ها در سوریه به دنبال درخواست رسمی مقامات دمشق ادامه دارد، رئیس‌جمهور ترکیه امروز یکشنبه این حملات را «اشتباه بسیار بزرگ» و «غیرقابل قبول» خواند.
به گزارش مشرق، «رجب طیب اردوغان» رئیس‌جمهور ترکیه طی یک کنفرانس خبری در ادامه مخالفت با اقدامات اخیر مسکو در سوریه مدعی شد که «روسیه در حال انجام اشتباه بسیار بزرگی است».

به نوشته «TRT» وی افزود: دولت اسد یک دولت تروریستی است و ما در این شرایط می‌بینیم که روسیه به آن کمک می‌کند. اقدامات کنونی روسیه و حملات آن به سوریه، به هیچ وجه برای ما قابل قبول نیست.

اردوغان افزود: ترکیه کشور مهمی در منطقه است و نقش مهمی در روند فراگیر صلح در منطقه ایفا می‌کند لذا وظیفه اصلی ما در قبال بحران‌های موجود در منطقه است.

وی در ادامه به موضوع آوارگان سوری اشاره کرد و مدعی شد: ما 7.5 میلیارد دلار برای آوارگان سوری در ترکیه هزینه کرده‌ایم. من این سوال را می‌پرسم که چند آواره سوری به ایران رفته‌اند؟ ایران اهمیتی برای آوارگان قائل نیست. اما گارد ساحلی ترکیه، از آغاز امسال تاکنون، 60 هزار آواره را نجات داده و تلاش‌های ما برای حمایت از آوارگان سوری ادامه دارد.

How can a Muslim believe inviting others to kill and own a Shia Muslim who pray 5 times a day to Allah and follow Muhammad and Ali and Ahl el beit is something to do in order to grant Shahada from the same Allah!!? Only narrow minded stone age with critical brain and logic problems can fall into this Zionism trap... It is clearer than sun light what is the purpose of this and who can be behind it....

فیلم/ «شيعيان خمینی را بکشيد به بهشت برويد» - مشرق نیوز | آخرین اخبار ایران و جهان | mashreghnews.ir
ردوغان: عملیات روسیه قابل قبول نیست
در حالی که حملات روسیه به تروریست‌ها در سوریه به دنبال درخواست رسمی مقامات دمشق ادامه دارد، رئیس‌جمهور ترکیه امروز یکشنبه این حملات را «اشتباه بسیار بزرگ» و «غیرقابل قبول» خواند.
به گزارش مشرق، «رجب طیب اردوغان» رئیس‌جمهور ترکیه طی یک کنفرانس خبری در ادامه مخالفت با اقدامات اخیر مسکو در سوریه مدعی شد که «روسیه در حال انجام اشتباه بسیار بزرگی است».

به نوشته «TRT» وی افزود: دولت اسد یک دولت تروریستی است و ما در این شرایط می‌بینیم که روسیه به آن کمک می‌کند. اقدامات کنونی روسیه و حملات آن به سوریه، به هیچ وجه برای ما قابل قبول نیست.

اردوغان افزود: ترکیه کشور مهمی در منطقه است و نقش مهمی در روند فراگیر صلح در منطقه ایفا می‌کند لذا وظیفه اصلی ما در قبال بحران‌های موجود در منطقه است.

وی در ادامه به موضوع آوارگان سوری اشاره کرد و مدعی شد: ما 7.5 میلیارد دلار برای آوارگان سوری در ترکیه هزینه کرده‌ایم. من این سوال را می‌پرسم که چند آواره سوری به ایران رفته‌اند؟ ایران اهمیتی برای آوارگان قائل نیست. اما گارد ساحلی ترکیه، از آغاز امسال تاکنون، 60 هزار آواره را نجات داده و تلاش‌های ما برای حمایت از آوارگان سوری ادامه دارد.

How can a Muslim believe inviting others to kill and own a Shia Muslim who pray 5 times a day to Allah and follow Muhammad and Ali and Ahl el beit is something to do in order to grant Shahada from the same Allah!!? Only narrow minded stone age with critical brain and logic problems can fall into this Zionism trap... It is clearer than sun light what is the purpose of this and who can be behind it....

فیلم/ «شيعيان خمینی را بکشيد به بهشت برويد» - مشرق نیوز | آخرین اخبار ایران و جهان | mashreghnews.ir

ایران هم هزینه جاری کل کشور سوریه و مردمی که هستند را می دهد.. فکر نکنم اصلا با هزینه چند صد هزار آواره قابل قیاس باشد.
What is real story of syeria other than media narrative in ur opinion

For the real story, probably you will have to go way back in history. I do not have time to write a long scroll here but these are the highlights of more recent occurring.

An imperial power always has to re-assess its control over the territories it is holding in order to strengthen its rule over them and additionally try to expand this control over territories it has no control over. This necessitates re-calibrating and re-mapping the areas for imperial administrative purposes.

A classical imperial power uses two methods to achieve these goals. Either by direct or convert military/political intervention enslaving a territory including its resources and people, with such a territory being called a satrapy or a colony or a protectorate. Or causing massive chaos and bloodshed in a territory that the imperial power fails to dominate therefore making it un-usable for anyone else including the competitors or resistors of the imperial power.

US is an imperial power. The only imperial power left on planet earth. US already has its colonies and protectorates all over the earth, from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE and Bahrain in Middle East to Colombia in South America to etc etc. But as an imperial power, US must continue to expand and dominate territories that refuse to bow down to US for example Iran or China.

In other territories some slaves used to be buddies of US who then developed personal differences with the emperor and were removed and killed by the emperor eg. Saddam.

Some others were enemies with emperor but then made peace with emperor and when they let their guard down, the emperor tortured them to death eg. Ghaddafi.

Some others are too brave and powerful for the emperor to fight directly and therefore this Andersonian naked emperor is trying to chip away at their borders and de-orbit their allies in order to weaken them. For instance as is the case of China, Russia and Iran in South China sea or Ukraine and in Syria.

So a kind of "war" is going on, between the US as the sole super power imperial force on planet earth and those who want to see a planet without imperialism. Each have their own allies and ideologies. One of those countries resisting to become a slave of America is Iran. One of Iran's allies is Syria. US can not directly harm Iran. So the mafia mindset of this nude empire causes him to think like a gangster. He can't punch Iran in the face so he goes and finds a little buddy of Iran and punches him in the face. That is Syria.

In Syria US has been supporting Isis, alqaida and Taliban like forces in order to create a chaos and lay waste to a territory it has no hope of controlling directly. Preferring it to be a waste land with a huge human cost as long as it gets de-orbited from Iran's influence. This is how low, this naked emperor will go to achieve its debauched desires.

But this does not mean that every thing is going good for our emperor. The Chinese have already sold an invisible cloth to the emperor, at a huge cost. US economy is increasingly becoming an extension of Chinese economy. The emperor has been left naked wearing this Chinese robe. Meanwhile, Iran has been trying to help and support all those nations who want to break the chains of slavery and become independent from their naked master emperor. In countries like Bahrain or Yemen, the nude emperor is trying to prop up pro-American dictatorial regimes often using its slaves such as Saudi Arabia to do the dirty work both in ideological and political sphere as well as of late in military sphere. In Ukraine, Putin basically threatened to use nuclear weapons if Ukraine or Georgia were admitted to NATO in an attempt to strangle Russia.

This is what has been going on in Syria. It is a global war between the sole super power and a bunch of other powers which refuse to bow down to this sole super power.
. . .
Martian seems like a great movie, Ridley scott knows how to direct (Gladiator, Black Hawk Down, Blade Runner, Hannibal, American Gangster, Body of Lies, Prometheus), cant wait to watch it. :cheers:

As a film-nerd, I do agree with you, it has a very great story line and I am looking forward to watching it as soon as it is out.
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As a film-savvy, I do agree with you, it has a very great story line and I am looking forward to watching it as soon as it is out.
I never really liked science fiction but the recent ones are great, Avatar, Cloud Atlas, Oblivion, The Hunger Games, Elysium, Lucy, Trancendence and of course INTERSTELLAR.

And yes im a Screen Junkie too and hyped for The Martian. :D
I never really liked science fiction but the recent ones are great, Avatar, Cloud Atlas, Oblivion, The Hunger Games, Elysium, Lucy, Trancendence and of course INTERSTELLAR.

And yes im a Screen Junkie too and hyped for The Martian. :D

I also liked Maze Runner. Interstellar was obviously the best film in 2014, Martian can be the one in 2015, though there are other choices too. I didn't like Transcendence much, from the list above, same as Lucy. Haven't watched Cloud Atlas yet.

Also, unlike many others, I didn't like Mad Max either.
I also liked Maze Runner. Interstellar was obviously the best film in 2014, Martian can be the one in 2015, though there are other choices too. I didn't like Transcendence much, from the list above, same as Lucy. Haven't watched Cloud Atlas yet.

Also, unlike many others, I didn't like Mad Max either.
Cloud Atlas is a pretty good movie, i liked it.
. . . .
whoever liked that shit of a movie , is a moron with all due respects to morons :D

dude , WTF was that all about ? the positive reviews i mean ?

just cause some hot girls played it ? dafuq ?
You don't get it b/c of you how you watched it.

Mad Max is meant to be an experience. It's designed to be watched in, say, IMAX 3D with HD sound in the theater. It's over the top to the extreme. Purely to excite your senses. You can't go in expecting Pride and Prejudice.

I had watched all the previous Mad Max movies so I was familiar with the story line. Plus I watched it in IMAX 3D and the theater had 4D vibrating seats that added to the experience. Two hours of tasteful over-the-top action.

You can't judge every single movie the same way.
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