You're studying engineering right?
I need some basic info about ABET certification. If a program is ABET certified, does that mean all 50 states accept the program?
To ye company jadid shro kardam kar, hame mechanical engineer hastan. Kare jadidam kheily advance tar az kare ghablime, vali bekhatere experiencam hire shodam. Ba ye mosht az in engineera dashtam dirooz haf mizadam, behem goftan age mikham beram khavare miane ya Amrika dar ayande, hatman bayad engineering degreemo dashte basham, vali chon experience ziad daram, har engineering degree dashte basham kafie, lazem nist az ye daneshgahe khoob bashe.
UND to Amrika engineering degree mide to mechanical, vali ghesmate theory ro online mikhooni, vaseye lab work bayad boland sham har tabestoon beram North Dakota. ABET certified ham hast. Daram dar moredesh fekr mikonam. Chon ham mitoonam kar konam, ham dars bekhoonam. Emkan nadare kar ro vel konam beram university. Chon to Canada ehtiyaj nadaram be engineering degree. Vali age job offer begiram dar ayande az Amrika ya khavare miane, bedoone engineering degree yekhode situation khatari mishe.
I'm not interested in engineering work either. I just wanna stay in my field, but have that degree on the resume. They say the degree is ABET certified and I checked with ABET as well, they said it's certified. But in Canada, each province has its own say on education and they tell the federal govt to **** off half the time. I'm just trying to see how the US works and whether ABET certification is all that matters.