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You're studying engineering right?

I need some basic info about ABET certification. If a program is ABET certified, does that mean all 50 states accept the program?

To ye company jadid shro kardam kar, hame mechanical engineer hastan. Kare jadidam kheily advance tar az kare ghablime, vali bekhatere experiencam hire shodam. Ba ye mosht az in engineera dashtam dirooz haf mizadam, behem goftan age mikham beram khavare miane ya Amrika dar ayande, hatman bayad engineering degreemo dashte basham, vali chon experience ziad daram, har engineering degree dashte basham kafie, lazem nist az ye daneshgahe khoob bashe.

UND to Amrika engineering degree mide to mechanical, vali ghesmate theory ro online mikhooni, vaseye lab work bayad boland sham har tabestoon beram North Dakota. ABET certified ham hast. Daram dar moredesh fekr mikonam. Chon ham mitoonam kar konam, ham dars bekhoonam. Emkan nadare kar ro vel konam beram university. Chon to Canada ehtiyaj nadaram be engineering degree. Vali age job offer begiram dar ayande az Amrika ya khavare miane, bedoone engineering degree yekhode situation khatari mishe.

I'm not interested in engineering work either. I just wanna stay in my field, but have that degree on the resume. They say the degree is ABET certified and I checked with ABET as well, they said it's certified. But in Canada, each province has its own say on education and they tell the federal govt to **** off half the time. I'm just trying to see how the US works and whether ABET certification is all that matters.

You're studying engineering right?

I need some basic info about ABET certification. If a program is ABET certified, does that mean all 50 states accept the program?

To ye company jadid shro kardam kar, hame mechanical engineer hastan. Kare jadidam kheily advance tar az kare ghablime, vali bekhatere experiencam hire shodam. Ba ye mosht az in engineera dashtam dirooz haf mizadam, behem goftan age mikham beram khavare miane ya Amrika dar ayande, hatman bayad engineering degreemo dashte basham, vali chon experience ziad daram, har engineering degree dashte basham kafie, lazem nist az ye daneshgahe khoob bashe.

UND to Amrika engineering degree mide to mechanical, vali ghesmate theory ro online mikhooni, vaseye lab work bayad boland sham har tabestoon beram North Dakota. ABET certified ham hast. Daram dar moredesh fekr mikonam. Chon ham mitoonam kar konam, ham dars bekhoonam. Emkan nadare kar ro vel konam beram university. Chon to Canada ehtiyaj nadaram be engineering degree. Vali age job offer begiram dar ayande az Amrika ya khavare miane, bedoone engineering degree yekhode situation khatari mishe.

I'm not interested in engineering work either. I just wanna stay in my field, but have that degree on the resume. They say the degree is ABET certified and I checked with ABET as well, they said it's certified. But in Canada, each province has its own say on education and they tell the federal govt to **** off half the time. I'm just trying to see how the US works and whether ABET certification is all that matters.

Haghighatesh man dorost nemidounam. Baraaye ma yek chizi hast be esm e IEEE, ke alaan search kardam didam ke engaar bakhshi az hamin ABET hast ke shoma gofti. ma hamisheh sa'y mikonim tou Journal haye IEEE paper bedim va conference hayi ra berim ke IEEE ta'yid mikoneh. yek jour hayi IEEE mesle yek saazman e standard e baalaa e sar maa hast. amma inkeh aayaa degree ye daneshgah ra ham ABET ta'yid mikoneh, man chizi nemidounam.
Haghighatesh man dorost nemidounam. Baraaye ma yek chizi hast be esm e IEEE, ke alaan search kardam didam ke engaar bakhshi az hamin ABET hast ke shoma gofti. ma hamisheh sa'y mikonim tou Journal haye IEEE paper bedim va conference hayi ra berim ke IEEE ta'yid mikoneh. yek jour hayi IEEE mesle yek saazman e standard e baalaa e sar maa hast. amma inkeh aayaa degree ye daneshgah ra ham ABET ta'yid mikoneh, man chizi nemidounam.
Thanks. I'll have to do some more digging. The program at UND would take 6-8 years to complete on a part time basis. And even though Canada and the US have an agreement with each other and Canada is supposed to accept ABET certified programs, Alberta's certifying body says they won't accept UND's degree b/c of the online component, no matter what. In the US though, from everything I've read, it's a perfectly accepted program. But I need to be sure and I don't trust what the university says either. American universities like to lie a lot to bring in students.

Half my day at work is just as.s time. If I can sit down and study during that time and do an hour of studying after work, I could have a mech. or petroleum eng. degree in 6 years. Of course I won't need it directly and it's not even accepted in Canada, but I can always become a perm. resident in the US for the right job offer lmao. I'm growing tired of the cold here. In my 30's I won' have the patience I do now.
Sorry for posting offtopic

Pics from kargil a remote
region of our kashmir,it is Shia dominated region and unlike kashmir valley people here love India and Iran alike



celebrating The revolution
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Thanks. I'll have to do some more digging. The program at UND would take 6-8 years to complete on a part time basis. And even though Canada and the US have an agreement with each other and Canada is supposed to accept ABET certified programs, Alberta's certifying body says they won't accept UND's degree b/c of the online component, no matter what. In the US though, from everything I've read, it's a perfectly accepted program. But I need to be sure and I don't trust what the university says either. American universities like to lie a lot to bring in students.

Half my day at work is just as.s time. If I can sit down and study during that time and do an hour of studying after work, I could have a mech. or petroleum eng. degree in 6 years. Of course I won't need it directly and it's not even accepted in Canada, but I can always become a perm. resident in the US for the right job offer lmao. I'm growing tired of the cold here. In my 30's I won' have the patience I do now.

Living in cold weather is no good for a long time, note that this is coming from a guy who wears short sleeves when there is mild snowing and people cover themselves with winter coats. :lol:
That's a superb idea. As you said, you'll just need to do some search about the degree of that university before spending the dear money for it ;) Sorry, I have no more info about this ABET institution.
Living in cold weather is no good for a long time, note that this is coming from a guy who wears short sleeves when there is mild snowing and people cover themselves with winter coats. :lol:
That's a superb idea. As you said, you'll just need to do some search about the degree of that university before spending the dear money for it ;) Sorry, I have no more info about this ABET institution.
No worries man. Thanks for the help.

If I do go for it, it would mean giving up on the idea of buying a new car for the next 5 year. That would suck balls. American universities love to separate people from their hard earned money for no reason lol. I haven't even figured out the total cost, but I don't think I wanna know yet. There's also the issue of getting accepted haha. I'm acting like I'm already in. I'm hoping I can write one of those sob story letters and attach it to my application. Say how I'm working in the North Pole and I have 5 kids to feed and I wanna improve my life and shit haha.

Electrical is the hardest from what I've heard no? If I do go for it, I'll go for either mech or petro. Mech might be too hard for me though. Too much physics and math. No thanks.
I'm hoping I can write one of those sob story letters and attach it to my application. Say how I'm working in the North Pole and I have 5 kids to feed and I wanna improve my life and shit haha.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Electrical is the hardest from what I've heard no? If I do go for it, I'll go for either mech or petro. Mech might be too hard for me though. Too much physics and math. No thanks.

Yeah, in hardness, Electrical is 100, Mech is 70 and rest of engineering branches are at most 40, with Industrial being 0.0001
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah, in hardness, Electrical is 100, Mech is 70 and rest of engineering branches are at most 40, with Industrial being 0.0001
One of the guys at work told me about Industrial, but UND doesn't have Industrial and it would defeat the purpose for me. I only want it to make my resume beefier, nothing more, but it still has to be in something related to what I'm doing. Mechanical is the closest one, but I won't last. Petroleum or chemical might be good enough. Anything less than that is a waste of time I think. The guy that told me about industrial has an engineering degree from India and he got his masters in Industrial from Canada. He said it's super easy. But wtf is the point lool. It's not even related to what he's doing.
One of the guys at work told me about Industrial, but UND doesn't have Industrial and it would defeat the purpose for me. I only want it to make my resume beefier, nothing more, but it still has to be in something related to what I'm doing. Mechanical is the closest one, but I won't last. Petroleum or chemical might be good enough. Anything less than that is a waste of time I think. The guy that told me about industrial has an engineering degree from India and he got his masters in Industrial from Canada. He said it's super easy. But wtf is the point lool. It's not even related to what he's doing.

Industrial Engineering is pure BullCrap. You'll just need to read a 40 pages pamphlet during a course and will be finally asked about the simplest questions that even a lizard from saudi deserts can answer them in 3 seconds even without looking at that pamphlet. :lol: Honestly, I would not even give authority to a person with Industrial Engineering doctorate to clean my hourse's shit. :lol:
Instead, if you want to spend your hard earned money, I suggest you to go for Petroleum and Chemical Eng. It is much easier than Mech. Eng. and harder than Industrial, but the degree worths the money you are going to spend.
Industrial Engineering is pure BullCrap. You'll just need to read a 40 pages pamphlet during a course and will be finally asked about the simplest questions that even a lizard from saudi deserts can answer them in 3 seconds even without looking at that pamphlet. :lol: Honestly, I would not even give authority to a person with Industrial Engineering doctorate to clean my hourse's shit. :lol:
Instead, if you want to spend your hard earned money, I suggest you to o for Petroleum and Chemical Eng. It is much easier than Mech. Eng. and harder than Industrial, but the degree worths the money you are going to spend.
Damet garm. That's probably what I'll do then. **** mechanical. My math and physics are too shit for mechanical. And my brother is almost done with his chemical engineering degree. I'm sure I can always get him to help me on Skype or something during emergencies.

I'll wait to see what the cost is for Canadian students. I sent them an email, no response yet. Hopefully Monday. Better not be something ridiculous, but it's an American university so anything's possible lol
Damet garm. That's probably what I'll do then. **** mechanical. My math and physics are too shit for mechanical. And my brother is almost done with his chemical engineering degree. I'm sure I can always get him to help me on Skype or something during emergencies.

I'll wait to see what the cost is for Canadian students. I sent them an email, no response yet. Hopefully Monday. Better not be something ridiculous, but it's an American university so anything's possible lol

Yeah, that seems to be a good plan!
Yeah, American Universities are good at looting student's pockets :lol:
Yeah, that seems to be a good plan!
Yeah, American Universities are good at looting student's pockets :lol:
So I got a response. Apparently the cost for the online program is a lot less than the on campus program. It's less than 40K which isn't bad. The on campus program would be close to 100K!!!!! What the **** is wrong with the US lmao. My friend did a whole degree in McGill and paid less than 10K CDN for all 4 years (he was a Quebec resident which is why it was so cheap, but still).

She said I can transfer courses from my previous university here in Canada, but I don't know how that would work and if I even have anything transferable to engineering since I studied business and accounting (maybe an English course lol). She also told me about some regional department of energy in the US and how they also certify the program, but anything the school itself tells me I'll ignore for now.
@Sinan @xenon54

Watched Water Diviner last night, have you seen it? What do you think about Turkey shown in the movie? I think it was mostly neutral, at least compared to other typical Hollywood movies who portray anything in east like a 4 year old child.

I didn't watched it. I heard it was some kind of a emotional without action...so. :undecided:

But if i don't remember wrong, Xenon watched it.
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