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Iranian Air Defense Systems

Nice, so it could give to radar crew a warning to run away.
Or to set up and prepare AD systems:-)

When I see u in the site 99% of your writing is lie and nonsense.
500 is always here for Iran, if my memory serves me wright I do recall that 500 claimed that Raad AD is some fake missiles on fire truck, when Iran unveiled Shahed-129 500 claimed that it was fake and the size of those two drones which were shown in pictures were different and Shahed-129 was small and not a MALE uav
The funny point is that you don't even have the basic knowledge or the decency to accept that you don't have knowledge.
1) Are you an expert about Australian military? is the geography of Australia the same as Iran? What is the distance between the targets in Iran, like Bushehr, and US fleet in Persian gulf? what is the distance between the closest point in China and Australia? ....

2) BTW, This radars are so easy to be jammed, they are so primitive and useless with terrible accuracy that US did not invest on it.

3) As I told you before, these systems even detect some other stuff in the sky, as fighter jets, and their accuracy is awful. so, they are obviously terrible as warning radar system for a country that its enemies are either its neighbors, or they have bases in her close proximity.

Did you get it now, or you want to continue your trolling and chest thumping?

Well that's what I call over-exaggerated self-confidence.
1. After the cold war, U.S has developed and implemented a new OTH radar system named as ROTHR (Relocatable Over-the-Horizon Radar) for monitoring both inland and also 1500 miles off the U.S coast. It doesn't matter if U.S invests big in these radars, what matters is that they are operating them right now and as I mentioned, it's already Australia's most important radar system to monitor Chinese movements. Also U.S has a huge fleet of Awacs and other radar systems which can not be compared to other countries.

2. Not only they can detect conventional planes, but they are also claimed to be capable of detecting stealth aircrafts.

Over-the-Horizon Radar: A Better Way to Watch the Skies · Lockheed Martin

3,4. It seems you are still unfamiliar with basics of an early warning radar system. These radars are not supposed to track objects with interception purposes, but only to to give warning when an intruding ballistic missile/jet fighter/cruise missile comes towards your air space. There are other radar and missile systems to precisely detect the location of intruders and shoot them down.

So an accuracy of one kilometer is not bad at all for giving a rough position of any flying object, considering that it's an early warning radar system.

5. It's now obvious who is not having sufficient information considering that electronic is not my specialty and I'm not the one boasting about studying PhD in electronics and hitting it like a hammer in others' head. :)

First of all this radar cant guide anything because of terrible accuracy.
Secondly its prone to jamming.
Finally I hope u realize that if US decided to attack Iran this radar will be destroyed in first minutes of the attack.

That's exactly right. That's why Russians and Chinese are trying to make these radars mobile to avoid them getting destroyed at the first attacks, but, still these radars seem to be inherently bulky with low mobility.
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The funny point is that you don't even have the basic knowledge or the decency to accept that you don't have knowledge.

Your post shows which person your sentence represents.

1) Are you an expert about Australian military? is the geography of Australia the same as Iran? What is the distance between the targets in Iran, like Bushehr, and US fleet in Persian gulf? what is the distance between the closest point in China and Australia? ....

Since when one should be an expert on Australian military to know that they are currently using these radars to monitor areas north of Australia as far as 3,000 kilometers?
This radar's main purpose is not for monitoring U.S fleet in Persian gulf, that's the weirdest usage to consider for a radar like this because there are other precise radars with range of 200-300 Km. Its main usage is to monitor Iran's air space from east and west, especially from Israel's direction. and for like millionth time, EARLY warning radars are not used to intercept airplanes or missils, they are used to detect attacking jet fighters and warn you before they enter your air space, hence you can get ready to intercept them with other radar/missile systems. They are not meant to show plane's location with pinpoint accuracy.

2) BTW, This radars are so easy to be jammed, they are so primitive and useless with terrible accuracy that US did not invest on it.

How many times have you jammed these radars? They are not impossible to jam indeed, like most other electronic devices that can be disabled/jammed by different means, however there are no any major report/incidents in which these radars are jammed. I already provided you info about U.S investing in these radars right AFTER cold war and U.S navy is currently using a modified version called ROTHR. By the way, U.S doesn't need any massive use of these radars because it's not facing any threat from south or north. If you look at the U.S map again, you will understand that it's pointless for a country like U.S to use them in all parts of the country because except perhaps Venezuela and Cuba (which are no serious enemy to U.S), the closest U.S enemy is 10,000 kilometers away and U.S has many other means to detect their activity. Also, no one is supposed to do whatever U.S does like a monkey, countries have difference in logistics, defense doctrines, geography and number/situation of enemies.

3) As I told you before, these systems even detect some other stuff in the sky, as fighter jets, and their accuracy is awful. so, they are obviously terrible as warning radar system for a country that its enemies are either its neighbors, or they have bases in her close proximity.

It's not supposed to be the only way to detect flying objects. OTH radars are meant to reduce/deter the element of surprise since you can monitor air space of neighboring countries and can detect mass movements of jet fighters/ballistic missiles. It's not meant to guide missiles toward them since it doesn't have precise accuracy in a frequency between 3-30 MHz.

Did you get it now, or you want to continue your trolling and chest thumping?

How is it trolling when you don't have proper answers and also we are talking about technical aspects of these radars which is ON topic. Do you have anything else to say besides flaming/accusing others of not having knowledge?

I don't claim to be an expert in in all this like you do, and I'm talking about the most basic aspects of a radar. If I'm convinced that you are right and I'm wrong, I'd have absolutely no problem admitting it since there is nothing to be ashamed of. People are not supposed to be masters in all fields.
There is a face palm needed after reading your post.
1) For the millionth time, these radars can detect everything as enemy fighters. That's why an operator would not give a damn to these radars after a few time of sitting behind these systems.
2)Instead of writing rants, clearly say that what is the purpose of these radars? Iran is not Australia whose enemies are thousands of miles away from its country. All of Iran's enemies are in her close proximity. The only one which is a bit far is Israel, and almost every country in the region is willing to gave free access of their airspace to Israel in the case that they want to invade mullahs. BTW, If you have ever take a look at the map of western parts of Iran, and its mountains, ... you would have know that how much incapable these radar systems would be.
How many times have you jammed these radars?
That's the most stupid comment of your post. You really know nothing. Just ask an expert with the tolerance of Noah, to explain to you why these primitive systems are easy to be jammed.

Your post shows which person your sentence represents.

Since when one should be an expert on Australian military to know that they are currently using these radars to monitor areas north of Australia as far as 3,000 kilometers?
This radar's main purpose is not for monitoring U.S fleet in Persian gulf, that's the weirdest usage to consider for a radar like this because there are other precise radars with range of 200-300 Km. Its main usage is to monitor Iran's air space from east and west, especially from Israel's direction. and for like millionth time, EARLY warning radars are not used to intercept airplanes or missils, they are used to detect attacking jet fighters and warn you before they enter your air space, hence you can get ready to intercept them with other radar/missile systems. They are not meant to show plane's location with pinpoint accuracy.

How many times have you jammed these radars? They are not impossible to jam indeed, like most other electronic devices that can be disabled/jammed by different means, however there are no any major report/incidents in which these radars are jammed. I already provided you info about U.S investing in these radars right AFTER cold war and U.S navy is currently using a modified version called ROTHR. By the way, U.S doesn't need any massive use of these radars because it's not facing any threat from south or north. If you look at the U.S map again, you will understand that it's pointless for a country like U.S to use them in all parts of the country because except perhaps Venezuela and Cuba (which are no serious enemy to U.S), the closest U.S enemy is 10,000 kilometers away and U.S has many other means to detect their activity. Also, no one is supposed to do whatever U.S does like a monkey, countries have difference in logistics, defense doctrines, geography and number/situation of enemies.

It's not supposed to be the only way to detect flying objects. OTH radars are meant to reduce/deter the element of surprise since you can monitor air space of neighboring countries and can detect mass movements of jet fighters/ballistic missiles. It's not meant to guide missiles toward them since it doesn't have precise accuracy in a frequency between 3-30 MHz.

How is it trolling when you don't have proper answers and also we are talking about technical aspects of these radars which is ON topic. Do you have anything else to say besides flaming/accusing others of not having knowledge?

I don't claim to be an expert in in all this like you do, and I'm talking about the most basic aspects of a radar. If I'm convinced that you are right and I'm wrong, I'd have absolutely no problem admitting it since there is nothing to be ashamed of. People are not supposed to be masters in all fields.
There is a face palm needed after reading your post.
1) For the millionth time, these radars can detect everything as enemy fighters. That's why an operator would not give a damn to these radars after a few time of sitting behind these systems.
2)Instead of writing rants, clearly say that what is the purpose of these radars? Iran is not Australia whose enemies are thousands of miles away from its country. All of Iran's enemies are in her close proximity. The only one which is a bit far is Israel, and almost every country in the region is willing to gave free access of their airspace to Israel in the case that they want to invade mullahs. BTW, If you have ever take a look at the map of western parts of Iran, and its mountains, ... you would have know that how much incapable these radar systems would be.

The range of radar is 1100 Km and it's located in middle of Iran, which means this radar monitors roughly 500 Km out of Iran's borders. What 'thousands of miles' are you talking about? This means even a quarter of KSA's territory for example is not covered by this radar. Get your facts right.

And about detecting everything, that's why OTH radars are also used to monitor civilian airlines. But since obviously you didn't know, the path of civilian airliners before entering Iran's air space is pre-determined according to international aviation laws and also there is a clear difference between speed of a civilian airliner and a ballistic missile or jet fighter. Also, since the radar is called an early warning system, it means it'll give you a warning of existence of a flying object, it's up to you analyze location/direction and path of that object and to decide whether it should be considered as a threat or not. No country will give their air space to Israel and all of those currently named by the media have already denied it, including Turkey, Iraq and KSA.

BTW, If you have ever take a look at the map of western parts of Iran, and its mountains, ... you would have know that how much incapable these radar systems would be.

If you call my post stupid, then for God's sake, what do you call this? Wow. You don't even know how most OTH radars work and you don't know they don't send signals directly towards the object, they send it first towards Ionosphere in upper atmosphere and detect the reflection, which means mountain won't be in its way.


Thanks for proving any further discussion about this is pointless. Let's just spare our times and 'waste' it on something more constructive.
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@rmi5 ... you made my day !

you just proving your stupidness day by day ...

when I read that part about Western mountains I just laughed in my pants !

if you can't see something , it doesn't mean it's nonexistent !

indeed ... you are an atheist !

you have same idea about the God too :)

stupid ... we are not going to show all we got just for proving something for stupids ...

We got nothing to stop Israeli aircraft, they can violate it and Jordan's airspace is open for them.
The range of radar is 1100 Km and it's located in middle of Iran, which means this radar monitors roughly 500 Km out of Iran's borders. What 'thousands of miles' are you talking about? This means even a quarter of KSA's territory for example is not covered by this radar. Get your facts right.

And about detecting everything, that's why OTH radars are also used to monitor civilian airlines. But since obviously you didn't know, the path of civilian airliners before entering Iran's air space is pre-determined according to international aviation laws and also there is a clear difference between speed of a civilian airliner and a ballistic missile or jet fighter. Also, since the radar is called an early warning system, it means it'll give you a warning of existence of a flying object, it's up to you analyze location/direction and path of that object and to decide whether it should be considered as a threat or not. No country will give their air space to Israel and all of those currently named by the media have already denied it, including Turkey, Iraq and KSA.

If you call my post stupid, then for God's sake, what do you call this? Wow. You don't even know how most OTH radars work and you don't know they don't send signals directly towards the object, they send it first towards Ionosphere in upper atmosphere and detect the reflection, which means mountain won't be in its way.


Thanks for proving any further discussion about this is pointless. Let's just spare our times and 'waste' it on something more constructive.

Again, you did not understand my point. I did not say that it only takes passenger jets like Boing 747 mistakenly as the enemy fighter. First, try to understand what I am saying, then start writing apologizing coments for these stupid system.
@rmi5 ... you made my day !

you just proving your stupidness day by day ...

when I read that part about Western mountains I just laughed in my pants !

if you can't see something , it doesn't mean it's nonexistent !

indeed ... you are an atheist !

you have same idea about the God too :)

stupid ... we are not going to show all we got just for proving something for stupids ...

Again, you came here, with your trolling, off-topic comments.
BTW, what's new Soheil? did you made your spaceship to fight enemies of mullahs in Andromeda galaxy?!!!

some systems getting unveiled after 7 years (from getting operation) ...
like Qaher-313?


We got nothing to stop Israeli aircraft, they can violate it and Jordan's airspace is open for them.
Also you can add KSA, Turkey, Azerbaijan, ... airspaces to the list as well who would willingly give their airspace to them.

PS. even mullahs cannot do too much about it either.
PPS. I forget about Qaher-313 which can destroy andromeda, let alone Israel and USA. :lol:

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