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Iranian Air Defense Systems

I feel sorry for you and your fake nation, probably you think by writing here you can change the history.
the reality is 180' opposite to what you wrote. you bombarded Lebanon cities and infrastructures to force people abandon the Hezbollah while Hezbollah troops mostly were fighting with you outside the cities, remember your ruined legacy Mercava, remember their grave yard.

Talking about fake, your avatar :lol:
Hezbollah deliberately targeted civilians. They indiscriminately fired thousands of shrapnel rockets at civilian neighborhoods. They fired all their rockets during day and especially increased rocket fire during rush hours.

They targeted chemical plants in Haifa as well, but failed due to miserable accuracy. Damage to military sites was accidental and very very minor.

Israel on the other hand carred 11,000 combat sorties during the war. Each plane can carry some 5 tons of munitions easily, thats 55,000 tons of bombs. That would be enough to vaporize the entire Shia population of Lebanon. But we showed great restraint and attacked only terrorist sites.

What about your supposedly highly advanced warship, they missed it too? talk about precision your navy never saw it coming!!!
I know that you can do nothing but lie to people, there are documentaries with actual footages that contradicts everything you say.
Usually I skip reading your posts because of what I have just said, so please try to avoid mine.
Ask your commanders at that time or look for the documentary called: if Hezbollah was defeated and you will have your answer with details, and real time footage.

No, im asking you, provide for only one example of missile targeting base or militarily compound, date and location.
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No Iran-Russia deal on replacing S-300: Russian official

The head of Russia’s state arms export company Rosoboronexport says there is no deal between Tehran and Moscow over a replacement for the S-300 missile defense systems, which Russia is mandated to deliver to Iran under a contract.

Responding to a question about the potential offer to Iran for a replacement by Russia, Anatoly Isaikin said, “I will only be able to speak about that if there were any deals or when there would be deals, but there are none,” RIA Novosti reported Tuesday.

Under a contract signed in 2007, Russia undertook to provide Iran with at least five S-300 missile defense systems.

However, Moscow refused to deliver the systems to Iran under the pretext that they were covered by the fourth round of the UN Security Council resolutions against Iran.

In September 2010, then Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree banning the delivery of the S-300 systems to the Islamic Republic.

Following Russia’s failure to deliver the systems under the contract, Iran filed a complaint against Rosoboronexport with the International Court of Arbitration in Geneva.

On May 30, Russian Technologies (Rostech) CEO Sergei Chemezov said that Moscow sought to reach a settlement with Tehran to have Iran withdraw its lawsuit against Rosoboronexport over the deal on S-300 as Russia’s chances to win the case “are very slim.”

Chemezov said that the US had applied heavy pressure on Moscow to stop the agreement under the pretext that the deal was against the UNSC sanctions. The Russian official added, however, that Washington later changed its rhetoric, saying the UN resolution did not specifically mention the S-300 system and claiming that Russia had acted on its own.

On July 31, Iran’s Ambassador to Russia Seyyed Mahmoud-Reza Sajjadi said there were no negotiations between Tehran and Moscow over a replacement for the S-300 systems.

No Iran-Russia deal on replacing S-300: Russian official - JamNews
Dogging the question, typical, you just cant name, because there were ZERO hits on Israeli bases/compounds
Even the truth with real footage is propaganda for you, oh, I forgot, your religion forbids you from saying the truth or recognizing it.
Even the truth with real footage is propaganda for you, oh, I forgot, your religion forbids you from saying the truth or recognizing it.

One only one, name one military base/installation/compound which was hit by hez missile/s, ONE!
Today production line of Sayyad-2 AD missile was inaugurated in presence of Dehghan defence minister of Iran.

Today also it was announced development of "Talash" AD system was finished.

Sayyad-2 is a Solid propellant, medium range, high altitude surface to air missile with combinatorial guidance system that can target all types of aerial targets like helicopters, low rcs targets, high speed and high maneuverable targets.

Talash is a medium range high altitude AD system used against fighters and bombers. It also can target helicopters and UAVs too.
Talash AD system is used for detection and tracking targets for Sayyad-2 AD missile.

افتتاح خط توليد موشك پدافند هوايي "صياد 2" و خاتمه تحقيقات سامانه پدافند هوايي "تلاش" | وزارت دفاع و پشتیبانی نیروهای مسلح - IR.IRAN Ministry of Defence










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