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Iranian Air Defense Systems

Russia never made a system called PMU-3 and facts show that the S-300 PM series ended with S-300PMU2 after which Russia named their last upgrade S-400. Therefore, PMU-3 doesn't exist.
they made S300-PMU3 but for promotional reason they later changed the name to S400 just like T72-BU that they renamed to T90 or Su-27M they just renamed to Su-35
go do your research on the matter first

I did many years ago, and to call an S-27 an Su-35 just shows you dont understand what you're talking about. Su-27M didnt have PESA nor the OLS-35, nor the same engines. Only the chassis are the same, thats it. The range of the s400 is longer than s-300pmu2, and the PMU2 was already lightyears ahead of the first s300s. Typical shill.
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I did many years ago, and to call an S-27 an Su-35 just shows you dont understand what you're talking about. Su-27M didnt have PESA nor the OLS-35, nor the same engines. Only the chassis are the same, thats it. The range of the s400 is longer than s-300pmu2, and the PMU2 was already lightyears ahead of the first s300s. Typical shill.
well who talk about pmu-2 the talk is about pmu-3
and a question for you Su-35ub or Su-37 is Su-35 or Su-30 or Su-27 they also don't have ibris-E
in short the fact remain that Russia renamed Su-27m was test bed that at first supposed too be Su-35, they just didn't mass produced it , they removed the cannard and add ibris-E and called it Su-35bm and later into Su-35

even their codename T-10M is the same with the rest of Su35 the codename for the rest of Su-27s are T10P and T10K
also Su27-SM2/SM3 also have Ibris-E does it turn them into Su-35
well who talk about pmu-2 the talk is about pmu-3
and a question for you Su-35ub or Su-37 is Su-35 or Su-30 or Su-27 they also don't have ibris-E
in short the fact remain that Russia renamed Su-27m was test bed that at first supposed too be Su-35, they just didn't mass produced it , they removed the cannard and add ibris-E and called it Su-35bm and later into Su-35

even their codename T-10M is the same with the rest of Su35 the codename for the rest of Su-27s are T10P and T10K
also Su27-SM2/SM3 also have Ibris-E does it turn them into Su-35

Pmu3 never came out, it was called s400 because the s400 is a natural progression from pmu2. But you make it out that s400 is merely a renamed s300 when the reality is that there is an ocean of difference between first gen s300 and pmu2. Its like saying an aston martin db9 is a renamed db5! This is either down to stupidity or down to pure disinformation as what one would expect from a shill.

Yes, the chassis of all those jets are smiliar, but that is where the similarities end. You said su-27m is the same as an S-35, this may have been more true if we were in the 80s, but the reality is that the S-35 that is available today has tonnes more upgrades than the S-27M. So it is more than just a renaming. You get so easily fooled by new shapes and designs, you're like an Arab dictator who gets easily woo'ed. The reality is the Russians got it right the first time with their chassis hence why there was no need to constantly redesign the chassis, as well as the fact US manufacturers compete like dogs to make their product look fancy and unique, when in reality it doesnt add any value.

No because they dont have the same engine, nor do they have OLS-35, as well as other things. An upgrade is not merely renaming something, it significantly improves what the jet could do before. Pretty simple stuff to understand if you weren't such a shill.
Pmu3 never came out, it was called s400 because the s400 is a natural progression from pmu2. But you make it out that s400 is merely a renamed s300 when the reality is that there is an ocean of difference between first gen s300 and pmu2. Its like saying an aston martin db9 is a renamed db5! This is either down to stupidity or down to pure disinformation as what one would expect from a shill.
when i said there is not much difference between s300-p and s300-pm2
or when i say there is no difference between s-300-Pm2 and S-400 there is difference but the fact remain s-400 in development phase was s-300-pmu3
later when they wanted to export it they changed its name into s400 , like what they did with su-27 and t-72
This is either down to stupidity or down to pure disinformation as what one would expect from a shill.
no its down to your lack of ability to understand what other people say
there is difference between s300-pmu2 and s300-pmu3 but s-400 id the same with s300-pmu3
Yes, the chassis of all those jets are smiliar, but that is where the similarities end. You said su-27m is the same as an S-35, this may have been more true if we were in the 80s, but the reality is that the S-35 that is available today has tonnes more upgrades
su-35s get tons of upgrade su-35 upgrades over the original su-35 or su27m cant be called tons
The reality is the Russians got it right the first time with their chassis hence why there was no need to constantly redesign the chassis, as well as the fact US manufacturers compete like dogs to make their product look fancy and unique, when in reality it doesnt add any value.
the fact is the video i post about the capability of the aircraft
we have E-warfare systems of ours and many of them are drone base not ground base like other countries , so it would be harder for enemy to deal with them




also the nature of the radars of Bavar-make it very hard to be jammed , somebody may say it even become easier for them to detect you if you try to jam them
How does it make it easy to jam? They're AESA
when i said there is not much difference between s300-p and s300-pm2
or when i say there is no difference between s-300-Pm2 and S-400 there is difference but the fact remain s-400 in development phase was s-300-pmu3
later when they wanted to export it they changed its name into s400 , like what they did with su-27 and t-72

no its down to your lack of ability to understand what other people say
there is difference between s300-pmu2 and s300-pmu3 but s-400 id the same with s300-pmu3

su-35s get tons of upgrade su-35 upgrades over the original su-35 or su27m cant be called tons

the fact is the video i post about the capability of the aircraft

The so called PMU-3 was never released as PMU-3, it was called S-400 from day one of release and naturally the naming suggests that it is a progression from the S-300. 200, 300, 400, 500, etc, do you see the pattern? That's not a big deal! The latest S-300 that was released was pmu-2 which is inferior to S400. PMU-3 might as well not exist as it was always called S-400.

Seeing as the only similarity is chassis, and engine, radar and optics are all different, it suggests that it is "tonnes" of differences, not a mere renaming as a shill like you is trying ram down our throats.

Your video means nothing to me and does not refute my comment you quoted, so I'll just put that down to your usual diversion tactic.

It can face the F-35, and then blow up trying to.

Where is your data? Do you have a Bavar-373 and tested it or are you assuming things based on the shite that comes out of your guts?
Where is your data? Do you have a Bavar-373 and tested it or are you assuming things based on the shite that comes out of your guts?
We already fly all over the middle east with the F-35, we also had the Bavar 373 destroyed in the past. F-35s are stealthy and equipped with the best jamming technology available. You can't harm it, any other claim is coping.
We already fly all over the middle east with the F-35, we also had the Bavar 373 destroyed in the past. F-35s are stealthy and equipped with the best jamming technology available. You can't harm it, any other claim is coping.

Share with us evidence where your smelly F-35s have come near a Bavar and evidence that your jets have touched a Bavar. As far as we know Bavar isnt even deployed yet nor can your jets reach Iran. So I'll put that down to your usual big nosed lie!
We already fly all over the middle east with the F-35, we also had the Bavar 373 destroyed in the past. F-35s are stealthy and equipped with the best jamming technology available. You can't harm it, any other claim is coping.
No you haven't lmao what are you on about. Bavar-373 literally only entered mass production this year you delusional cuck
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