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Iranian Air Defense Systems


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Kashef-99 radar
  • can detect 300 targets at the same time
  • can detect cruise missiles with a RCS of 0,1 m² traveling at Mach 2 at a distance of 30 km
  • can be linked to Abarserat (?) and Jalal (?) EO systems
  • can be linked to air-defense systems that use rotary cannons (they probably refer to the land-based Kamand), the yet-to-be unveiled Majid surface-to-air missile system and another unnamed surface-to-air missile system
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Hear me out, can you put enough lead bullets from CiWS out 5km at the projected path of the hypersonic/ballistic missile (ballistic missile moving at Mach 10+) and destroy the missile with CiWS, if you have enough CiWS to put up walls of lead for the missile to go into the path of those bullets and destroy the missile in flight. Mach 10 at 5km distance is split second close, so can you put up a armor sheet barrier to protect ADS targeted by the said ballistic missile, the destroyed missile would explode for the 5km into the armor sheet protecting the ADS. Othwise you have a live missile disintergrating into a Bavar radar or other target, which would severely damage the radar.

Anybody with thought on using 10-20 or more CiWS linked with the best radars to protect ADS from Mach 10+ targets. High initial cost, however, bullets are cheap.
Hear me out, can you put enough lead bullets from CiWS out 5km at the projected path of the hypersonic/ballistic missile (ballistic missile moving at Mach 10+) and destroy the missile with CiWS, if you have enough CiWS to put up walls of lead for the missile to go into the path of those bullets and destroy the missile in flight. Mach 10 at 5km distance is split second close, so can you put up a armor sheet barrier to protect ADS targeted by the said ballistic missile, the destroyed missile would explode for the 5km into the armor sheet protecting the ADS. Othwise you have a live missile disintergrating into a Bavar radar or other target, which would severely damage the radar.

Anybody with thought on using 10-20 or more CiWS linked with the best radars to protect ADS from Mach 10+ targets. High initial cost, however, bullets are cheap.

Wouldn’t work because this “wall” your imagining wouldn’t be a wall. And you would need to use timed exploding rounds like AA guns to be sure you bring it down. Which is basically what Skyguard is.

At 5 KM the likelihood of interception is extremely low because the missile is traveling magnitudes faster than that a second. So by the time the systems start firing the missile already has impacted.

This type of system would also be easily overwhelmed by a Savlo of missile.

Add in the fact these systems needed to be constantly reloaded and can only protect a TINY area and this idea doesn’t work.

The future would rely on a constellation of lasers either on the ground or in space. That would seem more effective.
I realize the radar mast that was being discussed a week or so ago but I was wondering what all the writing in the chart above was all about, perhaps a comparison of the two systems?
Ahh I think comparison brother👌🏻
Tasnim article on the new Bavar:

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