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Iranian Air Defense Systems

@skyshadow Is posting allegations without any proof?

US going to go to war with Iran during a global pandemic and economic recession?

I mean where do propagandists get this stuff
I still think if they wanted to do anything they would move their troop out of Iran's reach not the contrary unless all of a sudden they have totally changed their battle strategy and have lost their regard for high casualty. Maybe I'm wrong.
This is their situation now:


This can put one of their carriers near China out of commission. I seriously doubt they look for trouble now. However, maybe they think Iran may decide to take advantage of this situation so they are bringing their forces near to show Iran they can defend their interests.
actually they are changing their strategies. they will rely on smaller but numerous camps except of large and concentrated bases. also they will put them close to Iranian borders so in case of a military conflict they can strike deeper in.
i'm wondering in this case how much each camp will be equipped?? and what kind of equipment will they have??
I think I know why Iran is acting up. Iran was freaking out that the U.S. was bringing in the Patriots into Iraq.


Iran warns US after Patriot deployment to Iraq

Tehran (AFP) - Iran warned the US Wednesday that it was leading the Middle East to disaster in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic after it deployed Patriot air defence missiles to Iraq.

Washington had been in talks with Baghdad about the proposed deployment since January but it was not immediately clear whether it had secured its approval or not.

Iran, which wields huge influence in its western neighbour, said that it had not.

The US deployment runs "counter to the official position of the Iraqi government, parliament and people," a foreign ministry statement said.

It called for a halt to "warmongering during the coronavirus outbreak" and warned that US military activities in the region could lead it to "instability and disaster".

Iran is in the throes of one of the world's deadliest coronavirus outbreaks with more than 3,000 fatalities. The US death toll has meanwhile surpassed Iran's, topping 4,000.

US forces should "respect the wishes of the Iraqi people and government and leave the country," the Iranian foreign ministry added.

The Patriot is Washington's principal anti-missile missile system.

Its deployment to Iraq comes after a spate of rocket and other attacks on bases and other facilities used by US personnel that Washington has blamed on Tehran-backed Shiite militias or Tehran itself.

One of the Patriot batteries was delivered to the Ain al-Asad in western Iraq last week and is now being assembled, a US defence official and an Iraqi military source said.

Ain al-Asad was hit by a retaliatory Iranian missile strike in January after Washington killed Tehran's foreign operations chief Major General Qasem Soleimani in a drone strike just outside Baghdad airport.

A second battery was deployed to a base in Arbil, capital of Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region.

Two more are still in Kuwait, where Washington has rear bases for its operations in Iraq, the US official said.

Iraqi leaders have resisted US deployment of the advanced weapons system for fear that it would anger Iran and further ratchet up tensions between its main allies.

On Monday, Iraq's caretaker prime minister Adel Abdel Mahdi warned against any "offensive military action without the approval of the Iraqi government." He did not specifically mention the Patriot deployment.
@skyshadow Is posting allegations without any proof?

US going to go to war with Iran during a global pandemic and economic recession?

I mean where do propagandists get this stuff

Yeah, I don't think it's a 'war' that the U.S. wants but instead an expansion of operations aimed at obliterating PMU factions and their respective capabilities is most definitely in the works, at least in some capacity since we've seen this more or less playing out for quite some time now.

But one shouldn't mistake a war for a short-term conflict. Just my opinion but I do think the U.S. could engage in a short-term high intensity kinetic conflict with Iran over the Iraq stuff, (in-spite of the COVID-19 pandemic currently ravaging our country, meaning America) don't see exactly what's stopping the U.S.A from going this route. I would bet my bottom dollar that the consensus within Trump's ill-forged administration is that Iran is indeed well occupied with mitigating the COVID-19 virus and can't fully commit to a short-lived conflict since resources are supposedly strained and morale would subsequently be low and money is in short supply (again, supposedly).

Truth be told though man, I can't exactly understand why American armed forces are consolidating their forces in several key locations. This makes it considerably more easier for Iran to maximize casualties if it came down to blows. The fact that there is talk of these new bases being 'permanent' is quite concerning though especially since they're close to the Iranian border making them, again, an easy target for Iranian forces to destroy.

What do you think?
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No country attacks with prior notice. Trump is awaiting the worst two weeks of Coronavirus and the numbers in US will pass millions. There is absolutely no appetite in US for a war.

Trump will only do very short interventions with no payback. He will not risk anything bigger with possible repercussions.

These headlines help Trump in two ways:

The fact that he is withdrawing forces to limited centers is really bad and spreading these headlines helps him to save face.

The other way these headlines help Trump is decreasing the chance of further rocket attacks on US forces.
Truth be told though man, I can't exactly understand why American armed forces are consolidating their forces in several key locations. This makes it considerably more easier for Iran to maximize casualties if it came down to blows. The fact that there is talk of these new bases being 'permanent' is quite concerning though especially since they're close to the Iranian border making them, again, an easy target for Iranian forces to destroy.

What do you think?

Probably make it easier to defend. If you have too many forces spread out, then you know what happens.
Probably make it easier to defend. If you have too many forces spread out, then you know what happens.

Those centers are still very very sensitive and patriot will not help a lot. They are outnumbered and outgunned inside Iraq.

I think Trump team should pay more attention to the Iranians president and Zarif. They try to bargain and try to look miserable and weak to get sanction relief and this makes US to sit on the stronger side of the table.
His weakness was undermining Zarif and strengthening Qaani.
Probably make it easier to defend. If you have too many forces spread out, then you know what happens.

Fair enough, If it were to be defended against the Houthis or some other smaller non-state actor, then yes your statement would hold weight but this isn't some non-state actor those missile defense systems are going up against.

Iran has more than enough munitions to render those Patriot batteries more-or-less ineffective since they will be destroyed along with the other military assets meant for obliteration as well. Since the new bases are so concentrated and some are going to be close to the Iranian border (making Iran's job that much easier) one can only contemplate as to what America is actually thinking.

You are quite right though, having your troops and assets in several key bases is intrinsically easier to defend.
Fair enough, If it were to be defended against the Houthis or some other smaller non-state actor, then yes your statement would hold weight but this isn't some non-state actor those missile defense systems are going up against.

Iran has more than enough munitions to render those Patriot batteries more-or-less ineffective since they will be destroyed along with the other military assets meant for obliteration as well. Since the new bases are so concentrated and some are going to be close to the Iranian border (making Iran's job that much easier) one can only contemplate as to what America is actually thinking.

You are quite right though, having your troops and assets in several key bases is intrinsically easier to defend.

The Patriots were pretty much design against advanced forces. I'm sure with enough saturation it will overwhelmed the Patriots. No different then saturating Iran's SAMs with enough munitions. That don't mean we shouldn't have it eh?
The Patriots were pretty much design against advanced forces. I'm sure with enough saturation it will overwhelmed the Patriots. No different then saturating Iran's SAMs with enough munitions. That don't mean we shouldn't have it eh?

No, it has good reason to be there can't argue against that lol.
@skyshadow Is posting allegations without any proof?

US going to go to war with Iran during a global pandemic and economic recession?

I mean where do propagandists get this stuff

even Iran know it so here your proof

Important / US message to Abdul Mahdi about attacking resistance forces

Kamal al-Hasnawi, leader of al-Hashed al-Shaba'i: Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi has received messages from Americans about attacks on resistance forces in #Iraq / IRNA

Iran Guards Warn Washington Against Any Attack On Proxies In Iraq

Furthermore, the statement cautioned, "The Islamic Republic's response will be definitive and devastating and will not even give them the opportunity to regret their actions".


Iran warns US after Patriot deployment to Iraq


Iran Warns About American 'Military Moves' In Iraq


Major General Safavid Warns US About Suspicious Movements in Iraq

Long story short no stupid US general will tell you that he will attack you before he attacks you. You should leave your time and location of the attack a mystery.

It helps to save face for withdrawing troops to limited centers and decrease the chance of further rocket attacks by scaring them. It will be a bargaining chip in politics too.

You will be surprised to see how many mullahs and IRGC generals are cowards. They are not the same people when they were young. They calculate for months before anything. This tactic will probably help.
even Iran know it so here your proof

Important / US message to Abdul Mahdi about attacking resistance forces

Kamal al-Hasnawi, leader of al-Hashed al-Shaba'i: Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi has received messages from Americans about attacks on resistance forces in #Iraq / IRNA

Iran Guards Warn Washington Against Any Attack On Proxies In Iraq

Furthermore, the statement cautioned, "The Islamic Republic's response will be definitive and devastating and will not even give them the opportunity to regret their actions".


Iran warns US after Patriot deployment to Iraq


Iran Warns About American 'Military Moves' In Iraq


Major General Safavid Warns US About Suspicious Movements in Iraq


Is Iran willing to launch missile attacks against U.S. bases again if they attack the PMU?
I think I know why Iran is acting up. Iran was freaking out that the U.S. was bringing in the Patriots into Iraq.


Iran warns US after Patriot deployment to Iraq

Tehran (AFP) - Iran warned the US Wednesday that it was leading the Middle East to disaster in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic after it deployed Patriot air defence missiles to Iraq.

Washington had been in talks with Baghdad about the proposed deployment since January but it was not immediately clear whether it had secured its approval or not.

Iran, which wields huge influence in its western neighbour, said that it had not.

The US deployment runs "counter to the official position of the Iraqi government, parliament and people," a foreign ministry statement said.

It called for a halt to "warmongering during the coronavirus outbreak" and warned that US military activities in the region could lead it to "instability and disaster".

Iran is in the throes of one of the world's deadliest coronavirus outbreaks with more than 3,000 fatalities. The US death toll has meanwhile surpassed Iran's, topping 4,000.

US forces should "respect the wishes of the Iraqi people and government and leave the country," the Iranian foreign ministry added.

The Patriot is Washington's principal anti-missile missile system.

Its deployment to Iraq comes after a spate of rocket and other attacks on bases and other facilities used by US personnel that Washington has blamed on Tehran-backed Shiite militias or Tehran itself.

One of the Patriot batteries was delivered to the Ain al-Asad in western Iraq last week and is now being assembled, a US defence official and an Iraqi military source said.

Ain al-Asad was hit by a retaliatory Iranian missile strike in January after Washington killed Tehran's foreign operations chief Major General Qasem Soleimani in a drone strike just outside Baghdad airport.

A second battery was deployed to a base in Arbil, capital of Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region.

Two more are still in Kuwait, where Washington has rear bases for its operations in Iraq, the US official said.

Iraqi leaders have resisted US deployment of the advanced weapons system for fear that it would anger Iran and further ratchet up tensions between its main allies.

On Monday, Iraq's caretaker prime minister Adel Abdel Mahdi warned against any "offensive military action without the approval of the Iraqi government." He did not specifically mention the Patriot deployment.

no Iran sent a warning letter to Swiss embassy to give it to US even before Patriots

Is Iran willing to launch missile attacks against U.S. bases again if they attack the PMU?
if they feel they are losing power and that its serious then yes i believe they do but we have to remember Iran already fully equipped Iraq proxies with ballistic missile and maybe air defenses too.
if they feel they are losing power and that its serious then yes i believe they do but we have to remember Iran already fully equipped Iraq proxies with ballistic missile and maybe air defenses too.

That would be the biggest mistake of their life. Because it would give very hard evidence especially with militias equipped with SAMs and ballistic missiles that Iran is directly involved. Small rocket attacks is one thing. Ballistic missiles on TEL killing hundreds of troops? War...

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