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IRAN will display its most advanced drone later this week

In end of 70-es Iran has most modern army in Middle East. If Mullahs were not destroying the army, the war would end in no more than couple years with Basra in Iranian hands.

Who cares , when you have the most advanced army in the world but no control over it ?

Who cares when you are a king and act like Cyrus the Great but you have to bow for the US and accept the humiliating capitulation which means your people ( Iranians ) are worthless than American dogs and if an American citizen kills , rapes or do anything to your people in your country you'll have to be silent .

If Mullahs were not destroying the army ?

I don't think so , our army was totally dependent on US , in other words it was US and it's military advisers leading Iranian army and shah and his commanders were just jumping jacks . This is not what I say , most of the operators that were in the army before revolution admitting that they were not allowed to touch the equipments or even watch it when Americans fixing them otherwise it was out of guarantee .

People have forgotten that , US did not do a favor to Iranians by arming the army and selling most advanced weapons to us , It was for their interests and plans against Soviet Unions .

( The main reason the congress accepted to sell Tomcats was to counter Soviet Union fighters in Caspian sea as they'd entered Iranian air space a couple of times ) .
actually there is no problem with Qaher-313.
LOL. You are like 5 year old kid prefer fancy looking toy over not cool looking but working thing.

Who cares , when you have the most advanced army in the world but no control over it ?

Who cares when you are a king and act like Cyrus the Great but you have to bow for the US and accept the humiliating capitulation which means your people ( Iranians ) are worthless than American dogs and if an American citizen kills , rapes or do anything to your people in your country you'll have to be silent .

If Mullahs were not destroying the army ?

I don't think so , our army was totally dependent on US , in other words it was US and it's military advisers leading Iranian army and shah and his commanders were just jumping jacks . This is not what I say , most of the operators that were in the army before revolution admitting that they were not allowed to touch the equipments or even watch it when Americans fixing them otherwise it was out of guarantee .

People have forgotten that , US did not do a favor to Iranians by arming the army and selling most advanced weapons to us , It was for their interests and plans against Soviet Unions .

( The main reason the congress accepted to sell Tomcats was to counter Soviet Union fighters in Caspian sea as they'd entered Iranian air space a couple of times ) .
Better serve US - the most advanced country in the world than serve Palestinian terrorists like Mullahs do now.

If Iran could counter Soviet fighters surely it could counter Iraqi. Iranian F-4 escorted by F-14 could smash the entire Iraqi ari force in hours, like Israel did in 1967 and 1982.
Inferiority syndrome??? My friend, Iran shows the fastest scientific growth in the world:

Iran showing fastest scientific growth of any country - science-in-society - 18 February 2010 - New Scientist

Iran is top of the world in science growth - science-in-society - 28 March 2011 - New Scientist

Iran and Turkey Closing in on Israel When It Comes to Science - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

And these are not iranian sources!

Laughing about yourself is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength!!! This is what I have learned here in Germany.
Germany is the worlds high tech country Nr.1, but the Germans don't take everything deadly serious, they always can laugh about themselves.

Only people with major inferiority complexes immediately start crying when somebody makes a joke about them, but I don't have inferiority complexes, because I know what Iran is capable of. Iran is a emerging HighTech nation, and in the next decade, it will be on eye level with countries like Germany and Japan, mark my words!!!
some Iranians were making fun of the new drone

my reply was to them that they have inferiority complex stupid people making fun of their own country while sitting some place else

and i praise Irans scientific achievements and also achievements in military

first try to understand and there is difference between laughing and mocking

a Muslim country making scientific progress is always good for other Muslim countries at least they can help each other at some level rather western countries who stop spare parts,repairs,upgrade and some time even delivery etc etc every now and then

May Allah give further successes to Iran.Ameen
LOL. You are like 5 year old kid prefer fancy looking toy over not cool looking but working thing.

Better serve US - the most advanced country in the world than serve Palestinian terrorists like Mullahs do now.

If Iran could counter Soviet fighters surely it could counter Iraqi. Iranian F-4 escorted by F-14 could smash the entire Iraqi ari force in hours, like Israel did in 1967 and 1982.
LOL you are like 5 years old kid prefer trolling the more important avchievment of Iran.

bro,when are you going to stop commenting on sth that you have no knowledge about it at all?i have replied on every point you noticed about F-313.F-313's aerodynamic capabilities are proven as you can see its 1/10 model flying in vids.
LOL you are like 5 years old kid prefer trolling the more important avchievment of Iran.

bro,when are you going to stop commenting on sth that you have no knowledge about it at all?i have replied on every point you noticed about F-313.F-313's aerodynamic capabilities are proven as you can see its 1/10 model flying in vids.
You just proved once again that you are a 5 years old kid. RC model cant prove anything because it has completely different speeds and weight to area ratios.

Here an example of what RC toys can do:

[video] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeA1dUmyOpM[/video]

You just proved once again that you are a 5 years old kid. RC model cant prove anything because it has completely different speeds and weight to area ratios.

Here an example of what RC toys can do:

[video] Hunter-Killer aerial Terminator, flying RC Model - YouTube[/video]

this again?same stuffs with different sizes have same reaction to the moving air in wind tunnels.this is the reason wind tunnel is invented.

my little girl,dont worsen your image again.
Better serve US - the most advanced country in the world than serve Palestinian terrorists like Mullahs do now.

I call that slavery than serving and I don't think its an honor to be under Uncle sam's balls .

I don't care about mullahs and what they do but supporting the oppressed comes from shiism . If you notice to Palestinians manner you'll get most of them don't care about shiism and sometimes are against it . you can see it's examples in Iran Iraq war when they supported Saddam and gave him soldiers , In Syria that they left Iran alone but Iran still supports them as it's policy is based on shiism .

If Iran could counter Soviet fighters surely it could counter Iraqi. Iranian F-4 escorted by F-14 could smash the entire Iraqi ari force in hours, like Israel did in 1967 and 1982.

Never , ever compare Iranian air force before and after the revolution . Iraq army was no deal before the revolution while Iran had US support and was an American military dam against Soviet Union but after the revolution Iran had a modern air force with no support and knowledge .

And don't forget that Iraq was supported by all of the super powers and became a super power in region .
this again?same stuffs with different sizes have same reaction to the moving air in wind tunnels.this is the reason wind tunnel is invented.

my little girl,dont worsen your image again.
Wind tunnels are not RC toys. They produce speeds equal to actual jet fighter speeds. Stop ridicule yourself.

I call that slavery than serving and I don't think its an honor to be under Uncle sam's balls .

I don't care about mullahs and what they do but supporting the oppressed comes from shiism . If you notice to Palestinians manner you'll get most of them don't care about shiism and sometimes are against it . you can see it's examples in Iran Iraq war when they supported Saddam and gave him soldiers , In Syria that they left Iran alone but Iran still supports them as it's policy is based on shiism .
You serve Palestinian terrorist despite they spit on you again and again. They supported Saddam Hussein when he bombed u with chemical weapons. Now they again betrayed you in Syria. But you will keep serving them like good puppies.

And plz spare me the nonsense about oppressed. In same time when you shed crocodile tears about Palestinians (who live better than your own people), you support psychopathic murderer of Sudan and ethnic cleansing of Muslims by Armenia.

Never , ever compare Iranian air force before and after the revolution .
Of course there is nothing to compare. Before revolution in was a strongest air force in Middle East, now its a total joke.
Wind tunnels are not RC toys. They produce speeds equal to actual jet fighter speeds. Stop ridicule yourself.
are you serious,mate?who's talking about speed?in video,you can see Qaher-313 flying while doing some nice manoeuvre.this just show,there is no problem with the plane's design at all.however stall speed,max-speed,max-altitude and ... are dependent to the plane's size and weight.

Qaher RC model's flight proved its capabilities as well.they couldnt prove this for the public by wind tunnel.
are you serious,mate?who's talking about speed?in video,you can see Qaher-313 flying while doing some nice manoeuvre.this just show,there is no problem with the plane's design at all.however stall speed,max-speed,max-altitude and ... are dependent to the plane's size and weight.

Qaher RC model's flight proved its capabilities as well.they couldnt prove this for the public by wind tunnel.
Airflow behavior - that;s what is tested in wind tunnels. Thats why they have same speeds as actual jet fighters.

On the other hand checking 100 km/h RC toy to check the behavior of supersonic jet is nothing but joke. In addition since toys area/weight ratio is completely different its maneuvering characteristics are completely different as well. I saw myself how Boeing 747 RC making crazy maneuverings like no fighter jet could do.
If Iran could counter Soviet fighters surely it could counter Iraqi. Iranian F-4 escorted by F-14 could smash the entire Iraqi ari force in hours, like Israel did in 1967 and 1982.

Our performance during Iran-Iraq war was too far ahead from what was possible in the reality, an army built base upon foreign technology ,expertise and supports hurt and damaged by 2 or three military coups which made it untrustworthy, all the sudden found itself fighting with an army armed to the teeth, don't consider Iraqis generals and army some simpletons whom couldn't comprehend superiority of Iranian army in that time ,one of the reasons that persuaded Saddam to launch a onslaught against Iran was this idea that Iran without American technical helps could not use its birds and would last and survive one week at the most, they planned to occupied Khoramshahr within 3 days and Abadan in one week to annex Abadan to Iraq, as a mater of fact Iran-Iraq war was WW3; Iraq started war with 11 divisions, logically this number must have become less than what was was at first after 8 years devastating war but the number turned to 58 divisions, we destroyed Iraqi air force 3 times but Iraq replaced them immediately by French and Russian birds, when Iraq started war we got only 11000 soldiers in west whilst we were fighting with Kurds separatists to be honest we had control only over our military checkpoints, therefore revolution, military coup, separatists and terrorists supported by saddam ended in invasion of some parts of our soil, while we were not able to buy barbed wire Iraq was being given chemical weapons when were under economical pressures Arab countries were giving Iraq loans and let it to use their ports.

Some Iranian Air force operations :

Operation Kaman 99
Attack on H3

If there was no revolution and Iran would have enjoyed a stable government and army war wouldn't lasted more than on month.

sorry for bad writing, im in hurry
Of course there is nothing to compare. Before revolution in was a strongest air force in Middle East, now its a total joke.

Your language is enough to make me not to respond you .

Nations have to pay a costly price to gain independence and that's what has been happening in Iran for almost 4 decades .

A total joke air force that it's main goal is defending the country and it's people is far better than a super power modern air force which it's existence is for US interests . The other problem is that , this joke air force still is capable to stop Bully countries dream about attacking Iran .

It was this joke that did the impossible mission , http://www.defence.pk/forums/iranian-defence/225633-iran-iraq-war-picture-gallery-4.html#post3718689
Tada. The same bucket on one of Iran's speedboats. Above the rocket launcher:


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