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Iran will be capable of making a nuclear weapon in two months, warns Israel

I am naive in world politics, but is there a chance that a hypothetical scenario like one below might take place?

iran might be putting up a good drama when they talk about being anti Zionist and have a burning love for Arabs in Palestine. Iranis might actually hate their Muslim neighbors more then the Jews. Turks, Arabs, Afghanistan and even Pakistan might be considered enemies by Iran, and Iran might threat it's neighbors with nukes?

not Pakistan for sure
@Controlled Pair

I never said that I depend on AU, Pakistan ,or Mauritius friend to deter Iran. All I know is that Iran can't attack us for some reasons your intelligence had found 3 decades ago. Yes, It's been said in the Wikileaks Middle East files that the Saudi Ambassador said blah blah blah. the Americans, IDK if you know or not but we buy they debit to their balls for geopolitical reasons and all. We have a freaking influence on maybe heavier than Aipac or whatever.

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have the same DNA!

Speaking of the desert :D ,you mythical creature, We brought all Saudis to cities and villages ages ago like 35 or 40 years ,so Iran can't do much about that. You need to stop watching Hollywood propaganda 'cause it's useless these days.

The Sunni-Shia conflict is untrue as it may seem. Iran doesn't share the Saudi view point on the Muslim world ,but that's not the case. I hate to say it but the conflict is Arab vs Farsi.

A country like KSA can never let herself remain unprotected in such region like the Middle East, perhaps that's the greatest thing both Faisal and Fahad did. :wave:

Why are you hinting at Saudi have some big surprises? You don't have those weapons. Stop making stuff up :lol:

And I wasn't having a dig about the desert.

Here's how I see it. Iran want a bomb. Now why do they want a bomb? Israel does not threaten them out of thin air. Iran made the decision to declare "death to Israel" in 1979.

The reason Iran wants the bomb, is so that it can do what it does now, but with impunity. Throw its wait and dominate.

It can hijack countries like Lebanon, control Syria etc. With a bomb, they will play with Bahrain like a cat plays with a ball of wool.

And how can this be Arab V's Farsi, when the Arab Iraqi shia have leanings towards Iran?

This is straight up Shia/Sunni fight.
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Give me your coordinates bro - I'll hand them over to Moshe in Shin-Bet to avoid your home.

Or alternatively, stop firing rockets and you won't hear a peep from us.

If everyone just calmed down and followed Israel's lead in the region, we'd all be better off. Striving forward, progressing. More rights for everyone.

Let freedom reign.

Being out of Israel makes you even more Israeli. You can travel the world and see amazing things, but Israel pulls you back.

It's magic brothers, it's magic.

why dont you go back to you home in poland and palestinians wont fire anything at you......

alternatively you can give your coordinates to hazzy and end up in hell.

you zionists are dumb....first you people were scattered all over the globe....so when someone came after you to punish you for your ills to humanity he only found a bunch and not the whole lot........now all of you have gathered at one spot.....sooner or later the arabs will come after you cause you have killed their children and stolen their land ....once syrian regime falls....the fighters there will enter jordan and then via golan heights they will come after your uncle who is running a gay bar in hebron......


has the talib stole your wife, moshe?
Why are you hinting at Saudi have some big surprises? You don't have those weapons. Stop making stuff up :lol:

And I wasn't having a dig about the desert.

Here's how I see it. Iran want a bomb. Now why do they want a bomb? Israel does not threaten them out of thin air. Iran made the decision to declare "death to Israel" in 1979.

The reason Iran wants the bomb, is so that it can do what it does now, but with impunity. Throw its wait and dominate.

It can hijack countries like Lebanon, control Syria etc. With a bomb, they will play with Bahrain like a cat plays with a ball of wool.

And how can this be Arab V's Farsi, when the Arab Iraqi shia have leanings towards Iran?

This is straight up Shia/Sunni fight.

Iran did not say "death to Israel" back in 1979 , the Israeli diplomatic staff were asked to leave ; what happened with Israel was that during the 80s and the Lebanon war elements "sympathetic" with Lebanese girls , persuaded ayatollah Khomeini to help Lebanon , I assume back then Palestine was not even a major issue and only somewhere mentioned in the lines of ayatollah Khomeini , so you see Lebanon was the issue :lol: not to mention ayatollah Khomeini had traveled to Lebanon himself , so hadn't it been for "Lebanon" , the anti-Israeli sentiment might have been much different now ; ayatollah Khomeini is quoted as saying USA is the greater satan and Israel is the lesser one , while I personally believe Israelis are much more capable ; at least on this forum.
why dont you go back to you home in poland and palestinians wont fire anything at you......

alternatively you can give your coordinates to hazzy and end up in hell.

you zionists are dumb....first you people were scattered all over the globe....so when someone came after you to punish you for your ills to humanity he only found a bunch and not the whole lot........now all of you have gathered at one spot.....sooner or later the arabs will come after you cause you have killed their children and stolen their land ....once syrian regime falls....the fighters there will enter jordan and then via golan heights they will come after your uncle who is running a gay bar in hebron......

has the talib stole your wife, moshe?

Back to your cave Talib.

Here, present for you.

BBC News - Armed drones operated from RAF base in UK, says MoD

Iran did not say "death to Israel" back in 1979 , the Israeli diplomatic staff were asked to leave ; what happened with Israel was that during the 80s and the Lebanon war elements "sympathetic" with Lebanese girls , persuaded ayatollah Khomeini to help Lebanon , I assume back then Palestine was not even a major issue and only somewhere mentioned in the lines of ayatollah Khomeini , so you see Lebanon was the issue :lol: not to mention ayatollah Khomeini had traveled to Lebanon himself , so hadn't it been for "Lebanon" , the anti-Israeli sentiment might have been much different now ; ayatollah Khomeini is quoted as saying USA is the greater satan and Israel is the lesser one , while I personally believe Israelis are much more capable ; at least on this forum.

Bro, he called Israel "an enemy of Islam" in 1979

We are more capable of what? being satan?

Notice how Israelis don't gather in crowds shouting "death to Iran". Notice how we don't gather to burn your flag.

Note how we don't call you a "cancer"

The hate is all one way traffic.
I agree with some parts of Beyond. You should know that Khomeini before he came back to Iran had many links to Palestinians and in another countries . He cared about Palestine in the way he choosed to be anti Israel.
But it is also very true that Lebanon is a very very very important matter in Iranian choices: Iranians were there to help Lebanon . As you know i am not anti Israel and i would like normalized (even more than this ) relations with your country , but i won't blame some of the people who went in Lebanon: some of them were really people who believed it was a good thing to do , to help. They sacrified their life for this. Wrong or not, still many people have high consideration for them. Having high consideration is very different than believing Iran should sponsor Hezbollah: very few think this now in Iran.

As said Beyond, we are upset with sanctions.
The sad point for US (i guess they know): the bad guys don't care : more rich people in Iran , black market and so, when normal people are suffering terribly ... and some of them even killed because of medics missing. And the fact is all these people suffering ... they are the ones who were pro normal relations with USA.
So USA are just killing their "good picture" in Iran.
Bro, he called Israel "an enemy of Islam" in 1979

he probably did , but he wasn't running the country back then , shah's last prime minister , shapur bakhtiar was. I still believe it started with 80s Lebanese war and Lebanon herself and not even Palestine.

We are more capable of what? being satan?

capable in general , capable people are evil to others...

Notice how Israelis don't gather in crowds shouting "death to Iran". Notice how we don't gather to burn your flag.

Note how we don't call you a "cancer"

The hate is all one way traffic.

you don't , but you're not nice to Iranians either , like I myself had my negative encounters with jews well before president ahmedinejad and his anti-Israeli rhetoric.

If ayatollah Khomeini was really hostile to Israel he wouldn't have met their rabbi in Tehran right after the revolution , because a smart man like this would know that all jews are essentially zionists
Iran is meddling in Syria, Lebanon, Bahrain, Kuwait, UAE, Morocco, Egypt, Mauritania and other region. Not just four region. We'll make them pay after Assad falls. Who is going to support Iran beside Syria's Alawites? No one. Good opportunity for the Arabs to seek revenge. The real reason for the nukes was probably defending their own region because they know they'll be isolated in post Assad.

You and what Army :omghaha:
@Controlled Pair

Why are you hinting at Saudi have some big surprises? You don't have those weapons. Stop making stuff up

You don't know a half of it baby-boy:laugh:

You most certainly don't know a thing about Iran if you view their attitude that way. Iran uses the religious cloak to achieve its political objectives. Millions of Shias are anti-Iran's policy in the region. It would be too naive to assume Iran is the leading power in the Shia sect while their supporting Al-Qedea and Palestinian militias. There are two interpretation for their actions. One is that they either want a confrontation with Israel directly by funding such groups. Second, forcing Israel to make some concessions which are most likely impossible these days. In other word they are building the bomb for you only.
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Sto pwith your bullshit Iran supporting Al Qaeda

we all know where is from Ben Laden and he was in your services. From US sources, not Iranians.
and till now only Arabs are members of Al Qaeda in Middle East. No Iranian.
Thank you.
Sto pwith your bullshit Iran supporting Al Qaeda

we all know where is from Ben Laden and he was in your services. From US sources, not Iranians.
and till now only Arabs are members of Al Qaeda in Middle East. No Iranian.
Thank you.

It's no secret that Sunni and Shia extremists have cooperated when they have a common enemy.

Iran supplied weapons to Taliban.
It's no secret that Sunni and Shia extremists have cooperated when they have a common enemy.

Iran supplied weapons to Taliban.
People who believe in such propaganda ... are really ignorant of what happened in the region
it is easy to say bullshit so i cannot answer to your accusation but just ask proofs
Iran helped to fight talibans , talibans the first thing they didn when they arrived in Kabul: killing Iranians

you don't know what is the hatred these talibans have towards shias , as their masters teached them.

but i will not blame you since you don't know the region.

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