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Iran Wants 400 New Planes by 2025 If Sanctions End

Why not build small planes(around 100 passengers) for just internal flights?

Iran has the population and size to make sure that there will be a market for this.

For international flights, planes can be brought from US and EU.

The cost will run into many billions of dollars and Iran will probably just about break even if it is lucky, but the jobs and technogical development for Iran's aerospace industry will be worth it.

Iran only has a population of roughly 70 million. This "market" would mean you need 30 - 40 such airplanes. The break even point would be at 180 sold airplanes...This would be a white elephant
Just so you know, in Iran an average citizen DOES NOT pay taxes . 99% of Iranians don't even understand the concept of income, property, federal, sales tax.

Government's budget comes from oil and gas revenues.
not exactly , all the government worker must pay taxes before they receive their money and I assure you they are far more than 1% also all the workers who are not own their jobs also pay the tax before they get their money .

Tell me why the EU for example should give such a plane a landing permission if it does not fit 100% the standards that we set? Do you really want build an airplane that can only fly inside Iran?
and why not they planes conform the Icao standards , don't forget its not you who set the standards , its another organisation
In other words you have a country ruled from a mafia clan without any democratic base wasting the rescources of the people. Is that what you try to say?

Everything in Iran depends on states Oil and Gas revenues. Roads, hospitals, auto makers, infrastructure to teachers salaries. Iranian people don't pay taxes. Of course some percentage of this $$$ is stolen by corrupt officials.

I just want to share this with u.

As the World Bank pointed out last year:

• Raising taxes efficiently requires political effort to secure taxpayer consent.

• Raising taxes effectively requires the development of a competent bureaucracy.

• Raising taxes equitably requires political concern for the fair and equal treatment of citizens by the state.

"Taxation," the report continued, "is at the centre of good governance and state-building. The perceived fairness of the tax system is crucial to building an effective state based on citizens' consent. Willingness to pay taxes is a good indicator of the legitimacy of the state."

Good article to read:Why taxes are low in the Middle East | Brian Whitaker | Comment is free | theguardian.com

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