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Iran versus Azerbaijan - which one is stronger?

Why is Turkey searching a reason to enter in a war with Iran, Greece, Iraq (Kurd issue) and Israel ? Want to prove a point to the world maybe. Sick man of to Europe to Angry young man of Europe?
Why is Turkey searching a reason to enter in a war with Iran, Greece, Iraq (Kurd issue) and Israel ? Want to prove a point to the world maybe. Sick man of to Europe to Angry young man of Europe?

where do you get this from?

we are not searching for a war with Iran, our ties are good. we are just talking about a conventional war between Iran and Azerbaijan. Turkey is commited to help Azerbaijan.

Greece you say... boy, we left that issue almost a decade ago. look at Greece status now and look at ours. no match for usm we wont gain anything from going to war against Greece!

Iraq, is a whole different problem, that is TERRORISM.

Israel Turkey war is just talk, if you believe it will happen you are a moron!
Oh, stop your none sense. What is Azeri tribe? Iran is not a tribal society. It is a multicultural one. Get it in your head. Also Azerbaijan is an artificial country made out of big powers games. It has not historical back ground. Your attempts to divide Iran is already failed. Let me assure you, some time in this century Azerbaijan will melt into Iran again. That is the only truth visible for your future. Iran is becoming more powerful day by day and soon Azerbaijan will rejoin itself or by Iranian help with the motherland. You are like Taiwan of China at best. At worst you already do not exist in most of Iranians mind. This is the truth. By the way I have a friend from Qazvin who tells me no more than 15% of people there are Azeri speaking. So you are lying. Either bring solid evidence for what you are claiming or keep your mouth shut.

Azerbaijani ethnicity consists of several Oghuz clans, such as Afshar, Shahseven, Qaradagh, Qarapapakh, Bayat, Baharlu and many more, Qajar are one of tribes that forms Azerbaijani ethnicity.


Seljuqs are our ancestors and after Seljuqs comes Atabegs, whom are themselves Seljuqs.

Eldiguzids (Atabegs of Azerbaijan) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Do you see Azerbaijan there?

After Atabegs it is Ilkhanate. Ilkhanate made their capitals in Tabriz and Maragha, altough Mongol in origin, most of tribes they brought to settle in Azerbaijan were Turkic. They also accepted Shia Islam, so as you see Azerbaijan begins to become Shia centuries before Iran.

After Ilkhanate, it is Qara-Qoyunlu Turcoman tribes of Azerbaijan with their capital in Tabriz, and they are Shia. Again, Turcoman tribes of Azerbaijan are already Shia by this time...Iran is Sunni...Qara-Qoyunlu period are probably the most important one in history of Azerbaijan and Azeris, as they are Shia and makes distinction between Shia Azerbaijan and Sunni Anatolia (excluding eastern part) Oghuz Turks.

Aq-Qoyunlu Turcoman tribe from eastern Anatolia invaded Azerbaijan and Qara-Qoyunlu dissapeared. Aq-Qoyunlu were Sunni.

In Ardebil, Azerbaijan, Safavids rise, with the support of Shia Turcoman tribes of Azerbaijan and Eastern Anatolia, whom call themselves as "Qizilbash" and defeat Aq-Qoyunlu at the battle of Sharur in Nakhchivan. Shah Ismail then enters Tabriz and declares himself Shah of Azerbaijan.

He then later conquers modern Iran territority, and forcifully! converts Persians and others peoples to Shia faith.

So as you see, Iran and Persians are Shia because of Azerbaijan and Azeris.

Safavid capital are Tabriz, the official language are both Azeri and Persian, court and military language being Azeri, administrative language being Persian.

After Safavids there is Qajar rule, but at the same time there is also several Khanates on territority of Azerbaijan, both south and north of Araxes. Altough Qajars in principle ruled Khanates of Azerbaijan at first, later Khanates rebelled and become independent.

The Russians invaded in early 1800, annexing northern Khanates of Azerbaijan. The treaties of Turkmenchay and Gulistan between Russian empire and Qajar was that the 2 empires agreed frontiers as Araxes river, thus Russians left the southern Khanates to Qajars, which later with Pahlavi takeover become Iran.

About Azerbaijan Republic, after the first world war, as Russian empire collapsed Azerbaijan became independent in 1918, becoming also first ever democratic and secular republic in Muslim world. But it was short-lived, as in 1920 Bolsheviks invaded Azerbaijan, and Azerbaijan was added into Soviet Union.

And after collapse of Soviet Union Azerbaijan are independent ever since.
Now you are supporting Iran against sons of Ottomans what happend? have you turned Shia now?
Don’t you use the Sunni Shia card in here boy because we know you support Azerbaijan which is a Shia abd don’t use the sons of osman card because you are nothing but a secularist member of the crusader NATO😂
Don’t you use the Sunni Shia card in here boy because we know you support Azerbaijan which is a Shia abd don’t use the sons of osman card because you are nothing but a secularist member of the crusader NATO😂
you dig up a thread from 2011 to talk shit against a member who was last active in 2012
REALLY??? What you gonna do with your toy missiles?

For your airforce, they will be shut down before they finish their runway.

I hope there will be no war and any kind of escalation.
Due to heavy snow in winter, Iranian pilots will not find any base to land fly…. as far as Tabriz and even beyond.
Its cold here but not Siberian cold , our pilot use those bases even in winter
you dig up a thread from 2011 to talk shit against a member who was last active in 2012
We’ll see how they bark at Iran and trying to potray the conflict as Sunni vs Shia but he forgets that’s Azerbaijan is a Shia country also it’s secular country allied with Israel.

turkey is secular anti Islamicstate so dont he dare to use the osman card to get the Pakistanis attention lol.
ngl I have a soft spot for azeris as the lil guys...
hard for me to have that for Azeris in this situation, because they started these dangerous games with Iran recently...they started the wargames, presidential comments, military signaling, Israeli-connections behaviors, so Iran had ot respond to put Azeri back in its place.
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