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Iran tries to frighten USA with its outdated navy ships


Stop licking the usa's butt and get some common sense you fool.

---------- Post added at 03:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:20 PM ----------

What an idiot!
Irans air defense is designed to take out cruise missiles, ballastic missiles, planes.

what will they destroy them with?

I presume they'd destroy it with more missiles than the system was designed to take out, stealth bombers, and electronic warfare.
How do you know, have you met them..........

Remember, one should not pass on information to another without checking it for himself........... The Taliban as far as I am concerned ere now have proven beyond doubt that Allah is with them and those who are patient....... not to mention the fact that most the allegations made against the Taliban were incorrect from Western sources anyway........... So please, at least check the report before believing any as I am sure people may hold information about Bangladesh which doesn't suit you, does it make it true.........

Many people say so :lol:

Iran has tactical Missiles that can Sink a 4 billion ship with cheap 2-4 Million stealth flying boats
Iran has tactical Vessels that can carry Anti Ship missiles to knock out ships
Iran has Decent airforce and locally produced SAM missiles to knock out any fighter gets in high altitudes
Iran has more man power then US population that can weild a weapon perhaps

Iran can easily cut off fuel supply to US abraham tanks and bring a quick end to any misadventure
Iran can blind US satellites and that would blind all the advance REAL TIME nonsense
Iran's fast attack speed boats can outrun a bigger ship after making a strategic hit while coming in total darkness of stealth
Ground hugging Cruise Missiles will come low and take out ships like shooting fish in bucket
Many people say so :lol:

You can't go on what most people say. The US used to say the Russians were the root of all evil on the planet, "most people"(western allies and wannabe-allies) agreed to that worldview. Gays weren't acceptable even in the western society even twenty years ago, they have a constantly changing definition of morality.

Tomorrow, if the west changes it's morality to say killing other people is a fun activity and people who even speak up against serial killers are abnormal and to be condemned, and "most people" agree to that, would you agree as well?

Afghan Mujahideen have a very strict implementation of Islam, the good book says sodomy is punishable with death by stoning, and people even remotely familiar with the circumstances there know this is not common in Afghanistan.
King123, you are sadly misinformed....
How can you support a country that takes pride in committing terror attacks around the world

He did not say that he is supporting state terror of Israeil

---------- Post added at 02:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:06 PM ----------

Those majority indians supporting Iran here are muslims from india not Hindus..Indian muslims has got some brotherhood with every single muslim country out there.

are you only Indian?!!!!!!
Lol, the shah was much better then these mullas, and name me one country that is not hated? you dont make any sense its not about being liked but i want our country to follow its own culture..

---------- Post added at 05:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:33 PM ----------

There are still some Zoroastrians in iran but they mostly get forced to leave iran and go to placed like india, my own family came here to the u.k.

---------- Post added at 05:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:35 PM ----------

Go to iran youth generation and aks them what they think about their own culture v islam.

back to threat please
Iran has come a long way since mid 1980's and USA did not? What are you smoking?

Do you see any comparison between the capabilities of USAN and IIN?

Don't get me wrong; IIN is good by Asian standards but it is no match against the USAN.

US was not fighting with Iran for Saddam. Saddam was fighting Iran.

Another load of bollocks from you.

Operation Praying Mantis was conducted on April 18, 1988. In one day, Iranian navy suffered heavy losses. However, US leadership decided to call off the attack. Otherwise, Iranian navy would have been wiped out in a day or two.

Now USAN is far more powerful and advanced. It is nearly invincible for navies of majority of the nations.

Where did you get the idea of 3 years of direct military engagement between USAN and IIN? Stop lying. It does not helps.

Completely irrelevant. And you know that Afghanistan is a lost cause. No nation can win war in Afghanistan. I am not talking about ground based offensive.


The major conflict that USA was engaged in after WWII was COLD WAR. And everybody should know who won in it. The nations that became fronts during COLD WAR were Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

And Iraq was a powerful nation during 1990s with a proper standing army. It had the fourth largest military force in the world. Read about Gulf War 1991.

Iran never managed to take over Iraq.

How about this? If Iran was that powerful, it would have stopped USA from invading and occupying Iraq.

Also, during the Iraqi occupation; Muqtada Al-Sadr; the Iranian backed stooge lost battles against US forces and fled to Iran. He came back empty handed.

US will maintain some presence in Iraq. And current Iraqi government has been installed by US.

Tough talk. Unlike many Islamic nations; US has several victories under its belt.

First we need to check our own history and then talk about those who have accomplished something.

Come out from your fantasy world.

1-true, US had progress since 1980, but the point is here, Iran gained many thing from zero to here but US just got more advanced, so Iran covered gap faster than US move.
2-in fact Iran did not fight only with Iraq, Iran captured PW from about 40 countries which is not very important compare to technological(Europe and Russia),intelligence(US) and financial(Arabs) support Iraq got from West and Arabs
3-you know only part of the story, US sank Iran's speed boat and Iran shut down Us' helicopter then US called back navy, it was costly for both sides
It`s not about which part of Islam you are from, those two terrorist groups are financed by Iran and other rich Islamic nations.
It is known that during protests Hezbollah and Iran helped suppress the Syrian people, it`s been all over the news a few months ago.
As long as an entity`s goal is to destroy Israel, Iran supports them.

I do not agree with Iran policy regarding Hamas, but it is funny Israelis talk about terrorists, your whole sate is terror state, even your kids sent message to Palestinian with missiles and rockets
Baghdad Bob...!!! Is that you...???

---------- Post added at 08:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:18 AM ----------

You might want to look up Operation Praying Mantis. As for the Millennium Challenge 2002, what make you think that Iran have someone who has detailed knowledge of US military operations to exploit their weaknesses?

You yankees just talk go ahead and attack then.

---------- Post added at 04:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:03 PM ----------

Look at it this way: If I take two steps for every one of yours, you can say that you are improving and no one will disagree but everyone will see that I am continually increasing the gap between us.

yeah and we know what those extra steps have done to your country lol.
i be surprised if your still not bankrupt by next week.
USA can destroy all Iranian ships in 1 attack
actually Iranian defense is strong in papers but in reality its nothing
u know better about their outdated air force also.
USA can destroy all Iranian ships in 1 attack
actually Iranian defense is strong in papers but in reality its nothing
u know better about their outdated air force also.
I,m really surprised of some members here talk like they are the commonder of Iranian navy and they know every shown and hidden capabilities of Iranian navy!! Iranian navy actually started a secret strategic plan around 15 years ago to redesign a strategy to be able not only hold on and survive first round strikes of all alien navies in Persian Gulf and Oman sea but also to be able to retaliate in a fashion that there won,t be the SECOND strike.. IF you wanna guess how powerful and lethal Iranian defensive forces are in south Iranian seas, you gotta ask 5th fleet US navy about it... Just for a second think... if it was so possible to take Iranian army down, why the hell then all western powers hesitate to do so? Actually in W Bush era there was a plan to start a full scale offensive under false flag trick and it is revealed later by some commanders and in wikileaks too... but later when they asked of US navy 5th fleet and their British counterparts they actually stunned how prepared Iran is... remember that it is almost 8 years passed since those days... All in one and in a nut shell... Iran should be eliminated in Western minds... and they always regret why they didn,t do it earlier when they could... The reason behind such a hostility toward Iranian republic is as it is known, principles of Iranian foreign policy as it is designed to re -rise Iran as the only power in whole Middle east and North Africa,,, If you think about details and then re-analyse them in Macro perspective you get it easily that Iran is aiming at becoming the only unrivaled country in region in a way to have a super power weight in global stage so Iranians can get their share out of eveything offered in the globe. Iranians actually planned some smart and strategic plans for 2025 and 2050 aiming to become so powerful in all aspects so she can re draw world order in a way she gains back its strategic super power position again... So far Iranian performance is better than expected... It has a long way ahead but never underestimate Iranian minds...only a handful of nations in all around the world can achieve what Iran had done in ABDOLUTE SANCTIONS... Russia with its all technological advantages is pretty afraid now of being under full sanctions...

Anyway, what I,m saying is that, Iran is changing on daily basis forward as we can see.. Iranian power today is much stronger than last year and will be even stronger next year... if you wanna know about Iranian plans in Persian Gulf and Arabian sea , I would be more than glad to give you a few hints although, those who must be concerned and feared think right when it comes to confronting a mysterious Iranian army
Alot of changed since start of this thread (3 years).. Iranian navy has further developed and entrenched itself in the Persian gulf. Be 100% sure USA will face hardship if it comes down to a conflict in the Persian gulf.
Exactly, I don't understand whats going through the minds of Iranian Mullahs that made them challenge the most powerful navy of human history that too on US Navy's home turf...the Atlantic Ocean.
This is exactly the same kind of mentality Western Powers would always wish you and us and all emerging powers to have... why are you so much afraid and threathen by their show offs?? Reality is that they are stronger in some aspects of military power but a professional military commander knows pretty well that it is not always about who owns newer guns... there are many other lethal weapons every nation can use to defend itself... Today the world and wars are a lot different than even 30 years ago... We people of Asia and specially nations who already moved ahead ... nations like India, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan.. these nations should teach their kids that nothing is unachievable... Nothing is impossible for us if we work hard and use our brain.. a big part of western powers work hard to make sure you fall in their trap to see yourself weak and unable... Believe me brother..whatever you religion, culture or mentality is..believe me... if we believe in ourselves like some of those western nation did a few decades ago..we would have the upper hand sooner than you think.. they only big unsolvable problem we have is that we don,t know what is right for us... European nations despite their seemingly unsolvable problems gathered up and created a union as EU or NATO and they enjoy its fruits now by imposing whatever they like to other nations... we Asian or Muslims to be in particular are pretty busy with ourselves instead of put aside minor differences and UNITE for good... Still despite all these seperate efforts.. Many nations of Asia have what it takes to become a self reliant strong nation... Countries like India, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan and China learned from their historic mistakes somehow and today is planning to believe in theirselves .... What experts say about world order in 2050 is much different from what western leaders wished for... China will be the rival No.1 in Economic and Technology.. India will be second and pretty close to USA...Turkey will be like today's Russia or even more.... Pakistan will be as important as France and Iran also will sit around a table of 10 big independent super powers in 2050... I believe in myself and in my nation abilities... I hope you do the same for your country too and never forget... CORRECTION and LEARNING FROM MISTAKES starts from me and you as individuals
This is exactly the same kind of mentality Western Powers would always wish you and us and all emerging powers to have... why are you so much afraid and threathen by their show offs?? Reality is that they are stronger in some aspects of military power but a professional military commander knows pretty well that it is not always about who owns newer guns... there are many other lethal weapons every nation can use to defend itself... Today the world and wars are a lot different than even 30 years ago... We people of Asia and specially nations who already moved ahead ... nations like India, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan.. these nations should teach their kids that nothing is unachievable... Nothing is impossible for us if we work hard and use our brain.. a big part of western powers work hard to make sure you fall in their trap to see yourself weak and unable... Believe me brother..whatever you religion, culture or mentality is..believe me... if we believe in ourselves like some of those western nation did a few decades ago..we would have the upper hand sooner than you think.. they only big unsolvable problem we have is that we don,t know what is right for us... European nations despite their seemingly unsolvable problems gathered up and created a union as EU or NATO and they enjoy its fruits now by imposing whatever they like to other nations... we Asian or Muslims to be in particular are pretty busy with ourselves instead of put aside minor differences and UNITE for good... Still despite all these seperate efforts.. Many nations of Asia have what it takes to become a self reliant strong nation... Countries like India, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan and China learned from their historic mistakes somehow and today is planning to believe in theirselves .... What experts say about world order in 2050 is much different from what western leaders wished for... China will be the rival No.1 in Economic and Technology.. India will be second and pretty close to USA...Turkey will be like today's Russia or even more.... Pakistan will be as important as France and Iran also will sit around a table of 10 big independent super powers in 2050... I believe in myself and in my nation abilities... I hope you do the same for your country too and never forget... CORRECTION and LEARNING FROM MISTAKES starts from me and you as individuals
Nice input and welcome aboard :)

khosh oumadin
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