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Iran to send astronaut to space by 2018

But we are in 2013 now. SK launched 1 ton capable launcher while Iran is still with 50 kg.
we are talking about science progress, and obviously buying rockets from Russia is not considered science, regardless of date or rocket capacity.
we are talking about science progress, and obviously buying rockets from Russia is not considered science, regardless of date or rocket capacity.
SK launcher has Russian first stage.
Iranian launcher has NK firsts stage.

No difference here.
thats only 5 years from now...isnt that a bit ambitious for a country that only sent its first sat up not so long ago?
SK launcher has Russian first stage.
Iranian launcher has NK firsts stage.

No difference here.
yah? they give us the launcher before they use it them selves?:lol:
what a joke ?
Is Ahmedinejad going first? :undecided:
Yes project code name is Pishgam 2.

yah? they give us the launcher before they use it them selves?:lol:
what a joke ?
NK themselves decided to not spend effort on small useless launchers and directly went to big one. Which is much more complicated thing to do.
@TheCommander or assistant or whatever you are...

In the citations you forwarded, there are chunks of text missing that now instead is replaced with “MOD EDIT”.... that is because you made insults that is not in accordance to forum regulations..so it doesn’t matter how much you repeat the same useless arguments...

What an internet warrior you are for being an assistant...I must give you credit for that...but you should know...that even though in science the key to success is persistence, in a mature debate the rule of engagement is to present facts that are sound and arguments which adhere to logic...

Have you even read what I posted?

Let me give you some facts that we both should agree upon, assuming that you are not completely living in ignorance...

The Iranian Azeris have been part of the Iranian nation for hundreds of years...they are Shia muslims like the majority of the Iranian nation...Iranian Azeris have fought the enemies of Iran along other Iranian minorities..Iranian Azeris have fought Sunni turks during the hundreds of years of Ottoman-Persian wars..Iranian Azeris and Persians have millions of intermarriage families since hundreds of years back in time...indeed many of my own cousins are Azeri-Persians...and if you didn’t know, in the current regime, Iranian Azeris are part of the ruling establishment...
Furthermore Iranian Azeris share the same traditions as Persians and other minorities do in Iran..just like the Kurds, Iranian Azeris celebrate the Persian Nowrooz... have the same cuisines...share the love for Persian poetry and litterature and so forth...

Now why are you turks so obsessed with Iranian Azeris?

Do you think that in a scenario of war between Iran and Turkey, Iranian Azeris will side with you turks? Yo are utterly living in a dream world if you believe so, just study history and read how many millions of turks Iranian Azeris have fought for the sake of Iran and Shia Islam...Do you think you can seperate Iranian Azeris from Iran and they will allow you to do it? Iranian Azeris have shown their loyalty to Iran and Shia Islam and they will continue to do so until the end of time..yes, Iranian Azeris are true Shiias and they love ahl al bayt...btw, did you know that the household of the prophet have Persian blood? Imam Hussains (as) wife was a Persian named Shahrbanu and she was the mother of the fourth Imam Sajjad (as)...you Sunnis will never understand the the true essence of Shia Islam and why Shiaas are foremost loyal to the house hold of the prophet in addition to patriotic affiliation...it is truly a divine blessing for Iran that the state religion “happens” to be Shia Islam...Do you know how many Seyyed Azeri hojatalislam and ayatolahs there are in Iran?...

Have you heard about the concept of divide and conquer? The comments you made about cockroaches was an incident where a foreign paid writer published an article in which Azeris where offended and that person got the most severe punishment...

Iranian Kurds, even though being mostly sunnis, showed their allegiance to Iran during Iraq-Iran war...Iran also has exellent relation with the Kurds in Iraq and Turkey...Iranian Kurds are ancestors to The Medes in ancient Persia...Iranian Kurds have defended the western Iranian Zagros mountains of against enemies for thousands of years...The terrorist group of Pejak is a turkish fabrication being started by Ödjalans brother...Pejak never seceded in its separatist attempts of establishing permanent foothold in Iran because it never received any local support and sympathy by Iranian kurds...

35-40 million armenians, kurds, Shias (alevis- ismailion) are being held hostage and suppressed by the turkish military dictatorship...the question is how long this situation is manageable, until the system will implode from within...
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It seems you are having hard time to swallow the truth. When I provided concrete and solid evidence and slapped them to your face, you completely got bewildered. Now you start telling story.

You already derailed the topic and do not bring up another issue here. Just one thing sunnis love our prophet (pbuh) more than you imagine and his ehl-i beyt.

I have no problem with Iran`s territorial integrity. You are the one who brought up the issues and I showed you the truth.

You are really funny, our former interior minister announced a report that today more than 50% of PKK members are from Iran and Syria. What are you talking about?

It is clear that you are not enough educated. Your ignorance is so obvious and you are not in my league! I would love to continue teaching you lessons but you could not bear the realities. So, do not waste my time Rostam or whatever or whoever you are!!!
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ignore that Israeli troll
Poor boy, you are unable to deal with my arguments so u go to name calling.

Israel did not carry out any orbital launch in the last two years, while Iran has done FOUR.
Israel has currently THREE own made and launched high resolution (70 cm) spy satellites at orbit (In addition there are 3 additional Israeli made satellites launched by foreign launchers, so total number is 6).

Iran has ZERO satellites on orbit. Best Iranian satellite had resolution of 150 meters and decayed after 2 months.

Israeli Ofeq 5 satellite that was launched in 2002 stayed operational much longer than expected (its still working). That's why new launches were delayed.

It seems you are having hard time to swallow the truth. When I provided concrete and solid evidence and slapped them to your face, you completely got bewildered. Now you start telling story.

You already derailed the topic and do not bring up another issue here. Just one thing sunnis love our prophet (pbuh) more than you imagine and his ehl-i beyt.

I have no problem with Iran`s territorial integrity. You are the one who brought up the issues and I showed you the truth.

You are really funny, our former interior minister announced a report that today more than 50% of PKK members are from Iran and Syria. What are you talking about?

It is clear that you are not enough educated. Your ignorance is so obvious and you are not in my league! I would love to continue teaching you lessons but you could not bear the realities. So, do not waste my time Rostam or whatever or whoever you are!!!

When a person´s mind is contaminated and corrupted with propaganda and imaginary beliefs of ethnic superiority, there is no hope for a glimpse of reason and honesty…

Copy pasting my phrases will not take you anywhere...as I have told you from the beginning; you need to swallow the truth even though it might be very painful….

Debating is not a pissing contest as you may think…clearly you have no taste or manners although you pretend to be an educated person…

My last post to you…
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