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Iran to send astronaut to space by 2018

It's me who edit comparison of asian space programme page, I basically just google "naro-1" "payload" "LEO", find a random source say it could carry 100 kg to LEO, plus the satellite it launch weight 100 kg, also a section on the page claim naro-1 could carry 0.1 ton to LEO, so I edit it and that's the version you see on the page, may be that Israeli member has some other credible source, I don't know,

KSLV-1 (Angara based)

KSLV, Design
Are you his attorney?

What you need to wake up and stop exaggerating the things you achieved. Yes, Iran has some capabilities and I respect that. What I do not respect and see as crap is your exaggeration. Have you ever asked yourself why people all the time so skeptical about your so-called highly advance technology? Because you mix truths and lies and if you achieve something like worth 1 point achievement you declare it as if 10 point achievement. You embed lies in it while you do this and you expect people to believe it as your society believes. By doing like that, you only trick yourself. Nothing more nothing less.

And do you know this story? A person makes something up and lies about it in a neighborhood, when he goes to another neighborhood he also believes his own lies. This sometimes really fits your situation.


I am his countrymen and you are posting in the Iranian section of PDF, insulting Iranian members while trolling in Iranian related threads... I don’t need your approval to comment on an Iranian moderator´s action in the Iranian section...comprende?

What you consider as exaggeration is the truth that you cannot swallow... Have you seen me commenting in the turkish section of this forum and comment on a single thread? You know why? Because I have absolutely no interest about what turkey does or not...if you achieve something..good for you...
Our so-called highly advanced technology? Making 1 to 10 point? Embedded lies? Trick ourselves?
What are you, 12 years old boy? Many of you turks in this forum are pan-turks with inferiority complex and identity issues... fortunately I have good experience of having turkish friends whom I respect deeply and whom I consider my brothers...

You are just a disgrace for real turks...
I am his countrymen and you are posting in the Iranian section of PDF, insulting Iranian members while trolling in Iranian related threads... I don’t need your approval to comment on an Iranian moderator´s action in the Iranian section...comprende?

What you consider as exaggeration is the truth that you cannot swallow... Have you seen me commenting in the turkish section of this forum and comment on a single thread? You know why? Because I have absolutely no interest about what turkey does or not...if you achieve something..good for you...
Our so-called highly advanced technology? Making 1 to 10 point? Embedded lies? Trick ourselves?
What are you, 12 years old boy? Many of you turks in this forum are pan-turks with inferiority complex and identity issues... fortunately I have good experience of having turkish friends whom I respect deeply and whom I consider my brothers...

You are just a disgrace for real turks...

Since you went off topic, I have to answer that.

It still does not give you to talk on behalf of someone even he is your countrymen. He can answer on his behalf. If I want to hear your opinion I would ask you. So do not poke your nose into our conversation. Got it?

You are the one who cannot swallow the truth. I do not care if you do not show up in turkish section but there are a lot of iranians who are obsessed with Turkiye and create fake accounts and terrorize the turkish section. (By the way, I reported all fake accounts and I will continue to do so).

It is obvious you do not know me at all. I occasionally come to iranian section and comment about something.

About inferiority complex and identity issues. You really made me laugh. If you wanna talk about the inferiority complex and identity issues let me tell you who has inferiority complex and identity issues.

I am an assistant professor in the US and I have met around 13 iranians. Some of them were my friend, some of them were my classmates and some them were my students. Unlike turkish people I have seen iranians have inferiority complex and identity issues. Because, turkish people do not live in oppressive regime so that they can live whatever, however they like in both Turkiye and in USA. On the other hand, iranians live in a oppressive regime and when they leave that regime they start showing their real identity. They are like sunflower and when they see the sun they bloom. Among those iranians only two of them were practicing whatever they practice in iran, one of them was did not practice as he did in iran, one of them was agnostic but he told me he cannot say this in Iran otherwise he would be executed. Rest of it either did not believe in god or just did not care the religion at all. And you know what, the worse thing especially in iranian womens, they are ashamed of being iranian. They most of the times hide their identity and try to live like americans. They go to bars, they have boyfriends, they drink alcohol etc. So you whatever you said about inferiority complex and identity issues for turkish is just BS.

Ali and Hassam are the best among those iranians and I have still talk to them but mehran, mandana, solmaz, maryam etc. they just like you and unfortunatelly there are many like them and you. It is too bad for iranians. May Allah increase numbers of the people in iran like Ali and Hassam.
You are the one who cannot swallow the truth. I do not care if you do not show up in turkish section but there are a lot of iranians who are obsessed with Turkiye and create fake accounts and terrorize the turkish section. (By the way, I reported all fake accounts and I will continue to do so).

It is obvious you do not know me at all. I occasionally come to iranian section and comment about something.

About inferiority complex and identity issues. You really made me laugh. If you wanna talk about the inferiority complex and identity issues let me tell you who has inferiority complex and identity issues.

I am an assistant professor in the US and I have met around 13 iranians. Some of them were my friend, some of them were my classmates and some them were my students. Unlike turkish people I have seen iranians have inferiority complex and identity issues. Because, turkish people do not live in oppressive regime so that they can live whatever, however they like in both Turkiye and in USA. On the other hand, iranians live in a oppressive regime and when they leave that regime they start showing their real identity. They are like sunflower and when they see the sun they bloom. Among those iranians only two of them were practicing whatever they practice in iran, one of them was did not practice as he did in iran, one of them was agnostic but he told me he cannot say this in Iran otherwise he would be executed. Rest of it either did not believe in god or just did not care the religion at all. And you know what, the worse thing especially in iranian womens, they are ashamed of being iranian. They most of the times hide their identity and try to live like americans. They go to bars, they have boyfriends, they drink alcohol etc. So you whatever you said about inferiority complex and identity issues for turkish is just BS.

Ali and Hassam are the best among those iranians and I have still talk to them but mehran, mandana, solmaz, maryam etc. they just like you and unfortunatelly there are many like them and you. It is too bad for iranians. May Allah increase numbers of the people in iran like Ali and Hassam.

Interesting to read your post!
I will share my experience too.
I have had lots of Iranian and Turkish students and of course colleagues.
Turkish students and even professors: very nice and humble. Most of then don't practice Islam. Good students.
Iranian students: Hard working, good students, Luxury lover, 90% don't practice Islam or agnostic, VERY Proud of their culture, Never noticed any inferiority complex.
Egyptian students: Good students, the most religious (90% of them practice Islam)
Mod edit ...it is obvious you have comprehensive skill problem. Did I say anything about 2011? Does article say anything about 2011. You even did not read what the article says!!! It is about your 2013 successful!!! trip to space with that monkey. The pictures show that there are two monkeys and the first monkey and the second monkey are different. Instead of barking, would you explain where monkey's mole is gone?
and im telling you that one of the monkeis in the pictures belongs to one from 2011.can you understand it?its more likely that you have a comprehensive problem.
Since you went off topic, I have to answer that.

It still does not give you to talk on behalf of someone even he is your countrymen. He can answer on his behalf. If I want to hear your opinion I would ask you. So do not poke your nose into our conversation. Got it?

You are the one who cannot swallow the truth. I do not care if you do not show up in turkish section but there are a lot of iranians who are obsessed with Turkiye and create fake accounts and terrorize the turkish section. (By the way, I reported all fake accounts and I will continue to do so).

It is obvious you do not know me at all. I occasionally come to iranian section and comment about something.

About inferiority complex and identity issues. You really made me laugh. If you wanna talk about the inferiority complex and identity issues let me tell you who has inferiority complex and identity issues.

I am an assistant professor in the US and I have met around 13 iranians. Some of them were my friend, some of them were my classmates and some them were my students. Unlike turkish people I have seen iranians have inferiority complex and identity issues. Because, turkish people do not live in oppressive regime so that they can live whatever, however they like in both Turkiye and in USA. On the other hand, iranians live in a oppressive regime and when they leave that regime they start showing their real identity. They are like sunflower and when they see the sun they bloom. Among those iranians only two of them were practicing whatever they practice in iran, one of them was did not practice as he did in iran, one of them was agnostic but he told me he cannot say this in Iran otherwise he would be executed. Rest of it either did not believe in god or just did not care the religion at all. And you know what, the worse thing especially in iranian womens, they are ashamed of being iranian. They most of the times hide their identity and try to live like americans. They go to bars, they have boyfriends, they drink alcohol etc. So you whatever you said about inferiority complex and identity issues for turkish is just BS.

Ali and Hassam are the best among those iranians and I have still talk to them but mehran, mandana, solmaz, maryam etc. they just like you and unfortunatelly there are many like them and you. It is too bad for iranians. May Allah increase numbers of the people in iran like Ali and Hassam.

What an emotional assistant you are… let me clear something out for you… when you are in the Iranian section...discussing Iranian related subjects in Iranian threads and if you ever open your mouth and insult Iranians…be always prepared get a face slap by any Iranian, not just the one you have just insulted…Capisce?
For being an assistant you are damn to obsessed with reporting so-called fake Iranian accounts…no need for you patrol the Iranian section…we do have an Iranian moderator so you don’t need to stretch your legs more than the length of the rug you sitting on allows it…
Once again you turks need to be reminded that even if the Iranian regime is brutal, it is heaven compare to the fascist military dictatorship of turkey....where 35 million Kurds are living as third class citizens…not allowed to even have their own Kurdish names…speak their own language…how many hundreds of thousands of Kurds have you not butchered since the establishment of the Turkish military dictatorship republic? Let us not forget the Armenian holocaust where 1.5 million Christians were slaughtered and which your regime and people still deny…This is real denial….this is what true lying is…your regime also is oppressive against muslims…not allowing them to have headscarf in governmental institutions and etc…things on that front is just changing a little bit since akp came to power …anyway. We have discussed the Iranian and Turkish constitutions about ethnic rights many times before…everyone is aware of the superior rights of minorities in Iran…This does not mean that the Iranian regime is ahead of the regime in Turkey when it comes down to personal freedom… that’s another discussion…
The Iranian diaspora in Europe and US are mainly from Tehran or larger cities in Iran. Mostly already highly educated. Unlike the turks in Europe which are mainly small villagers coming to Europe to find work. This may explain for you a little bit the difference in dedication to practicing Islam amongst the two. The comment you made on Iranians being ashamed of their identity is galaxies away from the truth… Quite to the opposite. The Iranian communities which I socialized in during studies in UK and northern European countries really showed to me how patriotic and proud Iranians are. If a girl wants to have drink...what’s the problem with that? How many brothels are there in Turkey? My mates have told me there are many… In Iran there are none, not legal at least… Btw, you should come to Sweden a see Turkish girls here in nightclubs, bars and private parties…
At the end I also want to make a pray just like you…inshalla our Kurdish cousins and Shia brethren in faith in Turkey will soon have their independence….
Okay it seems your skull is so thick and I gotta get into your thick skull.

What an emotional assistant you are… let me clear something out for you… when you are in the Iranian section...discussing Iranian related subjects in Iranian threads and if you ever open your mouth and insult Iranians…be always prepared get a face slap by any Iranian, not just the one you have just insulted…Capisce?

You even do not remember what you wrote about. You wrote a comment after I wrote about fairness to Era. Your problem is you cannot express yourself without insulting. I did not insult in the first place however I got an insult from your countryman and I responded his insult. And Era edited my post but he had not edited his. So I told him to be fair and he edited that insult. After that you poked your nose into our conversation. Once again it is non your business. I did not ask your opinion and I do not need to hear a low level response. You should not poke your nose everywhere you want. You may end up with a wrong place that your nose fits well. Få det?

For being an assistant you are damn to obsessed with reporting so-called fake Iranian accounts…no need for you patrol the Iranian section…we do have an Iranian moderator so you don’t need to stretch your legs more than the length of the rug you sitting on allows it…

I do not give a sh!t about the fake accounts unless they come to turkish section and open stupid threads and try to insult us. Those fake accounts tried to insult us that is why I reported and I will do again if they try.

Once again you turks need to be reminded that even if the Iranian regime is brutal, it is heaven compare to the fascist military dictatorship of turkey....where 35 million Kurds are living as third class citizens…not allowed to even have their own Kurdish names…speak their own language…how many hundreds of thousands of Kurds have you not butchered since the establishment of the Turkish military dictatorship republic? Let us not forget the Armenian holocaust where 1.5 million Christians were slaughtered and which your regime and people still deny…This is real denial….this is what true lying is…your regime also is oppressive against muslims…not allowing them to have headscarf in governmental institutions and etc…things on that front is just changing a little bit since akp came to power …anyway. We have discussed the Iranian and Turkish constitutions about ethnic rights many times before…everyone is aware of the superior rights of minorities in Iran…This does not mean that the Iranian regime is ahead of the regime in Turkey when it comes down to personal freedom… that’s another discussion…

Iranian regime is heaven??? Kurds are living as third class citizens??? Not allowed to even have their own Kurdish names... speak their own language??? how many hundreds of thousands of Kurds have you not butchered??? the Armenian holocaust??? everyone is aware of the superior rights of minorities in Iran???

Do you live in a cage? or you snorted that is why you did not know what you were talking about? What minority right you are talking about? Does Iran allow azeri turks and kurds to learn and study their own language? Does Iran allow azeri turkish and kurdish language in the schools? What superior rights you are talking about? In the past we may have had some problems that is true but today it is much more different unlike in Iran. They can name their kids whatever they want, they can speak their language however they want, they can study kurdish in schools and universities. They have their all rights. In our history we never committed genocide and the so-called armenian genocide just politically used against Turkiye without any evidence. We offered many time to open archives but Armenia denied every time. Why did/do they deny if they are right?

The Iranian diaspora in Europe and US are mainly from Tehran or larger cities in Iran. Mostly already highly educated. Unlike the turks in Europe which are mainly small villagers coming to Europe to find work. This may explain for you a little bit the difference in dedication to practicing Islam amongst the two. The comment you made on Iranians being ashamed of their identity is galaxies away from the truth… Quite to the opposite. The Iranian communities which I socialized in during studies in UK and northern European countries really showed to me how patriotic and proud Iranians are. If a girl wants to have drink...what’s the problem with that? How many brothels are there in Turkey? My mates have told me there are many… In Iran there are none, not legal at least… Btw, you should come to Sweden a see Turkish girls here in nightclubs, bars and private parties…
At the end I also want to make a pray just like you…inshalla our Kurdish cousins and Shia brethren in faith in Turkey will soon have their independence….

The people you referred as villagers had gone to Europe 50 years ago and they were not different than iranians in eurpoe at that time. Today`s generation is much more different and educated. Dedication to Islam is not mainly related to education. I am a well educated person and I am also religious person. With your logic I should not be a religious person. The problem here is in Iran the regime oppress people and that is why when people get away it they just show their real identity.

You said the comment I made on Iranians being ashamed of their identity is galaxies away from the truth. Spare me but I believe my own eyes and my experience with the Iranians, not a nationalist iranian words. Allah witnesses whatever I said is true and I do not generalize it. Some of them were very proud but I have also seen ashamed ones especially among women. That is why I especially stresses women.

You did not get my point. You brought up inferiority complex and identity issues and I showed you who has these problems.

You wonder brothels in Turkiye. I assure you there are less brothels in Turkiye than Iran. In Turkiye, it is at least not covered by so called religious reason like muta. We are not that much dishonorable.

The girls you talked about, they also can go to bars in Turkiye but the iranian girls in the USA cannot go to the bars drinks alcohol in Iran. You brought up something and than could not bear the reality. And try to dodge it. The point here is not going to bars or drink alcohol etc. but changing behaviors and attitudes because of identity and nationality you belong to.

You should not forget kurds in Iran and also azeri turks around 30 million in your pray.
Okay it seems your skull is so thick and I gotta get into your thick skull.

You even do not remember what you wrote about. You wrote a comment after I wrote about fairness to Era. Your problem is you cannot express yourself without insulting. I did not insult in the first place however I got an insult from your countryman and I responded his insult. And Era edited my post but he had not edited his. So I told him to be fair and he edited that insult. After that you poked your nose into our conversation. Once again it is non your business. I did not ask your opinion and I do not need to hear a low level response. You should not poke your nose everywhere you want. You may end up with a wrong place that your nose fits well. Få det?

I do not give a sh!t about the fake accounts unless they come to turkish section and open stupid threads and try to insult us. Those fake accounts tried to insult us that is why I reported and I will do again if they try.

Iranian regime is heaven??? Kurds are living as third class citizens??? Not allowed to even have their own Kurdish names... speak their own language??? how many hundreds of thousands of Kurds have you not butchered??? the Armenian holocaust??? everyone is aware of the superior rights of minorities in Iran???

Do you live in a cage? or you snorted that is why you did not know what you were talking about? What minority right you are talking about? Does Iran allow azeri turks and kurds to learn and study their own language? Does Iran allow azeri turkish and kurdish language in the schools? What superior rights you are talking about? In the past we may have had some problems that is true but today it is much more different unlike in Iran. They can name their kids whatever they want, they can speak their language however they want, they can study kurdish in schools and universities. They have their all rights. In our history we never committed genocide and the so-called armenian genocide just politically used against Turkiye without any evidence. We offered many time to open archives but Armenia denied every time. Why did/do they deny if they are right?

The people you referred as villagers had gone to Europe 50 years ago and they were not different than iranians in eurpoe at that time. Today`s generation is much more different and educated. Dedication to Islam is not mainly related to education. I am a well educated person and I am also religious person. With your logic I should not be a religious person. The problem here is in Iran the regime oppress people and that is why when people get away it they just show their real identity.

You said the comment I made on Iranians being ashamed of their identity is galaxies away from the truth. Spare me but I believe my own eyes and my experience with the Iranians, not a nationalist iranian words. Allah witnesses whatever I said is true and I do not generalize it. Some of them were very proud but I have also seen ashamed ones especially among women. That is why I especially stresses women.

You did not get my point. You brought up inferiority complex and identity issues and I showed you who has these problems.

You wonder brothels in Turkiye. I assure you there are less brothels in Turkiye than Iran. In Turkiye, it is at least not covered by so called religious reason like muta. We are not that much dishonorable.

The girls you talked about, they also can go to bars in Turkiye but the iranian girls in the USA cannot go to the bars drinks alcohol in Iran. You brought up something and than could not bear the reality. And try to dodge it. The point here is not going to bars or drink alcohol etc. but changing behaviors and attitudes because of identity and nationality you belong to.

You should not forget kurds in Iran and also azeri turks around 30 million in your pray.

What’s up with your fixation with noses…? It would be nice for once to read other phrases than the same old repetition, but off course there is the matter of restrictions by one´s vocabulary.. Listen to me carefully; if you insult an Iranian in the Iranian forum section, it doesn’t take long before you are corrected by other members…anliyour musun?

No I don’t live in a cage or snort...you seem to forget that this is the age of information technology with free access to information on the net… but you seem to be living in an imaginary world of self-denial…
I have explained this earlier: Iranian constitution recognize all the minorities of Iran and allows them to practice their culture, speak their language in schools and universities and have their own channels…although the official language is Persian…the Turkish constitution only recognize the entire population as turks (kurds identity are not even recognized) and people are only allowed to speak Turkish…Kurds are not even allowed by your regime to celeberate the Persian new year Nowrooz in peace… without your brutal military keep cracking down on them…

Iranian constitution

Chapter II [Article 15 to 18]: Official Language, Script, Calendar, & Flag of Country

Article 15 states that the "Official language (of Iran)... is Persian...[and]... the use of regional and tribal languages in the press and mass media, as well as for teaching of their literature in schools, is allowed in addition to Persian. ." Per Article 16, "Since the language of the Qur'an and Islamic texts ... is Arabic it must be taught .... in school from elementary grades until the end of high school."

Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Turkish constitution

Article 3 affirms that "The Turkish State, with its territory and nation, is an indivisible entity. Its language is Turkish". Article 66 defines a Turkish civic identity: "everyone bound to the Turkish state through the bond of citizenship is a Turk".

Constitution of Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Armenian holocaust is recognized by over 20 nations in the world...including the US...read this link, if not satisfied I can give you thousands more:

Armenian Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It may be true that Iranians abroad are less active in practicing Islam compared to turks abroad, but as I said its mostly because Iranian immigrants originate from populous Iranian cities, while turkissh imigrants in Europe are mainly from villages… but the situation inside Iran and Turkey is quite the opposite…in Iran the majority of people are more religious than Turkey which even legalizes brothels and prostitution…you don’t have to be a genius to figure that out…just google it and see how many gogo clubs, brothels you can find in turkey…

In Europe Iranians are very proud for being Persian and it is perceived as something exotic in the perceptions of Europeans…even though the regime is something else... they know that Iranians are highly educated and have very good taste and style and living standards and so forth…one other thing that Europeans often comment about is the fact that Iranians despise being mistaken as arabs or turks… this is just plain truth and the couple of iranians that you have met must come from a dream which you have dreamt…

on the other hand, and this is very unfortunate, though I have some very good turkish friends which I have mentioned in earlier posts, being a turk in europe is seen as something negative by the europeans..I think this is plain racism but unfortunately this is the reality…sadly turks are attributed to pizzeria and service industries… unfortunately I have not met any turks in the universities either…

The idea of temporary marriage in Shiasim is halal for Shias…no need for us to discuss this subject in this thread…but if you want more information about it, contact your local Shia mosque or something so that you´ll get accurate information.

As I have said before, what binds modern Iran is the concept of Shisim and Persian culture and traditions… Iranian Azeris, which have intermarried with Persians for over 500 years, are one of the most patriotic tribes of Iran…do you know how many wars Shia Persia fought against Sunni ottomania? Iranian Shia Azeris have shown their loyalty and allegiance to Iran in 500 years while fighting you turks during hundereds of years…just read some books, otherwise I can forward you some sources if you wish…Iranian Azeris are hardcore religious Shias… so sunni turks should watch out..

You should also know that the 20 million Alevi turkish Shias population in Turkey aligned themselves with Shia Persia during the continues Ottoman-Persian wars…this is in addition to the 35 million kurds you should worry about in Turkey…
Here we go again

What’s up with your fixation with noses…? It would be nice for once to read other phrases than the same old repetition, but off course there is the matter of restrictions by one´s vocabulary.. Listen to me carefully; if you insult an Iranian in the Iranian forum section, it doesn’t take long before you are corrected by other members…anliyour musun?

I understood that you have a comprehensive skill problem. Otherwise you did not blabber about insult. I DID NOT INSULT FIRST YOUR COUNTRYMAN INSULT and I RESPONDED IT. IS IT THAT MUCH HARD TO UNDERSTAND? Besides you commented on being fairness not about insult. This is how the thing went

kollang said
howmany times we should tell you ...Mod Edit... that Iran sent a monkey to space in 2011 too?and he died...

I said
Mod edit ...it is obvious you have comprehensive skill problem. Did I say anything about 2011? Does article say anything about 2011. You even did not read what the article says!!! It is about your 2013 successful!!! trip to space with that monkey. The pictures show that there are two monkeys and the first monkey and the second monkey are different. Instead of barking, would you explain where monkey's mole is gone?

Era edited mine but not kollang`s. Then I said
You are not being fair at all. That person insulted me and you did not do anything. But when I respond his insult you edited my comment. Be fair!!!

Then Era said
I don't read every line or every comment in this section...so it's natural to miss some spots.
That one is also edited...If you or any other member find any insults or inappropriate language, send me a PM and report it.Thanks.

and then you could not stick to the knitting and said
He is more than fair...what you need to swallow is that Iran is much more advanced in space technology than its neighnours..this is the reason for all the trolling in this thread..

So this is not about insulting but your curiosity of interfering in others business. So stop blabbering what you have already said. Do not interfere someoneelse`s business.

No I don’t live in a cage or snort...you seem to forget that this is the age of information technology with free access to information on the net… but you seem to be living in an imaginary world of self-denial…
I have explained this earlier: Iranian constitution recognize all the minorities of Iran and allows them to practice their culture, speak their language in schools and universities and have their own channels…although the official language is Persian…the Turkish constitution only recognize the entire population as turks (kurds identity are not even recognized) and people are only allowed to speak Turkish…Kurds are not even allowed by your regime to celeberate the Persian new year Nowrooz in peace… without your brutal military keep cracking down on them…

Iranian constitution

Chapter II [Article 15 to 18]: Official Language, Script, Calendar, & Flag of Country

Article 15 states that the "Official language (of Iran)... is Persian...[and]... the use of regional and tribal languages in the press and mass media, as well as for teaching of their literature in schools, is allowed in addition to Persian. ." Per Article 16, "Since the language of the Qur'an and Islamic texts ... is Arabic it must be taught .... in school from elementary grades until the end of high school."

Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Turkish constitution

Article 3 affirms that "The Turkish State, with its territory and nation, is an indivisible entity. Its language is Turkish". Article 66 defines a Turkish civic identity: "everyone bound to the Turkish state through the bond of citizenship is a Turk".

Constitution of Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Let me teach you some lesson as I did for other fellas and we will see who lives in an imaginary world of self-denial.

Azeri Turks

...Azerbaijanis face cultural, linguistic and economic discrimination along with other minorities in Iran. Members of ethnic and linguistic minorities in Iran were forced to feel ashamed of their mother tongues and culture, and from childhood, faced assaults in state-run media. Azerbaijanis in particular have been compared to donkeys and cockroaches.

Currently, the Azerbaijani languages is banned in schools; Azerbaijani language journals and journals calling for the proliferation of Azerbaijani linguistic and cultural rights are shut down and their contributors are arrested; Azerbaijanis are banned from gathering at Babek Castle to celebrate their national hero; they are also forbidden from celebrating Sattar Khan and Bagher Khan, Azerbaijani heroes of the constitutional revolution of 1905; Azerbaijanis are forbidden from assembly during International Mother Language Day; Azerbaijanis are barred from political representation; they are deprived economically and face high illiteracy rates; shops with Azerbaijani Turkish names are effectively shut down and forced to "Persianize" the names; and many of those who advocate for broader linguistic and cultural rights for Azerbaijanis are detained arbitrarily by the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), held indefinitely and tortured, (on occasion murdered in custody), and released only to be tried and sentenced to heavy terms in Iran's worst prisons such as the notorious Evin Prison. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Another report from International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)

The main problems that the Iranian Azeri Turks face concern cultural discrimination. Many people believe that languages other than Persian should be promoted in Iran and their speakers be allowed access to education in their own language.

Azeris have also complained of disrespect for their culture and language. Some controversial cartoons in the government newspaper, daily Iran, depicted cockroaches speaking Azeri Turkic in May 2006, and caused uproar in many cities of the north-western Iranian provinces and parts of Tehran. Scores of demonstrators were arrested, some were injured and four were said to have died in Naqadeh, a city in the West Azerbaijan province of Iran.

At the start of every school year, on 23 September, many Iranian Azeri students boycott the schools to protest and draw attention to the denial of their right to be educated in Azeri Turkic. The authorities respond with arrests.

Azeri cultural activists have criticised the local radio and TV channels for not carrying enough Azeri-Turkic language programmes. Responding to such criticism in April 2010, head of the Zanjan Province Radio and TV revealed: “We are not legally authorised to broadcast [programmes for children, adolescents and young people] in local language. Tehran must give authorisation for Turkish broadcasting of those programmes to enable us to do it... Based on their instructions, 50% of the programmes must be in Persian.”

Azeri cultural activists have faced problems for writing about or celebrating the Mother Tongue Day, and demanding education in their mother tongue. In June 2010, the appeal court of Azerbaijan sentenced Mr. Alireza Farshi and his wife Sima Didar to six months imprisonment for taking part in a demonstration in May 2009 in the Il Guli [People’s Lake] Park of Tabriz, where “Education in Turkish” was one of the slogans.


The Kurds also suffer from discrimination for being both Sunni Muslims as well as an ethnic group. Kurds have been denied, both before and after the 1979 revolution, their political, economic and cultural rights, including their right to use their own language. The denial of the right to learn and practise the mother tongue is prevalent also in the Kurdish regions.

The Selection Law has been frequently used to deny employment to Kurds in particular in the state sector, including in the Education Ministry as teachers; whereas many Kurds do not conform to the obligatory “belief in and practical adherence” to the principle of Velayat-e Faqih, they are barred from standing for parliamentary elections.

Sunni Muslims

Sunni Muslims are estimated to constitute about 10% of the total population. In fact, most Kurds, Baluchis, and Turkmens are Sunnis, further compounding the discrimination they face. They live in 16 of the 30 provinces of Iran. There is no official IRI policy that discriminates against Sunni Muslims, and the Constitution mandates that they freely practise their own social customs and religious rules (Article 12). That official policy, however, is far from reality.

In recent years, pressure on Sunni Muslims has increased throughout Iran. For instance, the authorities have removed a special annex for the Sunni Muslims from school textbooks taught in the Turkmen Sahra region. In the same region, the Sunni clerical teachers who teach religious subjects are forced to sign teaching contracts, that describe them as sport instructors. Furthermore, Sunni clerics are no longer allowed to take the entrance examination for the School of Theology of Tehran University that would enable them to seek employment after graduation. Sunni sources have reported that they are not given permission to publish their religious books.

As noted before, there has not been a single Sunni Muslim among ministers, deputy ministers or even governors-general since 1979. The Sunni Muslims are not allowed to construct mosques in large cities such as Tehran, Mashhad, and Isfahan. In other cities, where such mosques exist, they face great difficulties when repairs are needed and they are not given permission to build new mosques. The only Sunni mosque in Mashhad, Feyz Mosque, was demolished in 1993, resulting in strong protests from Sunni citizens.

There are also lots of information about discrimination against Arabs, Baluchis, and other minorities. more info http://www.fidh.org/IMG/pdf/IrandiscrimLDDHI545a.pdf

You see how heaven Iranian regime is like Rostam says!!! Just decide who live in an imaginary world of self-denial...

About our constitution, you misinterpreted the Article 66. The article defines turkish citizens and every turkish citizen is called as "turk" like other countries define their citizens. Germany defines germans as "A German within the meaning of this Act is a person who possesses German citizenship" Section 1. Like USA there are many different race in the US but people who hold US passport is defined as "american". This does not change their race or ethnicity.

The Armenian holocaust is recognized by over 20 nations in the world...including the US...read this link, if not satisfied I can give you thousands more:

Armenian Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please stop this crap and do not post wikipedia as a reliable source. Show me evidence. Ok? This issue is totally political and not based on evidence. If it were, there would be some evidence to show. That is why Armenia denied/denies all the time. And US does not recognize the so-called genocide. If you wanna see evidence then watch this. It is based on documents and evidence.

It may be true that Iranians abroad are less active in practicing Islam compared to turks abroad, but as I said its mostly because Iranian immigrants originate from populous Iranian cities, while turkissh imigrants in Europe are mainly from villages… but the situation inside Iran and Turkey is quite the opposite…in Iran the majority of people are more religious than Turkey which even legalizes brothels and prostitution…you don’t have to be a genius to figure that out…just google it and see how many gogo clubs, brothels you can find in turkey…

Why are you so obsessed with urban and rural area people? Did not you get it education is not directly related to Islam? and I can give you a lot example that educated people tend to be religious if they truly understand islam. And the situation inside Iran and Turkey is not quite the opposite but parallel. @Era_923 also knows that Turks are more religious than Iranians. There was a thread about it if I find I will post it. So, about this you are 100% wrong.

In Europe Iranians are very proud for being Persian and it is perceived as something exotic in the perceptions of Europeans…even though the regime is something else... they know that Iranians are highly educated and have very good taste and style and living standards and so forth…one other thing that Europeans often comment about is the fact that Iranians despise being mistaken as arabs or turks… this is just plain truth and the couple of iranians that you have met must come from a dream which you have dreamt…

As I said I will believe my own eyes and experience and I do not generalize it. You cannot convince me because I have seen enough. I don`t know the situation in Europe enough, but I can tell you the situation in the US is what I said.

on the other hand, and this is very unfortunate, though I have some very good turkish friends which I have mentioned in earlier posts, being a turk in europe is seen as something negative by the europeans..I think this is plain racism but unfortunately this is the reality…sadly turks are attributed to pizzeria and service industries… unfortunately I have not met any turks in the universities either…

The European has negative feelings about turks because of the history. They still cannot overcome the fear of turks and their hatred does not allow them to do so. It might also the attribute of first immigrants but mostly the reason is historical. There are many turks in EU who are well-educated, very rich. I do not know which part of Sweden you live in , part there are lost of professors in EU.

The idea of temporary marriage in Shiasim is halal for Shias…no need for us to discuss this subject in this thread…but if you want more information about it, contact your local Shia mosque or something so that you´ll get accurate information.

Muta is a pure zina (fornication) and haram. There is no justification in Islam and majority of muslims deny muta. I studied what muta is and I know enough. Marriage in Islam is a strong binding contract based on the intention of both partners to live together permanently in order to attain, as individuals, the benefit of repose, affection, and mercy mentioned in the Qur'an, as well as to attain the social goal of the reproduction and perpetuation of the human species.

Mut`ah marriage (marriage for the sake of sexual gratification) is a marriage that is contracted by the two parties for a specified period of time in exchange for a specified sum of money. While the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) permitted mut`ah marriage during journeys and military campaigns before the Islamic legislative process was made complete, he later forbade it and made it Haram on a permanent basis.

I can discuss this issue with reliable sources but I do not wanna go off topic anymore.

As I have said before, what binds modern Iran is the concept of Shisim and Persian culture and traditions… Iranian Azeris, which have intermarried with Persians for over 500 years, are one of the most patriotic tribes of Iran…do you know how many wars Shia Persia fought against Sunni ottomania? Iranian Shia Azeris have shown their loyalty and allegiance to Iran in 500 years while fighting you turks during hundereds of years…just read some books, otherwise I can forward you some sources if you wish…Iranian Azeris are hardcore religious Shias… so sunni turks should watch out..

A typical persian point of view. When will you learn that there was no Persian country in your region and all them were azeri-turks? They ruled the region of Iran for a long time and they were turks not persians. But there is no way to convince you. So, I will just leave it there.

You should also know that the 20 million Alevi turkish Shias population in Turkey aligned themselves with Shia Persia during the continues Ottoman-Persian wars…this is in addition to the 35 million kurds you should worry about in Turkey…

It is so onvious you have no idea who alevis are. There are totally different than Shias in Iran. And their population is around 8-10 million not 20. So just study your lesson better. Kurds are our brother and we have been living together more than 1000 years. we fought the enemies shoulder to shoulder and established our country together. If I were you, I would worry about my own minorities.
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