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Iran Threatens to Halt Crude Exports If Sanctions Intensify

It is a Muslim issue.

The Dome of Rock is in Al-Quds, and every Muslim has a right to that.

If it were upto the Israelis they would tear it down.

It's not a israeli issue, its not about the Mosque, because if it were so then why would these Arabs see a conspiracy behind Iran's antagonizing of israel when in fact that should be a unifying factor. Most Arabs, it seems, view Iran as a bigger threat than israel.

Its only given a religious tint by people with ulterior motives, Palestine is a Arab issue, just as Syria is because i ain't seen no Arabs doing anything to pressure indian gov.t on Kashmir where Sunni Kashmiris have been butchered by the thousands and suppressed for 60+ years ruthlessly, yet some people cry at the top of their lungs about how Sunni Syrians are being butchred by Alawite Assad who's backed by Shia Iran.

Its a Arab problem.
We are not from the same race but we are all Muslims! This is every Muslim's duty to help his/her brothers and sisters; doesn't mater to which race we belong to or what language we speak...

Well, Arabs certainly don't see through the same lens as you. When Iran pisses off israel and the West, Arabs think Iran has ulterior motives behind that. When Iran sticks its neck out for the Arabs, Arabs cooperate with their own enemies, ie israel, in severing Iran's head from the rest of its body.

They did the same to the Turks in 1917 even though Turkish state was Sunni, they actively played into the hands of the Zionists in the dismemberment of the Turkish Caliphate, and thus created israel.

It's not a religious cause, its a Arab cause and Arab problem, plain and simple.
Iran and israel have a lot to gain from cooperating with one another, i don't know why Iran is antagonizing israel for the sake of these Arabs. Palestine issue is a Arab cause, not a Persian cause, not a Turkish cause, and not a Pakistanis cause.

It has nothing to do with race. Borders and culture are man made. This issue goes far beyond borders and cultures.This is an human issue.
Well, Arabs certainly don't see through the same lens as you. When Iran pisses off israel and the West, Arabs think Iran has ulterior motives behind that. When Iran sticks its neck out for the Arabs, Arabs cooperate with their own enemies, ie israel, in severing Iran's head from the rest of its body.

They did the same to the Turks in 1917 even though Turkish state was Sunni, they actively played into the hands of the Zionists in the dismemberment of the Turkish Caliphate, and thus created israel.

It's not a religious cause, its a Arab cause and Arab problem, plain and simple.

But the Arabs have never been unified.
Well, Arabs certainly don't see through the same lens as you. When Iran pisses off israel and the West, Arabs think Iran has ulterior motives behind that. When Iran sticks its neck out for the Arabs, Arabs cooperate with their own enemies, ie israel, in severing Iran's head from the rest of its body.

They did the same to the Turks in 1917 even though Turkish state was Sunni, they actively played into the hands of the Zionists in the dismemberment of the Turkish Caliphate, and thus created israel.

It's not a religious cause, its a Arab cause and Arab problem, plain and simple.

This is not true. This is what the west like you to think. Most people are being brainwashed by western media to hate each other based on borders and culture. I see it even among most Arabs. This is all the zionist plot to put each other against one another. This is what Ahmadi meant when he said the zionist state is like a cancer. Their Zionist media control 99% of the media, so they shape people's minds. The arabs need to understand what exactly the Zionist are doing with their media, BTW Aljeezera is zionist media too. They've done nothing but to divide the Middle east and cause conflict and hate between all races in the middle east.
This is not true. This is what the west like you to think. Most people are being brainwashed by western media to hate each other based on borders and culture. I see it even among most Arabs. This is all the zionist plot to put each other against one another. This is what Ahmadi meant when he said the zionist state is like a cancer. Their Zionist media control 99% of the media, so they shape people's minds. The arabs need to understand what exactly the Zionist are doing with their media, BTW Aljeezera is zionist media too. They've done nothing but to divide the Middle east and cause conflict and hate between all races in the middle east.

So your saying the zionists want to turn the middle east into nationalist countries to divide and conquer?
So your saying the zionists want to turn the middle east into nationalist countries to divide and conquer?

This is my opinion based on observation, doesn't mean it's 100% true.
First they wanted to get rid of Islam all together, but they didn't succed
Now they've decided to radicalize Islam, by promoting the most Extreme form of islam like neo-Salafism. These extremist cause a divide between Sunni and Shias. which will eventually lead to a big regional war. This form of exteme Islam has also damaged muslim's image everywhere in the western world. Just look at the way the movie "innocence of muslims" was promoted and then they focused so much on muslims rage everywhere, about a week later, these zionist started to put up these racist posters in Subways.They also cause racial and ethnic conflict by promoting national and racial identity throw the media. You really have to look at their tactics abit deeper. They literally have total monoply of the western media , arab media, etc... MEDIA is the most powerful weapon in the world.

let's see Persia and Hindustan have been neighbors, have traded with each other for over 3 thousand years now!!!! so now you are being bullied into not trade with Iran, This is the type of bullying I'm talking about. Anyway the only beef iran has with India is , over the claim to whom invented Chess. the Indians or persians?:P

They are like money makers like Jews and Israel in fact is their biggest ally. They might look like people who are always doing 'yes sir' to please you, but in fact besides Pakistan, China, Kashmir, Nepal, Burma, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka also view them as a bully. These people are smart and everywhere and they look to loot the world. They have gone and used their heavy population in West Indies, Africa and now in the Gulf. Their navy is also very active in those regions and their air force has reached as far as having a base in Tajikistan. During Soviet days, they supported Russia to take over Afghanistan. Since that attempt failed, they have changed their stance to become 'friends with Afghanistan'. Their plans also include you as they have already taken over your Chahbar Port, and slowly, will come down to sneak you more from inside like they been trying to break free Pakistan's Balochistan from Afghanistan. If they break that, they influence your Sistan-Baloch province to become independent. In the past they had a guy named Chankya and what he taught to his people for example was to 'make friends with the enemy's neighbours'. His teachings was based on expansionism hence what we see today is exactly what is still happening. I'm not telling you to stop trading with them. Just giving you a heads up!
He didn't say Iran is an example for turkey. Plus you need to stop lies , iran doesnt support masscare or raping of any nation. Iran is not brainwashing its own people. Iranian people have acess to variety of different media, we choose our own path. STOP spreading baseless propaganda.

Yes you do, Irans arrogance and incompetence has reach a new height the moment they started supporting the blood soaked regime of Assad. Thousands of innocent people die out there and the only justfication Iran and Syria has is "Thugh Gangs" Thats the most pathetic excuse i ever heard seriously and i heard alot of bullcrap. Real Thug Gangs are in the drug bussenis and money extort, They dont start a revolution and fight an entire army dickhead...

Btw let me gues you used goog tranlate to look what he meant, A person brainwashed by so many Iranian Propaganda and Bias is no different from a soulles animal. This dude lost thouch with the real world and claims to be representing Turks, No your not a Turk you never where and you never will misses Hasbar.

Yes you do, Irans arrogance and incompetence has reach a new height the moment they started supporting the blood soaked regime of Assad. Thousands of innocent people die out there and the only justfication Iran and Syria has is "Thugh Gangs" Thats the most pathetic excuse i ever heard seriously and i heard alot of bullcrap. Real Thug Gangs are in the drug bussenis and money extort, They dont start a revolution and fight an entire army dickhead...

Btw let me gues you used goog tranlate to look what he meant, A person brainwashed by so many Iranian Propaganda and Bias is no different from a soulles animal. This dude lost thouch with the real world and claims to be representing Turks, No your not a Turk you never where and you never will misses Hasbar.

PLease stop your hatred. and dont attack people for their opinion. More people in Syria are being killed from Car bombs that the FSA and CIA are planeting everywhere than anything else. thank you.
PLease stop your hatred. and dont attack people for their opinion. More people in Syria are being killed from Car bombs that the FSA and CIA are planeting everywhere than anything else. thank you.

Keep telling that to your self and you might actually believe in the "Thug Gang" and "Terrorist" Bullcrap the Iranian Media is showing you. You claim that the west uses Media as to brainwash and spread propaganda to people yet Iran as the most hypocritcal country is no different....

Btw sure bro, All these Artillery shelling, Aerial bombing, Rockets and missiles belong all to the FSA yeah and they acquired all of these in a few months time, Can you hear yourself its really pathetic...
Israel: I'll play the victim card, maybe then more people will feel sorry for me. Oh look im the victim..:cry: please feel sorry for me. please...look oh the holocaust oh look im the victim...oh no i have the right to kill more Arabs... since im the victim here..:cry:
What Israel has to do with the topic? Typical Iranian, obsessed with Israel.
Just to be clear, Its not hatred that drives my believes but facts and reality. And a person like you which is driven by Fantasy and Delusion cant be taken serious...
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