Okay I will be practical with you please provide me some events where Iran has sponsored terrorism in Pakistan and lets condemn them together.
@Awan68 sir lets start condemning which bombing shall we start from please name one and lets start.
Shall we start from july 2012 bombing of Israeli embassy in Dehli? Shall we first condemn that. Because that was blamed on Iran.
Or shall I condemn Hamas and Hezbollah that Iran support to fight Israel. Where shall I start from. Still waiting on you.
Or shall I start from Iran providing weapons support to Taliban against Karzi Gov.
@Awan68 Sir are you there lets start.
Okay lets start from Uzair baloch but which act shall we blame on Iran as he had contacts with every one both GCC and Iran and also politicians from almost every party now which act should I blame on Iran. Okay I will blame all on Iran and I condemn Iran.