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Iran: Syrian intervention 'will be defeated'

Iran strikes again...:lol:
Honestly, Iranian regime are not brave enough to fulfill their threats. They have been threatening 33 years, but did nothing. I hope they are serious this time.

there will not be any intervention in syria the FSA are doing the job

I believe there will be a military intervention in the next two months if Bashar doesn't abide to Anan's peace plan.
Where was Pakistan?
We were the main of supporter of Hamas during that time though, but I would be very glad to know what Pakistan did.

Which support are u talking about????....make them fire a cracker size rocket and in return provoke a full scale retaliation from israeli forces killig innocent civilians including children....
Which support are u talking about????....make them fire a cracker size rocket and in return provoke a full scale retaliation from israeli forces killig innocent civilians including children....

You didn't answer me, where was Pakistan?

We helped them build and fire those firecrackers and we also helped them financially. Moreover, if you think Hamas mustn't resist against Israel because Israel will retaliate that's another matter, but shooting a firecracker is the only option available to Hamas at that time, and they did it efficiently. Cut the nonsense please.
there will not be any intervention in syria the FSA are doing the job

you are being dishonest Americans aided and abetted by Sauds are already interfering

yes by burning people cars , ransacking shops and bravely storm hospitals .

Not only that they are trying this type of thing to fool the world:

Syrian rebels tried to get me killed, says Channel 4 correspondent

Alex Thomson says crew was led to 'free-fire zone' as deaths would discredit Bashar al-Assad's regime

Syrian rebels tried to get me killed, says Channel 4 correspondent | Media | guardian.co.uk

unfortunately you are wrong. the FSA objective is to eliminate the illegitimate regime of Assad.

It would appear that it is a conspiracy by Americans and Israelis aided and abetted by some Arabs to destabalise another Arab country and make it into another Libya so it can pose no threat to Israel or assist Iran in any.

Sadly no one seems to care about the Syrian people
mate this is defense forum not a chatroom. I have noticed lately most of your post is like this :what::blink::undecided::coffee::unsure: don't you have a keyboard? or is it hard for you to engage in a discussion?

You are not a mod. Please leave the Mod's to do their jobs

Yes it should be cuz iran herself is big intruder, we should stop iran intereferring in pakistan cuz iran is major sponsor of sactirian violence in pakistan

Stay neutral Pakistani. Do not take sides in sectarianism encouraged by western agencies and their allies in Muslim world. With 185 posts I am not even sure you are a Pakistani

not only in pakistan but also through out the arab countries. Iran is using the sectarian card to fulfill her political interest. she should be major contributing for peace in the ME instead of dragging the whole ME to undesirable situation.

Why are you blind to the Sauds involvement in creating Al Qaeda. If you want to have an honest discussion about terrorism you need to apportion blame everywhere not just one country

where was Iran during gaza blockade and israeli raids on innocent palestenians....

Iran itself is intervening in syria and support the killing of innocent children and women.....1st they should withdraw their killing machines from Syria and then they can tell the world not to intervene....

What authority do you have to ask who assisted Palestinians. At least Iran is openly anti Israel and anti American wheras sauds are allies of Zionists.

You can only be critical of Iran's interference if you are critical of all interference in Syria. Otherwise you are sectarian and just anti Iranian. But I think that is probably true and you are one of these Pakistanis that can see no wrong in Sauds

Where was Pakistan?
We were the main of supporter of Hamas during that time though, but I would be very glad to know what Pakistan did.

Brother do not get provoked by a minority of Pakistanis on here. It is there intention to get support from other Pakistanis who are neutral by getting you to be critical of Pakistan so they can then tell other Pakistani oh look these Iranians are also anti Pakistanis.

My own view is that in the past both Pakistan and Iran have made mistakes and need to learn from them and cooperate for the sake of all our people

Syria will spiral down to Civil War, andy Russia, China and Iran have to take the responsibility for doing the bidding of Asad. I would be not surprised if the Syrian civil war spreads to other parts of the world as a war of Sunni vs. Shia.

Major headache ahead if Syrian crisis is not addressed.

Is western propaganda so good? Why do you all see just one side of the picture??

Iran strikes again...:lol:
Honestly, Iranian regime are not brave enough to fulfill their threats. They have been threatening 33 years, but did nothing. I hope they are serious this time.

I believe there will be a military intervention in the next two months if Bashar doesn't abide to Anan's peace plan.

Oh and you can guarantee the mercenaries of the house of Saud will follow Anan plan?? Just as you can guarantee that Assad will not follow it

Which support are u talking about????....make them fire a cracker size rocket and in return provoke a full scale retaliation from israeli forces killig innocent civilians including children....

Still they did more than you and that is come and defend Israeli Zionist allies Sauds on the forum.

You didn't answer me, where was Pakistan?

We helped them build and fire those firecrackers and we also helped them financially. Moreover, if you think Hamas mustn't resist against Israel because Israel will retaliate that's another matter, but shooting a firecracker is the only option available to Hamas at that time, and they did it efficiently. Cut the nonsense please.

Arian keep Pakistan out of this just ignore that troll
Iran: Syrian intervention 'will be defeated'
09 June, 2012

Wow these Raybans are part of the Iranian uniform? :lol:
Its a bit strange seeing a pakistani member like chauvunist falling for the GCC-NATO line that the war on syria is some sort of freedom movement.Even a person with a basic understanding of recent history can see straight through what is taking place in syria.Hezbollah has to have its supply line from iran through syria cut off by isreal before it can attack Hezbollah again,otherwise it will defeated as it was in 2010.This weakening or total defeat of Hezbollah will make make certain that iran can not use Hezbollah as threat against any attack on its nuclear programme.
The GCC gain from going along with this plan by getting "islamist" govt into power that go along with there version of a right wing islamic state controlled to a large extent by the mullahs that the GCC have been backing from the start.
And the climax should be a sunni-shia war that does the job for israel.

It just looks like the other day that president saddam hussein became just plain saddam and now we see the same process in the media with president Bashar al-Assad being called Assad and the syrian army being labelled a militia.
Wow these Raybans are part of the Iranian uniform? :lol:
I thought they were Syrian?
The uniform looks Iranian though, but are they Iranian or Syrian? I guess Syrian.
well sadly like al-qaeda they also think goal justify the means .

which Pakistan sectarian group have bases and safe haven in Iran ? and which one is supported by Iran ? don't tell me Haqqani network , they consider us as heathen . by the way right now I can tell you one or two terrorist groups who act against Iran and tends to escape inside Pakistan

well sadly what you said is Qatar ,, and KSA games not Iran Games . if we wanted to fire the sectarian flame in the region right now it was as easy as drinking water to arm Bahrain and KSA shia protesters so you loose several tank per day or maybe you think your tanks are better than Israel Merkava's ?

What's your desirable situation my friend?
Oh wait, let me guess. Well, first Iran stops its animosity with the USA, then Iran will not recognize Israel but will stay indifferent to the situation in Palestine, then Iran leaves politics aside to the USA, Britain and France in the region who owns the region by a God given ownership and focuses on selling more and more oil to build skyscrapers with the help of foreign firms with double and triple prices while it hardly could produce a screw domestically and starts buying any toys that the western countries want Iran to buy them for high prices, then instead of going after new technologies or to revive the scientific tradition of the country, it goes after westernization of every part of the country that doesn't look fit in the US opinion, and at the end it claims triumph because its GDP per capita has risen to over European standards and it has an economy bigger than half of Europe combined together but other standards are at the same level as sub-Saharan countries.

Would you let us to deny your style of living and do it in our own way if you don't mind? We don't wanna be like you, and kindly said, we hate the way you are because you're the reason and the cause of all this foreign intervention in our region. So your desirable situation where you live in the state of bliss and ignorance is not our desirable situation, you need to understand this neat difference between our opinions. I hope you'd understand it my friend.

lets not talk about the GCC because Iran can't walk into the lion's den period. don't go up and down and focus on one thing. here we are talking about Iran and its sectarian tool in the syria crisis as well as the arab worlds. everyone knows that iran is supporting Assad who has killed around 20000 innocent people. simply iran is walking with innocent blood on her hands. the position of iran in dealing with arab spring is lacked of diplomacy and have led to unforgiving consequences. using the sectarian tool for political purposes is totally unjustified. I think iran should save whatever left from its reputation if they still have some.
lets not talk about the GCC because Iran can't walk into the lion's den period. don't go up and down and focus on one thing. here we are talking about Iran and its sectarian tool in the syria crisis as well as the arab worlds. everyone knows that iran is supporting Assad who has killed around 20000 innocent people. simply iran is walking with innocent blood on her hands. the position of iran in dealing with arab spring is lacked of diplomacy and have led to unforgiving consequences. using the sectarian tool for political purposes is totally unjustified. I think iran should save whatever left from its reputation if they still have some.

The lion's den :rofl:

You have the blood of innocent Bahrainis on your hands, we don't have the blood of any people on our hands, we didn't send Iranian troops to Syria to kill the people, neither did we send mercenaries to there. Also, Saudi Arabia and the US/NATO not only are walking with innocents blood on their hands, they are living by innocent people's blood price, your country has tried to benefit the most from the crisis in Iraq like an opportunist.

The only sectarian people out there are Wahhabists. We don't denounce Sunnis as Kuffars, Wahhabists denounce Shia people as Kuffars. We haven't killed more than 10,000 Hazaras in Afghanistan in a matter of days just for being Shia, Saudi backed Taliban did. We haven't cut women's breasts in Afghanistan for not wearing burqa, Saudi backed Taliban did. We aren't sending terrorists to kill people in Iraq, terrorist supporting Saudi Arabia is doing that.
You're the source of terror around the world, you've given a bad reputation to Muslims around the world, you're famous for exporting of extremist ideas, the depth of bad reputation is so much that even an Arab name could get you deplaned these days. Our reputation around the world, and in the region, is much better than Saudi Arabia in all fields. So please don't accuse us of things that your country is famous for.
lets not talk about the GCC because Iran can't walk into the lion's den period. .

I thought Israelis had converted these lions to sheep. So much so that they are now victims of Stockholm syndrome and are allied to Arab killers Israel/America.

Iranians should make peace with Israel and then both Israelis and Iranians should play with these Arab regimes to their hearts content. At least the Arab masses would be free and know the truth of their leaders
You are not a mod. Please leave the Mod's to do their jobs

Stay neutral Pakistani. Do not take sides in sectarianism encouraged by western agencies and their allies in Muslim world. With 185 posts I am not even sure you are a Pakistani

Why are you blind to the Sauds involvement in creating Al Qaeda. If you want to have an honest discussion about terrorism you need to apportion blame everywhere not just one country

What authority do you have to ask who assisted Palestinians. At least Iran is openly anti Israel and anti American wheras sauds are allies of Zionists.

You can only be critical of Iran's interference if you are critical of all interference in Syria. Otherwise you are sectarian and just anti Iranian. But I think that is probably true and you are one of these Pakistanis that can see no wrong in Sauds

Brother do not get provoked by a minority of Pakistanis on here. It is there intention to get support from other Pakistanis who are neutral by getting you to be critical of Pakistan so they can then tell other Pakistani oh look these Iranians are also anti Pakistanis.

My own view is that in the past both Pakistan and Iran have made mistakes and need to learn from them and cooperate for the sake of all our people

Is western propaganda so good? Why do you all see just one side of the picture??

Oh and you can guarantee the mercenaries of the house of Saud will follow Anan plan?? Just as you can guarantee that Assad will not follow it

Still they did more than you and that is come and defend Israeli Zionist allies Sauds on the forum.

Arian keep Pakistan out of this just ignore that troll

My dear brother its you not me who blindly support iranians and blindly abuse Arabs in every related and not related threads and yet you dare to call me a sectarianist...yo r blindly supporting the killing of syrians bcz they are arabs and is done iran backed B'assad...just wow at your ignorance
The lion's den :rofl:

You have the blood of innocent Bahrainis on your hands, we don't have the blood of any people on our hands, we didn't send
No Mate! It were Iranian Backed Bahrainis who killed Pakistani Security personals at there. and same Iranis openly supported Massacre that were done by Assad forces in Syria.
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