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Iran: Syrian intervention 'will be defeated'

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
Iran: Syrian intervention 'will be defeated'
09 June, 2012

Iran is ready to mount a resistance against a possible outside attack on Syria, two senior generals of the Islamic Republic said. The statements come as the level of violence in war-torn Syria continues to escalate.

The pro-Assad “resistance” would ensure that aggressors do not survive the conflict, a senior commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, Brigadier Gen. Massoud Jazaeri told Mashregh, a media outlet run by the Guards.

“A conflict in Syria will engulf the region and its main victims will be the people of Syria themselves,” he also noted. “The Zionist regime and the interests of the enemies of Syria are all within range of the resistance fire.”
“The defeat of the enemy at this stage will be a big event and, God willing, we will witness that,” Jazaeri added.

Mashragh earlier reported that Iran’s armed forces had formed a joint war room with officers from “the resistance,” which includes Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, which controls parts of Lebanon.

Brigadier General Mohammed Reza Naqdi, the head of Iran’s Basij militia who was sanctioned by the US Treasury Department for alleged human rights abuses, said Tehran would not tolerate foreign interference to topple President Bashar al-Assad. He alleged that the United States was considering taking action in Syria to protect Israel.

“After the expulsion of the Americans from Iraq, and the disruption to their defensive posture in protecting the Zionist regime, America in order to defend the regime of the occupier of the Quds [Jerusalem] is after a new scenario in Syria,” he said. “But they will be defeated.”
Furthermore, he stressed that any attack on Syria or Iran would have negative consequences for Israel.

“Today all the people of the region are ready for wiping out this cancerous tumor and reaction to any aggression will be the freedom of Quds,” he said.

The statements come as violence in Syria continues to spiral out of control. Massacres of civilians, many of them women and children, have become routine, with the latest bloodshed happening earlier this week in the Hama province. Up to 78 people died in the mass killing, which came just a day before UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and UN-Arab League envoy to Syria Kofi Annan addressed the General Assembly and the Security Council on the situation in the country.

The UN largely put the blame on the Syrian government and called for all parties to follow Annan’s six-point peace plan. The United States, the United Kingdom, France and others were quick to draw conclusions and called for more drastic measures to be taken against President Assad. Russia and China urged caution in pointing fingers, saying both sides were to blame.

Iran has been a staunch ally of the Assad government. Some analysts believe that the ongoing Syrian conflict is largely rooted in religion. Assad and the ruling elite are mostly members of the Alawite group, an offshoot of Shiite Islam. Analysts argue that Shiite-dominated governments, such as Iran and Syria, have been pitted against Sunni countries and groups, including the Syrian opposition, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Western nations have traditionally relied on the Sunni side, though this has not always been the case.

mate this is defense forum not a chatroom. I have noticed lately most of your post is like this :what::blink::undecided::coffee::unsure: don't you have a keyboard? or is it hard for you to engage in a discussion?

:rofl: is enough :coffee:

Yes it should be cuz iran herself is big intruder, we should stop iran intereferring in pakistan cuz iran is major sponsor of sactirian violence in pakistan

AH ! My heart attacked !!!
Yes it should be cuz iran herself is big intruder, we should stop iran intereferring in pakistan cuz iran is major sponsor of sactirian violence in pakistan

not only in pakistan but also through out the arab countries. Iran is using the sectarian card to fulfill her political interest. she should be major contributing for peace in the ME instead of dragging the whole ME to undesirable situation.
unfortunately you are wrong. the FSA objective is to eliminate the illegitimate regime of Assad.

well sadly like al-qaeda they also think goal justify the means .

Yes it should be cuz iran herself is big intruder, we should stop iran intereferring in pakistan cuz iran is major sponsor of sactirian violence in pakistan
which Pakistan sectarian group have bases and safe haven in Iran ? and which one is supported by Iran ? don't tell me Haqqani network , they consider us as heathen . by the way right now I can tell you one or two terrorist groups who act against Iran and tends to escape inside Pakistan

not only in pakistan but also through out the arab countries. Iran is using the sectarian card to fulfill her political interest. she should be major contributing for peace in the ME instead of dragging the whole ME to undesirable situation.
well sadly what you said is Qatar ,, and KSA games not Iran Games . if we wanted to fire the sectarian flame in the region right now it was as easy as drinking water to arm Bahrain and KSA shia protesters so you loose several tank per day or maybe you think your tanks are better than Israel Merkava's ?
not only in pakistan but also through out the arab countries. Iran is using the sectarian card to fulfill her political interest. she should be major contributing for peace in the ME instead of dragging the whole ME to undesirable situation.

What's your desirable situation my friend?
Oh wait, let me guess. Well, first Iran stops its animosity with the USA, then Iran will not recognize Israel but will stay indifferent to the situation in Palestine, then Iran leaves politics aside to the USA, Britain and France in the region who owns the region by a God given ownership and focuses on selling more and more oil to build skyscrapers with the help of foreign firms with double and triple prices while it hardly could produce a screw domestically and starts buying any toys that the western countries want Iran to buy them for high prices, then instead of going after new technologies or to revive the scientific tradition of the country, it goes after westernization of every part of the country that doesn't look fit in the US opinion, and at the end it claims triumph because its GDP per capita has risen to over European standards and it has an economy bigger than half of Europe combined together but other standards are at the same level as sub-Saharan countries.

Would you let us to deny your style of living and do it in our own way if you don't mind? We don't wanna be like you, and kindly said, we hate the way you are because you're the reason and the cause of all this foreign intervention in our region. So your desirable situation where you live in the state of bliss and ignorance is not our desirable situation, you need to understand this neat difference between our opinions. I hope you'd understand it my friend.
where was Iran during gaza blockade and israeli raids on innocent palestenians....

Iran itself is intervening in syria and support the killing of innocent children and women.....1st they should withdraw their killing machines from Syria and then they can tell the world not to intervene....
where was Iran during gaza blockade and israeli raids on innocent palestenians....

Iran itself is intervening in syria and support the killing of innocent children and women.....1st they should withdraw their killing machines from Syria and then they can tell the world not to intervene....

Where was Pakistan?
We were the main of supporter of Hamas during that time though, but I would be very glad to know what Pakistan did.
Syria will spiral down to Civil War, andy Russia, China and Iran have to take the responsibility for doing the bidding of Asad. I would be not surprised if the Syrian civil war spreads to other parts of the world as a war of Sunni vs. Shia.

Major headache ahead if Syrian crisis is not addressed.
where was Iran during gaza blockade and israeli raids on innocent palestenians....

Iran itself is intervening in syria and support the killing of innocent children and women.....1st they should withdraw their killing machines from Syria and then they can tell the world not to intervene....

have you forgot that Egyptian official said they won't allow any package with Iran red crescent marking to be sent inside Gaza strip ? didn't our aid ships for two month waited of the Egyptian shore to be allowed to empty their cargo ?

Syria will spiral down to Civil War, andy Russia, China and Iran have to take the responsibility for doing the bidding of Asad. I would be not surprised if the Syrian civil war spreads to other parts of the world as a war of Sunni vs. Shia.

Major headache ahead if Syrian crisis is not addressed.
no the responsibility lies with Qatar and KSA and Jordan and Turkey who are arming and provide money for armed gangs who attack civilian , Syrian infrastructure and hospitals.
by the way no weapon Iran or Russia provided to Syrian government could be used against civilians .
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