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Iran supplied radar system to Syria


Mar 21, 2007
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United States
Radar to help Damascus improved visibility of Israeli air space

Iran has supplied a sophisticated radar system to Syria that can monitor Israeli air force sorties and threaten its ability to attack Iranian nuclear targets by surprise, the Wall Street Journal said on Thursday.

An Israeli military official confirmed to Reuters that Syria, Israel’s northern neighbor, had received a radar system from Iran, but declined to give further details.

Attributing its information to Israeli and US officials, the newspaper said the radar was transferred in mid-2009 and that both Iran and Syria denied the shipment took place.

The officials, the report said, described the supply of the radar as part as a dramatic increase in weapons transfers and military coordination among Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, a Lebanese militant group that fought a war with Israel in 2006.

The radar could give Syria, and indirectly Iran, improved visibility of Israeli air space and also provide Hezbollah with a clear picture of the skies above Israel in any future conflict, the newspaper said. Israel has encouraged the West to ramp up sanctions against Iran to prevent it from building nuclear weapons but said all options were on the table if such measures failed.

Iran denies it is seeking atomic arms and says it is enriching uranium for peaceful purposes. Reuters
Where did Iran get such a radar from that Syria couldn't get from russia?
Where did Iran get such a radar from that Syria couldn't get from russia?

Who ever provided that radar is in the interest of IRAN and Muslim world.. a small step but its surely going make Zionist's @ss hurt.
could be some old russian radar system with Iran
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