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Iran shows pictures of underground (500 meters) missile base

Nice , seems like F-15I ,Sofa ,f-15 sa and Typhoons won't be effective after all..Hamas transfered the technology of building tunnels to Iran lol
These tunnels exist before the existence of hamas lol :)
the missiles are all mobile or what?

Didn't anyone think about the Moisture percentage under 500 m ? from footage it looks like just a digged tunnels , not a fully city is there even Ventilation system or capable of protecting the missiles structure and fuel? or .. well not like china at least

the missiles are all mobile or what?

Didn't anyone think about the Moisture percentage under 500 m ? from footage it looks like just a digged tunnels , not a fully city is there even Ventilation system or capable of protecting the missiles structure and fuel? or .. well not like china at least


All mobile...

There are solid & liquid fuel missiles in there...

Liquid Fuel missiles are ready to launch!

Most of the tunnels digged under mountains...
ببخشید می دونم ربطی ندارد ولی اگر میشه و تواناییش هم هست یکم تونل نیایشو گشاد تر کنید مردم هر شب انقدر تو ترافیک موندم ...... :whistle:
Cool stroy . Iran has thousands missiles..., just 80,000 shahab 3 are ready to shoot to israel .

Being the only nuclear power in the Middle East,if it comes to gloves being taken off Israel could do the job with just 2.
That's a massive complex! Still i question Iran's sensibility in releasing this picture. Secret tunnels are meant to stay secret.
I was just listening to this on the news and they said that such a facility is available in most major Iranian cities. All I can say is, damn, why doesn't the rest of the country work like the army?
Epic self-ownage. The Shabab-3 is not even mentioned once in your link.

So your claim about "80.000 Shabab-3 missiles" is extremely biased.
Dont mind him;)

If a shahab 3 ballistic missile costs only 500000 $ per unit then 80000 shabab 3 will cost 40000000000$ and i dont want to involve maintenance budjet.

79000 out of those 80000 "missiles" will be the rockets and short range missiles firing from Lebanon and Syria

@2800 before you start insulting me, count the zeros!

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