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Iran shows film of captured US drone

:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: Are you 10 years old or something? Next you're going to tell me the mountains in the background of this photo are only a few meters tall because the man is taller in terms of pixels...

You are 5 years old or something? You dont understand that mountains on your picture are several miles away from the man, while general stands just beside the drone?



If wingspan is 26 meters then officers should be 5.4 meters high. :lol:
I think it is actually some material like the piece on a remote control for your TV or surround sound receiver, so IR beams or some other signal can be received.
And you do not have any problem with this deduction:
Not at all. Even if it is only speculation on my part, at least it is more plausible than yours.

Drone loses contact
Is that unusual?

Drone runs out of fuel
These things do happen.

Drone decides to land in order to save its soul
We can program it to do so.

Drone decides landing on a rocky surface decreases the chances of its survival
May be it is bad programming. No one is perfect.

Drone Ultimately sends out a Mayday to Iranians on 243 and 121.5 Mhz
To Iranians? You obviously do not know how distress signals work.

Drone lands on an Iranian air port and is saved intact
We can program it so.

Are you kidding?
Nope. These things are technically feasible.

Iranians hacked the drone. That is the only explanation. Go figure.

If you propose this to a pilot: We lost an aircraft, could it be because of fuel or because of lightning?

Odds are very good that the pilot will say 'fuel'. Both are possible but one is more probable than the other. The answer came from long experience that humans often caused many mishaps.

So where is the experience to back up the claim that Iran 'hacked' the drone?

Here is my take on this...

We have a mission flying out of Afghanistan with the drone's sensors looking across the border into Iran. We lost control, but not necessarily contact, with the drone. It continued to fly while both sides works to reestablish control. The drone eventually somehow crossed the border into Iran. Bingo fuel kicked in. The drone's programming determined that it must land before its fuel prevented it from making a controlled landing.

What is missing here is that we do not know the duration of the mission and how long into it did we lost control of the drone. We do not know long close to the border. We do not know the technical details of the design itself, which is several years old. We do not know how it got 'downed'. If it was shot down, then it was detected, but if it was detected, then from what range did it became visible to Iranian air defense radar? I could go on and on...Unlike you, I have no problems shooting holes in my own arguments. That is what intellectually honest people do. Or rather, have the COURAGE to do.

So what we have are two facts that are quite indisputable:

- The US reported that we 'lost' an RQ-170.
- Iran claimed physical possession.

From them we have the great leap that: Iran 'hacked' the entire system in Nevada. Iran had 'anti-stealth' radar. Then Iran 'hijacked' the drone in flight and landed it at an Iranian airfield.

And you called mine unbelievable?
Its time to start study and reverse engineering i hope Irani's will invite delegations from Russia, China, Turkey and Pakistan too :P
Not at all. Even if it is only speculation on my part, at least it is more plausible than yours.

Is that unusual?

These things do happen.

We can program it to do so.

May be it is bad programming. No one is perfect.

To Iranians? You obviously do not know how distress signals work.

We can program it so.

Nope. These things are technically feasible.


If you propose this to a pilot: We lost an aircraft, could it be because of fuel or because of lightning?

Odds are very good that the pilot will say 'fuel'. Both are possible but one is more probable than the other. The answer came from long experience that humans often caused many mishaps.

So where is the experience to back up the claim that Iran 'hacked' the drone?

Here is my take on this...

We have a mission flying out of Afghanistan with the drone's sensors looking across the border into Iran. We lost control, but not necessarily contact, with the drone. It continued to fly while both sides works to reestablish control. The drone eventually somehow crossed the border into Iran. Bingo fuel kicked in. The drone's programming determined that it must land before its fuel prevented it from making a controlled landing.

What is missing here is that we do not know the duration of the mission and how long into it did we lost control of the drone. We do not know long close to the border. We do not know the technical details of the design itself, which is several years old. We do not know how it got 'downed'. If it was shot down, then it was detected, but if it was detected, then from what range did it became visible to Iranian air defense radar? I could go on and on...Unlike you, I have no problems shooting holes in my own arguments. That is what intellectually honest people do. Or rather, have the COURAGE to do.

So what we have are two facts that are quite indisputable:

- The US reported that we 'lost' an RQ-170.
- Iran claimed physical possession.

From them we have the great leap that: Iran 'hacked' the entire system in Nevada. Iran had 'anti-stealth' radar. Then Iran 'hijacked' the drone in flight and landed it at an Iranian airfield.

And you called mine unbelievable?


Looking at the picture, what bothers me is the thickness of the wing,
looks like that is almost 15% or the cord or more.

which would result in a LOT of drag, wonder what kind of engine is in there to counter that and yet offer long endurance hours.

your comments please.

Looking at the picture, what bothers me is the thickness of the wing,
looks like that is almost 15% or the cord or more.

which would result in a LOT of drag, wonder what kind of engine is in there to counter that and yet offer long endurance hours.

your comments please.
For subsonic aircraft its normal thickness.
Its time to start study and reverse engineering i hope Irani's will invite delegations from Russia, China, Turkey and Pakistan too :P

Turkey ? lol are you high?
Iran should not give this to anyone.
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