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Iran seizes two Saudi fishing vessels in the gulf

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this is the request of a pakistani elite member !!. pls respect both your members and the international law , as this name according to untied nations is fabricated and is sick !!

@WebMaster @Jungibaaz

tree climbing monkeys

post reported for all i care .

read the post above u ....

off topic to get infraction .

and btw , watch eagle eye too , it might help :crazy_pilot: its abt 9/11 and stuff ...
Here we go again.:omghaha:

Does not matter at all. You Iranins only have one big lake (Caspian Sea) and the swallow Gulf.

While the Arab world literary has a coastline that is 50.000 km long from the Atlantic Ocean in the West, half of the Mediterranean Sea, ARABIAN SEA, GULF OF OMAN (that borders your country too), Indian Ocean, the beautiful Red Sea etc. KSA alone has a longer coastline than Iran and that is just one Arab country.

The Arabs living next to the Gulf (Southern Iraq, Kuwait, coastal regions of the Eastern Province in KSA, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain and Northern Oman) call those swallow waters for the Gulf or the Arabian Gulf. And I am even sure that the Arabs living in Iran also call if the Gulf or Arabian Gulf.

But let us just call it the persian Gulf if that makes them happy. After all they don't have much access to sea compared to the Arab world.

Check this out. We Arabs have 50.000 km long coastlines.

A comparison is unfair for the farsis. We will make them cry as they do now. Haha, the funny thing even their only water named after them (despite them originally belonging on the Kazakh Steppe and we Arabs having lived alongside the Gulf and other Semitic people for much longer) is mostly inhabited by Arabs even in Iran itself.

It's Really the Sumerian Gulf - New York Times


You know what we say in Arabic….better not say it here……:omghaha:

Anyway we made our message and we will continue to call it the Arabian Gulf as all our media do haha. Even if we have 50.000 long coastline and whole SEAS named after us (ARABIAN SEA).

Just to piss the farsis off. Haha. That is after all the only thing they have. That name of a Gulf inhabited by Arabs and carpets and PISSTV (how could I forget that).

I will from now on in every debate call it the Arabian Gulf instead of Gulf as I used to. I advice every other Arab member to do the same.

This is absolutely hilarious.:omghaha:

Time to refresh the memory of certain people.

The word Farsi was first attested in written records by us Semites (Assyrians) 2800 years ago. Arabs lived in that region way before you entered that area from the Kazakh Steppe.

Andronovo culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Elamites were not "Iranians", not Indo-Iranians and did not speak any Iranian languages. They were really close to us Semitic peoples and there are theories of them being related.

The Dilmuun civilization, located in current day Eastern Province of KSA and Bahrain is older anyway. A trading partner of Sumeria and the Indus Valley civilization located in Eastern Arabia. Very much the CENTER of the Gulf.

Dilmun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

People say that Sumerians were related to them.

They are mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh that is 3800 years old.

Epic of Gilgamesh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Long before the word "Iranian even existed or Iran" LOL.

Yes, the truth hurts my culturally, linguistically, genetically, religiously etc. conquered farsis.
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bark as much as u want !! :D :D

this is what the whole earth calls it :

Lol, look at all these little Parisians jumping up and down like a pack of tree climbing monkeys, all of this is because some name called on a piece of water :omghaha:, they literally have no history that's why they are so desperate to fabricate history and stick their name on that piece of water, their hate to Arabs is unmatched, but then again who can blame them after what Arabs did to them throughout history hahaha, the result is now every modern persian have an Arab footprint on his little forehead :sarcastic:, Anyways Arabs have both the Arabian Gulf and the Arabian Sea, while Persians can cry a river for all i care. :)

Now i'm going to watch 300 :lol:


When Greeks like Herodotus mentioned the correct name of this water, the Persian Gulf, Arabs were still picking dates. And don’t let me start about how Hollywood depicts Arabs.

Hasani: the only thing you have is desert and camels.
Lol, look at all these little Parisians jumping up and down like a pack of tree climbing monkeys, all of this is because some name called on a piece of water :omghaha:, they literally have no history that's why they are so desperate to fabricate history and stick their name on that piece of water, their hate to Arabs is unmatched, but then again who can blame them after what Arabs did to them throughout history hahaha, the result is now every modern persian have an Arab footprint on his little forehead :sarcastic:, Anyways Arabs have both the Arabian Gulf and the Arabian Sea, while Persians can cry a river for all i care. :)

Now i'm going to watch 300 :lol:

Arab Locust Creek
f... U and 300 :tup:
and now , arabs come and claim they have more authority because there is more arab countries there ... the problem is that those arab countries are just fake state that Britannia created to divide them and control them and their oil field ...

lets arab claim about this ... nothing will change .... they are just some barking dogs ...

when oil get finish ,they will turn to some desert like 60 years ago .... especially Qatar , Kuwait , UAE ....

I have worked with a big qatari asset management co and from what i know,arabs pussied out when the problem came up with the issue between Iran and the USA,they dont have the balls to match Iran in the PERSIAN GULF.
I have worked with a big qatari asset management co and from what i know,arabs pussied out when the problem came up with the issue between Iran and the USA,they dont have the balls to match Iran in the PERSIAN GULF.

lol :D :partay: :lol:

thank u bro , seems like the whole world knows it except the saudiz themself
and now , arabs come and claim they have more authority because there is more arab countries there ... the problem is that those arab countries are just fake state that Britannia created to divide them and control them and their oil field ...

lets arab claim about this ... nothing will change .... they are just some barking dogs ...

when oil get finish ,they will turn to some desert like 60 years ago .... especially Qatar , Kuwait , UAE ....
The irony is that the UAE is less dependent on oil than Iran and one of those microscopic countries' GDP is 1/3 of Iran's.
The irony is that the UAE is less dependent on oil than Iran and one of those microscopic countries' GDP is 1/3 of Iran's.

how come when iran is exporting 400,000 barrels of oil while your regime sells 10000000 ?

and btw , one of the factors in GDP is population !!

and also IRAN HAS 60 BILLION DOLLARS of non-oil exports , which is 1000 times more than the retarded regime of saudi . let "jordan" alone
When Greeks like Herodotus mentioned the correct name of this water, the Persian Gulf, Arabs were still picking dates. And don’t let me start about how Hollywood depicts Arabs.

I rather pick those nice nutritious dates than get slaughtered by a 300 Spartans. Lol, now i don't give a flying fu*ck what Herodotus called the Arabian Gulf nor what anyone on this earth called it, you see we Arabs simply don't give a fu*ck, we will call it whatever we wanna call it, and the only thing you persians can do is crying about it :omghaha:
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