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Iran produces 50% of scientific research in Nanotechnology in Muslim world


Dec 10, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
50% of nano Scientific Researches in Muslim World Carried out by Iranian Scientists
TEHRAN (FNA)- Seyed Mehdi Rezayat, the Head of Human Resources Development Workgroup of the Iran Nanotechnology Initiative Council, announced that 50% of the scientific researches carried out in the Muslim world are led by Iranian scientists.

Rezayat made the remarks at the opening ceremony of the Tenth Nanotechnology Conference for University Students which was held in Amir Kabir University of Technology on February 22, 2012, with the participation of Dr. Rezayat, Dr. Alireza Rahayee, the Dean of Amir Kabir University Technology and a number of academic professors and researchers.

According to the Dean of Amir Kabir University Technology, textile engineering is one of the most effective industries in the field of nanotechnology application. "The attention of this university's students to the applications of nanotechnology in textile industry caused us to create a new field of study at MSc level, entitled 'Fiber Structures' in 2009. This fact resulted in an extensive evolution in textile engineering," he said.

Dr. Rezayat, for his part, pointed to the role of Iran in the development of science and technology in the world, and said that Iran has an effective presence in the scientific activities in the world.

"Undoubtedly, Iran is among the key players in the field of knowledge production including nanoscience and nanotechnology. The participation of Iran in Japan Nanotechnology Exhibition confirms this fact," he underlined.

Referring to the fact that Iran ranks 12 in the world and first in the Islamic world in the field of nanotechnology, the Head of Human Resources Development Workgroup of Iran Nanotechnology Initiative Council said, "Iranian researchers and scientists carry out 50% of the researches in the Islamic world. It indicates Iran's important possession in the field of nanotechnology."

Dr. Rezayat said that 100 domestically-made products have so far been registered in the field of nanotechnology. "Although there are strict regulations for issuing certificates for the products in the field of medicine and health, we have succeeded in the acquirement of certificates for six products in this field from the Ministry of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education. Sinadoxosome anti-cancer medicine is the latest nanotechnology-based medicine that has acquired the certificate," he concluded.
This cant be possible because Turkey had more publishes and a higher science and technology figures and R&D spending.
05:05 , Turkey leads the list in all of science etc

after turkey comes Egpyt , Iran , Pakistan , Malaysia etc
I have no doubt that in terms of scientific research iran is ahead of all other islamic nation but that 50% figure is a bit hard to believe
Thank you brother, looking forward to increased cooperation with Indian friends.

More cooperation definitely seems to be on the cards, on the latest NAM meetings, banks of both countries have expressed interest to open up branches on each other's cities, that means we won't have any problem paying up for our trade and business.

India, Iran to discuss rupee payment for oil - Indian Express

India to remain Iran's biggest oil purchaser despite sanctions - World News - IBNLive

For the time being, cooling down west's animosity, and eventually uplifting west's sanction should be top priority for both the countries. And India can help a lot in Iran's case for this matter.
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