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Iran, Pakistan on US hit list, says Beg

Well the general said the obouvies thing. In/from the 90's, pakistan, iraq, iran, saudia have been on the US "hit list". But iraq alone is too much for them, sure those fancy B-2's andF-117's blowed up a few air bases, that's nice. But we all seewhat's happening in iraq right now.
i dont think that the US will attack pakistan because we r not a small country like iraq and afghanistan we have a population of 150 million. also a war with pakistan would destablelize the entire region and think what will happen to india the pearl in America's eye. and the though that india will attack pakistan to me seems highly unlikely cauz india would not risk a full scale nuclear war with pakistan
if u guys remember what a indian general said after the first gulf war
"if u want to go to was with the United States u need to have nuclear weopons"
and the last time i checked pakistan was a decleared nuclear state
also think of what we would do to the american in afghanistan and in the middle east we can easily hit all the american basis in the middle east we will creat glass craters out of every US base in the middle east
maybe after that the arabs can diversify their economys buy exporting large amounts of glass instead of oil
so the would be very stupid to attack us after all we are pakistan and are military is the most battle hardened army in that region
Are you saying that Mush would pack up our nukes and handover to Bush if he asked?
I don't think i got that right...:confused:

I meant Its a better option to keep one country in the list of friends rather than just removing it and adding it on to the evil list.

By talking to I meant, Mushraff would do whats necessary to protect the nukes from third parties, probably like making ISI/PA work closely with CIA.
Good post Sir!

I've been wondering if the US with all her might can be involved at four fronts simultaniously without demaging her economy.
The war in Iraq and Afghanistan have already cost the US taxpayer over $500 billion, new fronts in Iran and Pakistan would cost even more.

Can US pull it off?

The main story that the media is selling to the public is linking up the US economy's state to the WoT. Yes there is a cost involvled but thats not the story.

Crude would have been at $55/ bl even without the WoT and Middle eastern tension. The premium charged on crude due to the tensions are thought to be around 3-4 $.

The main drivers of crude is the US ( inspite of all the worries about US economy) and the demand coming in from new age economies.

Whats hurting US is the scary trade imbalance they have with China. Its the largest ever with a single country. The trade imbalance is putting heavy pressure on the dollar constantly weakening it which in turn triggers of a chain reaction of further weakining by forcing other central banks to diverse out of the $.

Also the worrying factor is the consumerist thinking of the mass public, US is a heavily leveraged economy thru plastic cards and bank loans.
Hey, I was thinking, if US ever gets ready to attack Pakistan, then Russia would give us goodies too, right?? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Hey, I was thinking, if US ever gets ready to attack Pakistan, then Russia would give us goodies too, right?? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Where you really thinking when you typed that?

Please note the number of arms sales that the U.S. has sold Pak recently.....Unless it is some sort of new policy I doubt they will invade after selling several thousand anti-tank weapons as well as newer airdefence systems (amongst others). Also the several billion earmarked for Pak over the next few years.
US will attack Pakistan not now but sometime later after some 10-15 yrs may be and we are on their hit list for sure you know very well, we are the only MUSLIM nation who have Nuclear status right now If Iran will not be able to make it than we will remain the one which is not good. US is never going to ignore that either he will disarm our nuclear thing or he will attack us to do so. So we just have one option collaborate with China as much as possible and make our self stronger not to fight India but to fight any enemy around the globe looks like dream but have to do it in order to survive.
10-15 years, we will be even more capable of defending ourselves and indigineous capabilities will increase dramatically so the USA will have more troubles than today by invading us.
Besides the war costs, factories in the US are closing, Ford lost 12.7B where Japan companies made 17B. Since, i'm a Business Management (International) and History major. Alot of investors are turning away from the US and trying to get them back but it's kind of to late now. Their other examples I can give through my research I do for papers, etc. But US willn't be able to handle another war, espically with Pakistan, but mostly Iran with their 12 Million man militia which will employ hit and run tatctis. And alot of people are sick and tired of this war, their some major Anti-war protests going on which aren't even getting as much coverage on America media but go online and you will find tons.

get real, while Ford lost money Toyota and Honda who make mos tof thier viehicles in America made money. Consumer choice in products is not the same thing as decliing sales in a catagory such as automobiles. The fact is the US economy is booming. China and the US are locked in a strange synergy that neither wants to end. The value of the dollar doesn't matter in a closed economic system where two nations currencies are effectively pegged to each other. America fules chinas economic growth and China fules low prices and diversification into service and intellectual feilds in the US.

The US is not going to go after Pakistan, thats fear mongering. Pakistan is an ally. Parts of it may be hostile to the US but all in all Pakistan is a strategic partner of the US in alot of areas.
get real, while Ford lost money Toyota and Honda who make mos tof thier viehicles in America made money. Consumer choice in products is not the same thing as decliing sales in a catagory such as automobiles. The fact is the US economy is booming. China and the US are locked in a strange synergy that neither wants to end. The value of the dollar doesn't matter in a closed economic system where two nations currencies are effectively pegged to each other. America fules chinas economic growth and China fules low prices and diversification into service and intellectual feilds in the US.

I hope you know that ford was just 1 example of many (out their). As of right now the Euro is doing better than the dollar for the past 6 months. Chinese currency is not pegged with the dollar, reason why US made (failed) efforts to get China to raise their value, to buy US goods but they have refused thus bring more debt to the U.S. America does fuel Chinese economic growth, but China is not starting to diversify their economy, breaking more into Indian economy which they weren't allowed to before as well as ME economy, and now they have entered Africa which was closed to China (most EU and US companies). Matter of fact alot of companies are leaving just recently a news report came out about 2 weeks ago, a Silicon Valley company is now fully transferring it's business in India (manufacturing, etc) thus it willn't be in the US (also just 1 example of many) this transfer alone will cost jobs and $6 Billion dollars which will be added to India's GDP. Last year '06 in December report came out US tourist Industry is lower that in the past 3 years (this means no Billions of dollars), this is also then hurting invest from abroad, which is going into China and India and other Asian countries. About US dollar strength, its' held up high cause of Oil (which is only traded in Dollars), but even this is changing since Euro is becoming popular, and China who has a $1 Trillion dollar reserve is also holding the US dollar in place, but for the time being. But also know, US main export is technology (which is expensive), but now with China improving and making them cheaper it will hurt US in the future.

Again,. I can go on and on since I study this. :P

The US is not going to go after Pakistan, thats fear mongering. Pakistan is an ally. Parts of it may be hostile to the US but all in all Pakistan is a strategic partner of the US in alot of areas.

Iraq was an ally which was abondened after Iran-Iraq war, etc. Pakistan was left in the dirt in the end of cold war, honestly I don't believe this ally garbage, it's all interest, these friendships last until one side outwits the other and one side gains what it wants.
How will any attack on Pakistan from US will effect Saudi-US relations? Any comments?
How will any attack on Pakistan from US will effect Saudi-US relations? Any comments?

Nothing will happen to Saudi- US relationsip. As long as Mushraff or a person like Mushraff is in power, US wont attack Pakistan.As Rahman said they dont have too, they control very aspect of Pakistani government.
Nothing will happen to Saudi- US relationsip. As long as Mushraff or a person like Mushraff is in power, US wont attack Pakistan.As Rahman said they dont have too, they control very aspect of Pakistani government.

In other words he is a puppet! A self sufficient puppet!:disagree:
Nothing will happen to Saudi- US relationsip. As long as Mushraff or a person like Mushraff is in power, US wont attack Pakistan.As Rahman said they dont have too, they control very aspect of Pakistani government.

Thats a mistake every leader in our part of world makes. Saddam, Shah of Iran were US allies too and what was their fate. US would support Mush only till they have business with him. Once they are done with their job in Afghanistan we will see what happens to Mush.
Thats a mistake every leader in our part of world makes. Saddam, Shah of Iran were US allies too and what was their fate. US would support Mush only till they have business with him. Once they are done with their job in Afghanistan we will see what happens to Mush.

Fool me once, Shame on you
Fool me twice, Shame on you
Fool me thrice, Shame on ME

I dont feel anything is wrong with US policies, They look after thier interest, it is the responsibilities of other leaders to do the same and know where to draw the line, Politics between countries have been for centuries played like this.Its not the fault of the US that other leaders are incomptent. Lets be honest here, the world works this way wether it is America, Russia, pakistan or india
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