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Iran, Pakistan, Israel most negatively rated countries: BBC poll

Why do Indian members always act like 13 year old girls?
If you are confronted with truth that you don't like, instead of admitting it and saying that you will improve, you people just deny it, question the source or attack the poster.

I am not saying everyone else is perfect, I have seen plenty of Pakistanis do the same, but I have also seen plenty of Pakistanis admit to the short comings of Pakistan. I have rarely, if ever seen Indians do the same.

How about showing some class guys and not turning this into a typical Indian troll fest?
I did not know how poorly you comprehend things when you said 'Indian Members'. The 'truth' as you like to call it is subject to a lot of variables and perceptions. Even a dude with no Idea about Iran, Pakistan and Israel would cast his vote. Now the question is that Pakistan has a more negative rating than India which you consider the truth now please tell me where did you 'admit it and say that you will improve'? However, you are commenting on something between China and India which IMO cannot be judged by a select group of individuals..
This is expected for Pakistan and Iran after all western media is under control of Zionist entities. But it shows that Israel even though they have positive propaganda people are seeing through it

Or maybe, like I said, maybe it is America who is pulling all the strings... and they are deflecting all the negative attention towards Israel, by feeding the perception that "Israel controls America".

That's what I think anyway. In my view, it is America who is the puppet master, not Israel. I think they are using Israel as a shield to absorb the anger directed at the USA.
This is expected for Pakistan and Iran after all western media is under control of Zionist entities. But it shows that Israel even though they have positive propaganda people are seeing through it
Anything written against your country is somehow propaganda.. How convenient!
It's okay, it's not too bad being a bad guy. In fact, it's considered cool nowadays :D
Do not buy much into this. It is all a propaganda salted with some factual data for easier consumption of the gullible. BBC is one of the oldest propaganda government controlled media in the world.
It's okay, it's not too bad being a bad guy. In fact, it's considered cool nowadays :D
We have famous examples where the bad countries somehow always find everything negative as propaganda.
It's your country that is ruled by a white European waitress, not ours.

And this is a GLOBAL opinion poll, it comes from all countries, not just the West. But I can see how your mind automatically assumed that it had something to do with white people. :azn:

Dude, Mao was known to scratch his balls while giving press interviews. Someone highlighted this way back then. Do us see us needlessly bringing that up?

Stop worrying about who should rule India.
Dude, Mao was known to scratch his balls while giving press interviews. Someone highlighted this way back then. Do us see us needlessly bringing that up?

Stop worrying about who should rule India.

Look at the post I was responding to and tell me what other reply I should have given? :lol:

Anyway, it's the truth.

Mao probably scratched his balls a lot too (in public), he wasn't exactly from a high class background.
Well well, the negative is starting. Simple.

Israel was war at Hezbollah groups.
Iran was war at West bullies
Pakistan war at Talibans terrorists.

If India war at Moist terrorists or other groups. The world will focus more negatives on India due to sucide blasts, unsecure areas, roaming, killing, etc. The rate from positive goes to negative rate.

Russia attacked on Georgia two years ago, now the rate is a bit improve. Russia always portrayed evil country by the West. Germany dramatically changed to the top score from the world's most hated country due to Hitler.

The annual polls based on BBC, it is wasting times.

Don't be naive and compare the Maoist with what you face in your country, the Maoist are not fighting in India for religious ideology and to spread their faith - the Maoism in India can be easily tackled if the people of the affected region is empowered with economic power and land reform, were as in Pakistan the terrorists are fighting based on their religious faith they consider superior to others, also Maoist in India have no agenda to spread their political ideology to other countries, and in-fact they don't even have followers in any other parts of India except few pockets of less economic developed regions, on the other hand the terrorists from Pakistan are able to attract followers for their ideology even from the third generation Pakistani immigrants, and the perception about Pakistan in the minds of people will be negative when they see Pakistani immigrants are involved in London bomb blast or in New York bomb plot - until and unless the Pakistani society stand-up and reform itself in fight against extremist ideology the negative rating about your country will be always high...by the way I am not a Maoist sympathizer and I believe violence is not a solution for economic empowerment...
Do not buy much into this. It is all a propaganda salted with some factual data for easier consumption of the gullible. BBC is one of the oldest propaganda government controlled media in the world.

Yea but look at how Indians lap it up cos its a white source
This is expected for Pakistan and Iran after all western media is under control of Zionist entities. But it shows that Israel even though they have positive propaganda people are seeing through it

So the inclusion of Iran and Pakistan is due to Zionist Propaganda and Zionist Israel is in the list (created by Zionist media)because people are seeing through it.Such contradictions in a list? Hypocrisy at its best. Really some guys :coffee:
So the inclusion of Iran and Pakistan is due to Zionist Propaganda and Zionist Israel is in the list (created by Zionist media)because people are seeing through it.Such contradictions in a list? Hypocrisy at its best. Really some guys :coffee:

This is a conspiracy against Muslim(except gulf, south east asia, Indian muslims, muslims living in west, african muslim etc...) particularly against pakistan.
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