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India eager to join Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline: Iran official
Saturday April 20, 2013


Iran Oil Ministry spokesman says New Delhi is in talks with Tehran to join the multi-billion-dollar pipeline which Iran is building to export natural gas to the neighboring Pakistan.

“Since India has been motivated by Pakistan’s seriousness in building the [Iran-Pakistan] ‘peace pipeline’, New Delhi is negotiating to join the project,” Alireza Nikzad-Rahbar said.

The Iranian official added that there has been considerable progress in the Iran-Pakistan (IP) pipeline, with Iranian contractors starting work on the Pakistani section of the pipeline, after finishing nearly 900 kilometers of the pipeline on Iran soil.

In March, Indian Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas M. Veerappa Moily voiced his country’s willingness to join the pipeline project.

The pipeline will enable the export of 21.5 million cubic meters per day of Iranian natural gas to Pakistan.

The Pakistani government has stressed that it would go ahead with the construction of the gas pipeline despite threats and pressure from the U.S..

(Source: Press TV)

The Pakistani government has stressed that it would go ahead with the construction of the gas pipeline despite threats and pressure from the U.S..

(Source: Press TV)


The final contracts were supposed to be signed between Iran and Pakistan on the 15th of April, which has come and gone without any news.
The final contracts were supposed to be signed between Iran and Pakistan on the 15th of April, which has come and gone without any news.

Pakistani government is in the process of transferring funds to Tadbir Energy.

... When approached, the finance ministry spokesman confirmed that funds had so far not been credited to the assignment account. However, he said, “there is no shortage of funds and we are in the process of transferring the money.”

Pakistani government is in the process of transferring funds to Tadbir Energy.

... When approached, the finance ministry spokesman confirmed that funds had so far not been credited to the assignment account. However, he said, “there is no shortage of funds and we are in the process of transferring the money.”


It is simple: no money, no pipeline.
Pakistan spends nearly 2 Billion Dollars on providing Subsidy on power bills, every year. Can't that money be diverted to the construction of Iran Pak gas pipeline. ??? But the Customers will have to face difficulty for a year since if the subsidy is withdrawn , the electricity bills will increase. But Can't Pakistanis bear that burden for one or two years. ??
How many kilometers of pipe line is laid down so far.
what is ground reality.
Pakistan spends nearly 2 Billion Dollars on providing Subsidy on power bills, every year. Can't that money be diverted to the construction of Iran Pak gas pipeline. ??? But the Customers will have to face difficulty for a year since if the subsidy is withdrawn , the electricity bills will increase. But Can't Pakistanis bear that burden for one or two years. ??

When a majority of the citizens live onder 30,000 rupies a month, nope.

Withdrawing of the subsidies is political suicide, no politician will do anything to touch those subsidies. The only way it will happen is when the pipeline is completely built.
With the victory of PML-N in the elections IP pipeline is doomed.

Nawaz Sharif is a darling of the Saudi royals and with the US as well as Saudis dead against Iran, it looks highly unlikely if this pipeline is ever going to get built.
With the victory of PML-N in the elections IP pipeline is doomed.

Nawaz Sharif is a darling of the Saudi royals and with the US as well as Saudis dead against Iran, it looks highly unlikely if this pipeline is ever going to get built.

That is just one of the issues that can write the epitaph for the pipeline.
There are others too: are the finances available for the pipeline among either of the proponents of the project? Then there is the issue of the security of the region through which the pipeline will pass, nobody wants to see it blown up every second day.

India had a problem with the pricing formula proposed by Iran for the gas to start with; so India backed out earlier on.
With the victory of PML-N in the elections IP pipeline is doomed.

Nawaz Sharif is a darling of the Saudi royals and with the US as well as Saudis dead against Iran, it looks highly unlikely if this pipeline is ever going to get built.

The IP pipeline was never a realistic project anyway. Any government would have found it impossible to complete, not just PMLN.

That is just one of the issues that can write the epitaph for the pipeline.
There are others too: are the finances available for the pipeline among either of the proponents of the project? Then there is the issue of the security of the region through which the pipeline will pass, nobody wants to see it blown up every second day.

India had a problem with the pricing formula proposed by Iran for the gas to start with; so India backed out earlier on.

The pipeline was a non starter, and one of the reasons was the unaffordable cost of the gas supplied, as you mention. Money and the international political fallout from violating sanctions on Iran were other important ones.
There are 3 points to consider:

1. Does Pakistan need the pipeline?

2. Price of gas compared to alternates such as LNG.

3. Sanctions & Geo-politics.

Iran has the second largest gas reserves in world after Russia (33.1 trillion cubic meters or approx. 1,150 TCF per latest estimates by BP). Saudi Arabia is expected to be net importer of gas in a couple of years. UAE is already importing gas from Qatar under the Dolphin project via 48 inch pipeline which extends all the way to Fujairah on the Arabian Sea coast. Iran is therefore the most natural & convenient supplier to fulfill Pakistan’s urgent gas requirements. This makes IP pipeline project inherently viable if the price is right.

I am convinced that if Pakistan can get Saudi Arabia on board, a special dispensation from the US sanctions for this project can be obtained.

Main problem remains the price. Since international natural gas price has come down quite a bit in the last couple of years, price of natural gas should be renegotiated; especially if Pakistan can demonstrate to Iran that it has the financial arrangements in place.

It would be a real pity if the project abandoned without any serious effort to salvage the IP project. But then who knows what is in the mind of Sharif brothers?
With the victory of PML-N in the elections IP pipeline is doomed.

Nawaz Sharif is a darling of the Saudi royals and with the US as well as Saudis dead against Iran, it looks highly unlikely if this pipeline is ever going to get built.

If the Saudis want us to leave the IP pipeline deal then they must offer us alternative fuel supply and at a similar rate. We need natural gas dearly.
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