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okay, I would like you to rebut the hindu brother of yours mritunjaya who has decided to insult the sikhi like his arya samaji minions

this was the statement

Don't you think its better to advice Bangladeshi's not to cross into India ?

That way no one gets shot or killed. ...........see such a simple solution to your concerns.


i couldn't find any insult,,,,give me post number
i couldn't find any insult,,,,give me post number

Go to third page ,on second page I advised him that hindus should create solidarity funds to help each other out.

Quote Originally Posted by oiltrader View Post
Hindus are only poor because you guys are divided and there is an selfish mentality in many hindu noveau riche who just want to hoard..Instead look at the sikhs ,ahmedi muslims they help each other. Even the Gurudwaras help those who come to ask for help.This is the reason why sikhs are well off despite having faced adversities much bigger than hinduism ever did.

Unity and selfless help.That is what set sikhs apart.Many in BJP consider Sikhism as purest form of hinduism just like Buddhism.So why not try something like the sikhs i.e unity and selfless help.
Mritunya response:-
I do not consider you an expert on the psychology of 1 billion Hindus ............but you certainly give an insight into why sikhs are considered stupid.

This time I really am being generous towards you. Consider that generosity a gift due to your sikh heritage. My next reply wont be so nice.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...angladesh-border-killing-3.html#ixzz2eCGIoU4k


Next post:-

Quote Originally Posted by oiltrader View Post
Despite sikhs being considered stupid ,we are much richer than your coward kind .And if you want to insult bring it on. Even in the past ,the hindus would come to sikh misls to save them from the muslims.And even in areas where hindus are majority ,muslims dominate in terms of rioting and Sikhs dominated over muslims despite muslims being 80% of sikh empire . So like what is your achievement huh? Problem with your brothers is lack of unity.Stupidity may be bad,but lack of unity is worse and it is responsible for the chaos you are suffering from.

And go to some hindutva forum,chances are the the sanatani nationalists will support sikhs as they consider sikhs as hindus and insult you for your silly responses.

Again , I will say.Lack of unity.That is the bane of the hinduism. Remove that Hinduism will be in much better position.
Mritunjya :-
I DO consider Sikhism as part of Hinduism. But you are no spokesperson for the Sikhs, you are a pompous fool who has demonstrated your stupidity by claiming to know the minds of 1 billion Hindus.

Sikhs are not only stupid but also physical and moral cowards as demonstrated by the Khalistan movement which focused on killing unarmed innocents. Your cowardice was amply demonstrated when the sikh guru was killed in the mughal court and his companions choose to hide among the crowd. This very act forced your guru's to declare that never again will the cowardly sikh be allowed to hide in the crowd and you are now forced to grow your hair and beard and wear the kada to make sure you can NEVER hide in the crowd. That is your history.

Cowardly guards who killed the Prime Minster they had sowrned to protect. Cowards who hide in their holy temple and plan evil deeds. Fools who did not have the required courage to throw out the terrorist from the golden temple. Hindu soldiers had to do that for you.

Sikhs are the taliban of Hinduism. Equaled in stupidity and moral bankruptcy. You are the rabid fringe of Hindusim more similar to the muslim barbarians who defined your identity, than to any deeper Hindu philosophies that define our Identity.

The most faithful dogs of the british army were the Sikhs. Your communities white worship continues by your eagerness to be close to your white masters by desperately seeking to emigrate to UK or Canada.

I don't have to recount our achievement to a fool like you. Our unity comes from a common heritage and a deeper understanding of life and a common value system and that Identity will forever unit Sanathan Dharm followers everywhere.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...angladesh-border-killing-3.html#ixzz2eCH4mT00
The partition of India was imminement as the Brits knew how to divide and conquer, they wanted to play both sides out.

Using religion for gaining self-interests is unethical.

Religion has been ''misused'' always, and you do realize for a person of another religion, it does not matter if its use or misuse as long as something he does not believe in bothers him? Religion should be strictly personal, otherwise it will always lead to friction and politics.

Maulana Azad was a very religious man, but his behavior was that of a good person, he did not bother others with his own religious needs and requirements and politics. THAT I respect.
This has been tested already, welcome to the present.

They have the Vanguard class SSBN operational from the 90s capable of carrying 16 Trident SLBM with range of 11,000 km .

We are nowhere close .
They have the Vanguard class SSBN operational from the 90s capable of carrying 16 Trident SLBM with range of 11,000 km .

We are nowhere close .

In due course of time we will graduate to that level , next 4-5 months are gona be eventful as we brace for some important launches K4,A-5,GSLV .
They have the Vanguard class SSBN operational from the 90s capable of carrying 16 Trident SLBM with range of 11,000 km .

We are nowhere close .
we have no need to worry from europe
In due course of time we will graduate to that level , next 4-5 months are gona be eventful as we brace for some important launches K4,A-5,GSLV .

I was talking about the current capability .

And that due course in the minimum will take atleast a decade .

we have no need to worry from europe

I know . I was just comparing India's and UK's current SSBN and SLBM .

we have no need to worry from europe

I know . I was just comparing India's and UK's current SSBN and SLBM .
I was talking about the current capability .

And that due course in the minimum will take atleast a decade .

I know . I was just comparing India's and UK's current SSBN and SLBM .

I know . I was just comparing India's and UK's current SSBN and SLBM .

u are right
Though , this isn't related even remotely to the topic at hand . I can assure you that there are no victors in a nuclear exchange and no , the whole population isn't wiped out by any chance but left in such condition that every single survivor will pray to God to give him death instead of the pitiful life he will find himself in . As for the economy surviving in a decade or two , I can only laugh at that joke . If you are one of those , who think that the effects of nuclear weapons are limited to the vicinity of the ground zero/detonation site and do not affect anything apart from that area or the specific radius and have no long or short term effects , then I urge you to research again .

The response, was to a retarded comment.

1. US attacks Pakistan from a ME airbase.
2. Pakistan retaliates by attacking India and Israel. Problem 1. So one attacks 2 other countries who are enjoying the show, but, not involved in it. In the hypothetical scenario, that the US actually goes retard and decides to launch air strikes. Pakistan will be in a position to withstand air assaults from the US. The simple reason, the US will not want to put ground troops against the PA, in Pakistan. The north is too mountainous for any kind of ground assault. But, if you do end up attacking India and Israel, that will open up another front. Israel will commit its air wings and India will commit its ground troops. That is not a good scenario. And the PA is not dumb to use its nukes on Israel or India because of the US air assault. While, I admit, the Indian establishment will be smiling, they will also not want to commit Indian forces for American adventures.

3. Pakistan retaliates against SA and Qatar airbases. Problem 2. Really? I mean, while the Indian and Israeli angle is plausible by 0.01% this scenario 3 is 0%. This will result in serious deterioration of internal cohesion in Pakistan.
@surya kiran

I know , what it was in response to . I was just explaining the outcome of a nuclear war . No need to rebuke a not-happening scenario .

But according to the reports , we have not made any payments .

Have you read the one in the Arab times or something ? It states something like that .
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Read it now but no other media is reporting any fine paid .

even if the fine is paid..................big deal??

pakistanis are getting over the top here for no reason
even if the fine is paid..................big deal??

pakistanis are getting over the top here for no reason

If the ship has actually caused an environmental problem , I think they should pay the fine .
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