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Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own

My allegiance lies with both Iran and Israel. That's in common interest of all indians.
U R very wise man.I am liking Indians.
What lies?

We conquered you kiddo! But We can say the same about the Balkan, Africa, and Hindu Kush per the map you provided :lol:
No U didn`t.It was Islam.Before Prophet Muhammad U were Tribals!
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U must grow up!Islam rescue Arab from Tribal europe from Medieval!!!
Take a look at my signature.God even khows how many electrons are in the univers.

Are you crazy, Indian, Perisan, Chinese, American civilization were much advanced that time.. stop your brainwashed rant here...

Yes yes god even know how many hair I have..
With all due respect to Muhammad, Jesus, Ram etc.. I just want to say that...

Don't insult them by your stupid logics.. Religion is personal matter. Religion is not science. Neither it is book of prophecy.

One who is god for you can be Shaitan for me. its all believe. Don't talk like brainwashed donkey..
That means our interest and affection is with Iran (historical and cultural ties) and Israel(defence ties). We dont care what saudis think.
I don`t khnow what really saudi think.What do they think.It is more than 34 years that we fighting against Islam enemies US and occupation Zions,but Instead of helping us against enemy dont take their hands of our enmity!What do they really think!We can live like Shah era and have no problems... ,but we don`t do, because of Islam and they don`t take thier hands off our enmity despite they are muslim! and have to fight againt enemy ,not hug her or giving him medal or a room of gold!:omghaha:

WTF dude? The bottom line is we conquered you :lol:

Chill out..

Not to mention converting Persians from Zoroastrianism!
Nope we are not ... ,We are real musilm who beleives God last Prophet and household.But U beleive who ruled unjustifiable!We are write but U not!!
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I don`t khnow what really saudi think.What do they think.It is more than 34 years that we fighting against Islam enemies US and occupation Zions,but Instead of helping us against enemy dont take their hands of our enmity!What do they really think!We can live like Shah era and have no problems... ,but we don`t do, because of Islam and they don`t take thier hands off our enmity despite they are muslim! and have to fight againt enemy ,not hug her or giving him medal or a room of gold!:omghaha:

Nope we are not ... ,We are real musilm who beleives God last Prophet and household.But U beleive who ruled unjustifiable!We are write but U not!!

Yeah, you are write :lol:

That means our interest and affection is with Iran (historical and cultural ties) and Israel(defence ties). We dont care what saudis think.

Yep. It is better for India not to take sides.

With all due respect to Muhammad, Jesus, Ram etc.. I just want to say that...

Don't insult them by your stupid logics.. Religion is personal matter. Religion is not science. Neither it is book of prophecy.

One who is god for you can be Shaitan for me. its all believe. Don't talk like brainwashed donkey..

Tell him again, he keeps coming back for more.
@yazid khalifa
Beacuse it is truth ,maybe if research u will undestand ...
research about history and what happend, why are we shia... What do beleive to,that u don`t.Are we wrong beacuase of beleiving children of prophet as Imam?? the people Who are children of his daughter.Or U are wrong beleiving the people who Have nothing to do with the Prophet and make Martyr children of prophet.Think maybe u get the answer and understand why shias are shia ... and are they wrong or right
I don't think that SA is capable of striking a country like Iran.
A peace deal with Iran has brought up some good signs for world’s economies....Iran will be able to export more oil which will lead to decline in oil prices helping major importers like India, Japan and China…I guess, what is pissing off SA is, Iran can now make big billions and may appear as big competitor to SA Oil business…..I think, we all should support Iran and kick the buts of king of SA if he dares to talk about war in middle east…
Actually, KSA as of right now, has no air defense missile system at all, simply, it is going in upgrade.

The entire peace-shield program is under upgrade, which makes your claim untrue.
Saudi Arabia - Peace Shield

Iran's missile raises no serious concerns to us, it was all but over now.

Presently it is disabled i believe (has been deployed to my understanding), but the plans for upgrades are more than enough with enough coverage overlaps that a missile would find it hard to evade the Shield.

First line and you missed the plot. English is not your first lingo as well, so I can understand.

Genius, do you know difference between "being threatened" and "being afraid"? Please let me know the difference if you think there is any.

The only point in me clubbing KSA and israel together was just to point out how can common interest can put nations together even though they are far apart in ideology.

I will read your other part of post once you clear my doubts.

KSA and Israel - both are threatened by Iran's nuke program? --- Yes

KSA and Israel are afraid of Iran? -- probably Not.

Got the difference? Or let me say - India is threatened of pak nukes and non state actors but are we afraid of pak - NO.

My allegiance lies with both Iran and Israel. That's in common interest of all indians.

Are you going to quit the English rhetoric? Que the childish, sure you guys want the best for Iran when you screw them over oil payments.

Do you really think Iran's ideology has anything to do with their BS in the international arena? Do you really believe Iranian Mullahs created the Republican Guard because of their "Ideology". They are scared for their power and created a military force stronger than their armed forces. Point being Israel isn't threatened. You keep up the drama and the facade and people will hear you. Iran is years away from achieving a single nuke. Then making a delivery vehicle. It all takes time. Which they didnt have and they signed the peace deal to ease off the sanctions and back off the their nuclear ambitions.

Countries dont bunch up on Ideoligies, they bunch up on national interests.

There are no permanent friends in international arena, here today gone tomorrow.

If you still disagree, well then lets agree to disagree, i dont have the time.
I don't think that SA is capable of striking a country like Iran.

nah , they want to strike russia just after that
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Nope we are not ... ,We are real musilm who beleives God last Prophet and household.But U beleive who ruled unjustifiable!We are write but U not!![/quote]

with all due respect brother , you can not say that you are the real muslim, as for you thoughts , prophet ism is not a kingdom , that after Muhammad (pbuh) his son will be prophet , if Allah has this in mind he would give life to Muhammad (pbuh) son's.
no one can or allowed to judge mine or your faith , Only Allah can and he will.
I am a sunni muslim , but i respect and love every Sahabah and specially 4 khaifa's .
there is not thing like if i am not a shia so i dont respect Hazar Ali (ra) or Hazert (hussain and Hassan)

we should not be fighting . we all are muslims and brothers ... :)
so chill
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