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Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own

Persian civilization alone is much more richer than Arab or Israeli civilizations have ever been. Arabs have been illitarate nomads for the most in their history. They didnt even know how to govern their empire, so they took over Byzantine and Persian bureacracy. Their architecture was a mix of Byzantine and Persian influence. Arabic script is originally Aramaic, and has been developed by non-Arabs. Sibawiyah was a Persisn, and basically gave Arabic script its current form. Most and best scholars of Islam were Persian, like Ghazali, Bukhari and Moslem.

But don't make a mixtake to think that Iran is Arabic. There is no country in the world that dislikes Arab more than Iran. Persians have been know since ages for their love of knowledge. Arabs for their love of camels and bloodshed.
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Persian civilization alone is much more richer than Arab or Israeli civilizations have ever been. Arabs have been illitarate nomads for the most in their history. They didnt even know how to govern their empire, so they took over Byzantine and Persian bureacracy. Their architecture was a mix of Byzantine and Persian influence. Arabic script is originally Aramaic, and has been developed by non-Arabs. Sibawiyah was a Persisn, and basically gave Arabic script its current form. Most and best scholars of Islam were Persian, like Ghazali, Bukhari and Moslem.

But don't make a mixtake to think that Iran is Arabic. There is no country in the world that dislikes Arab more than Iran. Persians have been know since ages for their love of knowledge. Arabs for their love of camels and bloodshed.
:stop::suicide:Dude.......Don't start haha, we JUST stopped this debate.
Every culture is rich and good in its own ways.
No need for any supremacy talks now and this isn't what this thread is about.....The subject is..."
Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own"

Lets stick to that :enjoy:
Persian civilization alone is much more richer than Arab or Israeli civilizations have ever been. Arabs have been illitarate nomads for the most in their history. They didnt even know how to govern their empire, so they took over Byzantine and Persian bureacracy. Their architecture was a mix of Byzantine and Persian influence. Arabic script is originally Aramaic, and has been developed by non-Arabs. Sibawiyah was a Persisn, and basically gave Arabic script its current form. Most and best scholars of Islam were Persian, like Ghazali, Bukhari and Moslem.

But don't make a mixtake to think that Iran is Arabic. There is no country in the world that dislikes Arab more than Iran. Persians have been know since ages for their love of knowledge. Arabs for their love of camels and bloodshed.

Who are you fool? We Semitic people have older and more influential civilizations than you Kazakh Nomads that emigrated to the Iranian plateau less than 3000 years ago If you claim to be a Farsi. You belong on the Kazakh Steppe. Arab civilization formed the greatest empire the world had ever seen (at that time) and the biggest stretching from Portugal in the West to the Indus Valley. We ruled large parts of Southern Europe for nearly 1000 years. Al-Andalus etc. At one point half of the world used Arabic alphabets or alphabets based on the Arabic one like you Farsi alphabet. The word Arab is older than the word "Farsi" in attested history.

As I said you people first tasted civilization the first time you encountered us Semites whom you copied on EVERY matter. Be it alphabet (your so-called old Farsi alphabet was a carbon copy of the Phoenician Semitic alphabet that has been arguably the most influential alphabet), all your national symbols are carbon copies of the Semitic symbols from ancient Babylonia.

To this day you use an Arabic alphabet, you use Arabic names, your religion is Abrahamic (Semitic religions - worlds most influential religions - needless to say), your language has literary thousands of Arabic loan words. And you dare to talk about influence? Just LOL.

The influences the other way are minimal. Your entire culture, language, alphabet, very religion etc. was changed by us. You were never near doing that to any Arab or other Semitic people.

Yemeni civilizations are older than your "Farsi" ones. Elamites etc. had nothing to do with "Iranian civilization" or Iranian people. One just have to visit Sana'a. One of the most ancient cities in the world and among the best kept. World UNESCO Heritage Site. Arabic had a long poetry tradition long before Islam. You people did not even have alphabets. That is a Semitic thing as well.

Aramaic is a fellow Semitic language and a sister language to Arabic fool.

Your conquerors can only say the same the other way around. It was a pleasure supporting Saddam Hussein.

Enjoy your fake wannabe Arab Mullah rule. Soon you will have a 35 year old anniversary.

Now get lost.
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Who are you fool? We Semitic people have older and more influential civilizations than your Kazakh Nomads. You belong on the Kazakh Steppe. Arab civilization formed the greatest empire the world had ever seen and the biggest stretching from Portugal to the Indus Valley. At one point half of the world used Arabic alphabets. The word Arab is older than the word "Farsi" in attested history.

As I said you people first tasted civilization the first time you encountered us Semites whom you copied on EVERY matter. Be it alphabet (your so-called old Farsi alphabet was a carbon copy of the Phoenician Semitic alphabet that has been arguably the most influential alphabet), all your national symbols are carbon copies of the Semitic symbols from ancient Babylonia.

To this day you use an Arabic alphabet, you use Arabic names, your religion is Abrahamic (Semitic religions - worlds most influential religions - needless to say), your language has literary thousands of loan wards.

The influences the other way are minimal. Your entire culture, language, alphabet, very religion etc. was changed by us. You were never near doing that to any Arab or other Semitic people.

Yemeni civilizations are older than your "Farsi" ones. One just have to visit Sana'a. One of the most ancient cities in the world and among the best kept. Arabic had a long poetry tradition long before Islam. You people did not even have alphabets. That is a Semitic thing as well.

Your conquerors only say the same.

Enjoy your fake wannabe Arab Mullah rule. Soon you will have a 35 year old anniversary.

Now get lost.

I'm not even going to reply to this as before. Already replied to the VERY similar thing you said earlier.
And no need to copy and paste the same answer now to you just to prove you wrong again.
Read a history book. You'll learn something. Go open a new thread if you guys want to continue to banter back and forth. All Cultures and civilizations have their good and their bad sides.

Now stick to topic.
@Yzd Khalifa
Hey, what do Saudis think of King Faisal? Can't say i know that much about him, but i know that during his reign, Iran and the Saudis had pretty good relations.
I'm not even going to reply to this as before. Already replied to the VERY similar thing you said earlier.
And no need to copy and paste the same answer now to you just to prove you wrong again.
Read a history book. You'll learn something. Go open a new thread if you guys want to continue to banter back and forth. All Cultures and civilizations have their good and their bad sides.

Now stick to topic.
@Yzd Khalifa
Hey, what do Saudis think of King Faisal? Can't say i know that much about him, but i know that during his reign, Iran and the Saudis had pretty good relations.

None of what I wrote is factually wrong. I exaggerated some of it for the sake of it since your idiotic compatriot (you have a lot of them to be honest - even the moderators have big problems with them since many of them are the same people just former banned users/trolls reappearing under different names - there was another one while I was writing) and idiots talking nonsense about Semitic civilizations that are older than theirs and who influenced them more that the other way around. That is a well-known fact nobody can run away from.

You don't need to tell me to read some books. I speak quite a few languages and have quite a lot of historical knowledge about the region. Be the first human migrations outside of Africa to the Arabian Peninsula, Paleolithic times to the times of various civilizations - some more known in the West and world than others. Let alone genetics or DNA. He asked to hear the truth after his false and idiotic post and I gave it to him in its essence.

King Faisal was one of the best rulers in modern day history of the Middle East and Muslim rulers most importantly. The relations were OK from what I have read. Your Shah, who in reality was the son of a commoner - officer who took the throne and proclaimed himself as the "Shah" were better than with your Mullah's claiming to be Hashemites.

Not sure if that tells anything.

if Saudi strikes we will nuke mecca and medina

Anyone who nukes the holy cities would commit open suicide. You yourself can guess what that would mean for the nearly 2 BILLION Muslims and what we would create of havoc. Besides Allah (swt) is protecting the two cities.

Lastly you will not get any nukes and if you do KSA will get them too.
None of what I wrote is factually wrong. I exaggerated some of it for the sake of it since your idiotic compatriot (you have a lot of them to be honest - even the moderators have big problems with them since many of them are the same people just former banned users/trolls reappearing under different names - there was another one while I was writing) and idiots talking nonsense about Semitic civilizations that are older than theirs and who influenced them more that the other way around. That is a well-known fact nobody can run away from.

You don't need to tell me to read some books. I speak quite a few languages and have quite a lot of historical knowledge about the region. Be the first human migrations outside of Africa to the Arabian Peninsula, Paleolithic times to the times of various civilizations - some more known in the West and world than others. Let alone genetics or DNA. He asked to hear the truth after his false and idiotic post and I gave it to him in its essence.

King Faisal was one of the best rulers in modern day history of the Middle East and Muslim rulers most importantly. The relations were OK from what I have read. Your Shah, who in reality was the son of a commoner - officer who took the throne and proclaimed himself as the "Shah" were better than with your Mullah's claiming to be Hashemites.

Not sure if that tells anything.

Haha, how do i have them? All i said was that the Semites were mentioned a lot later than the Aryans. But that doesn't mean the Aryans were first and came for example before the Africans etc.
I neither agree with what you said about everything or what he said about everything. You both distorted history or maybe have read too much misinformation from biased authors (Pan-Iranian or Pan-Arab).

Ok, well i heard they went so far as to call each other brother when speaking to each other.
I didn't like the Shah, and i don't like "My" mullahs either.
I don't know if they are claiming to be Hashemites, but now you're just going off topic again, bringing religion in and what not.

Anyway, thanks for the answer. I respect your opinion.
So now all of the sudden you are Semite? You were continuously speaking about Arabs in this topic, but you change your identity into 'Semitic' when you realize that Arabs never had any indigenous civilization.

I could subsequently refer myself as Indo-European, and claim all Indo-European civilizations from Europe to China. Indo-Europeans have been throughout history superior to Semites, let alone Arabs. It was Indo-European science that 'Arabs' were learning from. It was Indo-European architecture the Arabs borrowed. Yes, I greatly respect the Phoenicians and Sumerians, but they never been Arabs!

Second. 'Kazakh' is a modern term. You act as if being 'Kazakh' is something to be ashamed of. We are indeed the sons of the Aryans, who migrated from South Russia to Iran, only to conquer the whole known world within one century! Persians achieved to build the first world superpower! Something not one Semite people ever managed to realize! The Achaemenid-Persian Empire was governed by a completely indigenous form of bureaucracy, with Satraps, a new royal road and a strong military. We crushed the Greeks in Anatolia and conquered all Semite people who were worth to conquer, like Egyptians, Phoenicians, Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, etc. This was done 1000 years before Arabs were even known throughout the world!

When Persians were marching, Romans were shivering. This is a how a Roman historian (Libanius) 1600 years ago described the Roman fear of Persians:

''Consequently, a dust rising in the distance, such as would be made by cavalry, did not stir them up to the conflict, but made them turn to flee. But when a squadron, and that only a small one, showed itself, they prayed earth to swallow them up, preferring to suffer any fate rather than look a Persian in the face. And when their manhood had been thus extirpated their confidence was equally destroyed, to such a degree that in the houses where they were billeted whenever they demanded to be served by their hosts the word "Persian" put a stop to their being troublesome; and everyone used to say, jeering at them, "Here comes a Persian soldier!" and they forthwith turned red in the face and jumped away. Nevertheless, when led against their own countrymen they knew how to strike and to suffer blows, but the Persian terror, growing in the course of long years, had become so fixed in them that somebody said they even would have trembled at the Persians in a picture."


Persians, Aryans, had already a civilizations long before they migrated to the Middle East. This has been proved by archeological evidence. We already a had a monotheistic religion when Arabs were still worshipping 10 Gods in Mecca! Old Persian Alphabet has been described by linguists as indigenous.

We still call ourselves Persian. Our most celebrated festivities aren't Arabic, but Persian. When we say 'God', we say 'khoda' and not 'Allah'. Our names, and the words we use are worthless. It is about the greater spiritual idea of your identity! You Arabs never managed to take that from us for more than 1600 years. And now Iran has become the country which dislikes Arabs more than any country in the world.

Yemeni civilizations have been insignificant. Not one culture or civilization were influenced by Yemenites. Plus they have been more closer to Africans, both geographically as culturally, than to Arabs.

It is pleasure to support Assad! An Arab at the service of Persians! Like Nasrallah, Maliki, Shalah (PIJ) and many other Arabs!

To conclude, here are some quotes of Europeans, Arabs and others of Persians:

"I must pay tribute to Zarathushtrâ, a Persian (einemPerser): Persians were the first who thought of history in its full entirety."

- Nietzsche

Thus the founders of grammar were Sibawaih and after him, al-Farisi and Az-Zajjaj. All of them were of non-Arab (Persian) descent... They invented rules of (Arabic) grammar...[58] great jurists were Persians... only the Persians engaged in the task of preserving knowledge and writing systematic scholarly works. Thus the truth of the statement ofthe prophet becomes apparent, "If learning were suspended in the highest parts of heaven the Persians would attain it"... The intellectual sciences were also the preserve of the Persians, left alone by the Arabs, who did not cultivate them... as was the case with all crafts... This situation continued in the cities as long as the Persians and Persian countries, Iraq, Khorasan andTransoxiana, retained their sedentary culture.

Ibn Khaldun
Saudis are welcome to attack it will be their end in fact one tribe shammar tribe it almost destroyed them without the British they fought and defeated shammar tribe without the British al rashid shammar would have been crushed al saud and their kingdom
So now all of the sudden you are Semite? You were continuously speaking about Arabs in this topic, but you change your identity into 'Semitic' when you realize that Arabs never had any indigenous civilization.

I could subsequently refer myself as Indo-European, and claim all Indo-European civilizations from Europe to China. Indo-Europeans have been throughout history superior to Semites, let alone Arabs. It was Indo-European science that 'Arabs' were learning from. It was Indo-European architecture the Arabs borrowed. Yes, I greatly respect the Phoenicians and Sumerians, but they never been Arabs!

Second. 'Kazakh' is a modern term. You act as if being 'Kazakh' is something to be ashamed of. We are indeed the sons of the Aryans, who migrated from South Russia to Iran, only to conquer the whole known world within one century! Persians achieved to build the first world superpower! Something not one Semite people ever managed to realize! The Achaemenid-Persian Empire was governed by a completely indigenous form of bureaucracy, with Satraps, a new royal road and a strong military. We crushed the Greeks in Anatolia and conquered all Semite people who were worth to conquer, like Egyptians, Phoenicians, Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, etc. This was done 1000 years before Arabs were even known throughout the world!

The earliest Indo-Europeans were nomadic people, but the late Indo-Europeans such as Persians have heavily absorbed the semitic civilization from West Asia/Middle East (pre-Arabic semitic people).

The early Indo-European people with their superior warfare system has conquered and absorbed those West Asians and became the people we known as Persians.
Haha, how do i have them? All i said was that the Semites were mentioned a lot later than the Aryans. But that doesn't mean the Aryans were first and came for example before the Africans etc.
I neither agree with what you said about everything or what he said about everything. You both distorted history or maybe have read too much misinformation from biased authors (Pan-Iranian or Pan-Arab).

Ok, well i heard they went so far as to call each other brother when speaking to each other.
I didn't like the Shah, and i don't like "My" mullahs either.
I don't know if they are claiming to be Hashemites, but now you're just going off topic again, bringing religion in and what not.

Anyway, thanks for the answer. I respect your opinion.

Well, I could quickly point most of those claims if not all (many are widely known) if it was not 03.23 here where I am now. Besides blame your compatriots for trolling otherwise I would not engage in those pissing contests. I am not interested in them. The past is the past and none of us here can take any credit for that. I can't take the credit of what some Semitic ancestor did 1000's upon 1000's years ago and before that the first Africans who migrated to the Arabian Peninsula and from there on to the remaining world.

All sources are biased. English Wikipedia is the most biased source. I am sure you have heard about all the edit wars. Every editor has his agenda and only the sources used in every article that suit the editors are used. In reality there are 100 more different theories.

Look. You Iranians have lived in the Arab world before. Many of you still do. Look no further than UAE. Relations are fine there and without problems. When you lived in Iraq the same was the case. There is a little Iranian community in Lebanon and everything is fine there mostly too. There is a famous Lebanese author Fuad Ajami of mixed Arab-Iranian ancestry that deals with the relations between Arabs and Iranians and Semites and Indo-Iranians.

Fouad Ajami - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Likewise there are 1.5 million Arabs or so in Iran and many have high positions and had that. Most relations are also fine there despite some grievances here and there.

One thing I don't understand is how a person, commoner and officer, can proclaim himself as a Shah and then suddenly rule a whole country through this "royal" legitimatize. I don't understand that. Or how all those Turkic dynasties could rule Iran for so long.

This is the question we all want to know. Many are undeniable Hashemites since they came from Arab lands originally or are new arrivals. Most came during the Safavids who violently made Iran Shia and for that job they needed Arab Shia Mullah's whom they imported from Lebanon, Iraq and what is today the Eastern Province of KSA where there to this day are sizable Shia communities.

One can say that you pay the price for having done those massacres converted since you are quite isolated now. Only two other majority Shia states are Iraq (60% Shia), Bahrain (60% Shia but that is such a small country) and Azerbaijan (90% Shia or so) and the latte is the most secular and irreligious Muslim country on earth probably only after Albania.

Safavid conversion of Iran to Shia Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't really have a problem with Iranians. Many are similar to Arabs by look, behavior, somewhat similar culture, cuisine etc. Depends on which Iranians you are talking about since Iran is a very mixed country ethnically and there are great differences between Iranians from let us say Tabriz compared to Zahedan or Iranians from Mashhad and Bandar Abbas.

But I do have a problem with your Mullah's and ignorant Iranians and quite a few of your users here (compatriots) whom I suspect of being the same trolls that get banned and reappear again under different usernames.

Other than that then my favorite pizzeria here in Copenhagen where I study currently is run by an Iranian from Northern Iran and we have talked about the regions history probably 100 times and he is a very friendly man who also makes good pizzas LOL.

Anyway we don't need to be best friends or friends even. As long as there is no meddling in each others business. You stick to TUrkmenistan, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan etc. and your neighbors and we stick to the Arab world and wider Middle East.
Saudis are welcome to attack it will be their end in fact one tribe shammar tribe it almost destroyed them without the British they fought and defeated shammar tribe without the British al rashid shammar would have been crushed al saud and their kingdom

This news is completely false news. Why should KSA even waste resources, risk the life of citizens or the military in a conflict that is about you and the Zionists. Not our damn business.

The ancient Shammar tribe is native to Najd and several million live in KSA, Iraq, Syria and other Arab countries. The Shammar was not a tribe but the Al-Rashed were a ruling family who ruled a large Emirate and they were allies with the Ottomans. The Al-Saud family who ruled the Southern parts of Najd defeated them. The British had nothing to do with either party or battles. KSA was not colonized by a Western country ever.

Besides in those old days what is now modern KSA was formed by various Kingdoms, Emirates, Sheikdoms etc.
So telling me that I'm a Jewish hater and saying "Iranian Nazis" when replying to my post, is not calling anyone Anti-Semitic,Racist etc....:crazy::disagree:

I respect your opinions...but there are no conspiracies here, i provided facts. And i do hope people will read up on what i wrote and also on what you wrote. So that they can for themselves, see what the truth is :)
No, I did not say anything about u. I just said that you made a retarded comparison when compared protesting student girls with terrorists who fire Grad rockets and mortars at towns.

I said that ur regime is terrorist Nazi dictatorship, which openly supports terror, dreams about the destruction of a nation, slaughters own opposition and helps other dictatorships to do so.

And there are Jewish haters who hate Jews for being too European and white just like German Nazis hated Jews for being too Asian and dark.

And since you could not answer any of it u decided to whine: awww awww, he called me an anti Semite.

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