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Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own

1. All country which want to be safe from USA, want nuclear deterrent. Even puny North Korea. Nuclear weapons are best weapon to delay/avert any war. The common belief is, if I have nukes and considerable delivery system, enemy will think twice before attacking. Having said that I am not saying that Iran is developing Nukes.
2. :smitten: Yes Isreal got it from France .. I agree with you/
3. In world there are only two Muslim Majority country where Shia are safe (Iran and India). Doesn't it show the intention of Sunnis? Tell me one month in Pakistan (since many year) when Shia was not killed...

I thought that you were supporting those stupid secterian wars, and hardliners ... but it seems that you are actually indian and you are not one of them. so I apologize for my language about your comment.
I agree about some parts of your comment.
Nukes can provide some safety for a country but may also cause isolation, regional conflicts and many other problems which for example North Korea or Pakistan or Israel are facing nowadays.
There have been sunni-shia fights in the history indeed, and I agree that Shias have been oppressed by sunni majority in the history. That's an undeniable fact. Anyway, I believe that having religious tolerance, which can be found among both muslims and hindus of india, has been a reason that india has been able to maintain its unity although she consists of many different ethnic and religious groups.
I thought that you were supporting those stupid secterian wars, and hardliners ... but it seems that you are actually indian and you are not one of them. so I apologize for my language about your comment.
I agree about some parts of your comment.
Nukes can provide some safety for a country but may also cause isolation, regional conflicts and many other problems which for example North Korea or Pakistan or Israel are facing nowadays.
There have been sunni-shia fights in the history indeed, and I agree that Shias have been oppressed by sunni majority in the history. That's an undeniable fact. Anyway, I believe that having religious tolerance, which can be found among both muslims and hindus of india, has been a reason that india has been able to maintain its unity although she consists of many different ethnic and religious groups.

See brother I have happily lived my half life, I have paid Taxes, I have worked for poor kids. I may live another 30 years. Why to live with hate and fear? live happily with Joy , Help poor ppl, help the needy.

I get devastated when I hear killing of Human in name of religion "from Gujrat to Baghdad". See what is happening in Syria, Just to bring down one person many are died.

In any war only these ppl suffer.
1. Women (Rape and brutality)
2. Kids (human right violation)
3. Innocent ppl.
See brother I have happily lived my half life, I have paid Taxes, I have worked for poor kids. I may live another 30 years. Why to live with hate and fear? live happily with Joy , Help poor ppl, help the needy.

I get devastated when I hear killing of Human in name of religion "from Gujrat to Baghdad". See what is happening in Syria, Just to bring down one person many are died.

In any war only these ppl suffer.
1. Women (Rape and brutality)
2. Kids (human right violation)
3. Innocent ppl.
couldn't agree more. We, all of us, are human beings before being a muslim or hindu or jewish or ...
being a human comes first and is the most important fact of our life.
I always feel very bad when I see sectarian wars or fights or even comments, since I know this is what can make our beloved globe destroyed.
Yes good reason,they khnow they will be defeated if attack and it`s the reason of why they didn`t attack.They see Iran soldiers power in Hezzbollah soldiers in 2006 war against israel.If they attack they will lose whole thier reputation in the world beacuse of defeat against Iran.Saudi arabia is not able even to attack on one our eparchies,It is something like joke.
1. All country which want to be safe from USA, want nuclear deterrent. Even puny North Korea. Nuclear weapons are best weapon to delay/avert any war. The common belief is, if I have nukes and considerable delivery system, enemy will think twice before attacking. Having said that I am not saying that Iran is developing Nukes.

2. :smitten: Yes Isreal got it from France .. I agree with you/

3. In world there are only two Muslim Majority country where Shia are safe (Iran and India). Doesn't it show the intention of Sunnis? Tell me one month in Pakistan (since many year) when Shia was not killed...

What power you are talking about? The power of trolls. US didn't attack Iran because it is not in USA interest.

Being patriotic doesn't mean being stupid.
Let me tell you clearly two CBG (80+ 4++th gen fighters, many cruise missiles, Many SLBMs and so on) is enough for entire Iranian defence forces..

Having said that, I always want good relation between Iran and USA. lets USA, Iran, India, Israel, Iraq, KSA all live happily..

What he wrote about "Iran has the power which causes no country even US don`t dare to attack her", I am sure the U.S is more than capable of attacking Iran, And i don't agree with what he said...As you say, patriotism doesn't mean being stupid...And you should never underestimate anyone...
But, i can't say i agree with what you wrote about the U.S and what's enough to for the entire Iranian Defence Force.
Look at the U.S in Afghanistan, what they had is after 12 years, 1 month and 3 weeks, still not winning the war for them. And on top of that, they didn't even go into Afghanistan by themselves.
And what type of equipment does the Taliban have? Nothing anyway NEAR the capabilities of the U.S.
The Iranians have their own military industry,defenses, missiles, and etc..and its growing each day. And they are more than capable of handling the U.S....Now, i don't buy the "IRAN IS ALL POWERFUL! NO ONE WILL DARE TO ATTACK IT, WE ARE SUPER AMAZING AND AWESOME". I always say never underestimate anyone.
As i said, the U.S hasn't directly attacked a country with a self-sufficient military industry since the ww2. And they know the dangers of attacking Iran. Which is why they didn't.
Most analysts said that it'll be a fireball in the middle east if a war against Iran broke out, what the U.S faced in Afghanistan, Iraq and etc would seem like a walk in the park compare toa war with Iran. And almost all the military and security advisers to Bush and Obama, went ahead and told them that a war with Iran is simply not possible.

And i hope war doesn't break out some day between the U.S and Iran, because it will most likely affect the entire world. And maybe as many say, bring about WW3.

With that said,
I also want good relation between Iran and USA. That they all live happily. And maybe if this interim deal they made in Geneva works, that could be the start of that. At least maybe make things better than they are now.
What he wrote about "Iran has the power which causes no country even US don`t dare to attack her", I am sure the U.S is more than capable of attacking Iran, And i don't agree with what he said...As you say, patriotism doesn't mean being stupid...And you should never underestimate anyone...
But, i can't say i agree with what you wrote about the U.S and what's enough to for the entire Iranian Defence Force.
Look at the U.S in Afghanistan, what they had is after 12 years, 1 month and 3 weeks, still not winning the war for them. And on top of that, they didn't even go into Afghanistan by themselves.
And what type of equipment does the Taliban have? Nothing anyway NEAR the capabilities of the U.S.
The Iranians have their own military industry,defenses, missiles, and etc..and its growing each day. And they are more than capable of handling the U.S....Now, i don't buy the "IRAN IS ALL POWERFUL! NO ONE WILL DARE TO ATTACK IT, WE ARE SUPER AMAZING AND AWESOME". I always say never underestimate anyone.
As i said, the U.S hasn't directly attacked a country with a self-sufficient military industry since the ww2. And they know the dangers of attacking Iran. Which is why they didn't.
Most analysts said that it'll be a fireball in the middle east if a war against Iran broke out, what the U.S faced in Afghanistan, Iraq and etc would seem like a walk in the park compare toa war with Iran. And almost all the military and security advisers to Bush and Obama, went ahead and told them that a war with Iran is simply not possible.

And i hope war doesn't break out some day between the U.S and Iran, because it will most likely affect the entire world. And maybe as many say, bring about WW3.

With that said,
I also want good relation between Iran and USA. That they all live happily. And maybe if this interim deal they made in Geneva works, that could be the start of that. At least maybe make things better than they are now.
I don`t think the relation goes to be better.Becuase US will following outcry and keep preasure on Iran and will excuse...I really beleive US wants but doesn`t have the ability to attack Iran and no other country dare too.Not just becuase of high hardness ,beacuase she doeshn`t have ability and she khnows.
What he wrote about "Iran has the power which causes no country even US don`t dare to attack her", I am sure the U.S is more than capable of attacking Iran, And i don't agree with what he said...As you say, patriotism doesn't mean being stupid...And you should never underestimate anyone...
But, i can't say i agree with what you wrote about the U.S and what's enough to for the entire Iranian Defence Force.
Look at the U.S in Afghanistan, what they had is after 12 years, 1 month and 3 weeks, still not winning the war for them. And on top of that, they didn't even go into Afghanistan by themselves.
And what type of equipment does the Taliban have? Nothing anyway NEAR the capabilities of the U.S.
The Iranians have their own military industry,defenses, missiles, and etc..and its growing each day. And they are more than capable of handling the U.S....Now, i don't buy the "IRAN IS ALL POWERFUL! NO ONE WILL DARE TO ATTACK IT, WE ARE SUPER AMAZING AND AWESOME". I always say never underestimate anyone.
As i said, the U.S hasn't directly attacked a country with a self-sufficient military industry since the ww2. And they know the dangers of attacking Iran. Which is why they didn't.
Most analysts said that it'll be a fireball in the middle east if a war against Iran broke out, what the U.S faced in Afghanistan, Iraq and etc would seem like a walk in the park compare toa war with Iran. And almost all the military and security advisers to Bush and Obama, went ahead and told them that a war with Iran is simply not possible.

And i hope war doesn't break out some day between the U.S and Iran, because it will most likely affect the entire world. And maybe as many say, bring about WW3.

With that said,
I also want good relation between Iran and USA. That they all live happily. And maybe if this interim deal they made in Geneva works, that could be the start of that. At least maybe make things better than they are now.

Please don't take it exact way , It was just a metaphor. The point is USA is capable, It is superpower. We can not deny this truth.

And u are right history is full with example when a handful of brave hearts did. But again that was the time when combat was done hand to hand.

@Afghanistan: America didn't went to win afghanistan.
@iraq: America didn't went there to win it.

War is about objectives, not annihilation. You go in a war with 100 objectives. Its not war of 10th century where tribe A use to annihilate tribe B. The women became sex slaves, The Kids become slave, The house are raised.. No one fight war that way.. :)
Unfortunately, KSA never had and apparently never will have the courage to stand in the front against Iran. I assume that if Iran develops nuclear weapons, KSA would pressurize the US to put it under the American nuclear umbrella or even place US nuclear bombs on KSA territory, like in the Cold War era.
Unfortunately, KSA never had and apparently never will have the courage to stand in the front against Iran. I assume that if Iran develops nuclear weapons, KSA would pressurize the US to put it under the American nuclear umbrella or even place US nuclear bombs on KSA territory, like in the Cold War era.

u dont worry abt ksa !! worry abt your failed regime on the verge of being wiped out off the world .

u dont worry abt ksa !! worry abt your failed regime on the verge of being wiped out off the world .


Well, a week has passed since our last interaction and Israel still very much exist. I have a feeling Israel will still be here, strong and prosperous, a long time after no one remembers that there was a rogue and barbaric regime in Iran.
Well, a week has passed since our last interaction and Israel still very much exist. I have a feeling Israel will still be here, strong and prosperous, a long time after no one remembers that there was a rogue and barbaric regime in Iran.

heck , its so interesting that its israeli regime who commits massacre and crime against humanity and yet iran is barbar !

as always , youre using the wrong dictionary .
heck , its so interesting that its israeli regime who commits massacre and crime against humanity and yet iran is barbar !

as always , youre using the wrong dictionary .

If you mean that I do not follow the propaganda of your notorious regime, then you are absolutely right. Unlike Iran, Israel never massacred its owm people in the streets and rigged free elections like your regime did in 2009. Israel never helped a regime to murder its own people with chemical weapons like your regime helped Syria.

I advise you to change your shocked posture from whatever you relate to Israel while you defend your regime which has the blood of innocent Iranians and Syrians on his hands.
If you mean that I do not follow the propaganda of your notorious regime, then you are absolutely right. Unlike Iran, Israel never massacred its owm people in the streets and rigged free elections like your regime did in 2009. Israel never helped a regime to murder its own people with chemical weapons like your regime helped Syria.

I advise you to change your shocked posture from whatever you relate to Israel while you defend your regime which has the blood of innocent Iranians and Syrians on his hands.

go away kiddo , embarrassed brings unrelated BS .

there was 30 death incidents in iran's post election protests . most of whom carried out by zionist regime . above that as i said youre the one who kills syrians and u wont get away with it .

now , compare the 30 death incidents (again carried out by mouse'aad) with the hundreds of thosands even millions of innocents in lebanon , palestine , egypt , iraq ....

not even comparable .

next . :wave:
go away kiddo , embarrassed brings unrelated BS .

there was 30 death incidents in iran's post election protests . most of whom carried out by zionist regime . above that as i said youre the one who kills syrians and u wont get away with it .

now , compare the 30 death incidents (again carried out by mouse'aad) with the hundreds of thosands even millions of innocents in lebanon , palestine , egypt , iraq ....

not even comparable .

next . :wave:

What a joke, even your rogue regime admitted that 30 innocent people were killed, but of course the numbers are much higher. Not to mention that this barbaric regime stole free elections because it did not like what the people wanted. And this is the degenerate regime you defend and you live in denial about Iran's support to the use of chemical weapons in Syria against bavies, women and other innocent people.

I am curious, how the Mossad killed those hundreds of demonstrators? What is your unintelligent conspiracy theory?
What a joke, even your rogue regime admitted that 30 innocent people were killed, but of course the numbers are much higher. Not to mention that this barbaric regime stole free elections because it did not like what the people wanted. And this is the degenerate regime you defend and you live in denial about Iran's support to the use of chemical weapons in Syria against bavies, women and other innocent people.

I am curious, how the Mossad killed those hundreds of demonstrators? What is your unintelligent conspiracy theory?

what the heck ? what kind of debating is this ?

of course u dont have any civilian thats why u dont have any protest . you are all armed militants waiting for the right time to kill the innocents . in democracies all around the world including russia , usa , iran and .... there are these protests . just look at this long list of your killings and assasinations in iran http://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&q=mossad+kills+iranians&oq=mossad+kills+iranians

u didnt answer me , what abt the massacre of the ppl of lebanon , palestine , egypt , iraq , ...

do have any numbers from them ?

kid , look ur not made for this , by bringing unrelated BS youre trying to hang on but ur not the man for it
what the heck ? what kind of debating is this ?

of course u dont have any civilian thats why u dont have any protest . you are all armed militants waiting for the right time to kill the innocents . in democracies all around the world including russia , usa , iran and .... there are these protests . just look at this long list of your killings and assasinations in iran http://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&q=mossad+kills+iranians&oq=mossad+kills+iranians

u didnt answer me , what abt the massacre of the ppl of lebanon , palestine , egypt , iraq , ...

do have any numbers from them ?

kid , look ur not made for this , by bringing unrelated BS youre trying to hang on but ur not the man for it

You are not man for it... you are a kid... I understand that in your kind of under-developed culture this kind of talks about "honor" does the trick, but you need to understand that it will not work when you are addressing people from modern civilization.

Your understanding about Israel and its people is even smaller than your understanding about democracy (saying Iran is a democracy, and Russia...).

As for your drivel about "massacrs", I will be more that ready to talk about this nonsense after you explain how Iran is a democracy while it murders its own people, helps using chemical weapons, and the entire regime is controlled by mullahs who are not elected by anyone. And how the Mossad is connected to this?
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