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Iran: No oil through strait if sanctions applied

Iranian Navy no match for US battle group - Russian military official

Its obvious, and no one questions it. Head-to-head US would smash Iran's navy, same applies to fighter jets. Thats why Iran is preparing different tactic - asymmetric warfare. How well it works we have seen in Millennium Challenge.
Its obvious, and no one questions it. Head-to-head US would smash Iran's navy, same applies to fighter jets. Thats why Iran is preparing different tactic - asymmetric warfare. How well it works we have seen in Millennium Challenge.

Perhaps the use of small boats like Al Qaeda did in 2000 on Cole, but you have to go deep in the waters to reach the battle group. Anti-ship missiles and jets the only way to reach the carrier if its close to within 500 miles.
Its obvious, and no one questions it. Head-to-head US would smash Iran's navy, same applies to fighter jets. Thats why Iran is preparing different tactic - asymmetric warfare. How well it works we have seen in Millennium Challenge.

Oh yeah, just like Saddam's promise to give USA "the Mother of All Battles", let's see what this new challenge does when push comes to shove in reality.
Perhaps the use of small boats like Al Qaeda did in 2000 on Cole, but you have to go deep in the waters to reach the battle group. Anti-ship missiles and jets the only way to reach the carrier if its close to within 500 miles.
what?al qaeda?500 miles?are you ok?first study then come back.
you have to rest baby
Oh yeah, just like Saddam's promise to give USA "the Mother of All Battles", let's see what this new challenge does when push comes to shove in reality.
oh i think your avatar is very Graceful for you.
we are iranians and saddam was an Iraqi.lets see the battles!
Oh yeah, just like Saddam's promise to give USA "the Mother of All Battles", let's see what this new challenge does when push comes to shove in reality.
Any idiot can say things (as you're proving but that's beside the point). Saddam's Iraq had a GDP close to Afghanistan's current GDP. Homes didn't have electricity or clean water most of the time. Sewage ran through the streets. They were trying to fight the US in a conventional manner with toys that were no match. They had absolutely no industrial capacity, military or otherwise. With all of the Arab world and the Western world supporting them and even with the use of chemical weapons, they still couldn't beat Iran's civilian army (I don't expect a braindead american to know such things but a little googling would show you that after the revolution, Iran disbanded its army and airforce and everything was in tatters). Your leaders are feeding you horse manure of the highest quality. You only attack countries that can't defend themselves and you can't even beat them, but come out and say we did this and we did that. It's like Spain beating Maldives in a football match and then gloating about it. What have you done that deserves respect? You beat Iraq? A country with ZERO deterrents against you? woopdeefuckingdoo
Why don't you attack a country that has ballistic missiles that can reach Israel or a country with enough AS missiles that can actually take out your ships? Why don't you attack a country that actually makes its own **** and can fight a long war? clown
what?al qaeda?500 miles?are you ok?first study then come back.
you have to rest baby

Um ok you have bad grammar, can't comprehend and you don't know history. You don't know Al Qaeda you must be sheltered.
Guys Enjoy the NEW YEAR BASH...... don't get bothered US will not attack as of now.......at not not before they get out of Afghanistan.....


Its like Iran kicking and US watching and doing nothing.... I have been hearing that All option on for last decade... Its time now to utilise it or put in the drawer.

Um ok you have bad grammar, can't comprehend and you don't know history. You don't know Al Qaeda you must be sheltered.
i wil ask GOD for your Healing because you have a Insuperable problem.
first study about the Geography of persian gulf then return.ok?
I am surprised how fast they turn their back against there supposed friend..no shortage of members here singing Indo-Persian brotherhood when India is clearly siding with the anglos. Ghaddai , Saddam Hussien and the entire Africa may have been amused by indian dancing but rest assured they would never thought close relationship with India would be of some strategic use against the popular perception created by new delhi.

An individual's comment does not make india an enemy of iran !!
You guys are matured enough to consider that a individual intention is not official !!
India will continue to support iran or atleast take up a policy of non-alignment !!!
We dont want iran to be attacked !!
Any idiot can say things (as you're proving but that's beside the point). Saddam's Iraq had a GDP close to Afghanistan's current GDP. Homes didn't have electricity or clean water most of the time. Sewage ran through the streets.
Yet Iran could not do anything to Saddam's Iraq despite huge numerical superiority.
Oh yeah, just like Saddam's promise to give USA "the Mother of All Battles", let's see what this new challenge does when push comes to shove in reality.

Like Americans being saying for last 30 years there going to do this and that with Iran. Have they-no

Americans are windbags gonna do something do it stop huffing and puffing we have been listening for 30 years. last thing I heard Iranians took one of their drones. obama said give me back my toy, Iranians said no what could Americans do-nothing as usual lol
Like Americans being saying for last 30 years there going to do this and that with Iran. Have they-no..................

...........because Iran still needs to sell its oil in dollars. As long as that is the case, no need to attack. Otherwise, it just might.
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