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Iran: nationwide rallies to protest recent Shia killings in Pakistan

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Iran is trying to provoke the issue there were many sunnis are also killed in Abbas town. And this is our internal matter if they want to protest than they should protest for Irani sunnis who are viticm of Iran's sectarianism.
Iran is trying to provoke the issue there were many sunnis are also killed in Abbas town. And this is our internal matter if they want to protest than they should protest for Irani sunnis who are viticm of Iran's sectarianism.

Read the article Bro they said The protest was to Show solidarity with shia sunni over the Foriegn entity that is destroying the country to cause Sectarian Violence and told both shia sunni to Stand together against these

"thank you come again":cheers:
I think you best friends is america....:cheesy:

We do what we have to maintain our interests. At the moment, we and the U.S. have conflict of interest.

I didn't watch the video, so I have no idea what you're talking about.
Yes, cooperating on fighting terrorism in both countries, you have problem with that?

We did help U.S to fight Al-Qaeda in Iraq who wanted to hijack the Iraq's leadership in its instability peak.Same as Afghanistan, we did help U.S fighting Taliban.Because it served OUR interests.But they didn't pay back very well though.

One of examples, you should read, it's interesting:

2001 uprising in Herat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now you are supporting Taliban and Al-Qaeda?

it is needn't to dress up coorperation with West in invation of two muslims countries(Afganistan&iraq) by empty words.

it was obviously collaboration of Persian emperialism and West emperialism. It could repaeat whenever it serve for interests of Persian emperialism in another muslim country.

iran had run the same policy with West and provaked Allawites-Shias citizens againist Othmani empire in 15. and 16. centuries. Otherwise Muslims could had conquered Wien and Rome.
As Iran is the leader of shia block its obvious that they had to protest.
As Iran is the leader of shia block its obvious that they had to protest.
YUP just like how Pakistan is the leader of Southasian muslim Block so they Protest any thing that goes wrong with muslims in its occupied territories and in india and Bangladesh, I feel You bro

"Thank you come again":cheers:
I urge all Pakistanis (and others) to be aware of certain members trying to instigate Sectarian hatred/rift here. They are opportunists of the worst kind. And their kind is what is only fueling this intolerance that have led to these unfortunate attacks.

Shia killing Sunnis or Sunnis killing Shias. They are both equally wrong, that deserve condemnation.
I urge all Pakistanis (and others) to be aware of certain members trying to instigate Sectarian hatred/rift here. They are opportunists of the worst kind. And their kind is what is only fueling this intolerance that have led to these unfortunate attacks.

Shia killing Sunnis or Sunnis killing Shias. They are both equally wrong, that deserve condemnation.

Funny this is coming from a person who uses the word Wahhabi. Are you even able to describe what that word means? It's history. Who uses it. Where it came from? Do you think anyone calls himself a Wahhabi?

All Sunnis of Saudi Arabia (90-95 percent) follow SUNNI ISLAM and are either of the Hanbali or Shafi'i fiqh. One of the 4 recognized madahib in Sunni Islam. All the material that is taught in school comes from Sunni sources. None of it is invention. Educate yourself.

50.000 Shias live in Madinah and they are peaceful and good people despite some religious differences we have between each other. And I think it is because they have no contact/are yet to be brainwashed by the post 1979 Iranian regime. Also those are the oldest community of Shias and descendants of prominent Shia clerics etc. Not to mention Prophet Muhammad (saws) himself like my family is and many others in Hejaz.
It seems some people are angry over these protests.
Chill out and read the news again.

Thousands of theology students have rallied in several cities, including Qom, Tabriz and Mashahad, chanting slogans against certain countries that stir sectarian violence in Pakistan.

They have also called on Pakistani Shia and Sunni Muslims to remain united against enemy plots seeking to pit them against each other.

According to the Human Rights Watch, more than 400 Shias were killed in a chain of attacks in Pakistan in 2012.

In the latest incident, over 40 Shia Muslims died in a bombing in the southern port city of Karachi last week

It's not about only caring for Shias. But about Al-Qaeda animals and their obvious supporters who are trying to turn Shias and Sunnis against each other.

Besides, look at the number of Shias in Pakistan, how many percent of population they are?And how many are systematically targeted? So shouldn't someone start protesting?Not only for Shias,but for everyone who is being killed in Pakistan or anywhere else. At least in Iran some people do care for someone's lives.And not only Shias? Aren't Iranians protesting against discrimination of Palestinians who are Sunnis in majority?Or Muslims of Myanmar who are again,Sunnis?So,is this only for Shias?

PressTV - Iranians to stage protest rally against Muslim killings in Myanmar

PressTV - Iranians hold massive Intl. Quds Day rallies to support Palestinians

Iran condemns killing of a Palestinian in Israeli custody | RSSNEWS.co - RSS NEWS center

What about some certain 'Muslim countries'? I don't see anyone coming to streets to protests killing of Muslims, be it Sunni or Shia.

And about the situation of Sunnis in Iran, that's not concerning this thread.But we don't see Shias in Iran doing suicide bombings in Sunni areas, behead them because of their beliefs and target them as 'heretics' and 'infidels'.

So before starting hate spreading about these rallies,wake up and see the reality.So all of those who may dislike protests against killing Muslims, what have you done yourselves to prevent these killings?
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Those that are crying that iranian protests only about shia people are Wahabi/salafist/barelvi/Deobandi/QaDIYANI/ any thing but sunnis and i amnot a shia nor a sunni but muslim

"thank you very Much":cheers:
Funny this is coming from a person who uses the word Wahhabi. Are you even able to describe what that word means? It's history. Who uses it. Where it came from? Do you think anyone calls himself a Wahhabi?

All Sunnis of Saudi Arabia (90-95 percent) follow SUNNI ISLAM and are either of the Hanbali or Shafi'i fiqh. One of the 4 recognized madahib in Sunni Islam. All the material that is taught in school comes from Sunni sources. None of it is invention. Educate yourself.

After this, Im not going to adress your posts anymore. Its a waste of time, as most of them are of a pretty dark nature and shows a level of indoctrination, that no "debate" with you will be of any use. Trust the mod will take care of it and delete all the inflammatory nonsense coming out of your rear-end.
Tata :)
Why my posts were deleted! It takes time to write these you know?! :(
Not like your country Where you have to Bow to QUeen before you can take a breath of fresh air

"thank you come again":cheers:

Lool do you know Canadian history at all? Majority of Canadians have always been loyalists. These are American loyalists who resettled in other British Colonies (Present Day Canada) after American Revolution war? Hence, Canada is dominion of Commonwealth Nations? Hence, Queen is head of state.

And as long as bowing down to Queen is concerned, even your President Obama bowed down to some Saudi prince supposedly. Remember? I'm sure Canadians will prefer to bow down to her majesty than some Saudi prince?

By the way that 'Thank you, Come again' at the end of every post is really corny :/
Lool do you know Canadian history at all? Majority of Canadians have always been loyalists. These are American loyalists who resettled in other British Colonies (Present Day Canada) after American Revolution war? Hence, Canada is dominion of Commonwealth Nations? Hence, Queen is head of state.

And as long as bowing down to Queen is concerned, even your President Obama bowed down to her supposedly. Remember?

By the way that 'Thank you, Come again' at the end of every post is really corny :/

what ever dude i am not a liberal and certainly Did not serve Her Majesty in the American Armed Forces so P1ss off Y0u W@nker and stay back on topic please

You live in Denmark and thankfully for you not in Iran. You have freedom of speech and your internet is not blocked. When I see a hypocrite I like to make that clear. You talk about unity but you use swear-words.

If Wahhabi is a word that is allowed to be used against Sunnis then I guess words such as Rafidha and Majoos are tolerated as well to use against Shias. But somehow I doubt it.

Wahhabis are not sunnis they dont Celebrate Prophets P.b.U.H birth nor they show respect to the Family members of prophet p.b.u.h you also have some Shias that dont show respect to the Prophet P.b.u.h Family members and WAHABi Does not Represent ISLAM
Funny this is coming from a person who uses the word Wahhabi. Are you even able to describe what that word means? It's history. Who uses it. Where it came from? Do you think anyone calls himself a Wahhabi?

All Sunnis of Saudi Arabia (90-95 percent) follow SUNNI ISLAM and are either of the Hanbali or Shafi'i fiqh. One of the 4 recognized madahib in Sunni Islam. All the material that is taught in school comes from Sunni sources. None of it is invention. Educate yourself.

50.000 Shias live in Madinah and they are peaceful and good people despite some religious differences we have between each other. And I think it is because they have no contact/are yet to be brainwashed by the post 1979 Iranian regime. Also those are the oldest community of Shias and descendants of prominent Shia clerics etc. Not to mention Prophet Muhammad (saws) himself like my family is and many others in Hejaz.

The official and dominant form of Sunni Islam in Saudi Arabia is commonly known as Wahhabism

The Saudis have spent at least $87 billion propagating Wahhabism abroad during the past two decades, and the scale of financing is believed to have increased in the past two years. The bulk of this funding goes towards the construction and operating expenses of mosques, madrasas, and other religious institutions that preach Wahhabism. It also supports imam training; mass media and publishing outlets; distribution of textbooks and other literature; and endowments to universities (in exchange for influence over the appointment of Islamic scholars). Some of the hundreds of thousands of non-Saudis who live in Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf have been influenced by Wahhabism and preach Wahhabism in their home country upon their return. Agencies controlled by the Kingdom's Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Da'wah and Guidance are responsible for outreach to non-Muslim residents and are converting hundreds of non-Muslims into Islam every year

Wahhabism is most prevalent in Saudia.
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