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Iran MP: Iran-Pakistan cooperation guarantees regional security, stability

Are you saying that Iran does not want the NA in Afghanistan? The NA which it has supported for so many decades? Sanctions do not mean Iran doesn't support this role the US is playing in Afghanistan, as noted by many commentators, Iran and Pakistan have opposing interests in Afghanistan.
Voting against Iran there doesn't mean Iran and India aren't hand in glove with regards to the Baloch insurgency.
These Ayatollahs are two-faced backstabbers.
We have opposite goals in Afghanistan, Iran is an ally of our greatest enemy, Iran is involved in Baloch insurgency, so where exactly do we have common interests?

Give us proof that shows Iran is involved in Baloch insurgency. Iran never claimed our Balochistan province. And the last thing Iran wants is an insurgency in Pakistan's Balochistan province that might spread to Iran's Sistan-Baluchistan province.
Are you saying that Iran does not want the NA in Afghanistan? The NA which it has supported for so many decades? Sanctions do not mean Iran doesn't support this role the US is playing in Afghanistan, as noted by many commentators, Iran and Pakistan have opposing interests in Afghanistan.
Voting against Iran there doesn't mean Iran and India aren't hand in glove with regards to the Baloch insurgency.
These Ayatollahs are two-faced backstabbers.

Both Iran and Pakistan want the U.S. out of the region. Yes, Iran has interests in Afghanistan, so does Pakistan. Why fight over Afghanistan. Pakistan never denied the non-pashtuns a voice in their country.

You didn't answer my question, if Iran is supporting U.S. in Afghanistan why doesnt Iran allow U.S./NATO access to its sea ports when Pakistan has block NATO supply route. Iran would be perfect because it also has a sea port and is also an immediate neighbor of Afghanistan. Why U.S. doesnt have the balls to ask Iran for access to Iran's sea port?
Give us proof that shows Iran is involved in Baloch insurgency. Iran never claimed our Balochistan province. And the last thing Iran wants is an insurgency in Pakistan's Balochistan province that might spread to Iran's Sistan-Baluchistan province.

I'm not finding you any proof about this, you can go look for it yourself. If you want, you can claim that this proves I'm wrong.
Maybe later I'll get some proof.
Both Iran and Pakistan want the U.S. out of the region. Yes, Iran has interests in Afghanistan, so does Pakistan. Why fight over Afghanistan. Pakistan never denied the non-pashtuns a voice in their country.

You didn't answer my question, if Iran is supporting U.S. in Afghanistan why doesnt Iran allow U.S./NATO access to its sea ports when Pakistan has block NATO supply route. Iran would be perfect because it also has a sea port and is also an immediate neighbor of Afghanistan. Why U.S. doesnt have the balls to ask Iran for access to Iran's sea port?

Because Pakistan is getting screwed over, while Iran sees its own interests being realized in Afghanistan without having to move a finger, and at the same time, it is still seen as the one country standing up to the Great Satan. So why should they change what they're doing?
And I didn't mean Iran supports the US in Afghanistan, I meant that it supports the result of the US role in Afghanistan, which is the resurgence of the NA.
^ Pakistan and iran are not fighting each other over Baluchistan,They are both fighting together against Baluch separatists.Baluch separatist started to rebel against iran from 2003.
Pakistan and iran have no disputes ,yes we are at opposing sides in Afghanistan,but we both want the US out ,then we can settle are differences there.
Both Iran and Pakistan want the U.S. out of the region. Yes, Iran has interests in Afghanistan, so does Pakistan. Why fight over Afghanistan. Pakistan never denied the non-pashtuns a voice in their country.

You didn't answer my question, if Iran is supporting U.S. in Afghanistan why doesnt Iran allow U.S./NATO access to its sea ports when Pakistan has block NATO supply route. Iran would be perfect because it also has a sea port and is also an immediate neighbor of Afghanistan. Why U.S. doesnt have the balls to ask Iran for access to Iran's sea port?

When it comes to Afghanistan Iran's and Pakistan's interest come in conflict. Because although Iran don't want Americans in Afghanistan but Iran care more about security of Shia Hazaras but Pakistan recognized a Taliban government who did massacre of Hazaras.

Iran won't allow access to any NATO countries but it is opened for the Indians.
Because Pakistan is getting screwed over, while Iran sees its own interests being realized in Afghanistan without having to move a finger, and at the same time, it is still seen as the one country standing up to the Great Satan. So why should they change what they're doing?
And I didn't mean Iran supports the US in Afghanistan, I meant that it supports the result of the US role in Afghanistan, which is the resurgence of the NA.

Ya ya go iran is our friend we don't care what you say , to the hell with usa and nato , we favor iran. Go away false flager.

Shias and sunis both brothers , shut-up and get lost. don't try to encourage sectarianism.

Iran won't allow access to any NATO countries but it is opened for the Indians.

As far kashmir issue is solved India will not remain our enemy ,

Iran knows Pakistan's interest they will never serve india against pakistan.
Senior Iranian leader expresses solidarity with Pakistan

Qum, Iran—Ayatollah Javadi Aamli, one of the most senior religious leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran based in Qom, expressed his solidarity with “brotherly people of Pakistan” in the face of international pressures that they are facing now-a-days.

According to press release issued here on Friday, Ayatollah Javadi Aamli while talking to Dr. Mumtaz Ahmad, President International Islamic University (IIU) Islamabad in Qum said he was “fully confident” that the government and the “brave people” of Pakistan will be able to withstand the pressures of the Western powers and will protect their “honour, independence, and freedom with dignity and perseverance.”

Ayatollah Aamli sent his greetings to the intellectuals, scientists and religious leaders of Pakistan “who are exerting great efforts toward the development of their nation” and hoped that their contributions in Science, Technology and Islamic thought will be available to other brotherly Muslim countries as well. “I hope and pray that the tomorrow of the great and noble nation of Pakistan will be better and brighter than today,” he said, an IIU press release said.

Dr. Mumtaz Ahmad conveyed the greetings of Professor Fateh Muhammad Malik, Rector, IIU and of the university community and assured the host that the IIU will not lag behind in pursuing the goals of Muslim World unity that was the hallmark of his Foundation for International Education and Research. Referring to some recent developments in Pakistan and Iran, Ayatollah Javadi Aamli said: “While Islam teaches us not to oppress others, it also teaches us not let others oppress us.”. Dr. Mumtaz Ahmad is currently visiting Iran in connection with an International Conference in that country.—Online

Senior Iranian leader expresses solidarity with Pakistan


Senior Cleric Voices Support for Pakistan

TEHRAN (FNA)- Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, one of the most senior religious clerics and jurisprudents in Iran, voiced support and solidarity with the Pakistani nation in the confrontation with international pressures.


Speaking to the President of the International Islamic University (IIU) of Islamabad, Mumtaz Ahmad, in Iran's central city of Qom on Friday, Ayatollah Javadi Aamli said he was "fully confident" that the government and the "brave people" of Pakistan will be able to withstand the pressures of the Western powers and will protect their "honor, independence, and freedom with dignity and perseverance".

Referring to some recent developments in Iran and Pakistan, he said, "While Islam teaches us not to oppress others, it also teaches us not let others oppress us."

Ayatollah Amoli sent his greetings to the intellectuals, scientists and religious leaders of Pakistan "who are making great efforts towards the development of their nation", and hoped that their contributions in science, technology and Islamic thought would be available to other brotherly Muslim countries as well.

"I hope and pray that the tomorrow of the great and noble nation of Pakistan will be better and brighter than today," he said, an IIU press release said.

Mumtaz Ahmad conveyed the greetings of IIU Rector Professor Fateh Muhammad Malik and of the university community and assured the host that the IIU would not lag behind in pursuing the goals of the Muslim world unity that was the hallmark of his Foundation for International Education and Research.

Fars News Agency :: Senior Cleric Voices Support for Pakistan
I'm not finding you any proof about this, you can go look for it yourself. If you want, you can claim that this proves I'm wrong.
Maybe later I'll get some proof.

It shows that you're a liar and a quarrel monger. Your personal agenda and the agenda of the CIA are same. You should be water-boarded at Abu Gharib prison.
Very well said..joint Iran-Pak role in Afghanistan will also lead to stability!
i am so happy about IRAN trying to get closer to Pakistan
it is the right time to become brothers
Atlast they see that we are their well wisher .

Start ur cooperation with us and the whole world will see where we take this world to a new level of tech and excellence-
What is keeping Iran waiting? Our President is Shi'te so why have we been waiting since 2008 ?
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