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Iran minister gives Hillary the cold shoulder

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Iran minister gives Hillary the cold shoulder

Hillary Clinton lost him at "hello."

The US secretary of state had a rare chance to interact with Iran's foreign minister at a Bahrain security conference, which Hillary used to deliver a message to Tehran on the need to engage with the international community over its nuclear program at next week's talks in Geneva.

But while Hillary's keynote speech from the podium directly addressed the Iranian team led by foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki, her attempt at a more personal diplomacy with Mottaki fell distinctly flat.

"I got up to leave and he was sitting a couple of seats down from me and shaking people's hands and he saw me and he stopped and began to turn away," Hillary told reporters on her plane returning to Washington on Saturday. "I said 'Hello, minister.' He just turned away."

While the US secretary of state laid out her case for broader Iranian engagement, Mottaki concentrated on his dinner — giving no sign that Washington's latest message to Tehran had been heard.

Iran minister gives Hillary the cold shoulder - The Times of India
Oh if iran actually knew what all this will eventually lead up to.
Considering the fact that US ministers feel that it is okay to rudely walk out of the assembly while ahmedinejad is talking about something they don't agree with, I guess this is completely acceptable in diplomacy.

Along with half the modern countries of the world. It isn't just the U.S. that walks out.

Plus there is a difference between saying hi to a person and a president talking about 9/11 conspiracy theroies infront of the United Nations. This is the U.N. not conspiracy happy hour at your local bar.
It was rather childish on the part of Iran's foreign minister
It was rather childish on the part of Iran's foreign minister

It would be very reasonable if it had happened to the Pakistani foreign minister, don't you think so?
@ the tork
save me your "modern countries" bs please

40 years ago you guys were living like North Koreans and now you're acting all high and mighty for god knows what reason. Sorry bro, not everybody is interested in sucking up to the West.

31 years of sanctions
1 million dead Iranians in a war started by Saddam/USA
overthrow of Iran's democracy in 1954
sell of chemical weapons to Saddam
bombing of an Iranian passenger plane on route to Dubai

**** the US and **** Clinton

Iran trying to get nukes is the real conspiracy theory.
For 31 years they have been saying that Iran will have a bomb by next year.

God I hate *** kissers
It was rather childish on the part of Iran's foreign minister

an hour before this happened, Clinton was badmouthing Iran on the podium and this is Childish?

I bet you're one of those Indian *** kissers that was getting wet at the sight of American politicians leaving the United Nations.

Go fix your toilet-less nation. Don't worry about Iran.
an hour before this happened, Clinton was badmouthing Iran on the podium and this is Childish?

I bet you're one of those Indian *** kissers that was getting wet at the sight of American politicians leaving the United Nations.

Go fix your toilet-less nation. Don't worry about Iran.

I understand you're upset, but whats the point of a toilet if you don;t have a proper sewage system. Plus what will the pigs feed on lol. As for Iran, great folks but as you can clearly see nobody trusts your gov'ts peaceful nuclear policy and as a result, war will be inevitable. I just hope the mushroom cloud stays around Tehran and not near us. No offense.
I understand you're upset, but whats the point of a toilet if you don;t have a proper sewage system. Plus what will the pigs feed on lol. As for Iran, great folks but as you can clearly see nobody trusts your gov'ts peaceful nuclear policy and as a result, war will be inevitable. I just hope the mushroom cloud stays around Tehran and not near us. No offense.

I lol'd

we were holding American citizens hostage for months and you pussies did nothing.
You've been threatening war for 31 years.

And that Tork is against Iran not because of the nuke program, but b/c of other reasons.
locate Iran on a map then come and budge into other ppl's discussion
You've been threatening war for 31 years.

He's Indian.

On topic, the Iranian minister did the right thing. It wasn't very 'diplomatic' of Hillary to lecture Iran patronizingly for an hour and then expect to shake hands with the minister.

But then again, Hillary has always been one of the most polarizing figures in American politics and the last person anyone would expect to be given the top diplomat job.
He's Indian.

On topic, the Iranian minister did the right thing. It wasn't very 'diplomatic' of Hillary to lecture Iran patronizingly for an hour and then expect to shake hands with the minister.

But then again, Hillary has always been one of the most polarizing figures in American politics and the last person anyone would expect to be given the top diplomat job.

last year she said "we will obliterate Iran"
here she was talking **** for an hour

The fact that she offered a handshake shows how shallow Americans are. Everything they say is a lie.
If the Iranian FM had accepted the handshake then these American stooges would still be criticizing Iran and calling Iran "two faced" etc...
@ the tork
save me your "modern countries" bs please

40 years ago you guys were living like North Koreans and now you're acting all high and mighty for god knows what reason. Sorry bro, not everybody is interested in sucking up to the West.

31 years of sanctions
1 million dead Iranians in a war started by Saddam/USA
overthrow of Iran's democracy in 1954
sell of chemical weapons to Saddam
bombing of an Iranian passenger plane on route to Dubai

**** the US and **** Clinton

Iran trying to get nukes is the real conspiracy theory.
For 31 years they have been saying that Iran will have a bomb by next year.

God I hate *** kissers

No one is asking Iran to suck up to anybody. If i recall it was Iran that kept saying it wanted talks with the U.S.

Iran Wants to Talk With U.S.; Just Not About Nukes - Iran | Map | News - FOXNews.com

then here
Report: Ahmadinejad says he wants public talks with Obama - CNN

then here
Iran's Ahmadinejad wants talks with West. Iran's hard-liners balk. - CSMonitor.com

U.N. was a good time to address growing concerns about your nations nuclear programs but instead your administration decided it was better to discuss 9/11 conspiracy theroies. Then when the U.S. secertary of state comes to talk you ignore her. There was this guy in Iraq that did similar things as well and we all know what happened to him.

There is no reason to devert this to Turkey. We are not the ones moving backward and we are certainly not the ones under sanctions. Plus not sure if you have been following the news but the last thing Turkey is doing is kissing up to the U.S. Its just that...well we have common sense policies based in reality and the same can't be said about Iran.
Go fix your toilet-less nation. Don't worry about Iran.

It seems the whole world is worried, you can't deny that.

Please keep your response civilised. Badmouthing is the easiest thing one can do. cheers.
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