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Iran making global economy Asia-centric

The USA has made herself a laughing stock of the world by these sanctions, no one wants to risk their economies for a US/Saudi lie that they can compensate for Iranian oil, not even Japan and South Korea that are US allies in East Asia. We are observing how the Saudis have compensated for the absence of Iranian oil in Sri Lanka!!!
I am a big proponent of India-Iran relationship, yet I can't find a rational excuse for Iran to have nuclear program except to make a bomb. Iran as it is a big oil exporting country and could solve all its energy issues through it.
I am a big proponent of India-Iran relationship, yet I can't find a rational excuse for Iran to have nuclear program except to make a bomb. Iran as it is a big oil exporting country and could solve all its energy issues through it.

Yes, but for how long? Fossil fuel reserves in the world are very finite and at current levels of consumption, most are not going to last beyond the next century. Nuclear power generation is the answer till human beings perfect an alternative energy source which is also economical to produce and renewable in nature like hydrogen fuel etc.

BTW, the western objections are not to Iran's nuclear energy programme, it is to a supposed nuclear weapons programme.
Iran making global economy Asia-centric

Iran said that it is in the process of shifting the Western and U.S. centric global economy towards Asia and this move will deepen the economic crisis sweeping Europe.

According to new Iranian Ambassador in Sri Lanka Mohammed Nabi Hassani, the Asian economies will definitely prosper by the strong Iranian presence in the Asian energy market.

He was of the view that the sanctions imposed by the European Union and the U.S. will have little impact on his country though the economies of the poor and poorest of countries will be affected by the sanctions.

The ambassador said that the economy of many countries will be affected with an increase of global oil prices.

Hassani – pour added that Iran will continue buying Sri Lankan tea and his country is eying closer relations with Sri Lanka in almost all sectors in the future.

“The Iranian government continues supplying crude oil to Sri Lanka and the supply of oil has not been affected by the U.S. – EU sanctions in anyway”, he added.

Speaking at a meeting with a group of journalists at his residence in Colombo, Hassani pour stressed the need for stronger cooperation among the developing countries to strengthen their economies by changing trade relations with the West.

The Iranian envoy said that his country would resort to the barter system to import essential items from friendly countries, if they it find difficult in making payments. He said that the economy of his country is resilient with the purchase of oil and other products by friendly countries including Russia, China and India.

“We should thank China and India for not following the unilateral sanctions He said that the sanctions on Iran seems to be a blessing in disguise and it helps the country become self sufficient in all essential goods.

He said that Iran has recorded an economic growth of 6 – 7 per cent in the midst of sanctions, though they had created some difficulties. “We are in the process of minimizing the difficulties due to sanctions”, he said.

Iran making global economy Asia-centric - Tehran Times

And some intellactually handicaped people thinks that it's because of India, China, japan and North Korea
I am a big proponent of India-Iran relationship, yet I can't find a rational excuse for Iran to have nuclear program except to make a bomb. Iran as it is a big oil exporting country and could solve all its energy issues through it.
So only because Iran has oil it can't have nuclear program?Your logic is very very weak.it's like you tell someone just because you have a car,you don't have a right to use public transportation service.
And tell me Why is the world silent about KSA or UAE for starting to build dozens of nuclear power plants?Doesn't they also have a lot of oil and gas?
I am a big proponent of India-Iran relationship, yet I can't find a rational excuse for Iran to have nuclear program except to make a bomb. Iran as it is a big oil exporting country and could solve all its energy issues through it.
It is because you don't know our country.
We sadly over use gas and oil . Our needs in electricity is huge.
I give the exemple of Esfahan: the city faces a lot of electricity cuts: sometimes during few hours there is no electricity. the electricy provided by hydraulic centrale (sorry for my bad english )
I know many places in Iran that the problem of electricity is really big

We need all alternative energies: nuclear , but as well solar and wind on sea
not speakingn about the fabulous work i was reading from california, in usa, about a new wind energy system (a flying one): i am a fan of alternative energies and i wish my country understands the importance to invest in it
Iran has every right to use nuclear energy to meet its electricity needs for the future. These sanctions will fail if the Asian countries continue to trade with Iran. Iran, Central Asia and the Gulf countries can sell their oil and gas to India, ASEAN and China in return for food, labour and industrial products, and thereby dump the US dollar.
I am a big proponent of India-Iran relationship, yet I can't find a rational excuse for Iran to have nuclear program except to make a bomb. Iran as it is a big oil exporting country and could solve all its energy issues through it.

do you only sell rice or software in India? of course not, you are trying to make a big basket of products as much as you can for domestic use and international trade. same for Iran, why should Iran only relay on oil? nuclear power plant let Iran save oil for petrochemical products besides nuclear technology is used in medical science , agriculture , and many other areas. now 900000 Iranian health dependent on medicine which comes from nuclear technology( Tehran reactor). I guess it is better every nation decide themselves what is good for them and what they need.
Don't get it wrong.Iran doesn't have any weapons program that some want to oppose it or not.
Hitler says: when you repeat a lie more and more,after a while people will start believing it and accepting it as truth.

And my God was he absolutely right.
Don't get it wrong.Iran doesn't have any weapons program that some want to oppose it or not.
Hitler says: when you repeat a lie more and more,after a while people will start believing it and accepting it as truth.

Then why does nt Iran open up its country for inspections??
If u dont trust IAEA, atleast get Russians, chinese even indian inspectors who u know have extensive dealing with west but alos cant be pressured by the west to lie to the world...

Show the world that there is no weapons programme and end this issue for once and all..
In the end, Saddam Hussein was never found of holding weapons of mass destruction. That ***** who invaded Iraq never gave a reasonable excuse for that war crime.

Iran also has the right to develop its own nuclear welfare, countries are equal.
China begins to turn against Iran
Iran slipped further into global isolation on Thursday as China, its traditional ally, warned Tehran against its pursuit of nuclear weapons.

After a visit to the Gulf in which he met the leaders of the states most threatened by Iran's aggressive foreign policy, Wen Jiabao, the Chinese premier, issued Beijing's clearest condemnation yet .

"China adamantly opposes Iran developing and possessing nuclear weapons," he said.

China appears to have sent a message to Iran that it could not rely on Beijing's unstinting support by reducing its imports of oil at a time when the US and Europe are promoting an embargo on the country.

The Washington Post reported that China trimmed its oil imports from Iran in January from a daily average of around 550,000 barrels to 285,000 barrels a day.

Chinese foreign policy experts said the statement demonstrated that Beijing would not allow its international position to end up beholden to Iran.

China begins to turn against Iran - Telegraph

Its a perfect example of disingenuous journalism, a part of disinformation campaign. China always said they are against Iran's nuclear weapons, but they also said there is NO evidence of Iran pursuing it, and West are simply pursuing political and other agendas.

What China actually says about Iran's nuclear program:

"China “completely rejects” Iran developing nuclear weapons and supports the so-called five-plus- one talks to find a solution to the issue, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said at a press conference in Doha, Qatar. "

China Rejects Iranian Development of Nuclear Weapons, Wen Says - Bloomberg
Then why does nt Iran open up its country for inspections??
If u dont trust IAEA, atleast get Russians, chinese even indian inspectors who u know have extensive dealing with west but alos cant be pressured by the west to lie to the world...

Show the world that there is no weapons programme and end this issue for once and all..

What are you talking about? Iran fully cooperates with inspectors. Did you missed the part that IAEA has the most invasive and extensive inspections of Iran's sites than anywhere else in the World? IAEA even has monitors in all sites to check whats happening there 24/7.

Despite all that, no inspection found even one gram of uranium used for military purposes, only 100% civilian use.

What you are probably referring to:

1. IAEA said Iran is not compliant with additional protocol. Of course they arent - Iran havent signed it. To claim Iran is not compliant on protocols they havent signed is asinine. They follow the treaty they did signed.

Iran actually followed additional protocol for some years on its own will, because West promised to reduce sanctions, they didnt came through with their promises, so Iran reverted to following the treaty they signed.

2. IAEA demanded full access to all Iran's military and missile facilities, Iran send them where sun doesnt shine. :azn:

Problem with such demands are twofold:

a) IAEA has no right to ask it, its beyond not only the treaty, but also beyond IAEA legal boundaries.

b) IAEA discloses sensitive Iran's data to US, Israel, etc. One inspector said openly in the media they are spying Iran on behalf of those countries. Imagine if Iran would be stupid enough to allow full military details transferred to its enemies?
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