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"Iran is the most friendly country in the world"

I used to know few Iranian during college days. I have weakness for Iran due to shared history from past. It has been documented that Bangla language there are about 5000 words came from Farsi alone though pronunciation may have shifted a little. I wish to visit Iran before death InshAllah.
Unfortunately I can't post links yet.
Because this is your 20th new fake account or even more. You never give up.

Only the Azeri areas in northern Iran are known for hospitality. Some of my friends have been there.

Stop bringing race-oriented biased cheap posts in to threads.

Although I like Iran, we Indians must realise that if we go their, they will hang us for being Hindu/Sikh/Buddhist.

Just bring one example of an Indian being hanged in Iran for being a Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist. Don't believe everything you read in media.
Is it Tabriz?
no its Kandovan village (50 km from Tabriz)


India was also threatened with nuke attack by the US. Iran has balls to challenge US and it did. The US is the only country to have used the nuclear bomb...that too on a non nuke country. US has thousands of nukes ready to be launched. Who is US to tell who must have nukes and who shouldnt? And what is the big issue with Iran having nukes??

Don't think with your dick and stop sucking upto Iranians !

A nuclear Iran would be an unmitigated disaster even for it's friends. A mullah cannot be trusted with anything close to a WMD. Classical MAD does not work for him as his rewards are in other world.
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