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Iran is only country which is fighting for Palestine. Rest of Muslims countries are non Muslims and sold.

I have my differences but i highly respect iran. They are the only muslim country that have the guts to stand up to western hypocrisy. They r not slaves or sellouts like few other countries that claim to be thekedars of Islam but in reality are filthy slaves.
Ah the old blackmail trick. Pakistanis being used like tissue paper since Bin Qasim's arrival.

Its very simple treat Kashmir's oppressors the same as Israel. Do not deal with India. Treat it like its Israel. Can Palestine manage that? If not then shove your double standards up your a*s :lol:
Exactly that Iranian member has double standards or is a hypocrite. Pakistani Muslims should support Palestinian Muslim causes, but Arab Muslims should not support Pakistani Muslim causes? :lol:

I thought "An Arab has no superiority over a Non- Arab, and a White has not superiority over a black man except by piety and good action."

Sorry but that Iranian member is a twit and a hypocrite.
The existence of this thread as well as the views and reactions expressed therein offer a perfect illustration as to the fact that Resistance against zionist occupation and USA imperialism is not something which appeals to fringe audiences or to specific groups only, but that it pays significantly in terms of image and PR, especially among Moslem communities but also beyond, across the global south and even among independently thinking citizens in the west.
The existence of this thread as well as the views and reactions expressed therein offer a perfect illustration as to the fact that Resistance against zionist occupation and USA imperialism is not something which appeals to fringe audiences or to specific groups only, but that it pays significantly in terms of image and PR, especially among Moslem communities but also beyond, across the global south and even among independently thinking citizens in the west.
You think I am not against American imperialism?

I said Two state solution and make Jerusalem an international city. That resolution should be passed in the UNSC.

Get countries like China, Russia, and France to support that UNSC resolution.
You think I am not against American imperialism?

I said Two state solution and make Jerusalem an international city. That resolution should be passed in the UNSC.

Get countries like China, Russia, and France to support that UNSC resolution.
At most, Jerusalem should be declared Islamic holy city and have permanent presence of Islamic coalition forces and maybe be like the Vatican.
And their disunity is giving more space for the Iranians to exploit. Iranians which they claim to be trying to contain.

Iran has no predisposition to act against PGCC regimes. It is or rather was their collaboration with Washington's hostile policies against Iran and other nations which had Iran respond.

This thread is a microcosm of Muslim world, and should tell everyone why the wider Muslim world will never unite to support Palestine.

Keeping that aside, if people think Nations decide upon emotional quotient alone, they are fooling themselves.

What I see is that a clear majority support the Palestinian cause including Resistance.

Like...it's been 40 years already!

It took the western bloc some seven decades to defeat the Soviets. The apartheid regime in Palestine will follow a similar path towards demise.

You think I am not against American imperialism?

My post wasn't directed at you, no idea why you'd assume it was.
It took the western bloc some seven decades to defeat the Soviets. The apartheid regime in Palestine will follow a similar path towards demise.
1.The West didn't shout every day "We'll destroy you,we'll do this,we'll do that,your end is coming,we'll wipe you out" etc.
2.The USSR collapsed on its own.

The Iranian regime has been threatening for years about how they will destroy Israel.
Iran has no predisposition to act against PGCC regimes. It is or rather was their collaboration with Washington's hostile policies against Iran and other nations which had Iran respond.

What I see is that a clear majority support the Palestinian cause including Resistance.

It took the western bloc some seven decades to defeat the Soviets. The apartheid regime in Palestine will follow a similar path towards demise.

My post wasn't directed at you, no idea why you'd assume it was.
What you see is few posters supporting, and herd mentality in full blown affect. Do you think those who matter, the one's who rule will do more than lip service? I know Iran will, but we are talking about the whole of Muslim world here.
Ah the old blackmail trick. Pakistanis being used like tissue paper since Bin Qasim's arrival.

Its very simple treat Kashmir's oppressors the same as Israel. Do not deal with India. Treat it like its Israel. Can Palestine manage that? If not then shove your double standards up your a*s :lol:
We believe this important rule.
It's your choice to believe God's law or not.
1.The West didn't shout every day "We'll destroy you,we'll do this,we'll do that,your end is coming,we'll wipe you out" etc.

Nor does Iran. Statements you quote weren't made by Iranian officials.

2.The USSR collapsed on its own.

Its own policies were thoroughly informed by its rivalry with the western capitalist bloc.

The Iranian regime has been threatening for years about how they will destroy Israel.

No, it hasn't.

Also we have no 'regime' in Iran. Please do not confuse with totalitarian liberal states.

What you see is few posters supporting, and herd mentality in full blown affect.

You may say this about any opinion trend anywhere.

Do you think those who matter, the one's who rule will do more than lip service? I know Iran will, but we are talking about the whole of Muslim world here.

That wasn't my point. As it stands, the Palestinian cause is of huge concern to the Moslem public, and Resistance highly popular. And opinion cannot be fully ignored, even the most authoritarian of systems will take it into account in its calculations.

Saudi normalization attempts with Tel Aviv for instance are now pretty much frozen for at least some time to come.
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Yes. Iran is the only country. Its the only country that not only makes strong statements but actually materially helps.

Pakistan at least used to make a tough statement. Now after regime change, the corrupt generals want to recognize Israel. Therefore the response is muted. The strongest voice against occupation is of Imran Khan. Our army has jailed him on false charges.
Exactly that Iranian member has double standards or is a hypocrite. Pakistani Muslims should support Palestinian Muslim causes, but Arab Muslims should not support Pakistani Muslim causes? :lol:

I thought "An Arab has no superiority over a Non- Arab, and a White has not superiority over a black man except by piety and good action."

Sorry but that Iranian member is a twit and a hypocrite.
What your comment meaning ?
Every muslims should support right (hag)
If some arabs don't support keshmir, they are not real muslims too.
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