Its a Shame even people see the truth but they ignore it ,the so call muslim call fellow muslim Kafir and think themselves superior and rightly guided and kill fellow muslim and blow himself and take innocent lives of women and children is this martyrdom we told i don't think so the poorbrainless guy think virgins are waiting for him in the heaven but to his surprise will be tormenting in hell.
when muslim fight with sources of all problem(west) then some so call REAL muslim get offended and argue why fighting with west they are our friend .Allah says in holy quran never make friend from disbeliever .and how can this real muslim(salafi,wahabi,deabandis) fight with their master who brought them in power to do their dirty works and spread corruption in muslim ummah, yaa allah remove & destroy this Fitna Devil Horn (najdi,salafi,wahabi,deabhandi) from muslim and clean muslim make them pure give us the status you have promise us ameen.