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Iran fields 'massive' number of missile launchers


Ok so the great iranian army had to make a public declaration we have recieved lots of trucks..............FAIL.

well if you think any truck can be used as missile launcher , then you are welcome.

by the way this will add to Iran ability to defeat Anti-balistic missile system fielded by some countries
It's a relatively important development. I've seen 'experts' put the number of the launchers for the shahab-3 at ~50, and even as low as ~10. This just shows they're more than that!
Look what I just came across:
There is no agreement on estimates of the number of Shahab-3 missiles.FAS believes that Iran
has 20 Shahab-3 launchers
, while Global Security estimates that Iran 300 Shahab-3 and Ghadir-1
missiles. Missile Threat says that Iran may have begun production of 12-15 missiles each year as
early as 1998 (an assertion Dr. Elleman disagrees with), potentially giving Iran 25-100 Shahab-
3 in operation today, while Shifrinson and Priebe only estimate the number as being greater than
30. IISS estimates the numbers of TELs at 6, while other sources provide no information. Iran
does have silos that are capable of launching Shahab-3, although the number of operational sites
is unknown.
The Gulf Military Balance
Volume II: The Missile and
Nuclear Dimensions
By Anthony H. Cordesman and Bryan Gold
pp. 43

6. Iran has got only 6 friggin' launchers!
I have to add while FAS is considered relatively unreliable as a source, IISS takes pride in having authored one of the most "technical" assessments of Iran's ballistic missile program.
Its author Michael Elleman goes around repeating the same $hit over and over again like a tape recorder.
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