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Featured Iran drops India from Chabahar rail project

There is no such thing as friendship in geopolitics. Iran needs money and China is willing to risk the money. It's both sides trying to get some benefits.
The case applies to China and Russia relationship. Russia need money and is willing to pretend to be an ally of China to get money from China. During the India china border conflict Russia is willing to sell more weapons to India. The Chinese members will probably defend Russia stating Russia is opportunistic and is duping India. This may be the case but real friends in reality do not sell information or weapons to people who dislike you. Has everyone forgotten the 400 billion gas project with Russia? After the world oil price plunge, China is still paying the old higher price for Russian oil. Russia will not renegotiate the contract.
The greatness of Grand Ayatollah Khomeini will be remembered in history forever. Some love him, some hate him to death, some curse him, some bless him. I love him.

Grand Ayatollah Khomeini changed the fate of Persia, one of the oldest civilization, even older than China.

The fate of Persia will be more or less the same as other Gulf countries without him. Foreign power come for oil, install proxies, divide and rule. Persia may be a historical word in 22 century, on books.

India on the other hand, replace the white wasp colonizers with brown Indian elites, the Brahman. Those elites run their country quite similar to former colonizers. Social structure almost the same, western liberal democracy, and so on.

India was the same India before 1947 fundamentally. This's how far Fabianism can go.

India is penetrated, an artificial country, the fate of India is doomed. Without revolution, India will never be a great power to match their population.

Those who experienced revolution may recognize my thoughts.

That's the difference between Iran and India.

Interesting view from you, friend. Do you know Khomeini's grandfather Syed Ahmad Hindi was Kashmiri (Pakistani?)

It is a shame that it has taken China to remind Iran that Kashmir exists. They were totally in the Indian camp until today.

100,000 dead Kashmiris and 10,000 raped Kashmiri women didn't cause a blink in Tehran.

There is a rather large shiite minority in indian occupied kashmir,traditionally they tended to support the idea of kashmiri independence rather than union with pakistan.


Unfortunately with the rise of sunni fundamentalism and its well known intolerance for any other version of islam the view among the shiites tended more towards support for the preexisting status quo,

Also false.

however with the rise of hindu nationalism and modis annexation of indian controlled kashmir,not to mention that with indias cozying up to the us and israel indian-iranian relations are only a very pale shadow of what they were back at the beginning of the 21st century,its quite possible if not even pretty certain that kashmiri shiite views might have markedly changed.

Nothing changed. Majority of the Shia population is in GB, they merged with Pakistan by a treaty in the very beginning.

So who knows,its just possible that at some point we could see a kashmiri hezbollah.

May Allah swt protect us from this. Sectarianism is a curse. I would not like to see Syria and Iraqi style sectarian violence in Kashmir, although very unlikely.

@waz any thoughts brother?

What this does is really poke a hole in USA and India's collective plan of taking over and occupying Azad Kashmir and cutting CPEC in two, because the Chinese now have a backup plan for that, which is Iran.

That realisation will dawn on both India and USA soon. Checkmate.

It is what you get for dunking on Iran all the time.

You should also include Taiwan in that calculation as well as it is legally part of China.

Indeed, it is Shah Mat for US in this region. With Pakistani success in Afghanistan and popularity for merger in Kashmir, Chinese victory in Galwan and investment in Pakistan and Iran, US is running out of options quickly.

I don't think relations between Iran and Pakistan will repair very easily. Betrayal of Pakistan in both Afghanistan and Chabahar, plus terrorism apparatus in which both Iran and India cooperated, ensures that Pakistan will be wary of Iran going forward.

Somehow I like it better this way, atleast we know who are our true friends and who are not.
India is not a bit worried as long, Pakistanis would continue to fund their transit.
Still remember how anxious Imran Khan and party was to save Indian airlines from bankruptcy, following 27th February.
Sounds like China is hedging its bets on CPEC. Why have only one access to the Indian Ocean, better to have two?
China is a global superpower and Iran is currently a regional superpower, when you consider the alignment of interest between these two nations in many areas and their historical ties, then it becomes a no brainer that there needs to be this great cooperation. Mark my words, you have seen nothing yet. This alignment will continue to grow greatly. With our Pakistani brothers and sisters part of this trilateral cooperation, even the sky is not the limit in terms what we can achieve. Everything we need is right there in this triangle, from human resources to natural resources.

Modi and the BJP are strategic idiots. Their strategy has largely backfired on India's interests. China/Russia/Iran are the primary civilization states that span the humongous Eurasian continent and their alliance is solidifying this massive bloc into an indestructible fortress. India, instead, has chosen to become an appendage to the Anglo axis in the hope that it can get the crumbs from the declining Anglo world, OEM manufacturing, access to American universities, access to Silicon Valley, etc. But in the end, the costs will be heavy because India is becoming isolated in its own neighborhood and is the only American ally that shares a land border which makes it especially vulnerable to China's bully tactics. Whenever China gets pissed, it can lash out and punk India just like it did in Ladakh. Trump doesn't even deliver on his promises as evidenced by him cancelling H1B visas, which are dominated by Indians in Silicon Valley. By losing this port, India is losing any strategic foothold they had in the Middle East. It is losing its one attempt to compete with China and Pakistan's efforts in Gwadar.

Modi is truly an idiot when it comes to strategy.
Fake news

It getting to ridiculous point with so much fake stuff get released every day by media on daily basis

unbelievable such fake news has gone now to six pages. stupidity has no end.

to all Indian members here please please please use your brain.

Iran is under maximum psychological warfare, there is not day or week that fake news made up with western media not taking place .

Iran with India have signed agreement infront of international media

Iran and China yet to may sign agreement and after October most likily they wont

so please now tell me, should such fake news go to six pages ??
who in right mind will leave solid signed agreement and goes play it self with word of so called ally.

sometimes the nonsense is over limit
YOu said you are regional super power, any free Pakistani would feel offended with it.

Stay on topic please. If you feel offended by my statements feel free to discuss elsewhere.

We sanction US back.

The Americans should understand that the more they use their financial status as a weapon, the quicker they will lose it. Nothing stays the same in the universe, you best be careful when using your assets in the long run. Americans in a great part appear to act more like a country that is in a somewhat suicide mode rather than one carefully planning with the distant future in mind.
There is no such thing as friendship in geopolitics. Iran needs money and China is willing to risk the money. It's both sides trying to get some benefits.
The case applies to China and Russia relationship. Russia need money and is willing to pretend to be an ally of China to get money from China. During the India china border conflict Russia is willing to sell more weapons to India. The Chinese members will probably defend Russia stating Russia is opportunistic and is duping India. This may be the case but real friends in reality do not sell information or weapons to people who dislike you. Has everyone forgotten the 400 billion gas project with Russia? After the world oil price plunge, China is still paying the old higher price for Russian oil. Russia will not renegotiate the contract.

Russia is opportunistic but it is within its interests to maintain an alliance with China simply because the US is a hegemonic power and if it defeats China, Russia will be in the cross hairs because it will the only major great power left that is independent of the West. Therefore, Russia needs China as an ally in order to feel secure.

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